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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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Lol stired up a bee didn't i? Hj spoke what was on her heart her marriage was going under and her husband has not been around. Just because a person gets drunk don't mean they are automatically going to sound like Peter Griffin when he is wasted with slurred speach...some drunks sound as fine as you or anyone else in speech its just they speak whats deep down which in hj its the assumption that sh slept with sy.
Btw i am not saying anything about skipping out on responsibilty...hj may have offered.....sh accepted his offer!
We just agree to disagree.

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Guest adikkeluangman

News article on Lee Jung Shin and Kim So Young
Start bickering.BuSL83HCYAE9axI.jpg

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@Triton823."Btw i am not saying anything about skipping out on responsibilty...hj may have offered.....sh accepted his offer!"
The fact that HJ is the one making the offer means she has already accepted the offer! - in other words she's no better than SH accepting the offer from SY (which you seem to imply).... 
In your post before you wrote as if HJ had no responsibility of what she was saying because of her being drunk...

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Guest ocpanda

Drunk or not HJ still made that decision. You know that decision was premeditated by her. Her goal was to inflict as much pain and humiliation as possible to SH. I understand that when someone is mad, they often loose their head. In this case Alcohol only accelerates and intensifies one's feeling of Hatred. So you can't try to spin it in a good light for HJ, it won't work. Remember lots of people could be mad, very mad. But not everyone will offer to sell themselves. I guess her mentality was "if I can't beat them, I will join them". At that point of no return, she can't claimed herself victim any longer. It's fair game now.
Also, your statement about "her husband not by her side", I think you know fully well who asked for that (separation) hence casting SH like the guy who abandons his Poor Pitiful Victimized wife is truly not fair. However, given your weakness for HJ, I do understand why you are rooting for her. Let see how long it will last.

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Guest SherryJ

@bacom and @maddymappo

Thanks for the info on other dramas. It is still a rare scenario though. As you mentioned some seem to just start it but not follow through with it and some others do it out of current marital situation.

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@Triton823 "Hj spoke what was on her heart her marriage was going under and her husband has not been around."
SH hasn't been around because she, HJ doesn't/didn't want him around just saying... And her marriage is going under because she refuses to even talk about the problems in their marriage with her husband. She'll talk to everyone else [ her passive aggressive snide little comments around her family, MW who she literately just met pls  ] about her marriage except her husband. She makes no sense to me. You can't fix a broken mirror if one half refuses to pick up some of the pieces. Time/space which she asked fodoesn't necessarily heal all wounds, it only allow it to fester. How can someone know how to make something better if you won't even talk to them? I feel like she expected SH to be a mind reader and she's mad he isn't a mind reader.  She's always the victim in her mind, and I simply just don't see it. She acts like they've been married for 10 minutes rather than 1years.

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@triton823 ~ words are very powerful and unfortunately, one can't take them back. so whether we say them in the heat of anger or whether we say it when drunk, once they are out, the words can take a life of its own. we can't deny them nor can we excuse them. even if we try to retract them, we cannot because the other person has heard it and if it has pierced the heart, then it cannot be removed at all.

now we can argue if HJ intended it or she said it because she was drunk but what does not change is that she made an offer to a married man with 4 kids and MW understood it as an offer. the state of MW's family life is irrelevant. she is so angry at her husband that she does not think of how it would affect MW's wife or his kids. forget MW, forget the wife, forget the 3 girls but she knew Roy. she was so wrapped up in her own anger that she didn't think how her actions could affect this kid. so she does not get a free pass because she is angry at SH. she could have called a lady friend to vent. does it not seem strange to people that HJ does not seem to have a friend that she can confide in? SY is the villain for some but even the villain has friends -- attorney choi, her doctor friend, even a frenemy MW... why is HJ alone?

but so far the drama has showed the power of words --
+ SY's tactic of being vague is not really good because it can make people misunderstand you
+ SH's tactic of not explaining clearly is not good either because people misunderstand the situation
+ spitting out whatever you feel in anger like HJ is not good either; you just destroy relationships that way and yourself in the process.....
+ intent is irrelevant; people take words at face value and you can be misunderstood

P.S -- never watched stairway to heaven.

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xxxzxxx said: I've been busy so I'm a bit behind on the pages so if this comes late then I'm sorry :).
@maddymappo."Ok, went back and viewed it.  She was challenging the morality of the ultra rich and powerful. She was testing MW with the offer SY had made SH. She was trying to find out if MW would take the bait and make her an offer that her husband had taken from SY. If in his world it was okay to buy people like that.  To me she was acting out a psychological scenario - she would never accept a deal like, as she said to him whether we sleep together or not is not it -not the point,  it is what would you offer me for doing that for four days of my life, a million dollars?  Getting drunk with MW was surprisingly out of character for her, but my feeling is that she felt undervalued and undesirable as a woman and this led her to making a bit of a fool out of herself.  And MW realized that, and acted the gentleman and did not take advantage of her.  But I do not see it as two wrongs make a right. I don't think she would have gone through with such a situation or felt that would make it "right". She is trying to learn to let her anger and feeling come out, something she tells him, she had suppressed in the past."
@tessieroo."Pretty sure everyone knows that offer to MW was said in anger, nothing more. She certainly wasn't serious. She's actually working her way through the stages of loss very quickly!"

The incident in itself is wrong whether or not she meant it and her being drunk is no excuse. HJ was not challenging anything beside her own self worth it seemed more to me as if she wanted to outdo her husband or be the same as him. HJ made this offer out of spite to hurt her husband as she feels he has hurt her (again without taking any responsibility in her own part in all this).MW would never be able to take the bait and make an offer - since she herself already made the offer. The offer was made by HJ - it was not for MW to make it... 
"as she said to him whether we sleep together or not is not it -not the point,  it is what would you offer me for doing that for four days of my life, a million dollars? [...]."

