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[Drama 2014-2015] Cheongdam-dong Scandal 청담동 스캔들 Thanks for watching.

Ldy Gmerm

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ep 114

ljn gives bh a list about companies except jb all will stop doing business with her, hb asks if ljn found out who's behind it, ljn says all companies didn't tell, bh tears off the list and says she only needs jennifer's money.

secretary tells dad all companies has stopped connections with tbs and it's time for jb to do it too.

jn yells workers must move away things at door and a worker must carries more than one box per time, she stops kind of when she sees hs and she says she just wanted to move things and she feared it might hurt customers and she wanted workers work quickly.

jn says it's difficult for her to use formal language, hs says others will like her if she talks nicely, jn says others seem to treat her her better than before but she can't change her tone,  hs says jn must change and she must stop treat bad to workers otherwise she will teach her a lesson before others, jn says she thought it's good to have an older sister but hs can't stop nagging, hs says jn should send away her old habits with the gone of 2014.

sh tells bh nobody wants to be chairman of tbs, bhs says they just don't know they are lucky, sh says the company has no money and others stop doing business with it so nobody wants to pick up the mess, bh asks why it is like this since the public cry has gone and she also resigned, sh says the sales went down too fast, she says someone signed better contracts with those companies and ljn is finding whom, she says she will settle the mess before a new manager arrives, she says she will meet with jennifer and if she gets the money for china plan she won't need other co-companies, she says after that everyone will love to be chairman of her company.

sh recalls things:
sj asks if hs will be back to sh, she says she won't, he says it's too good and he gives her cakes to eat.
sh says long time he hasn't seen hs's pretty smile.
poor man!

sr asks if hs feels it cold, hs says not and she sees the scarf, sr says yi left it and it's jang's, she says she pities yi because yi lived alone and she just was used by bh, hs asks how sr knew yi was fake, sr says someone faxed her yi's baby photo and she got suspicious so she did the dna test, she says the fax was from a shop, hs says the shop is here where ldh lives, they wonder if ldh faxed it.

ldh is told she must move out next week, she says hs must live well after she leaves.

ljn asks if bh will continue the case against hs since she has no a chance to win, she says they can't waste energy on the case so bh should let go of the case, she calls the editor to cancel the case, the editor says his magazine and hs won't cancel the case and he won't need her ads either and someone else has paid double money for her ads space, she asks ljn to find out who paid double money for ads, she says she just hopes it isn't hs.

bh goes to see hs, she says hs should cancel the cause when she asked her nicely, hs says why and she smiles, bh says hs should stop when she asks her nicely, hs says it's bh who should stop and bh said truth stayed with the powerful and now how she feels about being exposed by powerless, bh says she fears no about the case and she just want a quiet space for the company, hs says she won't cancel the case and she likes to allow bh to see how truth is with ordinary people who live their life seriously, sj comes in with flowers and says it's from workers who said they would stand by hs who was bullied by bh, sj asks hs go out to a place he likes.

bh asks sh to ask hs  to cancel the case and she wants to know under what condition hs can cancel the case, he says he will.

ljn tells bh someone told the companies to stop work with tbs because it isn't a moral company, she says this someone's name is jennifer, hb wonders if she is that jennifer who wants to invest, ljn says the person who paid double money to put ads on the magazine is called jennifer too.

silly couple talks about someone got pregnant before getting married, they says it's good if the invitation card is from sj,

sj and hs...

sr looks at ldh's letter, jang calls her, sr returns the scarf to jang, sr tells jang bh lies and ldh was the kidnapper, jang says no wonder hs felt hurt so much when she saw the photo, sr says she can't do a thing to ldh because of hs and she is sad that hs won't call her mom because for hs ldh is her mom, she says she thanks ldh because she raised up hs well.

bh calls sr, sr says jennifer is at her house and bh can come, bh asks if jennier is that jennifer who stopped companies to do business with tbs, sr says bh can come to ask jennifer herslelf, bh asks why jn placed ads to the magazine, sr says jb won't cancel ads just because tbs cancelled it, ljn comes in with cooks and bills that's worth 45 billion won and says bh must get the invest, hb say she will.

hs shows up in sr's house and says she won't invest and she is that jennifer bh looked for, bh says hs lies and she should get lost and she can't win over her and eggs and stones.


