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[OFFICIAL] Darling Couple (Lee Jong Suk ♡ Park Shin Hye)


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Transhwhatiwant actually I don't understand what did kyunsang clear. Why is there any misunderstanding? And you say now js can date hhj freely since when we prevent them from doing so? We are just shippers just like you.js is 28 years old he's not a baby he knows what he wants. Did the darling shippers went to see him and told him not to date. As we keep on saying we'll be happy if he finds his happiness. I notice that you're so desperate for them to date. They're old enough to decide. I really pitty you. Hhj is too unlucky to have you as a fan. And you said looking at js if it's like saying finally he's free from that rumours . Hahaha they were the one who were caught by the dispatch. Did we tell them to do that? If js really wants to clear the rumours with shinhye it's very simple as you said js show many proofs that hhj and him are dating then just admit to the world that he's dating why wait for other people to clear what you said rumour linking him with sh. I think it's ok for hhj to admit right?you should know since you're her fan. I find that your IQ is very low. You can't even differentiate between real and delu . Did you see the name of this thread ? Is it written there real couple? No right? We are just like you shippers. Some fans ship the couple even one is already married or in the relationship not to be together but to be partner in the drama or movie. Why don't you fly to Korea and tell them to shout to the world that js and hhj are dating. I hope you're not js fan . Js fans are matured and respectful. 

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9 minutes ago, trashwhatiwant said:

i bet u didnt watch the whole show B)

and its evening in here and im at my office. LOL!

:D and yet you had the audacity to show up here and comment that? Did you understand what you saw? Subtitles aren't available yet, I believe.. 

And wow.. you work at an office? That's amazing! Yet you fail to understand the simple concept of being unwanted at a place... Wow.. maybe the people here arent clear enough with their intent. Otherwise, if you had any conscience, you, as a self respecting human being, wouldn't keep coming back here to post, would you?

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1 hour ago, trashwhatiwant said:


thanks to kyunsang to reveal this. totally FRIENDZONE! this clear all of the b**ls**t

now JS can date freely with HJ............................ yeaayy!!! :D:D

and JS IG update after this kyunsang hyung show is totally clear everything.. cant get clearer than this. from his pose in IG its like he's saying "...finally! i could get rid all of those rumors that binds me... thank you kyunsang hyung..."

and you @Sid01 u ask me about "soon"???? tonight the answer is slowly revealing... soon like this month... or valentine month??? ^_^ HAHAHAHA 

Bahahaha really you are So funny :) TnX to you this Topic is Hot topic now :)

I even don't know what should I say to you but suggest you fanfictiion for your ship 

Ok TnX God , its revealing will be so soon  , maybe 2 weeks later ?? Awww Ok I'm waiting , let's  see ? And you can't leave us just till that soon day ?? Wonder  if you know English well , my English isn't good but seems there is some one worse than me ... even don't know about "leave " & "NOYB " meaning...

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5 minutes ago, Crizelda Chan said:

Thanks ash....I've already watched pinocchiofor 10times maybe...and I love psh and ljs

How to post pic from my gallery?



Same.. I've binged on both of their dramas so many times..But Pinocchio is my special one.. watched more than 18-20 times since 2015 :D

Posting From your gallery is tricky.. you can post from Instagram..Or Facebook or Twitter or internet in general just by copying the URL and pasting it here.. and putting a space.  

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Trashwhatiwant I think your understanding of English is really that bad. I never remember that darling shippers are badmouthing hhj. You're the one bringing her name with js. And how many will tell you that if one day they end up with others will be happy for them because we're real fans who like to see them happy but will still ship them in a drama or movie. Why must we feel sad if our ship sinks . We had fun and we meet friends through this ship. If I remember clearly you are the one badmouthing sh . You said sh doesn't to deny the rumour because she wants people to think that she is js gf. And she wants her name to be always link with js. Funny isn't it? Do you know the reason why she chose krw as her partner in doctors? Because she has enough of flower boys rumour with her. And I'm not sure whether you know that that doctors reach 21.4 in rating. You are the one who keep on coming to this thread bringing hhj name and now you're telling us that we're badmouthing her. You are just suppose to enjoy shipping them in your thread or your fellow shippers do not welcome you? So you have time to post nonsense things here. Anyway you're welcome here hahaha. 

