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[OFFICIAL] Darling Couple (Lee Jong Suk ♡ Park Shin Hye)


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God.. is the troll back again? Honestly, Pineapple, sweetie.. if this is such a happy time in your ship,you should be partying there..not trolling here.. :D poor you, why are you so obsessed with bad mouthing us? None of us have been to your thread to offend you ever.. why is that you hate us so much? Annoying as it is it's funny too. Do you realise, that thanks to you, we have jumped pages.. :D we owe you and your comments!

Keep trolling us sweetheart, you're welcome. 

P.S: They were so happily greeting each other, because they have nothing to hide. Ever been in a secret relationship, hiding away from people? I'm guessing not.. That is not how people in relationships behave. That's how friends behave. 

You wanna know how people in relationships behave? When they are hiding something? They sneak around each other. Like a certain couple that we know. They beat around the bush. They behave like each other's ideal types and yet they keep quiet.. the Darling couple could teach you a lesson or two on how to be ninjas.. :D


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4 hours ago, MarieJose said:

hey there :) i'm sparing you this one post just to ask you this .. why wouldn't they come together? they are friends anyway ! 

don't bother answering! you can see yourself out from this thread ! bye :wub:

hahaahaha god i love this hahahahaha :D 

MarieJose!!!!!!!! It's so good to see you here! Stop being a stranger and hang around here more often please.. :) It's great to have you back! 


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4 hours ago, Sid01 said:

just for fun... How close my babies are.... :phew:

cr: owner

Her: I want to see a longer video.

YKS: It was hard to make a longer one. 

And then of course we had the "Hyung" fight just four days back.. :P


Yun Kyun Sang's Instagram is one interesting place!!

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Translation: No No,, don't come closer to the picture. just stay,, #(I'm guessing this means Purr) Purr Purr #Harry

I love the name she's picked for him! Harry is a good name! Harry is the best name ever. Go Shin Hye! :D

(That's the Potterhead in me being happy without any reason :D don't mind me!)

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Pineapplejam you mean js denied D what I know is only the two agencies sd they're friends but js n sh didn't say anything I remembered sh was in Europe and sh agency sd after saying they're friends agency wait for sh to come bck but they didn't issue another statement same as js agency both agencies didn't confirm fr js n sh they just issue their own statements. As you sd they come together if they come together why must they shake hands. Hahaha. If you come together with you friends do you shake hands only when you come out funny right? If one day js dates her I'll be happy for you but for now let's enjoy shipping since both of us don't know what's the truth behind.you believe on what you believe and we believe in what we believe but don't ever mention again to ask sh to look for her own happiness so her name won't stick to js. That's the biggest mistake you make I think you don't know how popular she is in Korea and internationally. She doesn't need to tag her name to others.you know what the reporters say if she decides to have relationship many will be lining up. Since before many parents said she is ideal daughter in law. As D said for js sh is his priority so he'll protect her in whatever way. And for your info jaisong the one js collaborated his noyb is sh friend and she admitted that sh is the only celebrity she is really close with and they always go for barbecue and you know who was the first to wear NOYB it's sh then her friends. So just enjoy your shipping. 

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1 hour ago, Celi67 said:



I couldn't agree more.. Shin Hye is a class apart. As a matter of fact, any guy would be darned lucky to have her as his girlfriend or wife. She is an amazing actress and an amazing person. All the years in the industry have not made her cynical, and instead she grows to be more prettier as a person every year. Heck, my mum loves her more than me. She's well known even in my country.. and at 26 that's nothing short of awesome. 

And judging by the amount of people who are friends with her, you can understand how nice she must be in reality.. Whatever relationship Jong Suk had with her, with all their mutual friends and collaborations, I'm pretty sure he treasures her as well. That's the kind of person she is. 