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CS ep 115 Text Preview (fm official webpage)(translation from my limited hangul. no preview vid out yet)
Mrs Jang called WSJ, and accepted WSJ's apology. Mrs Jang also tells WSJ that EHS has one wish - that's for WSJ to live well wherever she may go. KBH's company, TBS' affairs are getting worse by the day. KBH is getting more anxious and knows that CSR is the only hope for funding left....
CR: CS Baidu  Original source: EHS/CJY actress' personal twitter
CR: CS Baidu  Original source: cr ig_im.merit

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My thoughts:

KBH is loosing it.. lets see what happens next now that she has again run off to harass HS. IF she dares to say she should be with her son again I would pick up something to smash her face in.  Crazy woman!!!

This is the start of the last week I wonder if SBS will continue to not do a preview.. aughhhhh

@LdyGmerm,  Thanks for the recap,  I'm still laughing at today's scene especially when Hs introduce herself as CSR daughter that shyt just rolled off BkH like she hadn't said nothing and the gall to go ask NjB for money to save her company as if he wouldn't know what she did I don't think BkH is dealing with a full deck I think she ask Sh to get back with Hs the and going to Mrs Jang house screaming like that the B-I-T-C-H is crazy for real.. I wonder will she kidnap Hs to try and get the money out of CsR

Also to @Jadecloud and @prettystone thanks fore you contribution past and present


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ep 115

bh can't believe hs is the same jennifer who cut off other companies's realtions with tbs, she says hs hasn't waken up, sr arrives and says bh should wake up instead, bh says it's scary since she is sr's only friend and sr shouldn't believe hs's lies an hs is mentally sick, sr says she lied and she wanted to destroy tsb and there's no overseas investor jennifer and bh must have spent lot of money and what about the huge the debt, bh says it's impossible and why sr treats her like this since sr is kind and she is her only friend, sr says so how a friend stabbed her at back and she will introduce her daughter to bh formally, hs says she is sr's daughter,  sr says so bh should know she is finished now.

bh says they dared to lie to her and they wanted to destroy tbs but she will overcome it because she is bh, ljn asks if she met jennifer and if she got the money, bh says when is the due date of the debt, ljn says next week and she has told others bh would get invest today, bh says she didn't and she was lied to and there isn't jennifer, ldj says so tbs will fall, bh says shut up and she will protect it, ljn says there isn't a way, bh says the only way is to get money from sr.

bh goes to see nan, nan says surprising she came to him, she says all companies stopped relations with tbs and jb is her only hope and he must help her, she says she is shameful but please he loads her money, he says she came to the wrong person because she had done bad things to sr/jn/hs, she denies it and he says she must think he is stupid, he asks his man to cut off connection with tbs and tbs must pay for the lose, bh wonders how to save tbs.

bh asks what hs told sr, hs says all of what bh did to her and the fake daughter, bh says so she will tell sr about fake mom and sr will kill her by herself, hs says whatever and bh is too late because she already told sr and bh has nothing left to threaten her, bh says hs must help her once and she was crazy so she treated hs a nice child so bad and she was wrong, she says hs must ask sr to loan her money or tbs will fall, hs asks why she must help bh, bh says they were like mom/daughter before, hs says what bh did to he and it wasn't like mom/daughter, bh says she is sorry and she will be grateful if hs helps her, hs says she won't think of being thanked for,  bh says hs must think she will fall, hs says she wants to see bh is destroyed in her hands, bh says she won't and she will hold on.

hs tells sr bh still thinks of how to get away, sr says bh hasn't known a bigger disaster waiting for her.

