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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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the last scene .. when JH cough when he saw YS and I think when in the last scene I saw was JH and not BS .. that look ! Sharp , hot , and Romantic .. and preview .. When they were in the elevator and both in a room .. that scene made ​​me pounding.. OMG.. they're being more more lovey dovey!

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Guest shinomorisagara

As much as I disliked LMH's move, I think it's perfectly logical. For starters, it is definitely NOT out of jealousy. Healer, the mercenary like errand guy who is willing to do anything for money and who managed to save someone from a falling elevator, is a threat, a major threat if he switches sides. Of course, LMH is not aware that Healer is emotionally involved, so it makes sense. Healer did switch sides for money before, not intentionally since he does not ask for a client's identity, but it did happen. He helped LMH's brother before, so you see why LMH is worried. He had to get the police involved somehow, even if he had to give them Healer in exchange for CYS's safety.
I have this feeling that LMH will know Healer's real identity before CYS. I'm sure he'll remember the little boy who was almost the same age as CYS, and maybe then, the three of them will band up against the dirty politicians. But I can't see this happening anytime soon.
By the way, I'm new to this thread. been following you guys for the last week. The last time I went crazy over a drama like that was 2007.

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Guest blossomnagr


Top Ten K-Drama Moments Of The Week – January Week 1


1. “Healer”: Rooftop kiss in the snow

We honestly don’t remember details of what happened in the plot of “Healer” this past week. We were too busy watching that rooftop kiss … over and over and over.

5. “Healer”: Catch you in your sleep

So, the OTP’s kiss didn’t completely daze us from forgetting some of the recent developments on the show. We do remember this precious moment!

On the car ride to interview Yeon Hee, a victim of a sex ring scandal, Young Shin falls asleep, exhausting herself from complaining about her sunbae, Moon Ho. As she begins to lean to one side, our Healer gently holds her head up with one hand all through his drive to her house.

He’s usually in control of his actions, but Healer’s burgeoning feelings for Young Shin is making him a reckless romantic, and we want more!

See the full list : http://www.soompi.com/2015/01/05/top-ten-k-drama-moments-of-the-week-january-week-1/

Healer is doing great. Just Keep up the good work please writernim and the whole team. You are awesome 


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Guest AnneVarattha

I'm so in love with the scene Healer escorting CYS home since she go down the stairs, walk beside her on the road till up on the roof <3 Owwww it's sincerely so good, warm and romantic.

We can see how much he is so in love with her -HEAD OVER HEELS-

This is the meaning of 'healing', both of them gradually healing each other hearts, CYS might has phobias but as long as JH with her he will take care of her secretly in his own space and i think it's near the time CYS should know how much he has risked his heart for her Then she will do the same thing to protect him too.

Ohhhh I can't wait the moment CYS know how much he have done for her up until now with his own will, HURRY UP BOTH OF YOU! NOW THE CHANCE TO HEAL BOTH OF YOUR NIGHTMARE PAST HAS COME!

Just be together already!

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Guest mywebfoot

blossomnagr said:

MH and KMS characters are complicated hence interesting. I am with those who think MH has a brotherly feeling towards YS. He doesn't trust 'Healer' cause he does not know as we do that he is in love with YS and in his eyes 'Healer' is the person who does things only for money. As ahjumma said I don't take request I do assignments meaning only money matters. Of course MH is reluctant to trust 'Healer' therefore he told him to inform if somebody offers a bigger amount and not to betray. Also, telling detective about healer was because he wanted to get detective's attention on the case and protect YS. We could see that initially detective wasn't interested to help MH. Only after the name 'Healer' come up to the conversation he got curious. Let's see how it develops. 

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I didn't see the last twilight movie, but my brother told me there was this disturbing scene where the werelwolf (the guy was not even a teenager anymore) holds bella's baby and kinda falls in love with her or something like that lol. Now this is Hollywood, they have already made us feel every kind of uncomfortable feelings. I believe MH is different.


i watched that twilight movie you talked about and i would like you to inform yr brother that i didnt interpret that emotion of the werewolf as romantic love. its more of being amazed, touched and in awe of a little newborn baby.

And this is the feeling that i think moonho had when he saw ji an as a baby.

healer is a drama on a free to air, national korean tv, so its trying to target a wide range of audience and not everything is about romantic love.

i think the reason why there can be various interpretation moonho's feeling towards cys is becos he has not expressively state his stand. why hasnt he done so? becos the writer left this gap intentionally incase the viewers like another romantic line they can developed it.

but since the love triangle is now firmly established as pbs-cys-healer, i dont think they will add in moonho.

my conclusion is that moonho is protecting cys not only becos of myunghee but also doing wat is right. the two brothers owe much to cys.

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Guest blossomnagr

qwenli said:

I didn't see the last twilight movie, but my brother told me there was this disturbing scene where the werelwolf (the guy was not even a teenager anymore) holds bella's baby and kinda falls in love with her or something like that lol. Now this is Hollywood, they have already made us feel every kind of uncomfortable feelings. I believe MH is different.

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The way KMHo interacts with CYS I only see care & concern. She is his favourite "niece", the child of the noona he so love. He is completely just a boy in front of MH noona, he can cry and be just a 3 year old boy he was 34 years ago.

But you can see that CYS is curious of KMH's actions towards her. The way he touches her, saying he is considering sending her to overseas like Europe to "further studies". He way he fusses over her is very much like a caring and doting brother/father to her.

