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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Susaanghae.…...susanghae... =)) from the latest bts JH and YS rehearing his line imitating sabo's tone of voice,does JH really need to cling on to YS's shoulder???? :D aigoooo jung hooyah ....i know it's coming to the end of healer soon, but changmin is forever. it's so obvious jcw pmy's heart is fluttering. I love you two............whighting!!!!

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jk99 said: Susaanghae.…...susanghae... =)) from the latest bts JH and YS rehearing his line imitating sabo's tone of voice,does JH really need to cling on to YS's shoulder???? :D aigoooo jung hooyah ....i know it's coming to the end of healer soon, but changmin is forever. it's so obvious jcw pmy's heart is fluttering. I love you two............whighting!!!!

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Guest sweetyshasha19

Today is last episode..whatever happen i'll support this drama bcoz it's heal me for almost 3 months..

i'm surely missing all the action, comedy, thriller and ALL scenes.. and u guyss rocks in this forum yeahh!

virtual hugs to everyone >:D<

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Misconnection with my internet

Still have more to say about ep 19

Love how MyungHee wants to know about YS bf basically wet him ,Aww she's such a mom to her and she has no idea reminds me of my gossip talk over my romances with my mom. so cute!!

Another telepathic conversation ,JH asks YS what is she doing and she asks the same and then answers how her mom showed up to someday news.

Then he answers about who he is actually fighting

Ha detective Yoon has a crush on ajumma lol

JH and ajumma meeting lol you go around with that outfit lol I thought the same thing when I first saw her in ep 1 with her wire like hair . Given that she's always hiding makes sense to be living like a slouch

I feel that there is a gap between JH proposal to Ajumma to do something fun and then JH ,YS, MH and ajumma meeting at the airport they're will be obviously a flashback at least I hope to fill that gal I perceive.

So the red lead case of 1992 , the case of 2000 which caused ajumma to resign as a detective,the omega holdings and the Russian tip are all connected to the elder, enough to end him, how too tired to fry my brain and I'll leave that to SJN to reveal in the last episode.

Good night healers!!!

4 hours to operation d-day for healer 2.0!!!

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Guest Iin_Ririn

I changed my ringtone today. After staying with Dugeun Dugeun for many years I choose our OTP couple song.
If someone wants it too, grab it from here: http://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/Anu8LeMD1x7TdDcTNHfkjg . 
It is mp3 for Android and W8 and m4r for iPhone. It is a bit longer than 30 seconds but I didn't want to cut the singer within words.
@usagi1997 thanks for the link 

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lXbCzAh.jpg  VS 0F9ZctG.jpg
JIJI Shippers versus ChangMin Shippers :))
p.s. I'm neither side... just fooling around!

Oooohhh that one. Yeah no, sorry. Can't modify that picture because it isn't my work.
Which 'side' of it did you want? Can you adjust? Maybe I should ask what phone you are using first coz iPhone vs Android. Functions totally different. Edit: Maybe I can reproduce it when I have time.

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U know SJN writer-nim is just fabulous. When the phones where ringing incessdently with "leads" (false or otherwise) and JH dreaminly answers them and says "You dialed the wrong number", I seriously didn't think much about it. I guess we did hear some unless calls picked up by other Someday staff so you will never think twice.

And when the summons came and the tax authority came to confiscate the laptops we also didn't think twice. Just thought that it's Elder's tactics to make life difficult for KMH. But surprise surprise these scenes are NOT random nor scene fillers!

So now we have the events in 1 full circle, from 1992 to 2000 and then 2014. Each of there events are intertwined and linked to Elder. And finally the 1 informant that called from Russia (of all countries!) that may be THE key to bring down Elder.

What JB said abt Healer being an untamable animal with an injured leg having to fight with a pack of hyenas is so spot on. It's not Healer to hide nor wait. He always attack first and he learns as he fights and finds out how to win along the way. With every "lesson" he becomes stronger, smarter and better.

I am really excited to see what JH has learnt so far to bring down the Elder and how SJN writer-nim will close up this amazing drama!

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JCW is a sexy runner. I actually took all his running for granted. I assumed that is how all guys run. Then I was watching another kdrama which I am not going to mention and the hero was jogging. I was so put off because after seeing sexy Healer running my standards for running men has I creased exponentially.

Oooo and that tongue of his... Lucky CYS. She gets to keep that tongue all to herself and I start blushing thinking about his tongue and episode 15... :P :x :x :x

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