It's funny how these random shippers come to bash Shin Hye when they can't even achieve one tenth of all she had done, in their entire lifetimes.. how easy it is to judge :expressionless:

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28 minutes ago, Celi67 said:

Pineapplejam you mean js denied D what I know is only the two agencies sd they're friends but js n sh didn't say anything I remembered sh was in Europe and sh agency sd after saying they're friends agency wait for sh to come bck but they didn't issue another statement same as js agency both agencies didn't confirm fr js n sh they just issue their own statements. As you sd they come together if they come together why must they shake hands. Hahaha. If you come together with you friends do you shake hands only when you come out funny right? If one day js dates her I'll be happy for you but for now let's enjoy shipping since both of us don't know what's the truth behind.you believe on what you believe and we believe in what we believe but don't ever mention again to ask sh to look for her own happiness so her name won't stick to js. That's the biggest mistake you make I think you don't know how popular she is in Korea and internationally. She doesn't need to tag her name to others.you know what the reporters say if she decides to have relationship many will be lining up. Since before many parents said she is ideal daughter in law. As D said for js sh is his priority so he'll protect her in whatever way. And for your info jaisong the one js collaborated his noyb is sh friend and she admitted that sh is the only celebrity she is really close with and they always go for barbecue and you know who was the first to wear NOYB it's sh then her friends. So just enjoy your shipping. 

Insightful post....bravo....just stink heart full of jelaous  who feel offended with darling couple.

When we don't care other shipp ..why that pest always Show up make commotion here..:)

Blaaaah to them, hail darling shipper..:glasses:

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And for your information pineapple many actors want to work with sh even krw said this as well. Sh is one of the most powerful actress in 2016 and she's in line with jjh ghj they powerful actress and they're 30 something sh is only 26 . Her latest drama doctors has rating of 20+ in Kcon she's the the most popular actress when doctors was shown in Malaysia it was 3x higher in rating compare to other Korean dramas it was no 1 and to think that there was no flower boy in doctors and it was not promoted well by sbs but it did so well. And you know that Pinocchio was highest drama sold to china before legend and until now it's very popular in Japan and in drama fever. Pinocchio is the most memorable drama for js and he said it's a piece of art . Although for me js always did very well in all his dramas same as sh. So I repeat and remind you again don ask sh to look for her happiness so she won't stick to js. I think who needs to look for her happiness is none other than you. Js n sh are happy and contented same as the darling shippers .ship will only if the shippers stop sailing and decid to sink but for now we darling will cont to sail in our own dreamland. You say we r not real so are you real ? Have meet them?you even tag rania zed when she's so busy . 

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6 hours ago, Sid01 said:

Ha ha ha deleted....i read those silly attacks...good job moderators!

Yeaahhh speechless...sadly she has bitterness and always feel unsecure. poor girl! 

This is my first shipping... is this kind of attack something usual happened in other threads as well?? ..:blink:

Aaahhh really uncomfortable....hope admin will totally solve this prob. 

I want to post my opinion, but this jerk made me think twice...ha ha ha ha dont wanna argue so just stay peacefully 

Ok lets keep supporting our Darlings...fighting!! :blush:



haha...welcome to the world of shipping...other shippers also being like this even worst..fanwars just a normal.. every shipper/fandom tryhard to prove their OTPs.. its a normal thing if other shipper try to attack u here.. 

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Hello to everyone here:)..I have been following this thread since Pinocchio days!!!  Due to my busy schedules, I have always been a silent reader.

Today I want to log in and thank everyone here who have contributed to this thread and keep it running. I really appreciate all the uploaded photos and videos of JS & SH (I really miss Darlings so much, and Pinocchio!!!).

And when I see posts from those who did not come out for quite a while, it put a smile on my face. It reminds me of the Pinocchio Days!!!.

I still hold on to my wish and belief and wait for the day all of us here will celebrate together when the time comes.  I remembered someone mentioned that she will fly to Korea when that day comes.

Until then, I wish both JS & SH good health and happiness, and success in everything they undertake.

Before I sign off, I wish everyone here a


May the year ahead bring much joy and happiness to all of you and your families!!! :grin:



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Hey @pinocchioAsh i'll try to be here more often trust me i love hanging around here .. nothing makes my day better then hearing ngood news about my darling and reminiscing about their moment and all the things that happened ...  sooo much happened during two years that people are very bery jealous of the amou.t of stuff we have .. for that i feel contented :D

pinocchio is suck a bless .. i'm rewatching it again because i miss them sooooo much and i'm having the same exact feelings that i had the first time i've seen it .. that's why i came back here and i'm not intending on leaving again .. life is such a chaos but i won't let it hold me to come up here and spazz with you guys !! 

