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[OFFICIAL] ♔ MinShin (Lee Min Ho ❤ Park Shin Hye) ♔ - Thread 2


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Guest twinks1872

Hello everyone!
Been silent the past week bcuz like everybody else I have been sad. But I so agree with my co- minshin shippers... all is not lost! There will always be a time where everyone must grow individually. I guess, now is the best time for these two darlings to spread their wings. If when that time comes that they realize that they want to be together, nothing can stop them. What's meant to be, will find it's way back home. I believe in this, bcuz there is love and friendship that connects them. Just look at the BTS of The Heirs. Eyes never tell a lie, their shared laughter will always be part of who they are. No man or woman can ever erase that moments they shared. That will always be kept in their respective memories.
Time to move on for now. Let's just pray for their respective happiness.

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 beautiful parkshinhye will always astonish  me whenever i see her.the brilliant smile and laughter she always wore everytime she's happy and giddy makes me like to hug her tightly. she has a lot of aegyo that a person will melt whenever they see her.and this lovely woman will forever captivates us. i'm constantly very proud to be one of your devotee fan...

credit to DC and jenzzy tan
Thank you graphics
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For the longest time, Minshin thread has been filled with love for our OTP... We have all anticipated that one day, dispatch will catch them together, or they will profess their feelings for each other... When the news came out, its a natural feeling that we are sad, disappointed, some are frustrated and even abandoned this ship... But since i joined this group, its always filled with mutual respect for everyone's feeling, pov, and even for other shippers... that makes this group special and its worth to stay... We still wish for a happy ending for them... But if others are still hurt, let them heal... If others have move on, then its good... But i hope we don't dictate what we ought to feel... We love PSH and in loving her we learned to love also LMH just as much... But reality check, they were apart right now... On the fanfics that we write, this may be one of the challenges that need to hurdle... This is MINSHIN thread so ultimately we want them to be together.. Just my two cents...

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Guest mz_jhoi

Has anyone taking note of this....when he was dating PMY they got caught and broke up...then when he was dating our BG they never got caught..just speculations and now he is dating suzy then again they got caught..so whats gonna happen...something in my guts just tells me that BG & BB are meant to be since they never got caught....isn't it

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Well this week was a test for us all. However we knew that things could have gone differently from what we hoped for and although it did, I want us to remember our promise guys. We said we would continue to love them both and wish them well with whoever they chose. Now is the time to fulfill that promise.
I know it's hard but we have to so we can once again appreciate these two individuals as we did before everything happened.
I am so addicted to this thread and want to continue learning more about these two stars even if they aren't together. Here we can say we have two big and great stars to shared and appreciate their work.So minshinners please hung in there and you never know what the future holds, right?

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I'm sorry, but i think i need to say something. This might be off topic but i really need to say this. I knew, some of people out there who visiting this thread might be think that we minshinners lived in a dream. Some of them called us delusional and ask us to live in reality since the dating news came out. I'm aware. But as you know, we as minshinners have stayed together and connected through this thread almost 2years. Yes, we are hurt, we are depressed, we broken, bleeding because they didnt end up together. But what do you expect us to do? It's not easy to move on. I give a high respect to those who already move on. You guys can call us whatever do you want, but please respect each other feelings. But as long there is a hope, we just hoping for the best to our couple min and shin. You cant never predict the future and the power of god. 
 As some people say, we put psh in a bad position to which people even look down to her. No, we didnt! We even proud of her. She is brave, a smart girl and i knew she is strong. It just us, our heart not ready to move on. So please, let us, the rest minshinners who stay together through out this 2 years continue to spazzing. There is nothing wrong with it. We spazzing as lmh and psh also as kim tan and cha eun sang. I'm sorry for my long post. Dont hate me. I just need to say what i feel. No hate. Hugs >:D<

