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[OFFICIAL] ♔ MinShin (Lee Min Ho ❤ Park Shin Hye) ♔ - Thread 2


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Hello long time no see MinShin!!  Sorry for my absence but I was on vacation and also had family visiting.  I tried to post from my phone several times but had some problems. I was debating last night whether to post about the voting but after reading the post by @zinnia this morning, I would like to share my opinion as well.  And please I hope everyone will respect my decision as well as those of K-Minoz and now it seems of those of @PSH_Supporters. 

Several years ago, I too participated in these polls.  Mind you, this was my 1st time voting and it was exciting to vote for your favorite artist. There was a big group of us, just like here, that voted constantly. But during that process, there would be voting trends that just did not seem make to any sense.  To counter that, someone found a way to make multiple accounts so we could vote multiple times.  At first, I didn't think much of it, but at the same time, I felt that wasn't right either.  In the end, we didn't win.  But it wasn't the fact that we lost that made me re-think of these polls.  It was the way I felt the polls were manipulated somehow and that would cause people to start accusing other fandoms of "cheating".  But I don't think that's what happened.  I don't have any evidence per say and this is strictly my opinion.  But at the end of it, I just felt the winner had already been predetermined by the person's attendence.  Of the nominees, only that 1 person was confirmed to attend and it was that person who won.  From then on, I had decided not to participate in these polls.

I hope you can respect my decision and maybe understand a little why I don't participate.  I believe these are probably similar reasons why some K-Minoz and PSH_Supporters have decided to boycott the polls as well.  I had not share this with you all before, but when I started reading some posts last night that seemed to have some misunderstandings between fandoms, I felt uneasy.  I don't want MinShin having doubts about Minoz or SA or even other fandoms causing rifts because of these polls.  Last we want to do is "accuse" anyone of something that we don't have any control of.  Please don't take to heart the outcomes of these polls.  As @ravairie have posted, MinShin are already winners!!   Let's keep spreading their happiness and love with each other!!   :x

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Just to share.

DC PSH is boycotting the Nate vote.


DC PSH is saying that as it is boycotting SIDA Nate vote, there'd be no further post to promote voting. Individual SAs can continue to vote, but there'd be no further post in DC PSH to promote voting for Nate SIDA. And also @PSH_Supporters expressed that it'll boycott the Nate vote.

Be aware that it's not all K-SAs, boycotting the SIDA Nate vote. But (significant) part of K-SAs are boycotting the Nate vote.

While boycotting the Nate vote, DC PSH will do raise issues to Nate & SIDA committee about the Nate vote - Nate & SIDA committee haven't answered clearly on what was going on during 4~5 hours in Jul 27 where Nate SIDA vote site was inaccessible but there's huge change in % of votes for all actor/actress/OST categories.

There's split opinion about whether to continue voting in Nate or not - but dominant opinion was to quit voting in Nate to send alarms to Nate & SIDA committee.

In short, individual SAs can continue to vote, but there'd be no further post in DC PSH to promote voting for Nate SIDA as it boycotts the Nate vote.


Personally, it's sad to hear that DC PSH is boycotting the Nate SIDA vote but I do understand that DC PSH is trying to send message to SIDA that DC PSH doesn't want to be engaged any more in the unreliable and unclear vote system.

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Guest meridian

I'm relieved to know that decision from both K-minoz and K-SA in dc, and I'm happy that K-minoz are also concerned about SA and MinShinners' feelings :) Thank you! ^^ This means a lot to us.

And despite all these frustrating fishy things, our love and support for MinShin as a couple, and Min & Shin as individual still the same. Actually this makes us stronger, and if we think positively, this makes Minoz and SA and MinShinners get closer and have chance to express thoughts/concerns somehow lol
If that 'invisible hands' want to tear us apart, I think you failed. Next time please spend your money more wisely, okay? :D

For me now, winning this SIDA poll isn't important anymore (but I'll still vote until it ends especially in Soompi). We still believe that MinShin is real and this ship is still sailing smoothly. We might not see MinShin together on stage this time, but I strongly believe that MinShin still have pleasant relationship and are happy. We can wait until the right time. I don't mind waiting and I believe the future of MinShin is worth waiting for us. And who knows, we still have SIDA Soompi with 50% vote + 50% judge, right? If miracle happens, we might see MinShin together lol but I'm not expecting much. Anyway, MinShin Jik Jin!

ps. I like this quote


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I love MinShin.....I am this thread 1 and 2 because I love minho oppa and shinhye....I belive minshin is really over 300% :x all  moment of minshin....it's real...even K-minoz and K-SA in DC will boycotte poll of SIDA....I understand...because I feel in this poll too but I 'll still vote continute until 3 august....but I notice front page in Nate like will promote that Kdrama more no have pic our couple....the heirs popular too in 2013 whatever I will vote continute ......I always belive power minoz+ starlight angels=minshinners.....minshin'family jikjin \m/ fighting :)>-

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Guest maudy04

I'm shock :-?? :-?? to read all the comments about the boycotte of polls,like and dislike LMH or PSH why......oooohhhhh.....why... ~X( ~X( . We are thiers fans and fans should support them in any way.... :-B :-B :-B we can not controle thier lives you know, if this two people are realyyyyy .....realyyyyy in love with each other let them be :x :x . My point is if like them support and vote for them and if you don't like it ........don't support or vote thank you and :)>- :)>- . Shippers sails...... and vote for our KING and QUEEN.... :!! :!! Still 4 days to go make the best of it guys...... :| :|

