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[Drama 2014] SBS - Birth of A Beauty 미녀의 탄생


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yaqiyuki said:

HTH looks for the PD incharge of the talkshow, and asks if he'd receive any notification about Sara not attending it.PD says he's not sure but unlikely, since the talkshow is live and not recorded.
LKJ's mum and sister went looking for him at the apartment he's staying, asking him to go home but he says it's comfortable for him there.HMH's assistant calls him.
GCY shows the PD all the evidences of the Sara's fake identity.PD says it's a serious issue so it has to be reported to the upper management.
HMH asks LKJ to answer him honestly about what he'll be asking.Then he asked what's the relationship between LKJ, Sara, and HTH.HMH's assistant came in to give him what GCY gave to the PD.
So HMH now knows Sara is SGR, LKJ tells him HTH was the one who helped in everything (plastic surgery, fake identity, etc)HMH says to cancel the talkshow for now first, and that they should use this to catch HTH.
GCY meets with Sara.GCY questions why Sara isn't scared, and asks her to beg for the cancellation of the talkshow.Sara says HTH will be in danger, GCY ignores it and says who's worrying for who now.Sara is shocked saying how can GCY be so unconcerned when she said HTH will be in danger.
GCY receives a call from PD, saying that Sara's appearance will be canceled and when she asks who did it, PD replied that it was HMH.This angered GCY even more, and tells Sara to just wait and see what she'll do.

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HTH opens his house gate and Sara is at the door~Sara is here to answer what HTH asked her at the carpark.She says it's her happiest time in her life after meeting him, and that they experienced so much emotions together.Sara say he's someone who gave her all that, how will she resent him, compared to that, she's thankful to him and she's here just to say that and leaves.HTH then thank her for her answer...

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OMG!!! This is getting very intense! HMH, I'm going to search for you and ruin your life if you keep hurting my OTP!!! I'll judo skill you and even lock you up with GCY in my family's chicken coop! Even worse, you'll be with the pigs, you jerk! They'll even eat you!!! Urg....

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Is she just realizing that now? She should have remembered what that fortune teller told her in the beginning episodes that she will meet a man she needed to avoid!!! Gaaaah, I came back to the forum at the wrong time it seems. I cant believe where the story has gone!!!

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Sara suddenly thank her friend for treating her the same no matter how she looks.She asks her friend to take care of her mother for her.
HTH looks for the chef that was supposed to do the riceballs, and asks if HMH was the one who instructed it.The Ahjumma Chef says she doesnt know who HMH is, and that it was Sara who asked her for the favour and it was supposed to be a secret.

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Sara's friend found a letter that Sara wrote, and got shocked at the contents.
HTH is looking at the CCTV footage of the carpark, and they saw the carplate of the car that almost knocked him.
Sara's friend rushed to Winner Group, looking for HTH but he's not in his office.HTH ask the security to find out whose car that is, and he found out that it's HMH's.Sara's friend managed to find HTH in the CCTV room~
Sara's friend shows HTH the letter, he says Sara is trying to protect her.HTH leaves to look for Sara...

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Guest crazywindblower

Omg sara i want to slap you! get your senses and yourself back, just plan things with hth on how to defeat hmh and stop being a noble idiot!!! X( %-(

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PD tells GCY that Sara is preparing for a press conference, she calls LKJ to tell him.HMH's assistant also telling HMH about the press conference, but they're unsure about what the content would be.
GCY meets with LKJ, panicking.GCY's worried that Sara is going to reveal everything about herself.
HTH calls Sara to stop what she's doing and not say anything before he arrives.HTH asks her to listen to him.Sara say nope, this is the last present that she can give to him.
Sara is on her way to her press conference....

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Guest crazywindblower

Sara can't you just listen to HTH even just this once!!! X( #-o I hate her rushed decisions its not really helping her nor hth..grrrr!!!! X( X_X

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Press conference starts.She says she gathered everyone here cos she has something to say.
Sara says she used to weigh 100kg, and married for 8 years.She says she desperately wanted to live another life, and even her Kim Deok Soon identity is fake.She says she's sorry and asks for forgiveness.
Reporters bombard tons of questions, Sara spots an angry HMH at the back of the room.She refuses to answer any of the questions, and leaves the press conference.
HTH looking for Sara, but sees her leaving in her car already~Calls her, but no response either.
Angry HMH tells his assistant to catch Sara's family.LKJ watches the broadcast, and says Sara's gone crazy.

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