bh sends ljn to send flowers to sr and says she is sorry to her sincerely, she asks sh not to stop the china plan, he says they have no money to go on, she says she is trying to get money from sr and they can use debt notes and china plan is her dream and she won't give up, he says she must give up all either tbs or china plan, she says he can't say that since he is the boss of tbs and he must save it, he says it's his last love to tbs and she must give it up so the new boss will handle it, she says she won't allow others to have it and she will hold it and she will hand it to him, he says he has found a man to be the boss and he was never happy in his position and he has lost mom and brother and hs, she says she will find a way to save tbs.

jn asks sj where is hs, he asks her for tea, she says she won't because she still loves him and then she says it's just a joke and her love to him will be gone with 2014, she says he should grab firm on hs since hs is a nicer person, he says she should find a better man, she says she will and her man will be better than him, he says he is worried she will bully her better man and he hopes she won't be unhappy again.

jang calls ldh for talk,she says ldh is despicable, ldh says she wants to die too, jang says ldh can't die because she will curse her until she is 99 years told, she says but ldh raised hs well and hs said she can't forgive her but she thanks her for loving her, jang says they will protect hs well and ldh should stop feeling pain and she should live her own life well otherwise hs will be hurt, ldh says she will and she is leaving, jang says ldh should contact her after she settles down at her new place because hs will like to know how she lives, ldh says she won't and for happy life of hs ans sr she will vanish and leave nothing behind.

hs calls sh and says he left his notebook at her place, he says he left it there so he can use it as an excuse to see her again, he tells her he is ready to tell bh a thing, he recalls she told hs he had a plan to stop bh and she asked what it was.

ljn returns with flowers and she tells bh sr refused to see her, she asks what bh has done to sr and they can't find another investor other than sr, bh says shut up and what about issue debt notes, ljn says they can't' and how to do with the case and money they owe other companies, bh says don't worry and she will find a way and she will settle all, ljn asks what about the flowers, bh says throw it away, she texts to sr: all was her fault and she wants to apologize to sr face to face for her forgiveness so sr must allow her to see her.

sr deletes bh's text, she asks secretary to call back all invest money from tbs and all people of jb and ss club won't help tbs otherwise they will be punished seriously.

jn gives silly couple clothes for their kid, silly man wonders if jn ate wrong drugs, jn says she didn't and he says she must know who to read his mind or she was wrong with her head, she says she didn't and jang family is like her family and she just didn't know it before, she leaves and silly couple wonder what happened to her, silly woman says jn has a new sister hs and hs must have taught jn a lesson and she is happy the kid coat is expensive and she asks for her man for a gift, he says his gift is he is looking for a new shop for them and they wrestle.

bh finds a way to get money and it's her shares, she goes to ask sh to ask back her shares, he says he already gave it to hs and hs will use it to build a kid foundation, she says so he gave it to hs without her knowing, he says they must give up on tbs and ask for hs's forgiveness.

bh goes to grab hs.

preview: none.

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bh finds a way to get money and it's her shares, she goes to ask sh to ask back her shares, he says he already gave it to hs and hs will use it to build a kid foundation, she says so he gave it to hs without her knowing, he says they must give up on tbs and ask for hs's forgiveness.
@prettystone,  Thanks,
So this what she went to Mrs,Jangs house looking for Hs she's going to try to shake the stock out of Hs and if that don't work she will go after SR if SJ to use as leverage over Hs to gibe them up.. Also who would but stocks from a company about to go bankrupt.. 

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@prettystone thank you for taking time to translate for us.
@jadecloud thanks to you as well for translations and for the pics of the cast... so sad to know this is the last week for this drama.

I know we are all hoping that they end this drama on the right note and make sure KBH gets it for all she has done. I am hoping the writer continues the momentum they have going and the great writing to the end. I would hate to have 118 episodes of awesomeness end with episode 119 no making any daymn sense and failed to pull the entire drama together.

