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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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 too bad this changwook bacteria is multi-drug resistant  :-B :-B
chinggu juz prepare to get multiorgan failure...so far the 'bacteria' has go through your bloodstream to your heart...then kidney(hmm...u can start worry about your diabetes issue =)) =)) ) then to your brain...etc :(|) :(|)

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Guest snowhite1989

Here is my take on the whole hand holding scene, first off his face is uncovered so I think he showed himself to CYS as Healer and she blew him off again as a joke and started to leave which hurt his feeling because now his whole cover is blown and the cool no feeling world he knows is crumbling around him. He needs some kind of comfort and she is the only person who can give him that so he reaches out to hold her hand in the hopes that she will remember his touch and embrace from before and realize it is him afterall. Then we will get a KISSSSS because she is shocked and needs confirmation that it is him! ;)

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OMG *&*^&^%^$%#$@$@ The FEELSSSS
Woah, this was the perfect gift to me after finally finishing my exams. Holy moly thats some awesome hot secret date. If I were YS, I would feel his breath and presence tickling against my neck ;;).
I am sure she will now make the connection between Healer and PBS, she has held his hand many times before but the elevator scene was where she got flustered by holding his hands so she must know how his hands feels. That said, she will either ask him PBS? Or maybe in the following episode she will  look closer to PBS and even start skinship with him and feel his hand. Haha I can see her playing detective and making PBS all flustered but telling him off as to not misunderstand this that she accepts his feelings. Then PBS will pull her and their faces will be like 1inch apart and the tension.....I need to stop ranting further.

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Omoo, pervert JH is at it again. He gave her a bunny cuz remember in ep 1. he wanted to design costumes for that tennis girl game? One of those costumes was a playboy costume, hence he gives a bunny to YS, its a hint and he sees her as his personal and exclusive bunny ;;).

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@drbigapple : Rather than specified parts, I think its all parts of body. We have frying&cracking brain, heart palpitation, weak knees, uncontrollable tears and hyperventilation to name a few. Your suggestion?  :D
Preview sometimes misleading, and I hope this one is, too. *in denial* If its not, I'm going to go with the @Faithlings' hearts that SJN wont keep the OTP aparts for long. (btw, I love the hand-holding-before-sleeping part..hihi).

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Another Insta update by JCW, I hope he gets his beauty sleep on that bed. Wow, he is even prettier than than the flower ! sKNNHMe.jpgcredit JCW Instagram

@dk_sadia, is the pic you wanted to post, I could not see the image for your post above.

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 I think I abused the rewind button like hundred times already but the preview is giving me goosebumps, especially the sight of JH (who kind of reminds me here of a predator closing in on his prey) walking down the corridor towards MH, stepping out from the shadow into the light, is so damn thrilling! This is going to be so intense - JH’s face-to-face confrontation with the brother of the man who framed his father for a murder. Only for history to repeat itself 20 years later, this time framing the son of his former friend. I can’t wait to watch the dynamic between these two men whose fates have been interwoven for so long. 


THE OTP TIME!YS’s inviting Healer on a date and he’s accepting! MY FEELS! HE MADE A FREAKING CANDLE LIT WAY FOR HER!!! JH, YOU CLOSET ROMANTIC! There is so much hidden meaning and symbolism in the preview alone - JH lighting the way for her but not stepping in the light next to her, watching her from the shadows with that adoring expression first and later with that heartwreching look; YS wearing white while JH is wearing all black,…And finally, THEIR HANDS! There is something so deeply intimate about their interwined fingers! His being so male and strong while hers is so entire female and dainty…


