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[Drama 2014] SBS - Birth of A Beauty 미녀의 탄생


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Why is it always Tae Hae oppa doing all the efforts for her? He who is a genius, a chaebol, a nice guy, and a handsome bachelor? SGR should be more intelligent now, but why she keep on dojng mistakes over and over again?

I believe SGR deserves to be happy. But i think she should believe it herself first and fight for her happiness.

Honestly, i am tired seeing HTH oppa doing all those things for Sara. Before i though she's just adjusting to her newself, and she's just esgablishing herself on a firmer grohnd. But now? I am annoyed. It is so unfair for HTH oppa.

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Even in real life JSW is doing more than the female leads. Late in the summer JSW was promoting Cunning Single Lady in Southeast Asia (@mdnora's neighborhood) and Lee Min-Jung was nowhere to be seen. We see a lot of selfie photos from JSW in this thread and he asked us to be patient with the drama. I think JSW genuinely wants his dramas to do well and we want them to do well too. The actors know we as viewers are impatient but the writer must have this phrase of the show to make the drama realistic (some of us were complaining the bad guys were pushovers just a month or so ago).
The way HYS and JSW were laughing it up at the award show indicates there will be a good ending and that is why JSW asked us to be patient for another episode or so. The bad guys are now separated, they are telling on each other. Even the evil LKJ was sort of useful to tell SaRa HMH was the one who hurt HTH. Grandma is starting to be a little bit useful too, telling things to HTH about GCY's gossiping. Grandma might also recognize how important SaRa is now that HMH can use SaRa to ruin HTH in more ways that one. Maybe the PD-nim of GCY's show could alert SaRa a little, she has control of the show's progression. To me, this drama is getting pretty interesting even though it is frustrating like crazy.

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docster6 said: Even in real life JSW is doing more than the female leads. Late in the summer JSW was promoting Cunning Single Lady in Southeast Asia (@mdnora's neighborhood) and Lee Min-Jung was nowhere to be seen. We see a lot of selfie photos from JSW in this thread and he asked us to be patient with the drama. I think JSW genuinely wants his dramas to do well and we want them to do well too. The actors know we as viewers are impatient but the writer must have this phrase of the show to make the drama realistic (some of us were complaining the bad guys were pushovers just a month or so ago).
The way HYS and JSW were laughing it up at the award show indicates there will be a good ending and that is why JSW asked us to be patient for another episode or so. The bad guys are now separated, they are telling on each other. Even the evil LKJ was sort of useful to tell SaRa HMH was the one who hurt HTH. Grandma is starting to be a little bit useful too, telling things to HTH about GCY's gossiping. Grandma might also recognize how important SaRa is now that HMH can use SaRa to ruin HTH in more ways that one. Maybe the PD-nim of GCY's show could alert SaRa a little, she has control of the show's progression. To me, this drama is getting pretty interesting even though it is frustrating like crazy.

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Thats why last night i did not watch this drama. I just read all ur comments.. i was sooo disappointed by sara. Everything dun knoe. So dumb. Oooops. Haha.. but, tonight episode would the turning point of her fighting back. I predict she will announce publicly about herself before gcy, otherwise it is meaningless. But everything comes with a price, she wants the building back, but will she confess that lkj killed her? I dun knoe.. maybe again, as i said, dumb. Lkj taught a way to get her building back with the condition that she will not say that lkj is a murderer. Haiyoooo.... if like that, one word for sara: hopeless. HTH i give u permission to leave her. Lol.

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@lclarakl‌ it is really naive of SaRa to easily believe whatever LJK, or anybody says to her. It seems she hasnt learned not take everything at face value. I hope HYS also feels frustrated with her character.

I've been biased towards JSW from the start (that's why I followed this drama in the first place) but I always thought his acting has been underrated. I still feel he should've won but hey that's water under the bridge. I have nothing against HYS and I liked her character in the first half of the drama but I think the spotlight's been on her because of her hiatus. But even as I see things objectively I still think it is HTH who's saving this drama from fully sinking. The title should have been The Birth of a Genius. Haha. We still have 3 episodes and I'm still waiting for writernim to redeem herself. For SaRa's character to redeem herself.

P.S. and I agree, HTH is actually a very eligible bachelor so he can easily meet someone else with no baggage haha. Ok that's me being mean.

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Aww, thank you for mentally preparing me for what's to come @yaqiyuki for the recaps and to @kbleon for the pictures! :) They save me from having to wonder and watch the recent episodes myself! Guess I am joining the rest of the angry ladies in frustration over the drama *yanks on hair* URGH! I have to agree with you, @szne09, the series really should have been called "Birth of a Genius" since yes, the later of the half, we're seeing HTH shoulder the weight of the drama. Without his lovable character, I think I would have dropped this maybe a week or so ago. Reading the discussions made me ponder some questions that I think the span of 3 episodes will do a crappy job of tying together. 
1. Having rewatched the drama at the first 3 episodes, is there going to be any more mentioning of what would happen if Sara doesn't take her medicine, like how she had amnesia as a side effect when she didn't? 
2. So...are we going to get one big domino reveal of how HTH's parents died, or if they died? SAY WHAT?
3. How is it possible still that Sara is "legally" still married to LJK? He married GCY, so aren't they now the one legally bound together?
4. UM...so how are they going to prove Sara is fake/is SGR all along? Bring her mom in and force her mom to confess on the TV? The friend? HTH? WHAT? Did they have a bugged device somewhere that will magically appear with Sara saying she's really SGR? 
THIS DRAMA HAS LOGICAL PHAIL! I don't trust how this will all wrap up anymore. I am utterly disappointed. I don't know what to do anymore! :(

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Hey @autuymnrain‌! Regarding #3, it's amusing that nobody's reprimanding LJK and GCY for marrying while they can do all the bullying to SGR. The only reason I could think of (I cant believe I'm trying to rationalize this) is the fact that in a way,SaRa "deceived" them to into thinking she's already dead. But of course they still committed adultery so boohoo. Regarding #4, probably just through the DNA test results?