What truly amazes me is her non reaction to the fact that CSR knows what she did and that fake sorry she tried to give thinking that woman would just accept that and still give her funding. KBH is delusional in thinking what she did to that woman was not a big deal and the shamelessness as she continued knowing what she did to HS and said about her,  but yet still thinking she could get money from JB Group after his wife has outed her. Her ego has no boundaries. She still wants to get money from the very people she wronged and wants to be bigger than. She is truly grasping at straws trying to figure out a way to get money.  I am not sure HS knows yet that BSH has gifted her those shares. So BSH should not have told his mother that. He knows how utterly nuts the woman is and that she will not stop and blames all her issues on HS. She has tried in the past to hurt this woman why tell her that you gave her stocks to the very person she hates the most? Why give her something to completely tip over a already cracked egg????

KBH is going to do something to try to make HS give up shares (I doubt she may know she has) or will try to threaten her with something to try and get money or may kidnap her to try and get NJB and CSR to pay to give her money. Somebody's death is coming.  Who will it be, CSR?, BSH?, WSJ? or KBH?

KBH and WSJ need to go for me. BSH needs to just leave the company and the country and start over somewhere (perhaps finally with JYI) but whoever is about to die it will be due to KBH since she refuses to the very end to let go.

I am sure LJN has one more surprise for her. Have we seen anything related to that slush fund coming up with the prosecutor yet? I think not.....

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I thought she told her early that the prosecutor was looking into whether KBH had one under her name and KBH told LJN to make it so nothing leads back to her and LJN told her she had taken care of it. But I am sure LJN has made it so that everything leads back to KBH and she is truly caught in corporate mismanagement of funds and fraud.

One thing I hope is that LJN is not the one that ends up dying. I know she wants to go be with BKH but I would hate to see her character die. I want to see her start over and live her life still close to HS and perhaps taking over TB.

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Ldy Gmerm..you're are awesome.  I agree with you about KBH being shameless.  She is desperate and desperation has no limits.  BSH telling his crazy mother about his shares being given to HS was priceless.  For him, it was the least he could do for HS to try and make up for all the deceit.  I think him telling KBH is way of hurting her for everything she did to HS..  Like KBH, I believe BSH is trying hard to find a way to make it right to HS and hopefully open the door a little for them to be together.  We know that shipped sailed but he won't give up if there is a sliver of a chance. 

And JN, was it really necessary to remind SJ that she still loves him but will end it at the end of 2014??? Who does that???  I guess everyone needs closure but enough already. 

Anyway, just wanted to say THANK YOU TO EVERYONE that spends countless hours recapping for all of us.  Your efforts and time is greatly appreciated! Sending everyone best wishes and good health for a New Year.  

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I think it will be SH he talks of leaving with his dying Wsj just talks dying but hasn't made no effort to leave she's been packing since last week and it's not like she has to move furniture.. Maybe they both die.. I know that bkh hates hs with a passion she will go nuts when the poor blood girl beat her at her on game..  :))

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ep 116

bh asks hs to return her shares and it was stolen by sh, hs says she won't and she will use it for a foundation for charity, bh says she got the shares for years of hard work, hs says it was years for bh to bully others including workers and other companies, she says also she doesn't have it because it is dirty and bh has to find it by herself if she wants it back.

bh says sh lied to her and gave her shares to hs and she goes to step on hs's photo and says it's all hs's fault, sh says it's mom's fault instead and he will use the shares for good, she says he isn't her son and he is the most despicable.

hs is moving out of jang family, jang is happy for hs going back to sr, she tells hs she met fake mom and says hs should go to see ldh for goodbye, hs says she won't because she isn't confident to see her again.

bh says hs didn't lie and she didn't have her shares because she hates tbs the most, she asks ljn to find out who's the biggest shareholder because he/she must have just got her shares, she also wants to sign contracts with companies with better condition than jb.

