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♥Quack Couple♥Park Hoon(Lee Jong Suk) & Oh Soo Hyun(Kang So Ra)♥(Sora mentions LeeJong Suk-p385)


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Hoon: Yah Dolpari!! How come you got mentioned in The Hollywood Reporter while I'm not? :-/
(as much as you're shocked Hoon, I am shocked too @-)
Hyun: Well, I guess who's the Goddess now? >:) :>

Korean actress Kang So-ra walks the red carpet at the opening night gala of the BIFF. The rising screen star goes a touch gothic in flowing black and silver ring with red rose by The Hollywood Reporter, THR
LJS cre: cloudfront.net via soompi

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(slightly altered than the weibo trans)

** Please note that the reporter who responsible for this Q&A was struggling to understand your English questions. In the article, she quoted that 'she's having a fight with English' so she might edit your questions slightly different according to her interpretation. ;)

Q: Are you satisfied with 'Dr. Stranger'?

KSR: There are several things that I'm satisfied with more than I expected and there's also a certain thing that I'm dissatisfied with. I think my character stood out in that drama and it wasn't a common character but a unique character instead. If there's the part that I feel discontented with is that, I personally wish that I could show more of Oh Soo Hyun's image/persona as doctor. I felt a little bit wistful about that.

Q: You received many favorable reviews for your emotion-filled acting and was it difficult to act out the parts where you need to shed tears? And which emotional scene was the hardest for you to express the required feeling?

KSR: I didn't feel burden to act out the parts where I need to shed tears. It's because I tried not to think that certain parts or scenes are different and special than the others. Because the scene is very very emotional, you could go in the wrong direction and you may not be able to have empathy with the character you play. But it was fortunate that the character managed to gain sympathy from the audience.

Q: What was the most difficult scene in filming for 'Doctor Stranger'?

KSR: Generally, all scenes are physically hard. But acting-wise, if Oh Soo Hyun was having a hard time, I was having hard time too and when she was happy, I felt happy too. My mood and feeling was usually influenced by Oh Soo Hyun character. I'm worried if this will continue for a long time. And since the drama has ended, I think I should take a trip somewhere to refresh & recharge myself.

Q: If you have to choose between Lee Jong Suk and Park Hae Jin?

KSR: Neither of them. (She said this unhesitatingly) Both are too extreme (in terms of personality). As a woman, I think both of them are a difficult partner to deal with. I won't even recommend my friend to date them. Because (personality-wise) they have no 'moderation', I think it would be hard and tiring to deal with such men. (**Hmm... I think she referred to Lee Jong Suk's and Park Hae Jin's characters in the drama here..Don't you think??)

Q: Among the actors in Korea, which actor has the criteria that close to your ideal type the most?

KSR: I don't have anyone in particular and I don't care much about looks. I have no specific thoughts that I have to meet a certain type of guy. (She was silent for a moment) Ah! I just remember now. It is Sung Si Kyung who hosts the talk show 'Witch'Hunt'. I think he has a mesmerizing charm. Or maybe it is called a 'twist appeal' (**could also mean 'more than meets the eyes' charm)? (To possess such a charm) He really is a ballader (ballad songs writer) indeed.

Q: Among all movies and dramas that you had starred in until now, which one of them that you want to work in again and why?

KSR: None. (She also said this unhesitatingly). There's no word 'again' for me. I don't think I could do it. I just don't have the confidence to do so.

Q: Among the character that you've played so far, which one is the closest to your own character and personality?

KSR: There's nothing that is so similar to my own character. Not yet. All characters are pretty much the same. So far, there's no character that resembles me the most.

Q: What is the saddest thing that you've had experienced in your life?

KSR: I'll try to forget about the sad things as much as possible. I don't think I've ever experienced such a sad incidence/case in my life. I don't have any family member that passed away... Just that in the past, I used to be bullied during my elementary school years. At that time, I was just moved to another school... I think it might be because of my introverted personality that made people misunderstood me so much.

Q: Do you miss the time when you were on 'We Got Married'?

KSR: My big regret then was that, I thought it was such a pity that MBC strike happened for a long time. If the strike period never happened, it would be much more fun... After the strike ended, my time on 'We Got Married' was shortened so I have regrets about it. 'We Got Married' was my first variety show, you know.

Q: Do you keep in touch with Leeteuk?