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Annyeong Chingus! It's been a awhile. I have been MIA for so long. Mianhe . I am still mending a broken heart like many of you. I really like the words of KitKat on her blog and I do not want to plagiarize what she said. Just like in the song "there's no easy way to break somebody's heart" . First of all , I would like to express my disappointment to some who are pretending to be "MINSHINNERs" here in this thread. We know who you are. From the start, I have never liked your posts and I know that you have been trolling this thread for quite sometime waiting for the BOMB so you can make your moves ... I must say that you cannot sink this ship . What's in it to you if we are delusional ? Do you have a problem if we fantasize? What's wrong if we really have that FAITH ? There were so many things , interviews, incidents which led us to believe that something really good happened between LMH and PSH. I am not going to enumerate these things because MINSHINNERs are aware of these. It was really a good trip for all of us , and I must say I will keep on sailing. Why ? Because I really wish for the two of them to end up with each other. Hopeful ? Super!!! Don't get me wrong, I am happy that my BB is finally happy and he found the love of his life. I am happy that he is sincere and I must say the girl is so lucky meeting his beloved Omma and Noona . I am happy that BB, being the LMH that I have followed for 6 years is still showing his sincerity and honesty in everything he does. You can actually make a story in every picture of him that you get to grab on the internet. His expression , the way he carries himself in front the camera is self-telling and I have always adored him for being like that. And as for BG, which I have come to love and adore, she is getting beautiful everyday and I have come to follow her too and watched her other works as well . They are so PERFECT for each other and I must say I will continue to ship this couple even if they will not end up with each other , just like I shipped Rachel Mc Adams and Ryan Gosling of the Notebook. Second , I say this for the "visiting Minoz here in this thread (we know who you are ) do not be fooled with "Great Pretenders" who keep on posting negative vibes on this thread. Do not bash MINSHINNERs because the true ones who stayed to sail on this ship for the longest time do not bash LMH. Do not generalize and post to other thread that the people here are bashing our BB. Some of us are still grieving. Acceptance of a painful truth is hard to make into a reality. You go into process of denial, healing and acceptance . Third, to Starlight Angels who have come to love our LMH... from the bottom of my heart, thank you very much. The love you showered him is priceless and my respect to all of you is beyond words. Fourth, to our writers .... I know how you feel because after all "we are on the same boat"...but if you manage to recover please do not stop writing . We can always change their names from LMH & PSH to KT and CES right? After all, we have love them first as KT and ES. Fifth , to the grieving MINSHINNERs , please do not bash the real couple here and please do not spread negativity. In as much as we want Crown Couple to be happy in their "real lives" even if we are "not so happy about their happiness" let them be (even if we have to be honest on what's on our hearts right now please don't stop loving both of them just because they didn't choose to be together ). They are after all , just like us. To LMH and PSH , we wish you all the best in life and more success to both of you . Keep on reaching for the dreams you have wished for and We LOVE YOU . To all my co-passengers of this ship - Saranghae and you are all Daebak . All aboard!

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Thank you @minholady , you've got what I wanna say. I love these thread very much, I love all the true minshinners here and all the minshin fanfic writers. Without my consciousness, you have been being part of life, you all have been one of my source happiness. If only the news never broke out, maybe all the great things and the fun thing here would still the same. I miss those moment when you joke around and being delusional abt our couple. I miss waiting for the fanfic update everyday, I miss consoling each other moment when one got too emotional abt the news that shake our ship. I miss them a lot. among all minho shipper thread, I found tht this thread is the most rational one, the mature one, the fun one, the cool one. This thread is so awesome, and I choose to stay here. I hope tht there are some minshinners here like @faidaris , @stucked , @minholady , etc still updating here. Thank you all for the past 2 years, thank you very much >:D< >:D< >:D< *so sorry for my english. It's so bad, thats why I tend to be silent reader X_X X_X X_X

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Guys, do keep in mind to support Min & Shin in their respective project/cf/fm. Their individual talent makes them an awesome person. As for me, I still won't leave this ship. I always look forward for Min & Shin of their own happiness and I do respect Min's decision regarding his personal life because it gives him happiness at this point in time.  Let's just avoid bashing and saying something inappropriate so not to offend others. 
As for those who lurks in this thread have the decency to post something positive or if much better to keep mum about what you've read or seen here. This is our own Minshin little world, so that gives us the right to be delusional, feel giddy, to be a keen observer, feel hurt and broken & to say everything we wanna say about our OTP in a more positive way.

Minshinners let's take one step at a time...jik jin!!!!!! :-*

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Guest maudy04

Ssinz7 IG update 28.03.15Rough Translation;2015 Dreanofangel# in Shanghai# just 5 min before the fan meeting will start# bb Cushion We will spent time together tonight#
She looks beautiful .....Instagram media by psh_parkshinhyestarlightangel - Park Shin Hye's Instagram Update 2015.03.28  regram @ssinz7 #2015Dreamofangel #inShanghai #시작5분전 마무리는 역시 #mamonde #bb쿠션 우리 다같이 즐거운 시간 보내요❤️</p></div></body></html>

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Guest TessB

aaaaahhhhh.... these flies on the wall who keep on disturbing Minshin thread... we know you are CUTE and wants to keep pouring scattered RAIN here and there in our already drenched hearts :-L :^o ... we appreciate and thankful for your "Concerns" ... =D> :-?? but really... we can manage \m/ ... all we want right now is for all the trolls to just ......BACK OFF ... KEEP OFF THIS THREAD... Please ... [-O< [-O< ... we are all adults here who know how to deal, manage our own individual feelings without supervisions or guidance from you children... THANK YOU :-h :-h

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Let's remember to keep this thread civil and fun for all MinShin shippers. Do not come in here with the intention of creating conflicts and/or fanwars between members. This is a second reminder in just as many pages. Any repeat offenders WILL get a warning if your actions continue.

Let's keep this thread happy and peaceful by supporting the individual actor and actress while keeping in mind all of the wonderful memories you have created with fellow MinShin shippers.

No one knows what the future will bring. Stay strong, MinShinners.

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Guest itybittykitty

Babygirl is a proud MinShinner till the end too!!!...MinShinner's fighting!!!!!...No need to give up on our Dreams!!!

Dream of Angel FM in Shanghai!!! EunSang and KimTan 4ever!!!


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