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@sia3... sorry I took sometime to appear. I had to go out for a bit to do some family related stuff. Ahh now my head and heart hurts from Real Life events.... so what better way to heal it than coming back here to continue the Healer-fest.
Anyway.. before I go on. Yay!! @Maja! You delurked! Yes, I agree that SJN rarely does the Noble Idiocy trope (Thank God) but she will do some other things that will 'separate' our couple, make us bite our nails down to our bones and cry miserable tears for them, and throw us a few bones by interspersing all the angst with some lovey-dovey, heart melting OTP moments. (I am definitely writing this while thinking of Daejang and Imja.. LOL).
And @sia3... OMG.... MH knows that Healer is JungHoo by the eyes? But why didn't he recognise PBS before? OK this is a twist I didn't expect. Or maybe I did. Hmm. Perhaps there may be something good from this. I mean, we have to believe that KMH is essentially a good person right? He started all this, truth be told. He started all this because he needs to heal his heart, and the only way was to find Ji An. He must have known that by doing what he did, he would actually initiate this domino effect. I don't think he factored JH being part of the equation (for reasons we still cannot fathom) Perhaps he thought he would be able to bring his brother down somehow. I don't know... I cannot believe he didn't think things through before he started because he's not that kind of person. He thought about all this. So he discovers that Healer is JH - it should be a good thing. He must know the truth behind what happened to JH's father, or at least the backstory. Obviously Teacher didn't know because he was in jail at that time. So I would like to hope that it's good thing.
@Ahpheng... I can't decide whether he was crying or smiling in that scene. But it would make more sense to me if he was crying. Right after the scene cuts to KMH's living room... is KMH sitting in the dark waiting for the outcome of Healer's date with CYS? Did he, as someone suggested, give Healer an ultimatum - to see CYS for the first and last time, to say goodbye?
@sia3... for some reason, this scene:

made me think of this:


Because it has that air of them saying goodbye.... It feels similar...  :(( :(( :((
And for SoGongers, this:hl8p.jpg
Goodbye scenes...

So if it's true, then he WAS crying. Sorry I think I've gone a little cuckoo since I fried my brain earlier today. Hahaha.

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I think my mobile phone is about to explode after reading all the updates & preview today..thank you guys for all the updates..i am sooo happy to see an instagram update by JCW tonight..now i can sleep & hoping he will appear in my dream tonight with Healer's outfit..or without any outfit..kkkkkk.. :D

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Am I the only viewer who doesn't want Healer's identity revealed yet to anyone, especially CYS? I can accept KMH because we are entering the second arc of the drama and I'm hoping they work together to bring down the elder and right the wrongs.  But I want Healer to be able to go about his business under cloak of darkness and mystery.  He's the best in the business, so I want to see him in action.  SJH as PBS can hang around CYS and let her affection grow for him. They are the same person after all.  Both Healer and PBS are disguises. 
Anyway, hoping for a late reveal on Healer's identity.  Healer, fighting!

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@azzurri SJN tends to give her otp's that heartbreaking moments where up until now it's hard to hate what she does to them. But she does it so beautifully.

here from her previous work The Legend. I loved too


It would be ever more heartbreaking if indeed JCW records a song for the drama.

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Awesome preview for next episode... Thank u for uploading and translating chingus!!!

Makes me want to fast forward the work week now even if I have to skip the weekend just so I can watch that 'date' and the 'interlocking' hands of love.. Haishhh. the power of kdramA skinship to the max level. I can feel their heartbeats beating so fast for each other.

Gosh me. This ajhumma died seeing that preview. 8-X Soo. On Monday my ghost will be watching-at least I won't suffer a second heart attack if and when there's a 'surprise kiss' waiting. Just sayin'.. :-B



Btw.. for everyone doin the recap, screencaps, GIF's and more on live episodes. I can't say thank u enough!! You know who you are-and you're all my life savers. I'm on the opposite time zone so squeeling and spazzing with you in real time is impossible, but I'm always with you in mind and spirit. Kamsahamnida chingus... ;) :\">

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wow healer/JH is such a romantic at heart - i didn't see the candlelit path till you mentioned it. And he bought a bunny for her and watching her emotions secretly from behind like some guardian angel :x What they lack is now the kiss  :-* sorry i know i am being pervert obsessed with them kissing now :P

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rosalind_may said: @dk_sadia

Welcome! I'm new too. I haven't heard anything about fan fiction, but it's about time someone starts doing something about that...

Maybe it should start with a "what if " scenario that CYS accepted PBS' confession on the rooftop and the romantic rendezvous ensues...

Ep 11....5 more days to wait.....wae!?!

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i dunno if this has been posted here.is it ok topost this vied here? its some kind of review for Healer!!!

I just have to mention Ji Chang Wook's arms when he was so mad at his sabo for telling him that his father murdered someone - i thought the coat would be ripped! me fangirling!!!
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