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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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saved2K said: Watching ep 9 now.... waaaahhhh CYS cannot even recognize her own heart.  She loves being near PBS and mistook her hero worship of Healer as love.  Everytime she needs someone to talk to, she'll ring BS.  PBS doesn't have to do heroic act to calm her down, a slight touch from him can calm her nerves and drive her fears away.  When she can't sleep, she grabbed his hand and was able to sleep as sound as a baby.  When she was hyperventilating, just the nearness of PBS made her feel well... and she herself was surprised why she suddenly felt ok.  Same thing happened at the elevator.

To have healer and lose PBS will not make her joy complete.  It is not healer nor PBS that she wants but JH himself. I hope in the next episode/s.... it will be CYS's turn to discover her own heart :x  and I would love it if she will get to meet JH...all that he is :x

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*Whistle* :-\"  (Young Shin's style)
@Maja finally delurks!!! 8-}
Hahaha so mean, my evil twin sister... let's just endure the pain together >:D<

:'( SJN is so evil. So so evil. She not only got my brain working overtime, now she had me sitting in front of the PC while at work, refreshing soompi and gritting my teeth watching the pages fly - unable to click in because I haven't seen the newest episode. It's totally Faith time all over again.

Mywebfoot and I have actually been acquainted 100+ ? pages back once. We were calling you out, did you hear? :P I'm egging Gukja to watch Healer at the moment, and maybe if we get more encouragement, she'll start soon. ;)

Rabbit Bong Soo?! Wae??
From: DC

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Welcome Aboard Soompi and the thread @Artist2601,   We always happy to have new members to join the more the merrier so don't feel like a stranger.. Feel free to say what you like, Also here at you request..   

Hi guys... I m a silent lurker for quite some time now
I m trying to share this picture but it doesnt appear. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153093129496412&set=a.10150313147036412.387954.638986411&type=110929167_10153093129496412_7438623773708

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Guest Artist2601


said: Welcome Aboard Soompi and the thread @Artist2601,   We always happy to have new members to join the more the merrier so don't feel like a stranger.. Feel free to say what you like, Also here at you request..   

Hi guys... I m a silent lurker for quite some time now

I m trying to share this picture but it doesnt appear. 

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briseis said: By the way, has anyone watched until the end of the final credits? Because at the very end there were included 3 seconds of a new footage of the kiss which weren't show in episode 8 nor in episode 9. We only glimpsed a screenshot of this angle during the end of episode 8 but not the actual footage. Check it out if you didn't watch until the end :-) .

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Guest rephediem

celyw said: err... I also think JCW looked familar to LMH....  X_X dun bash me  b-( 
anyway I'm really impressed with his acting in ep 10, he is very good with all the emotion management and his face expressions from happy, anger, lovesick, etc were just right not overacting.
PMY shi, I like her acting in healer very much, think she matured alot since I last watched her in CH (dun really like that drama, ok dun bash me again  b-(  8-} )

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Guest rephediem

fidda868 said: @celyw i'm not gonna bash u..haha and yes JCW really looks like LMH a bit in certain angle..in Heirs fb page, there are a lot of fans who thought JCW is LMH when the admin post JCW pics on Heirs page and i was laughing hard when some keep commenting on JCW pics and thought that is LMH.. :D

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please get your eyes checked. JCW is in NO WAY any resemblance to LMH.

LMH can't even hold a tiny candle to JCW.

JCW's manliness and masculinity strongly radiates and burn the screens.

His acting talents is mindblowing, he is a natural talent.

LMH is just a pretty flower.

get your eyes checked. please

Please do not bash any actor. I'm saying this before the mod says, babe. Be careful and please refrain from bringing other actors/their acting to this thread.

P.S. I have no personal grudge against anybody or any actor.

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I'm rewatching yesterdays episode, and I really really want to hear JH saying: Saranghae, aka I love you, to YS. I dont want to hear I like you, but I love you. I still dont get it why people find I like you the same to I love you.
tumblr_nhshfqUY7y1qbxx00o6_250.gif tumblr_nhshfqUY7y1qbxx00o1_250.gif

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