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[Drama 2014] SBS - Birth of A Beauty 미녀의 탄생


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If it's too difficult to send GCY, LKJ, HMH, HMH's mother and the other villains to prison, maybe we should get ready a room for them and just bomb the room. LOL.

Or better yet" I would love to see those Criminal Minded Folks LKJ, MHM, GCY, MHM's Mother in a dry desert sweating their azz's off #:-S from hunger ^#(^

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I must be the only dumb one here because for the life of me and can't figure out how CY and HM think that exposing SR real identity is a threat, or something she should have fear of. Her feelings may get hurt by remarks about her being fake or people making fun of what she use to look like, but is that really something you would allow others to have power over you for? CY and KJ both committed crimes yet they feel they have the upper hand , in what dimension?
The possible criminal act is the fake ID's, I hate how drama's always leave the low lifes free to be a potential nuisance in the future. If SR was going to hold a press conference she should revealed everything even if she did not give her real name she could have revealed all that KJ and CY did, hell the police could figure out the rest based on the accident details. 
I don't get how CY thought that revealing SR true identity would hurt SR more than it would her self, assuming she did not know SR has a recording of CY confessing to being an accomplice to her death.Her relationship with SR husband is enough to wreck her career for life. along with the theft of her property because to reveal SR identity means you also had to know that she was not dead and yet she benefited from SR supposed death, and willingly committed bigamy. This would have hurt SR how?

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Daebak! @yagiyuki did such a great job I feel like I know everything. She wrote SaRa was bombarded by the reporters but she left without answering them. That means a lot of reporters became detectives and they are good ones, we know that from real life situations.  The fact they all showed up at SaRa's mom's house means they know pretty much everything without SaRa telling them. SaRa allowed them to connect the dots. The business reporters probably reported on LKJ's suspension inside Winners. GCY also held a press conference talking about a divorce from her husband and the reporter would know who that is. If the reporters know who SaRa is, since they are looking for Sa Geum-Ran's mother, they would know about the car accident and the missing person as well. That means they would also know about Sa Geum-Ran's "before" physical appearance since she was on national TV and placed second in the "Full Body Make-Over" show that every ahjamma in the nation watched (including SaRa at the department store). The fact the Internet and the newspapers reported on the battle of the heirs of Winner Group and that HMH got flour bombed, that means they knew both heirs are in a love-triangle with SaRa. So there, our writer-nim does not have to do much, we need just 5 minutes of the next couple episodes and have newspaper headlines explaining everything, including imprisonment of LKJ, GCY, HMH and Secretary Son. The rest of the time would be left for the OTP to kiss, and kiss, and kiss....happy ending. Oh, I just remembered, a lot of you wanted kids too. Yes, we can fit them in.

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Liting1 said:

Writer-nim don;t let us down at least let them marry or HrH and Sara build the great wall :x :x


said: I think if JSW and HYS were to play in another drama together, I want it to be a great storyline with a better writer. Don't want it to be this writer since I've been very frustrated and emotionally unstable after the last 4 episodes. Hope they definitely play together again! One of the BEST chemistry I've seen so far from HYS and JSW.

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lclarakl said: Liting1 said:

Writer-nim don;t let us down at least let them marry or HrH and Sara build the great wall :x :x


said: I think if JSW and HYS were to play in another drama together, I want it to be a great storyline with a better writer. Don't want it to be this writer since I've been very frustrated and emotionally unstable after the last 4 episodes. Hope they definitely play together again! One of the BEST chemistry I've seen so far from HYS and JSW.

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IBELIS said: I must be the only dumb one here because for the life of me and can't figure out how CY and HM think that exposing SR real identity is a threat, or something she should have fear of. Her feelings may get hurt by remarks about her being fake or people making fun of what she use to look like, but is that really something you would allow others to have power over you for? CY and KJ both committed crimes yet they feel they have the upper hand , in what dimension?
The possible criminal act is the fake ID's, I hate how drama's always leave the low lifes free to be a potential nuisance in the future. If SR was going to hold a press conference she should revealed everything even if she did not give her real name she could have revealed all that KJ and CY did, hell the police could figure out the rest based on the accident details. 
I don't get how CY thought that revealing SR true identity would hurt SR more than it would her self, assuming she did not know SR has a recording of CY confessing to being an accomplice to her death.Her relationship with SR husband is enough to wreck her career for life. along with the theft of her property because to reveal SR identity means you also had to know that she was not dead and yet she benefited from SR supposed death, and willingly committed bigamy. This would have hurt SR how?

