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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Don't !! Everytime I get pizza delivered its always an airhead teen with zits lol

JH has ruined men for me why is he so perfect!!! Wae wae??? He even makes a pizza delivery boy look great

Yes, I'm married but to all the single ladies. Don't dream of prince charming anymore, dream of the pizza delivery guy 8->

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i had not worked on any fan message for uri Ahjumma yet.. But I just have to, after today's episode..! Her scenes with Jung-hoo today were just beyond cute!!I mean just see this.. Lol! (borrowing your gif here, @jjmine26)
tumblr_njigklMvZe1spdwu8o1_500.gif Kim Mi-kyung's an awesome actress, but this role is just so special! She's just killing it!! 

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Guest lunarebina

Confession of a Healer fan… [Warning: vomit with many irrelevant details]

I’ve been following Healer after 6 episodes had aired (bcos I follow viki and my region is unfortunately 4 episodes behind due to licensing so technically I started watching Healer since the first 2 subbed eps were out just that I wasn’t aware I was 4 episodes late!)

I can’t exactly remember what triggered me to watch Healer. I recall seeing the teasers and posts on DB but I didn’t pay too much attention to it. It could be PMY bcos I love her in Sungkyunkwan Scandal. I tried watching City Hunter but I didn’t get far. I find the political line too confusing for my Stegosaurus’ brain to understand so I kinda discontinued. I’m familiar with JCW bcos of Smile Donghae. The drama was showed on my local TV station. It’s not my kind of kdrama, but cos my mom loves family drama, I happened to watch bits and pieces of it. I heard Empress Ki was a bomb and actually wanted to try it out but I couldn’t get over YWCFTS withdrawal so it was difficult for me to start. And looking at the no. of episode EK has… haha. I did google and find JCW looking good in his Seguk emperor’s robe xD and since I started Healer, I tried watching EK again, but I didn’t make it too far, stopping at episodes 17. And I realized, as much as how I’ve come to like JCW as an actor bcos of Healer, it was really the drama itself that I’m more in love with, which explain why I can’t watch other JCW ‘s drama even though I now love him so much. I love him as JH and BS, I love him with YS and Ajumma and Sabu and Moon Ho.

Healer is like a long awaited drama granted to me after ICHYV and YWCFTS (2 of my more recent favs which I had invested ALOT of time and moolah fangirling over during and after the series ended) it’s uber annoying that my region is 4 episodes behind in viki for Healer (eternally crying) bcos that’s my favourite online kdrama portal, giving that the subbing is super fast (a few hours after the ep was aired in korea), it’s a full vid not cut into parts and most importantly, it’s HD! I like seeing details! Like being able to count the no. of teardrops that fell kinda (let’s not start with moles and armpit hair - yes I’m a soompi lurker *insert shark music). And viki has this ongoing comments from the viewer (which you can always disable it if you find distracting) at the top of the video which always crack me up. I sound so much like I’m advertising for viki x’D

I only realized that Eternal Love is really the OST of Healer. I’ve been thinking that they must have bought the right to use MLTR’s song as their OST. Like the song already existed donkey years back (cos MLTR is such an old school classic) and they are reusing it and putting it as their OST. And as much as I like the song, I was even disappointed that the production team is recycling some English song as their MAIN OST! O.O OMO OMO OMO! I’m eternally dumb and need HEALER to cure my stupidity and Pentium 1 brain. I so happened to search for the lyrics a few days ago and realized that the results were all related to Healer OST and it got me wondering why. So I went Wikipedia on MLTR and TADAH! They recorded this song in 2014 for Healer OST and one of the composers is a KOREAN xDDDD and so this is so AWESOME! I find the song even more AWESOME after knowing that it is purely written for the Healer. OMG~~ Lag for million light years I know… And btw I actually searched for the lyrics to write a fic about Healer for the international project.. but life is tough and I’m forever racing with time so no… it can’t be done before the deadline so I’m here to vomit my 2 cents of Healer confession before the drama officially ends in less than 24 hrs time… T.T

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Guest dew lite

Love the way JCW expressed how SJH felt towards YS through his opening arms, embracing, his face, and his eyes all at the same time.
Watching concern, relief, love flashing across his face...Gee..
It has said thousand words without speaking.  Bravo!  Love the way he deeply interpreted every single emotion from that script.

[This reminds me of a scene in Empress Ki when Pae Ha held unconscious Yang Yi in the emperor's rose petal-filled bath tub.]


gif credit: sia3

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Before heading to bed. Im positive it'll be a satisfying happy ending, and im also almost almost rly rly sure myunghee will meet youngshin as her daughter tgt w junghoo. Myunghee has been constantly asking for ys's bf details in 2 eps now, and somehow im sure she will find out this last ep. There was also this scene in the vid preview where the two were in the car tgt and Ys was dressed up quite nicely right? Maybe to meet myunghee? Just a guess but i think its gna happen xD i cant wait for Myunghee to know YS is her daughter and all along the guy in ques was Junghoo^^

But anw good night healerites~ one final ep tmrw night!! :'(

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Guest charliew

minaaddicted said:

That almost-kiss hug!!!! I bet the direction from PD was something like "Okay you two hug, look at each other, like you are about to kiss, but dont! Aaaaallllmmoooosst kiss, but dont!" PDnimmmmmmmm... We asked RED, this is pale pinkish!!! :-t b-(

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Just finished watching EP19 RAW, and I have a lot of feelings right now. :(( I saw the words 마지막 flashed on my monitor, and I cannot believe it is really going to end tomorrow. Ugh, the OTP moments in this episode hurt so good. Their longing for each other kills me, like kills me! JCW and PMY, ahhhhh, I sound like a broken record, but yeah, chemistry, chemistry all over. Words fail me. :)) The scene where JH was at the internet cafe, thought he was doing something Elder-related, but he was actually watching a video of YS. :((
 And who here thinks that PMY is getting prettier and prettier?! I do!!! :-h :x zT15FM.png

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Yes I agree, I think Park Min Young is getting prettier and prettier too @larienssi‌. And this coming from me who wasn't even a fan of hers before. She's blossoming right along with Chae Young Shin. Hehehe. I have a feeling I'll wake up tomorrow and we're at 1000 Pages!

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Omg! JCW is too cute. When he met Ajumma. Lol. I thought it was an awesome way to meet, coming to her rescue like that. I mean who wouldn't want to be saved by him. :smiley:

That scene between YS and JH was bittersweet. I love how he opens his arms and she goes running. It really shows their love and connection. That he's willing to go above and beyond to protect her. Even is that means confessing to murder or not being with her.

I don't know how I'm going to live through my Monday's without anymore Healer. This episode was awesome, but I wish there were more OTP. I mean only one more episode I want to see all the sweet scenes before reality sets in.


At least I can look forward to my Directors Cut. But it won't come til May too! Life is hard. Lol

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