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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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Guest jnick_0712

Loving all the screen caps above! Such great chemistry and I can't help but to giggle when SY said "Thank You" cutely. :x

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I'm assuming HJ will definitely climb to top in order to push SY down ? i thought something like that would happen seeing how HJ's character is going  in the last few episodes , still i hope she wouldn't just target SY solely for her fallen marriage , even if SY is out of the picture  that won't fix everything between her and SH .SH can sure quit his job but he can't quit his feelings for SY , very eager to see how they thier relationship progresses ;) 

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i can't even blame SY for have a feeling for SH....  :\"> he was the one who buy SY's time for ride a bicycle ... for the first time in SY's life, SH is the one who truly understand her heart .... (when SH tell SY that attorney choi didnt deserve her tears)... SH is the one who offer help when she do not ask....
just blame the hormone, please.....  :\">

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i can't even blame SY for have a feeling for SH....  :)he was the one who buy SY's time for ride a bicycle ... for the first time in SY's life, SH is the one who truly understand her heart .... (when SH tell SY that attorney choi didnt deserve her tears)... SH is the one who offer help when she do not ask....

just blame the hormone, please..... :P


8-> 8-> 

In episode 7, when SY said she feel terrible about SH - HJ... and than SH step one step closer to SY.... i thought, he want to wipe her tears and kiss her... LOL 

=))  =))  =))
nb. sorry for double post

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Guest Narda

If this story was based on a true story, I'm sure we'll all be condemning the third party, which in this case is SY.Because no matter what way we look at it, she'll be deemed the "mistress" or "homewrecker."After the deal, I didn't think it was right of SH to buy her time. Since then, it was SH's decisions that has been causing misunderstandings.For the first time, I'm beginning to understand why HJ acts the way she doesI think up until her "indecent proposal" to MW while drunk, it was natural of her to play the pity card because let's face it, she is a victim of SH's lies (he denied knowing SY even though he clearly remembered her from the interview panel, he lied about other things I can't remember... lol)Overall, HJ had reasons to doubt SH after the trip.
I don't know why the writer has to complicate things when obviously the couples are so wrong!MW and HJ should get together.She desperately needs a child and MW (having had FOUR children) can give her that! (and more.. ;)))Meanwhile, SH and SY deserve each other.(..... ever since Stairway to Heaven!!!)
I wonder when did SH started to like SY?Was it during or after the trip?

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If this story was based on a true story, 

I'm sure we'll all be condemning the third party, which in this case is SY.
Because no matter what way we look at it, she'll be deemed the "mistress" or "homewrecker."
After the deal, I didn't think it was right of SH to buy her time. 
Since then, it was SH's decisions that has been causing misunderstandings.
For the first time, I'm beginning to understand why HJ acts the way she does
I think up until her "indecent proposal" to MW while drunk, it was natural of her to play the pity card because let's face it, she is a victim of SH's lies (he denied knowing SY even though he clearly remembered her from the interview panel, he lied about other things I can't remember... lol)
Overall, HJ had reasons to doubt SH after the trip.

I don't know why the writer has to complicate things when obviously the couples are so wrong!
MW and HJ should get together.
She desperately needs a child and MW (having had FOUR children) can give her that! (and more.. ;)))
Meanwhile, SH and SY deserve each other.
(..... ever since Stairway to Heaven!!!)

I wonder when did SH started to like SY?
Was it during or after the trip?

This is what I am confused about. Why would SH buy SY's time? What would be his motive? I think if really does not want to have any connection to SY, he shouldn't have done that

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class="entry-title" style="border: 0px; font-size: 33px; font-weight: 300; margin: 0px 0px 12px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; clear: both; line-height: 1.0909090909; text-transform: uppercase; color: rgb(43, 43, 43);"MOON MYUNG JIN – THAT PLACE (그 자리) TEMPTATION OST

It can’t be, it can never be
I thought about it but I can’t stop now

I didn’t know that I was falling so hard
For a dangerous love

Can you just hold onto me
So I can’t ever go back
So I can’t look back
I just can’t, even when I try to erase you
Even when I crazily long for you
Even if my heart collapses
I can’t let you go

How much more do I have to hurt to know?
The end of this difficult love between you and me?

I didn’t know that I couldn’t escape
From this scary twisted love

Can you just hold onto me
So I can’t ever go back
So I can’t look back
I just can’t, even when I try to erase you
Even when I crazily long for you
Even if my heart collapses
I can’t let you go

Chilling regrets, cruel words that make me cry
All of those things disappear in front of you

Can you just hold onto me
So I can’t ever go back
So I can’t look back
I just can’t, even when I try to erase you
Even when I crazily long for you
Even if my heart collapses
I can’t let you go

English translation for OST part 4..

the lyrics so damn deep..

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Guest yoonsera19

if anyone here has seen the episode 7 with eng sub? if there is .. I want to know where you saw it. thanks you :)

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episode 7 was interesting in so many factors.....we are all going to have very divided opinions and so let us continue to agree to disagree respectfully! :)

-- now for HJ, we see someone who is fantastically angry. she is a stamp collector -- basically, they pretend to be nice and giving but each incident that provoked anger is collected like stamps in a book in a corner of their mind; finally, at a certain point, the anger spills over like a volcano and they become really nasty. that is what is happening with her ~ she told MW that she has been angry for years but has been storing it inside pretending to be nice and giving and now she is going to let it out. so she is angry at SH and think her problem with him is not just him staying back in HK, she is mad at him for losing in business and she is mad at herself that she almost ran by throwing her life away. her offer to MW was not only degrading to herself but also to MW. as folks have already mentioned in the board before, the whole family has some problem with money and HJ has resentment in spades and probably had for many, many years. so she takes out her anger by trying to demean MW. what was fun to see was how MW connected the dots that it was SY and also to see him turn her down ~ when I want a woman, it is because she wants me. so it looks like HJ is going to pursue MW....