I understand why KMH wants to get the police involved since like many said, to him, Healer only works for money and nothing else. If his brother or the Elder pays Healer more, Healer will switch sides and hence he asked for advance warning from Healer. But then to put Healer on the chopping board because he wants to protect CYS is very under-handed. That's why I say KMH is 90% good and 10% dark.

In the preview, it looks like CYS is having some phobia riding the lift, hence her fist was clenched and JungHu wanted to comfort her. Now that I watched the preview again, JungHu brought CYS up the roof (his fav place are always the roof :))) to have quiet time with her. I love that he confessed but then he is confessing as PBS and not himself Seo JungHu. I don't think CYS will accept PBS's confession and I would want it that way.

I really wish that CYS found out about PBS = Healer herself and know the guy Seo JungHu and fall in love with this guy.

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Guest RahmaD1430294071

when CYS hear PBS confess i can imagine her reaction hahahahaha she will remain quiet and then explode from laughing she will consider it like a joke and then when he tell her he is sincere she will reject him  :))

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It's amazing Healer's comforting presence to CYS. She said she cannot sleep with anyone next to her or in another room/bed. But she can doze off in Healer's car and sleep next to our Healer.

And even by just grabbing onto our Healer she can calm down from her panic attack.

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Guest mywebfoot

RahmaD said: when CYS hear PBS confess i can imagine her reaction hahahahaha she will remain quiet and then explode from laughing she will consider it like a joke and then when he tell her he is sincere she will reject him  :))

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said: I'm so in love with the scene Healer escorting CYS home since she go down the stairs, walk beside her on the road till up on the roof <3 Owwww it's sincerely so good, warm and romantic. We can see how much he is so in love with her -HEAD OVER HEELS- This is the meaning of 'healing', both of them graduallyw healing each other hearts, CYS might has phobias but as long as JH with her he will take care of her secretly in his own space and i think it's near the time CYS should know how much he has risked his heart for her Then she will do the same thing to protect him too. Ohhhh I can't wait the moment CYS know how much he have done for her up until now with his own will, HURRY UP BOTH OF YOU! NOW THE CHANCE TO HEAL BOTH OF YOUR NIGHTMARE PAST HAS COME! Just be together already!

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Hi! Finally coming out from lurking this beautiful thread! 
I really just love the pacing of this drama. Not too fast, not slow either, just enough to keep me coming back every week. The details or moments I want comes out when I need it. 
My two cents on Moon Ho's "feelings" for CYS. I do not think that, at this moment, he has romantic feelings towards her. Writer could make that happen though as their relationship progresses, we all know that happens a lot in kdramaland. If that happens, I would just feel sorry for him. CYS is clearly getting in too deep with her feelings for Healer. But as the others have already put forward, I find it not weird at all, to be falling for someone 10 years your junior (and vice versa). That happens in real life!
I also want to believe that Healer's father did not cause the death of CYS's father. But such misunderstanding would definitely add another welcomed conflict for me, I do not want it too easy for my drama OTPs to get together. I get the feels when there is conflict. LOL. 
As regards Moon Shik, I feel that he is not totally or ultimately a bad guy here. He may have been working with the "Elders" who are clearly villainous, but I think we will see his purpose in the end. I like that I get to feel that way towards a character, kind of confusing but hey it adds so much to the story. 
Can I just say how awesome JCW is?! Damn, I love how he can make the littlest changes in his expression bring out a different emotion, it is such a joy to watch! 

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what an exciting episode..loved it.
since i could not read all the comments I don't know if anyone pointed out before.. KMH gave a new phone to YS, I have a feeling that I does contain some tracking or recording device so they can track healer?????

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@larienssi Hello, glad to have you here! :D

I echo your thoughts that there is really nothing strange about KMH having romantic feelings for CYS, after all, she is only 10 years his junior. At the same time though, I'm hoping he won't ultimately end up falling for her. I want him to stay as "daddy long legs" or a brotherly figure. Simply for the reason that too many love lines can cause things to become messy.

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Madness ensues in Dramabeans once again as JB posts recap for Ep9. :)

Healer: Episode 9 by javabeans | January 5, 2015 | 10 Comments


And we’re back! Did you all manage that weeklong wait without too much angst? Judging from the hoppin’ recap thread, I’m guessing this episode couldn’t come a moment too soon. Thankfully Healer follows up that last episode with one that’s on par with what we’ve come to expect of this show: cute relationship developments, some heart-tugging glances, a dash of intrigue, and strong character moments on multiple fronts.

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i've watched ep 9 with 93% eng sub... I just have three thoughts in my mind (exclude the lovey dovey between CSY and healer since everybody knows better than me kekekekke)
1. I don't feel bothered by the interaction between KMH and CYS in this ep. His care to CYS is not overmuch. I think KMH does not trust anyone since his hyung has lied to him that Jian has died but fortunately he found that the grave was empty. So he protects CYS from others even healer because as he knows healer will do everything if someone orders him with high pay.
2. The Elder said KMH has paid attention (suspect) to him (Elder) since years ago so KMH knows something fishy and it bothers the Elder. Therefore, Elder said KMH is one of the weaknesses of KMS. Maybe KMH knows the big case in 90s was driven by Elder, but he does not have enough evidence and power to reveal it now.
3. I can't  conclude yet the pure feeling of KMH whether he cares CSY as uncle/ father or as lover for the next episodes cause the story is still flowering (developing).

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Does everyone here thinks that Moon Ho has romantic feelings for Ji An? Because to me it seems that his 'first love' is really Myung Hee and Ji An is just a projection of his guilt(for not revealing his brother's crimes). He cares deeply about her because she is Myung Hee's daughter and not for any other reason.

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