sh says bh shouldn't feel pity because he would inherit the shares from her and he would do the same thing at the end, bh says the company can run by others but she can't lose her shares.

ljn tells bh nobody from other companies will come because sr has warned them not to do business with bh, bh says so sr isn't stupid as she thought and sr can use a knife too and she must get her shares back first.

bh says sorry to sr, sr says bh dares to come to her after what she did to hs and she must think she can lie to her again, bh says all right she is disappointed with sr too and she will die if she lose tbs, sr says so go to die and if bh wants her to punish her son, bh says hs got her shares and she can't fall further and she feels hurt, sr says she will hurt bh further and bh's hurt isn't nothing compared to hs's and either bh gets lost or she will get someone to kick her out, bh says sorry and sr must help tbs, sr says such a fake person and she call her secretary to call guards to draw bh out and to cancel bh from club's vip list and bh isn't allowed to come again, hb looks at sr at door with hated.

hb goes to ldh and says she must get her shares back from hs otherwise she will kill hs.

sh is drunk, hs returns the notebook to him, he says so he won't have an excuse to see her again, he says he wants to live on but he must have her and he just wants to leave and now he understands why his brother wanted to leave home with ljn, he asks if she can leave with her and he won't lie to her again and he will be honest with her living with her and she should consider it and she doesn't have to answer him right now so he can still dream of how he will live with her in the future.

hs tells sr sh gave her shares for a foundation, sr says so bh must be crazy for being betrayed by her son, hs says he felt hurt because bh is his mom but he has to stop her to become a bigger monster, hs says she hasn't shares.

bh wonders where is the shares, hs calls her and says she must be hurry because she needs it to pay back debts, bh says she always got what she wanted by all means, she says she fed a person bc drugs and she wanted to have an heir but she failed and lost her son because of that person and that's enough for her to kill that person but now that person wants to destroy tbs that's her life, she say so stop provoke her and hs had done enough, hs says bh is still selfish and she never provoked her and it's bh who made her fall then stopped her from rising again and it's time for hb to fall, bh says she will get shares back, bh says good and she likes to see bh trying and she will do things to destroy bh.

silly man tells sj jang is preparing a party for hs, he says sj should get married with a woman he can't live without and sj should proceed since sr had told him before, sj says it's enough for him to like her and by liking her he learned to like the world and himself and he is grateful, jang and silly woman come and say they will have a warm dinner.

jn says hs's room is better than hers, dad says she is jealousy, she says not and she chose curtain and furniture with mom, sr says hs will come after the party.

 ldh says hb only has hated left and hs must be careful and she is worried about hs, she says hs can't get ill and she must be healthy and happy.

bh asks if ljn found who's the biggest shareholder, ljn says more important than that and the prosecutors found out bh has double accounting book and they will search her house and company and bh must hide it well, bh comes home to get it out, ljn arrives and says prosecutors are coming, bh gives it to ljn and asks her to give it to a choi guy, later ljn calls bh and says choi has hided it well, ljn gives it to hs,  she gives it to hs, hs says finally she got it.

preview: none.

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I'm so waiting for todays episode because CSR is going to tell BkH if something is really wrong with her daughter she will never forgive her.. The motorcycle guy is the same one that took her purse the first time it was snatch.. BkH pulling this got her name written all over it I hope it was only some blank pieces of papers BkH still committing crimes against Hs now what Sh will do with his loco mom..   

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Happy 2015 everyone!
I'm so going to miss CS. A very nice daily drama. If it had an evening timeslot, I'm sure the ratings will really hit the roof.
Our leading actress won at the SBS Drama awards last night - Excellence Award for Long Dramas, and looking so pretty in pink...


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aidaladida said: Happy 2015 everyone!
I'm so going to miss CS. A very nice daily drama. If it had an evening timeslot, I'm sure the ratings will really hit the roof.
Our leading actress won at the SBS Drama awards last night - Excellence Award for Long Dramas, and looking so pretty in pink...


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