KSR: I do keep in touch with Leeteuk. If there's a call coming from Oppa... since he's already discharged, I should have a meal with him at least once right?

Q: Between drama and movie, which one do you prefer?

KSR: At first, I thought I prefer movie. But after I actually did a few dramas myself, I found that it didn't go over the extreme situation that I thought I'll be facing while working in a drama. So I feel that I do like drama too. Especially because I could receive real-time feedback and support... I like the fact that drama has to be done at once without delay (due to its live shooting system). But if a movie is delayed and if I cannot control the laid-back/relaxing mood that I'm feeling, I think it can also turn into idleness/laziness. And I'm gonna get (undesirable) time to return back to myself.

Q: What are the most important things that you put into consideration when choosing any project to work on?

KSR: First, the script has to be good. Next, the character, the director and the writer. Ah.. the co-actors as well.

Q: What if you're offered to star in a project that has pretty good script but you're required to do extreme bed scene. Will you do it or will you give up?

KSR: I have no aversion about it. The problem here is whether I'll be able to handle it or not. There's a possibility that only the bed scene part will be edited out and it will spread via online. I need to ask my parents... or assuming if I have my loved one, I need to ask him about it too. Whether I'll be able to bear and handle any consequences that come from people around me, I think that's the issue here for me. I have to consider all these things besides having to be mentally prepared to show everything in front of the camera. People who do revealing acting performance must be someone with strong mentality & guts and yeah, I think they're really cool.

Q: What is the convenience and the inconvenience of being an actress?

KSR: I think the convenience of being an actress is that, it is a job that makes one's life worthwhile. If I must say it, perhaps it is a job that people should try to do at least once in their lifetime? Even if I go to the similar career path (do any other job within entertainment field), I don't think that I would find any inconvenient things about it. I just couldn't feel any discomforts about it. To me, acting is a profession and due to that my face need to be exposed on TV. It's just part of doing a job to me. But still, if there's one inconvenient thing of being an actress, that would be the opposite extreme situations that come and go. What I'm referring here is the time gap between the period when I need to work and the period when I get to rest. It feels like as if I'm in a romantic relationship with someone but I feel so alone as if I've already broken up. I found that a little bit difficult.

Q: What is your reason for choosing 'Misaeng' as your next project? And what is your preparation to work in that drama?

KSR: When I was filming for my previous drama 'Ugly Alert', I've watched a lot of webtoons during my overnight shooting. I found that webtoon is interesting to watch so that's why I agree to do it. The character I'll be playing in 'Misaeng' is a character of someone who is dull and spiritless. (Laughs) I also found the script was interesting. The preparation isn't anywhere near done but I'm preparing for it little by little.

Q: What is your biggest dream as a person named Kang Sora?

KSR: I want to love properly (love in a real & satisfactory way). Either in reality.. or in a drama or movie.. To go in the right direction as an actress, I wish I would be an actress that would still be able to face unpredictability that may come along the way. I don't want to limit myself. (**In other words, she wants to be a versatile actress that is not limited in certain area).

** Source: http://sbsfune.sbs.co.kr/news/news_content.jsp?article_id=E10005593707
** Translate by: Hiedi/@nhb19
** Take out with proper credit

*Thank you Heidi :-*

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@angels_natdylax05 even i properly ready for them if they want to get married soon :X

My wish list on the top page for sixth times
Dear God, please make our Hoon and Hyunnie reunited again or making them dating so untie @RaniaZeid will not flip the table because his sukkie already sold out.
Then, make Choi Young Do comes to my dorm in Sapporo and we become a closed friend ( or even more)
Bless my fellow quakers in this thread God
and also, please let the copycat becomes agony in next time God.

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Guest aya52893

See? >:D

What did I told you? :)]

Those NYC friends are jjang ^:)^

And with that, finally we can start my Gossip Girl Quack in NYC...  :-bd


Hahaha. Chuck will be Hoon? AND Blaire will be Soo Hyun? :D

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Remember about the vampire rom-com?
If we about to re-write the drama and turn it into another genre, I'm imagining these :))

*Plus some byeontae scenes /:)

Hoon's shower scene  :\"> rhjq61.jpg

Hoon and Quack checking their heartbeat scene

Additional scene: Hyun and ChangYi fighting over Hoon :)) :))

*This excerpt is purely fictional imagination based on webtoon Untouchable from LINE
credit to rightful owner masstar
All rights reserved


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