-- it was kind of fun to see that MW is now possibly being cheated on and he knows it; wonder how that will play out.. what was interesting is that he gets photos from his purple alliance (the investigator) and then asks in the next sentence "you want your burger medium rare?"....what struck me was that these two individuals possibly hate each other and yet they know a lot about each other because they have been married for a while.... not sure how to put it but a kind of intimacy of knowing each other well even though you hate each other...

-- the annoying sister at lest had one useful scene ~ she immediately guessed that SH was the man that SY likes ~ guess she knows what her sister would like and who is her sister's type....

more to follow....

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now for SY and SH -- know that some will view these scenes differently but that is okay! :)

-- was actually impressed by both SY and SH in this episode. SY was amazing because she went up and told a man that she likes him and is torn up about it; she doesn't want to be in this position and is embarrassed and yes, feels guilty that she is causing problems -- it was impressive because she is not making a pass at him in the traditional sense, she is not flirting or being coy or even trying to seduce him; she sees a problem and she is addressing it in the early stages. what was interesting is that SH acknowledges that he too is attracted to her but that it stops there.

while some may call this emotional cheating, don't think one can call attraction as emotional cheating. as @chickpea mentioned, there are two camps here ~ one is idealism and the other is realism. for me it is realistic to show that someone can be attracted to another even after being married but respect the marriage and stop there. both SY and SH are saying that yes, there is an attraction and a curiosity to get to know the other but we are not going to act on it. that takes incredible courage to admit because it is not easy to do and yet, at the same time, also requires principles. so now am understanding the point that SH was trying to make to HJ ~ just because there is an attractive woman, it does not mean I am going to leave the marriage and run.

emotional cheating will be defined by different people in different ways but my understanding of emotional cheating is when you look to someone else to fulfill your emotional needs...
an attraction is not emotional cheating. it is simply a sort of natural response to something that you find beautiful. but when you act on it in any form, then it becomes temptation and cheating... what the drama is doing is asking a question -- how do you still respect and honour your marriage if you are attracted to someone else and that is a very valid issue.

SH is seeing different sides of SY and
there were other scenes that were also striking:
-- when SY went into the river to play, it was unexpected and kind of innocent; we also see that it is a side of her that hardly few see and it is a kind of revelation for SH.
-- it was funny that SH seemed surprised that SY does not live in a more posh residence or 'castle' as he put it; her reasoning is instead so logical and practical -- need a place close to office, there is just me and so no need for something big and has to be something that she can clean -- we see a lot of her personality in just the way she has chosen her house; she is practical, not too worried about status or how people might perceive her and she is very hands on (cleans the house herself)...
-- when SH offers to resign, that scene was really interesting; loved how cool she was and said she is old enough that she is not going to nag or be hurt just because her feelings were rejected -- so if he quit, that was his choice and it ends there. if he continues to work, then they have a working relationship because she is mature enough to realize and accept that is all... so she is not going to be chasing him...

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found these two sentences very fascinating and not sure if they are indicative of scenes to come...
-- CEO Du said "are you going to battle my memories?" -- is this something these characters are going to do at some point?
-- SH told SY that when he runs, he does not look back. hmmm... so if he makes a decision to call the marriage quits, there will be no return and HJ is going to be left in the rain...
what do folks think?

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@Lmangla....we will have different opinion but the fact that on an emotional level sh is attracted to her (sy). Sh by actions is able to feel free when he is with sy not hj....he is able to be a living Person with sy. Emotional cheating is exactly what sh is doing
. Personally i don't buy that sh loves his wife period because any man with dignity would immediately separate himself from a position that could cause harm to his marriage. You don't put yourself in a position where your temptation is your weakness. 
Omg....anyone watch the show Love and War 2 on SBS network? I swear they ripped this from them....lol.....show is awesome! 
I just feel bad for sy sister and hj bro.....they are doomed before that candle to be lite.
Btw typing on ipad sucks! Lol

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@triton823 -- depends on your view of attraction; for me, attraction is simply a natural biological response and can happen whether you are single or with someone...choosing to act on the attraction and flirting is a different matter altogether.. leaving aside what happened in Hong Kong, if SH was calling SY and talking about his problems and how HJ does not trust him and how sad he is etc -- then yes, he is emotionally cheating because he is looking to SY to fulfill his needs. if SY was calling him and moaning about her health issues, her life etc, then she has an emotional claim on him. here, neither are getting too personal -- it is really a working relationship and yes there are definite walls between the two... while I agree with you that it was a really dumb way to prove his love, finally understood his point-of-view in this episode. he is trying to make to HJ.. whereas, HJ is now looking to MW as an emotional crutch because she is unhappy and he is not a friend; she very clearly sees him as a man and so, if anyone should be accused of emotional cheating, it should be HJ. doesn't the woman have any friends she can confide in and talk to?

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