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Guest MichikoS

Sorry in advance about my opinion...
Honestly I had to start all doubts with this poll and I also have anxiety will occur as polls GOA. So from the beginning I decided not to follow this poll...
But not that means I do not support them . For me now the poll results are not important after learning from the previous poll. It is more important to me is still supporting Minshin by dividing much more love, sincerity, support, and warmth of heart that has given Minshin for all the people who love them. And keep
waiting for the moment when their were holding hands on stage at the right time and the right place. With or without polling THEY ARE A WINNER FOR ME (especially their love and heart)...
Let us continue to support each other and share a lot of happiness... Because,now our MINSHIN is HAPPINESS too..
Himne... Minoz, SAs and MinShiners... !!!

:) :\"> :D

ps : It's just my opinion and sorry for the long post..

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Guest minshin02

Like I did mention before there is something's wrong with this poll, I'm very respectful with Kminoz and KSA' s decisions, but I still vote for our bbs till the deadline to express my love for our bbs and to show that our bbs's voting number is based on people love and value them not by cheating stuffs. The poll is not saying much on how talented our bbs are ( and of course we're happy if they win); we minshiners, Minozs and starlight angels love them just because who they are and how talented and sweet they are in our mind. So no mater they win or not, we're still happy because they're always the winners in our heart everyday :x <:-P

Edit: lol and one more thing: it seems like soompi heard our complaint about no article about The Heirs, today they posted an article about The Heirs, how ridiculous it is, I'm not happy a lot about their act ( well you know right, its much better if you did it willing before someone complaint about if, right?) but at least they did it, and thank them for being fair based on theory but I'm not sure about their practice :-?? :-\" 8->

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Guest ط§ظ„ظ…ط§ط±ط¯ط§ظ„ط¬ظ†ظˆط¨ظٹ

@CarolA said

Let's push away the negativity chilax here's another magazines for us


its really cover magazine chingu please answer me its new cover????????

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@byul2014: I agree with your input. Once I know KSH is going to attend the event, I have a feeling and understand why LMH's votes move very slowly. Because they probably would like to save the prizes for KSH. Otherwise, what is the point KSH going to the event with the empty hands back? Don't forget KSH is also as busy as LMH in Asia as well.

Eventhough the chance for them to win is very slim, but as a PSH fan and Minshin shipper, I am still voting for PSH and also her oppa, LMH because I want to show them my support. Besides, personally, I don't want PSH and LMH's names appear at the bottom list of all candidates. I want to show other fandom that PSH and LMH are real Hallyu King and Queen.


I actually doubt the rumor that KSH's attendance to SIDA is confirmed. I suspect that someone started the rumor, by leveraging SIDA committee comment that award can be cancelled if the poll winner won't attend, to discourage other fandom to vote.

Am I too addicted to conspiracy theory? ;)

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Guest itybittykitty

Diana GraceR said: OMO @itybittykitty, the picture you posted that was from ABS-CBN, Min Ho seems texting right but who could he be texting when Shin Hye seems to be seated on the next table infront right? Well, I have seen it on the farewell party that they are seated on different tables.. Could it be they are texting each other during the party??? OMO! OMO! (delulu mode ON).. Thank you for posting that one.. :) By the way chingu, are you from the Philippines? 'Coz I am too.. Just saying..
MINSHINNERZ don't lose hope.. Keep Voting for our uri OTP.. We can still make it.. A lot can happen in a day.. Miracles do happen.. Let's keep our OPTIMISM.. No matter what will happen its for the common good.. We just have to keep trying our best.. It's not really the poll that count much but its our heart that matters.. We love them either respectively or as one.. Win or Lose, we poured our hearts out.. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE TIL THE END SA + MINOZ + MINSHINNERZ!!!! 
Fighting everyone.. We can still make it.. Its not bad to HOPE so keep that fire burning inside.. Let's just not expect much.. Let's do our talk and move forward.. I love you all. Chingus.. #I300%LoveMINSHIN #SupportandVoteTilTheEnd \m/ \m/ \m/ :!! \m/ :-bd :-bd :-bd :-bd

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Guest TessB

AISSHHHHHHH..... These Polls...... WHY ARE YOU ALL MAKING US FANS GO CRAZY????? Wae, Wae, Wae????????? :-/ :-/ :-O :-O ~X( ~X( ~X(
We Minshinners just want Minshin to be together in a CF, pictorials, or maybe another drama if those are possible...... we do not want this in their FMs... we want them to be together for real, side-by-side, not behind each other on a big back screen every time they do their individual FMs... 
Photo: MinShin Behind Each Other's Back -- And We Got Their Backs!  FORWARD MINSHINERZ !!  ctto  - Admin Syd

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Guest TessB

just for pun Part I .... because I'm stressed right now..... blaming it to these Polls.....
Minshinners do not want our Uri Shinhye to be doing this in her FM and see our Uri Minho to be wearing this ...... really.....really....

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Guest TessB

Just for pun Part II..........
Minshinners do not want Shinhye to be doing this on her FM
OR Minho to be doing this in his CF.......



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