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@docster6‌ hahahah I only rmb reporters asking her stuff like so whats her actual age and whats her purpose in revealing the things she said and etc

And I was discussing ep19 with my friend, she said HMH told his assistant to look for Sara through her family (he thinks that Sara would most likely return to her family) and not catch Sara's family hahahah. I misheard it... ;;)

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I'm watching episode 19 with English subs and I am so close to catching that plane to SK. Dammit HMH! You better be in my sight and protect that neck of yours because I'm coming and going to twist your damn neck!!! >:)

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Based off of ep 18: Ok what is this and what have they done with birth of a beauty? I'll admit i skimmed through the past 2 episodes (and i'm not a skimmer but it kinda dragged) so i'm probably missing something important in terms of plot but this feel like a completely different show. This show until a few eps ago had the near perfect blend of comedy and drama while advancing the story forward. Sure they def spent a little too much time on the cute couple scenes instead of his parents murder, grandma, evil ex and company but i think they still moved the story forward during each ep.

The main female lead is suddenly struck with noble idiocy, the genius isn't so smart anymore, the grandma is listening to a complete stranger, etc. -_-. With the many less than smart female leads in dramas, i expect them to turn into a dumb dumb every other episode especially in terms of romance with the male and the main plot whatever it was disappears for a few eps.

One of the worst things for me is watching a Korean drama/comedy where it was funny, then turns into a melodrama for the 2nd half with some lame ending where the couple is together and whatever wrong the evil ppl did (even if said wrongdoings are illegal) is swept under the rug and forgiven because they're 'sorry'.

THIS was NOT that show. At least it wasn't shaping up to be until a few weeks ago. I work in the field and i cannot imagine how difficult writing as a career is and i respect those that do it because it is NOT easy. It takes a long time and a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get a tv show or film on the screen. That goes for the production assistant, grip, production design, writing dept, post production, direction, performing, etc.

At the very least sara has changed and i'd love to hear those that defend sara because they think she should be this way. Nothing like a well thought out comment to make you sway or completely change your mind lol. For me, she seems to have gone completely out of character. Her face is the same but everything else is gone.

When dramas go off in weird and in my opinion bad direction, i usually have to force myself to finish and the pay off is never worth it. I never watch the drama again or might go to certain episodes. Like Goong. For all the praises it gets that was one of the most depressing 'comedy' dramas i've ever watched. Even if thar wasn't a comedy i know it was supposed to be romantic and it was NOT lol. There's a historical aspect and those never end well so there's that lol. But if i ever go near it, i'm going straight to episode 23. That's the only one that doesn't make me want to go to bed. As it is the only dramas i can watch again are That Fool, Rooftop prince, Cunning Single lady, MAYBE Queen In hyun's man. Those first two for me are perfect examples of balance between comedy and drama.

I'm sure they'll wrap it up in a nice bow in episode 21 but MAN did it unfortunately take a turn before it gets there.

So i repeat: What is this what what have they done with birth of a beauty?

Btw, i'm new. Hey everyone :)

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I think if JSW and HYS were to play in another drama together, I want it to be a great storyline with a better writer. Don't want it to be this writer since I've been very frustrated and emotionally unstable after the last 4 episodes. Hope they definitely play together again! One of the BEST chemistry I've seen so far from HYS and JSW.

@Liting1‌ i agree! They have the best chemistry. I love how JSW plays HTH. Realy amazing actor.

Special note to HYS, Sara is you come back drama character. Please bang the head of writer nim for us. You should have a nice character for a come back drama. A character we will always admire and cheer. Not a stupid noble idiot to the nth power.

And to writer nim. A lot of BoaB fans are now going to Korea to smack you. So please dont make us more angry. And if you're going to give us a kiss on the next episode, make sure it's an "i miss you so much kiss"/ "cant live without you kiss" that will make this thread in soompi on fire and all the BoaB fans drooling.

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This comment does not have anything to do with the OTP or the main villains. But my dream came true, Team Leader Choi and SaRa's best friend, Eun Kyung Joo, finally met!!! Kyung Joo was frantic after discovering a note in SaRa's garbage can and rushed to inform HTH at his office. Since HTH was in the cctv room, TLC and EKJ had to work together to find him. No romance yet, but at least they met. I am satisfied. You can tell I am looking for anything positive.

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i wonder how the writter write the story in BOB
is he write the story first from ep 1-20 or he write simultaneously while the drama is running ?
because from what i watch, a drama which scenario already DONE before shooting have a better and strong story

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@ny12, enjoyed reading your post. I agree totally with your comments concerning Goong--so much potential, right actors, but the storyline fell flat. I have certain dramas that I love watching as well, all of which you named. I discovered That Fool by chance. I also have others that I can and do rewatch:  All About my Romance, Dong Yi (literally have watched about 10 times if not more--from beginning to end), Daring Women Come! Jang Bo Ri, Happiness in the Wind, and several others.

This drama was had a lot of potential. I do not doubt it will have a happy ending, but I can't say it will make it to my rewatch list. Maybe a few episodes  in the beginning.

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