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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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i am enjoying all of your insightful comments about this drama...

I think most of the viewers here are intelligent and broad minded...

I like this drama not typical unlike other dramas full of cutie cutie scenes....

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xxxzxxx said: I do think SY had some bad intentions and/or curiosity about their love for each other - probably because she has never experienced that herself (until now maybe when she's falling in love with SH). I think she wanted to test it. I think she has never believed in love and therefore spend all her time working without giving love a chance. This might have made SY unconsciously jealous and/or rather annoyed at something she considers as fake being idealised by the SH-HJ relationship. If SY just wanted to help she could have asked him to help her with work for four days instead of making the offer the way she did even though that might not really have worked since HJ could have thought the offer too good to be true and start imagining stuff anyway but at least SY would have come out more sincere. SY could also have lend the money first and then told him to work for her company when they got back until he had paid back the money. I guess in some way SY was right though - the love between HS-SY was not great enough to stand against it and HJ left home right away. I think it's kind of ironic though because SY will probably be the one to prove that the kind of love she considers fake might actually exist when she does fall in love with SH - we will have to wait and see though.
The issue of the four days; I think it is considered wrong/immoral because of the way the 'job' was offered. It was not offered as a job but more as him becoming her slave for four days doing whatever she wished for. He ended up doing just work but neither he nor HJ knew that when he accepted and the way SY offered the idea was also easy to misunderstand. It was also wrong because he accepted the offer against the will of HJ though it was her fault that he decided to accept. They didn't do anything wrong those four days but the act of accepting the offer itself is considered immoral based on how it was layed out. It's hard to blame HS for accepting the offer though - he was screwed either way. The debt was already 'killing' his marriage - so either decision he made would potentially result in a bad ending anyway. HJ didn't see SH and SY those four days either so in her mind anything could have happened but I don't really understand why HJ has such a hard time believing that nothing happened. Why would SY really do anything bad towards HJ right after saving her life. If SY had actually been that heartless of a person she'd not gone into the water to save HJ in the first place.
Edit: I think the underlining problem now is that HJ failed at providing the money by her attempted suicide but instead SY managed to provide the money - SY basically succeeded in the area HJ failed. The problem is not only that SH accepted the offer and spend four days with SY but probably also that SY gave SH what HJ could not.
@Desiree AnnM said: can't wait for monday..

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Guest chajoowon

chickpea said: foxssj2 said: I like the plot/concept of this drama but I think they went about it the wrong way just from the start.

I know a bunch of people probably have said this but, how could the wife(HJ) talk about morals and pride when she tried to kill herself for the same reasons.

Basically all he did was spend 4 days with another woman but she went as far as to kill herself because of money. Even if he did do something indecent for a married person it doesn't equal what she tried to do.

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hazelzerone said: "...CJW could have just given the money to KSW, but that would have damaged his pride even more than when she rejected him for a position at her company for being too idealistic.  Instead, she gave him the opportunity to "show his stuff", to prove to her how much he had matured in business over the years."

I agree on the statement stated by @chickpea. I think most people will refuse to accept help from someone that are not close to you...especially when it's about money.

There were scenes showing SY thinking...1st on the night after the suicide trial and during the day when she put the heels on....
Offering the 4days deal was probably the only way to offer a large sum of money...lump sum. Put your self on SY...what will you do? Consider not to make any debt payment aggrement.

Let me take note on some part...
1st, if she really wants to become a new wave to SH-HJ marriage aka sandcastle...why would she agree not to meet SH again in Korea? To me this just prove that she wants to make thing short...she don't have other intention...she just want to help...but don't want to let it appeared as help...seems like she has a habit keeping things within her. 2nd, when she gave up her attorney...she appeared strong in her text to SH...but then she cried. She don't want people to know her suffering.

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@Lmangla , honestly your thought about SY family background have not yet come across my mind...you're ahead of me pal, and that's a compliment :)

I am sure there are more flashbacks coming up...and your thought could be one of them. At this stage anything could be possible...but if I can come up with my thought, I prefer your thought on punishment towards HJ action be excluded. Honestly punishment could be the least possible...sorry, but the line when she said something like "...she just want to suicide because of 1 mil won..." The expression she had at that time doesn't seems to support your idea. I agree that there is something to dig up on SY family background...and what could have caused her to decide to stay away from any relationship/marriage is also a wonder.

Infact, there are more to be unveiled.SY back story (I'm most curious about SY as she appeared to be the most secretive among the lead characters). How can SY be in a sort of frenemy relationship with MW. How SH and HJ end up in a marriage...what's up with that picture showing SH with cast on his leg. How about MW background...what makes the playboy MW decided to settle down on marriage. I'm sure you guys are curious about a lot of things as well.

SY kept herself guarded from falling in love but at the same time seeking for love (in her own way) ...sure she's undergoing temptation...but still, I think SY didn't have any other intention at first...she was tempted by her own curiosity at the later stage. I've noted the two scenes when she's thinking...I'm not sure myself of what she actually has in her mind at that moment because that has not been made clear...and I think that's this story's style. The curiosity that she has at first could be...'what's with this guy...how can he managed to get my reserved shoes, has he change his way of thinking and working' or 'what's with this guy...can this kind of guy do anything just for his women' or 'OMG this guy is sexy'-LOL (this can't be the one). SY could just have done something after the first met again in the restaurant...but why after she saw that shoes/ heels that she's then determined to take action. Can this support the fact that she has other intention than just to help? But why agreed on SH suggestion not to meet again in Korea later on? Why became lenient to her own rules?
This thing going on have to be temptation right?...it start up clean...but then bad thought try to bug in...then try to fight it...bad thing bug in again...and it goes on....

Why did she gave the offer that way...maybe just to answer part of her curiosity...and my question is, why didn't SH asked properly rather than blindly accept the offer? Too desperate that he didn't even bother to ask?
I can sense a unique and different feel towards this drama until the recent episodes. However...Kdrama made with proper stuff wouldn't be interesting I guess. I expect more wrong/immoral things are heading towards us... the viewer, I'm preparing myself...and still hoping for a well constructed drama plot. :D

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