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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Ok I promise this will be the last one before I sign off.... so heartwarming. .. can't just not put it up here....

Cys asks...'Dad, why (did u choose) me? Its wierd. Truly speaking, a kid like me is difficult to like, right? There would have been many kids at the orphanage who were younger, prettier and more obedient than me. Didn't u say that I was pretty bad at talking and listening at that time? Then why did you take me in?'

Best dramaland dad ever: I didnt bring u in. I just waited, and u came. You came out on your own...and it was you who first held my hand. Thats why we came together to our house.

Cys: You just waited?

Dad: Honestly I could've waited even longer than this. You came to me earlier than expected.

Brimming with tears*(their eyes, and mine too)

Nudge* nudge* (they slightly tease each other)

Ys rests her head on daddy's shoulder*

Dad:Dont cry anymore. If u cry, I'll be sad.

Cys: I'm finished crying already.

Beautiful I say! :x



One question after watching the c-sub.

The scene when CYS arrive at KMH...

JH ask who was it?

And KMH says "nega chu ah neoja"

Does it mean "The woman YOU love?" Or "The woman I Love?"

"nega" or "niga" means you? or I?

Because from the c-sub...it says "The woman I love"

But from the translation shared here at the forum...

It was translated as "The woman YOu love"...

So I am confused.

Anyone can clarify??


Im sure mh said, the woman I like....and that explains jh's annoyed reaction when he gets the door. Jh is kinda jealous and questions her about coming to mh's place (thinking she came alone ) and then he gets relieved when he sees jong soo following suit and complaining abt working on a Sunday.

Hope this helps!

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You can they started live shoots, it was particularly obvious this episode. The directing was very basic and there were a lot of raccord mistakes. The most glaring one was Park Min Young's hair and make up, it kept going back and forth throughout the episode since they don't film in order. JH's hair too, one moment it's messy and the next it's all perfect. It's disappointing because I liked the directing. But well, at least the script still holds up and I feel like that's the most important right now.

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FRILLYOBJECT said: Finished C-sub.
Cried a river at Appa and CYS scene...
And Omma and SJH scene.
Very touching back story.

And also, our OTP scene...
The conclusion is..
She knows, and he knows she knows, and she let him know she knows and want him to know that she wants to hold his hands, kiss and hug him when he is ready to let her know that he know she knows he knows...personally.

One question after watching the c-sub.
The scene when CYS arrive at KMH...
JH ask who was it?
And KMH says "nega chu ah neoja"
Does it mean "The woman YOU love?" Or "The woman I Love?"
"nega" or "niga" means you? or I?
Because from the c-sub...it says "The woman I love"
But from the translation shared here at the forum...
It was translated as "The woman YOu love"...

So I am confused.
Anyone can clarify??


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Love ahjussi and hyungnims conversation ....

Ahjussi notices ys is crying and screams out hyungniiim...young shin is crying... u can feel the desperation in his voice... also, its easy to decipher that a girl like cys how rare it is for her to cry...judging by their worried expressions... because she's always known to be happy go lucky, and dancing n singing to drive her sadness away....

And the conversation that follows abt the reasons of ys crying is adorable...it shows how much they both value and love her....

Ahjussi: Hyungnim, there are two men whom young shin has a crush on.

Dad: what nonsense! Why would our ys like any guy on her own. (Muttering)it could be the other way round though. (2 guys liking young shin? Bingo daddy!)

Ahjussi: (pleading) im not making it up, ys said this herself

Dad: yeah whatever, move aside!

Ahjussi: But u know, according to me, those two men arent the problem. Instead, there's this hoobae who comes by the cafe often. (Wow, nice sixth sense ahjussi)

Dad: Who... bong-sookie? (Lol)

Ahjussi: Yeah, its him!..you know that our ys doesnt talk abt personal things with just anyone.

Dad: (slowly getting convinced)now that I think abt it, our ys has no frnds, doesnt bring anyone home.

ahjussi: Ys tells him everything.

Dad: to bong- sookie? (Lol x2)

ahjussi: Ive seen from my eyes and listened from my ears. The secrets that she doesnt tell u and me, she goes ahead and tells that stupid fellow. So it must be that fellow.

