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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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I never said it helped their problem - but it stopped their financial ruin. The point I'm making is that their marriage was shitty already and HJ was heartbroken and suicidal already. He is given two alternatives really - either accept the offer and be rid of the debt but with a heartbroken wife (because of him accepting the offer). The other being to turn down the offer still being with a heartbroken wife (because of the debt) while also being in huge debts.

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nabuta2 said:

We are going to have so many cute OTP moments once the divorce goes through.....the writer better not be playing with us by backtracking on the divorce . 



I want HJ/SH to divorce so that we can have so many OTP moments between SH/SY 

  8-> ...... I want the OMG they are so adorable together, their love is WOW reaction :x :P :\">   


the way it is going, am expecting very little OTP moments.. @nabuta2.. think the only cute moments will be between the ditzy ice cream sister and the hacker brother (the plus side is hopefully, they will show some good ice cream)... everyone else is busy fighting, plotting....


LOL.......I can only hope for OTP moments......Fan wish :)

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vareena said: @XXXZXXX....If you think the reason SH took the deal because of HJ tried to commit suicide attempt. why don't you think the other way around, if your husband took the offer to sleep with other woman, is that helping your problem by doing that (I think it just ruin everything) I still unclear about the indecent proposal of SY.  What is her motive?????? (1) She felt pity for the couple and wanted to help. (2) To take revenge about the shoe (3)To show her egoism that she has money and she can do anything she desired. (4) She has the crush on SH and wanted to cause misunderstand between HJ & SH.  If someone can explain this issue because that is the main problem that cause of this mess.  I really can't get this out of my mind.

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I don't think we know what SH/HJ marriage was like before they came to ruin...so it's hard to say that there marriage was an "outhouse"...I think we will get flashback on that. 10 years of marriage and the way this drama is going it's like its the first real crisis they'd encountered. That is why I see SH fighting like hell to prove to HJ he loves her...

@xxxzxxx "the alternative of two options" had me confused..my apologizes.

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"Meanwhile, in episode 7, “Suk Hoon” finally finds out the beef-bone place for president Doo, to get an upper hand for the acquisition of M Hotel than rival “Kang Min Woo” (played by Lee Jung Jin), the CEO of Ajin Planning. However, he gets conscious of “Se Young” who confessed her love for “Suk Hoon” in tears. He says to her that he will quit the company as soon as the project ends. Unlike what he expected, “Se Young” does not try to stop him and “Suk Hoon” gets confused once again."

Source: YG Entertainment

aww he wanted her to stop him , i suddenly wish if she had done so :(

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Guest luvjinhyuk

Wow this thread is moving so fast I love reading everyone's insight on this. I think the reason HJ gave him divorce papers is because she felt she lost SH to SY she can't compete with her. Or she's trying to prove that she's right for giving him the divorce papers and SH running right into SY's arms. That will be a dumb move on HJ for thinking both ways. I don't know Im just saying who knows how it's going to go and how it's going to end but I love it so far.

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Guest adikkeluangman

"Let’s do what Mr.Hwang suggested.He said he wanted me to take a tour around Hong Kong because he felt sorry for me. Let’s take his word.Let’s spend all of this money.Let’s stay at the best hotel and eat at the finest restaurants. Shopping , I want to go shopping. I’ll buy expensive , high-end products instead of cheap junk" [c]
This scene remind me of old CJW MV that also shoot in HK. Dear CJW please ask Shin Hyun Joon to make appearance or cameo in this drama.

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Guest ocpanda

vareena said:@XXXZXXX....If you think the reason SH took the deal because of HJ tried to commit suicide attempt. why don't you think the other way around, if your husband took the offer to sleep with other woman, is that helping your problem by doing that (I think it just ruin everything) I still unclear about the indecent proposal of SY.  What is her motive?????? (1) She felt pity for the couple and wanted to help. (2) To take revenge about the shoe (3)To show her egoism that she has money and she can do anything she desired. (4) She has the crush on SH and wanted to cause misunderstand between HJ & SH.  If someone can explain this issue because that is the main problem that cause of this mess.  I really can't get this out of my mind.
@vareena : if taking the offer will keep him out of JAIL and keep my family from being Homeless, then a Matured HJ will agree to it. Do you think by the other alternative "not take the offer to prove his loyalty to the wife end up sending him to Jail and make the father homeless" will keep their marriage strong? Your thought?

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Guest chajoowon

kaman226 said:

I'm a little bit confused about this dialog between SY and NHJ:

Don’t give up on him. Stay where you are so he can go back to you.” 
What does she mean by this? :)
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@Ocpanda. If that is the answer to keep him out of jail then why she didn't want him to contact his wife, can you  explain this, I tried to be more reasonable with her proposal but still can't understand. If she really wanted to help him why so many conditions. If I have a good intention to help people, I sure don't want to cause pain to them (It is a sin to break-up a loving couple who in trouble) She can sit down with them and find a solution, offer a job, give them a loan. You will be blessed and awarded from heaven if you help people in need, but I guess people who have money they hardly understand the difficulty and hardship of poor people. I might be crazy ranting about this issue but think about it, everything started from this point until I can understand what the writer really up to, I really wanted to know the answers.