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39 minutes ago, trashwhatiwant said:


totally friendzone.

my office hour is already end so.. im free..

i have a strong spirit of competition so i will roam in here until i win. 

because i know most of darling ship is bad mouthing HJ.. so i will prove it that darling ship is totally a bu**s**t.

i want to know hows u guys feeling being in the SINK SHIP :tounge_xd:

Actually Sink isn't only use for ships ... as far as we have Sink ships , we have sink shippers & people 

They are the one who think shipping is about fighting with another shippers for nothing and bashing another shippers to solid their own ship ...sinking person is the one who lie & pose as Some one fan to destroy something...the one who can't  see another people delulu for fun and want to force them to believe in what she/he believes in .. the one that destroy everything just for few people bash her/his fav actor/actresses...wanna know about sinking feel ? I don't feel it yet but I guess being in a sink ship will be as same as being sink person !  you are just like that few people...it's so bad what they say about JS W co-star but I see most of us respectful about her and I myself like her caz she is very nice & warm person but I'm near to disappointe from her fans & fandom for some fans just like you...you should know how celebs fans can make another people against them , I realized you aren't even JS fan and you are just his co-star fan whom ship her with JS ... So if at least you are her fan don't be like this...it makes her embracement if she knows what her fans do under the label of defendant!  She can't be proud of her fans if most of them will be like you ... I  respect her a lot I love Dong Yi and watched it twice despite its long eps..  I know most of her fans are very mature and respectful too just like her...but some fans like you are making me think if I mistake about her fans ...so leave this ship at least for her...she will NOT be happy to knw what you do here for her , I'm  sure about it...


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31 minutes ago, trashwhatiwant said:


totally friendzone.

my office hour is already end so.. im free..

i have a strong spirit of competition so i will roam in here until i win. 

because i know most of darling ship is bad mouthing HJ.. so i will prove it that darling ship is totally a bu**s**t.

i want to know hows u guys feeling being in the SINK SHIP :tounge_xd:

And so use ur strong spirit of competition in a better way ...something more imp and serious than Shipping...maybe ur work ...use it for your work to be better officer caz seems instead of working there you are lurking here...

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Trashwhatiwant your name is your attitude...hehehe

Your such attention seeker....if your successful person why your post is like a child who need a candy or ice cream?

Maybe you don't have many friends that's why your lurking here....just stay in your thread and make them strong to last for atleast two years maybe....maybe after some project of ljs with other girls you will see how many fans makes you annoyed... or maybe you will ship again to another... us here where here for a years already....


NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS you know the meaning of that!!!!

If you are professional with a brain you can understand that...thanks for making this thread move fast....

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someone edited it for me...I want to post the ig but don't know how...now some make it...maybe ljs wants to hug psh that's why...hehehe...just imagining.....



Trastwhatiwant....maybe you miss interpret again

JUST imagining.... capital letters just!you said your a professional then I think you understand...don't take it to seriously maybe one day you need to see a psychiatrist....I'm willing to guide you.....jokenesssssss

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22 minutes ago, trashwhatiwant said:

i will not be annoyed by other JS co star later, coz he will never act like the way he act with HJ. he will behave coz he doesnt want to hurt HJ feeling, he already found the one. dont believe me?? lets just see together..

so i guess you dont have many friends either that u roaming in here too?? hahaha

All of us here are friends unlike you. ...hehe....seek attention to your ship...


Attention seeker:D

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Really????...lets see then after that...

Let's see your confidence after that....just tell us then if you succeed after the drama series not now...

24 minutes ago, trashwhatiwant said:

i will not be annoyed by other JS co star later, coz he will never act like the way he act with HJ. he will behave coz he doesnt want to hurt HJ feeling, he already found the one. dont believe me?? lets just see together..

so i guess you dont have many friends either that u roaming in here too?? hahaha


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