I think you are turning this scene out wrong to make HJ seem a little better. Her saying the above is basically her saying that he can do whatever he wishes to do - even sleep with her if he pays her. Whether she really meant it or not is not the point - her making the offer in the first place is bad enough. The incident can be compared to SH accepting the offer from SY. Why are people mad at SH? They are mad because he accepted the offer itself even if he did not sleep with SY - then the same should be applied to HJ. Her making the offer itself is unforgivable in the first place.... If my spouse made an offer like that in a bar pretty late at night I would not forgive that - even if the offer was declined. 

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HJ was making an offer.

"CEO Kang Min Woo"
"No.... Mr. Kang Min Woo"
'Do you want to sleep with me?'

Whether she meant it or not as I said is not the point - her saying that phrase in a bar late at night is wrong in itself. If she was not really planning to make an offer she would have said. 

"Would you sleep with me for money?" or "Would you pay to sleep with me?"

Heck even that would have been wrong but the way she said it was her making an offer.
No! My answer is still no!
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Lol stired up a bee didn't i? Hj spoke what was on her heart her marriage was going under and her husband has not been around. Just because a person gets drunk don't mean they are automatically going to sound like Peter Griffin when he is wasted with slurred speach...some drunks sound as fine as you or anyone else in speech its just they speak whats deep down which in hj its the assumption that sh slept with sy.

Btw i am not saying anything about skipping out on responsibilty...hj may have offered.....sh accepted his offer!

We just agree to disagree.
Hong Joo didn't offer! She explained an offer! Yes, you and I think alike!
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with other dramas, the reactions on the thread are usually either:--
+ that is amazing!

+ can't believe how sad that was....

+ how cute are they! I love this show

+ what a snorefest...

on this drama, the reactions of everyone week after week is...

regardless of whoever we actively dislike on this show!!!



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Actually, @xxxzxxx, Seok Heon and the pair of heels are the causes of betrayal in this drama! And unfortunately, it all started with Se Young!

With both Seok Heon and the pair of heels, Se Young met them first! But both became Hong Joo's! And now, Se Young wants them both back! She has the shoes at the moment! So all she needs is Seok Hoon!

I can't wait for Monday!

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I think you are joking but it's really hard to tell something like that on a forum...The pair of heels nor SH are the causes of betrayal just for being there... That's stupid - hence I think your comment is a joke :). They may be the cause of temptation for SY but it has nothing to do with betrayal :).

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"I think you misunderstood what offer I was referring to,  I meant that MW did not make an offer of money. She said how much would you pay for four days, 1 million dollars........etc.  So he did not understand her as really wanting him to make an offer of money like that, she was challenging the sensibilities of the ultra rich buying a person they desire like that.......that is the way I sincerely see what that was about."
I see it differently because that only happened after MW had rejected her offer in the first place. I'd also like to add that she was not testing MW - in her mind she expected MW to accept already. That's why she said he was a liar after he rejected her - her entire reaction indicated that she was sure he would accept.HJ asks;
"How much would you pay me.. To have me for four days?"
The above question pretty much show that she already expected MW to pay her. If she had not expected him to pay her then she'd not ask 'how much' but 'would you' since by asking 'how much' she has already established that he will accept and pay her :).

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I think you are joking but it's really hard to tell something like that on a forum...
The pair of heels nor SH are the causes of betrayal just for being there... That's stupid - hence I think your comment is a joke :). They may be the cause of temptation for SY but it has nothing to do with betrayal :).
Ummm, you just answer your statement of thinking my post is a joke right there in your own post!

Seok Hoon and the heels caused temptations for Se Young in making Seok Hoon betrayed Hoon Joo, not physically (just yet) but mentally!

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"I think you misunderstood what offer I was referring to,  I meant that MW did not make an offer of money. She said how much would you pay for four days, 1 million dollars........etc.  So he did not understand her as really wanting him to make an offer of money like that, she was challenging the sensibilities of the ultra rich buying a person they desire like that.......that is the way I sincerely see what that was about."

This only happened after MW had rejected her offer in the first place. I'd also like to add that she was not testing MW - in her mind she expected MW to accept already. That's why she said he was a liar after he rejected her - her entire reaction indicated that she was sure he would accept.HJ asks;

"How much would you pay me.. To have me for four days?"

The above question pretty much show that she already expected MW to pay her. If she had not expected him to pay her then she'd not ask 'how much' but 'would you' since by asking 'how much' she has already established that he will accept and pay her



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"I think you misunderstood what offer I was referring to,  I meant that MW did not make an offer of money. She said how much would you pay for four days, 1 million dollars........etc.  So he did not understand her as really wanting him to make an offer of money like that, she was challenging the sensibilities of the ultra rich buying a person they desire like that.......that is the way I sincerely see what that was about."

This only happened after MW had rejected her offer in the first place. I'd also like to add that she was not testing MW - in her mind she expected MW to accept already. That's why she said he was a liar after he rejected her - her entire reaction indicated that she was sure he would accept.
HJ asks;

"How much would you pay me.. To have me for four days?"

The above question pretty much show that she already expected MW to pay her. If she had not expected him to pay her then she'd not ask 'how much' but 'would you' since by asking 'how much' she has already established that he will accept and pay her :).
She answered "liar" because she asked him without saying that it's an example first so he was startled and of course it only make sense for him to say no because he's not the kind of man that lets women take control! He wants to be the controller!

Also, since Hong Joo's not attractive to him unlike Seok Hoon was to Se Young, he would make sure she's attractive to him and even more attractive to him than he is to her before he will make a proposal like that!

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