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Guest SherryJ

Have not read all the comments after page 75, so my apologies if any of my points were raised already...

Let's see..so Ep 8 for me was a big pile of filler scenes with the exception of two or three scenes that provided some insight and possible foreshadowing..

HJ, no wonder I grow to hate this character by each and every passing scenes! She just does not make sense at all and if the writers want to give us an ending where she ends up as mental case, I will completely understand.

The most instrumental scene was the very last one, where HJ serves SH with divorce paper. Any married woman who loves her partner and is willing to give it all to save their marriage must love what SH said. Seriously, it was what she should want to hear. He threw everything for you and now he is willing to start from nothing again for you, could not you at least give him a chance?! You two are in this together, if the marriage fails, it is on both of you and not just SH.

I know I keep sounding like a broken record, but I just cannot believe that this person has been married for TEN years!! I just cant begin to fathom what HJ's idea of a perfect marriage? One without any problems, without issues, a smooth sailing?! Life happens and you do not just blink and cry! I have very little hope that this character is able to grow ~ sigh

MW on the other hand is growing on me. I am beginning to see some little change and I like what he said to SH although he should not have gotten himself involved.

SH sign the papers with closed eyes sweetheart and do not ever look back! HJ turned on you the minute she struggled with LIFE happening!

I am hoping that the next two episodes turn out to be better than this with less dwelling on the separation and less screen time for HJ...

now off to read your comments!

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Guest drjj3390

I think we all have to remember that the theme of the drama is about temptation and the plot of the drama centers around the proposal SY gave to SH. So without that proposal, indecent or not, there would be no drama. This is a k Melo drama isn't it? Lol Imo, we shouldn't put blame on one character because they're all contributing to the drama unfolding. The'yre all equally to blame.

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Guest ocpanda

@vareena: While I'm not saying and wont say that SH action was not questionable. However if she did that (what you suggested) then we wont have anything to watch at all :)
What i dont understand is HJ 's action. She certainly does not help by pushing him further away from her and into the arm of his crush. That's all.

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I think @Ocpanda was answering - at least that's how I read his comment - more to why he think SH accepted the offer and not exactly whether or not SY made the offer only to help SH or because of her own selfish reasons.
I think you are right that SY did not do it only to help SH and HJ but at the end of the day then she only gave them an offer. I don't think SY broke up their marriage - they did it themselves because of their own actions and decisions. If SY had not been there HJ might have been dead and/or the couple might still be in huge debts.

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Guest SherryJ

Ok, I am still reading the comments and I love the discussion so far :)

But I had to stop and post this thought..

Has it occurred to someone that HJ might actually drive SH towards SY in order to torment him? We know that SY has health issues that she needs to take care of and we know that HJ as her nurse is aware of these problems. We also know that HJ wants to embarrass SH and cause him pain. So could it be possible that she plans to orchestrate a love story for them with MW's help in order to have SH lose everything at the very end; especially that there is a possibility that SY's health could be terminal?

This would be a very refreshing twist that I am willing to see play out! It is though a little farfetched knowing what I know about Kdramas :/ 

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I don't think HJ is that smart to be honest from how she's been acting up until now. I don't think - as much as I don't like her - that she's really THAT heartless either and even if she was then it would probably backfire on her big time. I don't think she'd enjoy watching her former husband (unless she never loved him) enjoy a love with SY and even if she did it for revenge then I think SH would be more grateful than anything even if SY dies since he would at least be able to spend some time with her rather than her dying without him ever having been with the woman he loves...

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I think @Ocpanda was answering - at least that's how I read his comment - more to why he think SH accepted the offer and not exactly whether or not SY made the offer only to help SH or because of her own selfish reasons.

I think you are right that SY did not do it only to help SH and HJ but at the end of the day then she only gave them an offer. I don't think SY broke up their marriage - they did it themselves because of their own actions and decisions. If SY had not been there HJ might have been dead and/or the couple might still be in huge debts and their marriage would probably have fallen apart because of that debt anyway.

I rather have Hong Joo pass away than have the same person saving her then right after causing her and her husband to misunderstand each other!
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I truly understand why the poor and downtrodden have such a hard time escaping their place in life. They are the ones it's easy to blame. The reason why this is more than a drama is because films, movies etc tell a story and they often reflect or have strong similarities to real life; hence there is always a lot of emoting in the forums and comments. We clearly have a protagonist (HJ) who up against all odds herself. Her errors are almost predictable. But she is honest as is SY. How could she have been prepared to fight against such a high power antagonist. By the way, the first person on the scene and administers first aid is equally responsible for the out come. Did HJ not direct SH how to perform his part in the CPR. I'm not sure all states have the ""Good Samaritan" law that protect those who administers 1st aid. Of course she was a hero, she did what heroes do. There were several people in that venue who offered no assistance to my recollection. But go ahead and kick a dog when it's down.. HJ will rise to the top in this wretched display of temptation. Oh yeah, before I go, some religions and some cultures do not see suicide as necessarily cowardice. Consider the culture she lives in and be cautious of administering western values on the towards a civilization several thousands years old. Thanks for keeping my blood boiling and my heart laughing. NO HJ/MW! From the frying pan into the fire; give me a break. LMBO

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