Love how foster daddy and ahjussi care fr ys. They know her well enough to figure out what made her cry without knowing anything about the whole situation.. impressive guess work there daddy and ahjussi :)

@Addictedtokeverything thank you so much for the conversation! Yes, as expected Ajjussi is with his eyes in 4 when comes PBS and CYS (remember when they were/ YS was "testing" the camera! )

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Btw...who says there is only hand porn in today's episode.
How come nobody is spazzing over the chest leaning skinship we got today?

The first was when JH was unconscious...YS hold him against her chest.
The second was at the cafe...for a split second...YS lean against JH chest and walked away...leaving JH wanting more! Sizzling hot!

Ok~ that's all folks.
Time for bed.
Good night~


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ugh.  Viki doesn't have right to Healer in North America.  So right now Viki is only up to ep 8 or 9.  Dramafever, on the other hand, doesn't get subs fast enough!  It won't show until tomorrow!!!!



Viki 95% now! Yuhuu! I can watch it now and sleep as normal ppl at once hahahah

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Guest ÖznurS

@FRILLYOBJECT  He said the woman I love :) haha, the subs are out on Viki, it's already 95%. Thank God...

My thoughts on this episode: This episode had some interesting parts, but overall I think the previous episode was the best so far. That episode had a lot of healer/bong soo and CYS moments, so of course I liked that one better.. But this episode has showed us some necessary things we need to know. I love that Myung Hee is slowly distancing herself from Kim Moon Shik and how she knows he isn't innocent at all. I think she knew that all along. In one of the previous episodes she said something like, do you want to become the king?. Kim Moon Shik certainly is a bit misunderstood, but I don't think he's completely INOCCENT in this. I think the elder gave him two choices 20 years ago--> Kill your friends (or maybe let your friends die) and save Myung Hee, or let MH die and save your friends. And knowing how Moon Shik obsessively loves MH, he chose her over his friends...  So that's how he got those hospital bills, elder probably gave the money to save MH, so maybe MS feels like he's indebted to him... Pff, the things people do for love.... Well, I don't know if love is the right word, MS certainly seems obsessed with MH, but I also think he truly loves her. 

Noowww back to our awesome/cute couple.....
I didn't expect CYS to find it out like that. I actually expected a more dramatic revelation of Bong Soo's identity. I know there are more shocking revelations to come, so maybe the writer thought it would be too over dramatic the other way. But still, I expected more honestly. Although it wasn't that CYS never suspected Bong Soo. When she held his hand in episode 12 she thought for a second BS was healer, but dismissed the idea of that immediately. So maybe deep in her heart she knew he was healer and that's why she was so comfortable around him... Sigh... There are so many theories on this.... 

I really pity Jung Hoo's mom. She couldn't raise her beloved son like she wanted and had to keep her distance from him. Poor mom:( I hope JH will will be able to eat his mothers meal at least once.

And omg the ending was so sad. I feel for JH. One of the people he really loved and cared for, suddenly dies. Hopefully the writer won't kill anyone else off. Ohh I take my words back. There is one person who can die: Mr. Psycho secretary. He's even worse than the elder.   

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I watched ALL 12 episodes yesterday, i just couldn't stop! Dam those cliff hangers! This show is amazing but i have a few questions....

What happened to CYS when she was a kid? Was she abused in foster care?
What made her so traumatized that she wanted to commit suicide as a kid?

They keep mentioning that she showed up in the orphanage with several fractures and bruises.
I might have missed it while drooling over PBS/JH

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@azzurri @Maja
Sorry I missed your calls. And yes :'( :'( that was unexpected!
Kim Moon Shik has passed the point of redemption now! X(
I was ready to forgive him if he had good reasons reveal later!

By the way, I cannot backtrack all these pages. @Maja, this is the Korean to Chinese translation of the text preview:

by lianshu125

It didn't say Jung Hoo is leaving the world. It says "he's hiding from the world." - so no suicide.
Just when Young Shin anxiously seeks for Jung Hoo, a person whose identity is unknown look her up...

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