FYI to the people who are reading my post and lurking silently and wishing for our ship to sink ..u said JS moved on .. well let me tell how he did that... in a recent interview he said pinocchio is a masterpiece and is still watching it AGAIN...in his recent fms he sang pino OST (let's not forget the song eat me that someone else likes a lot hahaha) .. he's keeping in touch with pino team, he's working with the same writer again , he's meeting with his fellow actors , the pd .. and the list goes on and on ... yeah i'm soooo sure he moved on ... the boy can't stop blabbering about his last drama puahahaha ! Okay bye hhhh

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Is it just interesting for me ? JS & Yun Kyun sang had comment chatting on their IG recently ( few days ago ) .. shin hye & yun kyun had it recently about cats I think ( few days ago )  ...shin hye & lee sung kyung as well ( few days ago ) ... Lee sung kyung is very close to JS as we all know  and his IG post with her & kyun sang months ago ... it's like this for me :  A + B = C  |     A + B = D  |   =====》 D = C 

So you know I mean it can't be triangle friendship it must be Square : ) 

P.S : actually I just know that they commented but I don't know  if it was few daya ago  or yesterday or even today .. so I just wanted to say,  it is new :)



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4 hours ago, bahara said:

Is it just interesting for me ? JS & Yun Kyun sang had comment chatting on their IG recently ( few days ago ) .. shin hye & yun kyun had it recently about cats I think ( few days ago )  ...shin hye & lee sung kyung as well ( few days ago ) ... Lee sung kyung is very close to JS as we all know  and his IG post with her & kyun sang months ago ... it's like this for me :  A + B = C  |     A + B = D  |   =====》 D = C 

So you know I mean it can't be triangle friendship it must be Square : ) 

P.S : actually I just know that they commented but I don't know  if it was few daya ago  or yesterday or even today .. so I just wanted to say,  it is new :) 




The comments are all pretty new.. within the past few weeks actually.. :D and they are all cute!! In fact, Yoon Kyun Sang commented on one of her recent cat videos as well saying, "haw.. who is this beautiful baby?" 

My guess is as good as yours.. it's not a triangle.. it's definitely a square.. Someday hopefully we'll have enough clues to put together and be Sherlock Holmes :D

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10 K-Drama Actors Who Are Perfect Boyfriend Material


Lead K-drama actors have in the spotlight after showing their talent in acting. Fans across the world untiringly follow the handsome artists and claim that they are the perfect boyfriend material.

The leading men of the Korean film become the image of a perfect and good-looking boyfriend everyone dreams of. Not only are the characters gentle and warm, but they are also reliable and manly. Some of the viewers may have that favorite actor whose role has managed to capture their heart and mind.

Maybe it is the brilliant storytelling and acting that make viewers fall in love with the character. Others say that it is because of the emotional investment the actor puts into the character.

Indeed, K-dramas showcase varied personalities of the leading man, from the sweet and innocent to the rugged and difficult. There are many Korean stars out there who have arrested the attention of the fans worldwide. Hence, Hall of Fame Magazine narrows the list down to five of the most favorite character who can be the perfect boyfriend.


Lee Jong-suk’s Choi Dal Po is one of the most loyal men fans have seen in a K-drama series. His love for his woman never wavers. Although he does not always express his feelings and affection towards her in the nicest way, behind it is a man who lovingly cares for her.  He respects the elders, particularly when he asks Choi In Ha’s father and grandfather’s permission to court her.

He respects the elders, particularly when he asks Choi In Ha’s father and grandfather’s permission to court her.

Although Choi Dal Po and Choi In Ha are not always able to be together because of the situations of their lives, his love never change. If women are looking for a loyal man, then they should look no further! Lee Jong-suk’s character is the perfect boyfriend that a woman ever dreams of having someday.

So here is the list of the K-drama actors who play the characters of a perfect boyfriend material.






Read full article @ http://www.hofmag.com/10-k-drama-actors-who-are-perfect-boyfriend-material/209498


On 12/20/2016 at 8:44 AM, mujay said:

Rofl...:wub: irene...welcome again miss you dear...

This song dedicate for all of darling shipper who spread around the globe:blink:

Come visit us when you have a time...

Our ship never shink..right..https://youtu.be/raWEDnyVnEs

Hi, @mujay 88_thumb.gif . I'm back but I've so many things to catch up on :expressionless:. Seems we've gone back to our old peaceful days (for now).


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