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hahaha @szne09, I mean are the baddies planning to reveal that Sara is SGR on TV and think there will be no consequences on their part. Aww, you're so cute to try to rationalize, but you're right! The two still committed adultery, regardless. However, this frustrates me, because how do they plan to wrap this up now. *cries*

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Guest lantawmako

i watch this drama and then stop, around the time when they practice their wedding.  it was getting painful to watch so i stopped.  well today i watched episode 18 thinking it's towards the end so maybe the story line have gotten better.  huge mistake,  sarah's character is just beyond my comprehension.  she is just too clueless.  (trying very hard here to use a gentler word)

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hahaha @szne09, I mean are the baddies planning to reveal that Sara is SGR on TV and think there will be no consequences on their part. Aww, you're so cute to try to rationalize, but you're right! The two still committed adultery, regardless. However, this frustrates me, because how do they plan to wrap this up now. *cries*

Haha I think GCY forgot the part that she's actually an accomplice. She might be smart and cunning but pretty small minded too when it comes to her own mistakes. Thinking of the times when she talked and grinned to herself makes me chuckle :P

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There weren't too many happy scenes in Episode 8; but I really did enjoy the supermarket rice-ball sampling scene. SaRa was watching from a faraway aisle and rooting her "doctor" on. She really was not concerned about how people judged her cooking but she was just happy that HTH was doing so well. One unusual scene was when HTH patted happily on the shoulders of Team Leader Choi. That would be something buddies of the same level would do. Also, the return of the Winner Food union workers was a big deal. If SaRa can somehow work for Winner Food, under HTH, there is no doubt the company would turn around. I hope it could be done when everything else is going wrong. I am still hopeful.

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@docster6, you just made me realize something. Technically, Sara is still under contract with HTH, no? She signed that contract at the beginning with HTH, the VERY FIRST ONE, in blood! The contract has not been terminated, nor was she ever released from it. So technicalllyyyy, wouldn't Sara be breaching contract terms working for HMH when she is legally bound by contract under HTH to do as he asks, even though he revised it later on with their second contract after Sara got sick from the peanut allergy. If that's the case, then wouldn't Sara's contract with HMH be invalid? I mean a contract is a contract whether it's personal or business. Because it's an agreement between two individuals who legally signed the document to adhere to the conditions...Is there hope for Sara to be free of HMH? Technically yes...gawdddddd, the writer of this series has made a mess of things! :(
EDIT: ohhh, @mdnora, thank you for sharing the review below! :D though I think it's unfair and NOT TRUE that the reviewer mentions how it's actually the leads that are dragging down the series. Wrong. It's the writer, and the way the character of SGR/Sara is written! HTH is the only reason I would probably even finish the series to see how he triumphs over them all! MUHAHAHA

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episode 18 review credit LINKphoto546908.jpg
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At the end of the episode, Geum-ran finally asks the stupidly obvious question she should have been asking this entire time. Who actually has the resources and motive to try and kill Tae-hee? I bring up this somewhat spoilery point now mostly as reassurance. It would appear that "Birth of a Beauty" is finally going to pivot back to its characters acting sensibly and intelligently for the drama's last showdown. Watching Geum-ran get manipulated here has just been embarassing. She should know better.

...Yes, technically speaking this was probably how she got married to Kang-joon in the first place. It's just, one would hope that after spending so much time embroiled with Tae-hee and his wacky schemes Geum-ran would realize that he's the guy who knows how to put all the pieces together. Tae-hee spends a lot of time fumbling this episode because the guy's just not that functional when he's lacking essential information.

At least the music remains pretty good. Given the current state of the relationship between Sara and Tae-hee, cooking and pretty woman montages aren't exactly appropriate. However, as "Birth of a Beauty" has demonstrated time and again, classic romantic comedy tropes are always a lot more fun than convoluted badly written scripting. When Joo Sang-wook and Han Ye-seul interact with each other, there's just a certain chemistry that really adds to the excitement. The look Han Ye-seul gives when Sara's genuinely enjoying herself is also pretty fun.

Then we get a reminder that the story is conspiring to make Min-yeok a serious thread, first by his magical power to make Geum-ran act dumb, and when that fails, by his ability to walk by and see something by sheer dumb coincidence. Did Sara sign that contract without reading it? That's the only way I can think of that Min-yeok's plan makes any sense.

While "Birth of a Beauty" still has some joy left in it, right now we're contending with a story that's too frustratingly contrived to be enjoyable. Chae-yeon isn't even really a villain anymore. Given how Sara is acting, Chae-yeon is actually being a genuinely supportive loyal helper to Tae-hee. I really hope the drama stops confusing the lines between good and bad like this. It's easy enough to understand where Kang-joon, Chae-yeon, and Min-hyeok are coming from. It's the actual leads who are really dragging the production down at this point.

Review by William Schwartz

"Birth of a Beauty" is directed by Lee Chang-min-I, written by Yoon Yeong-mi and features Joo Sang-wookHan Ye-seulJeong Kyeo-woon and Wang Ji-hye.

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