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Soompi Forums Easter Egg Hunt


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Guest lordbordem

I can think of a few obvious options, one of which is obviously the tier 4 hint group and the other involves a lot of strange foods.  

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Ella said: @melkimx
Are you sure the golden egg is still in the comment you placed it? :D Maybe some bad rabbit stole it... kkkk~
Can't you please help us with a gentle hint?
I can't go search the egg, I can't find a direction. T_T
haha that's kind of one of my nightmares... the post creator goes back to his/her post, sees a weird egg or present, and decides to edit it out while people are looking for it
seriously though, i'm pretty confused about the direction. third tier isn't... female... o_o and while it's certainly not someone that will probably come to your mind as a fashionista, by my search results he did win an award, so... o_o

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haha that's kind of one of my nightmares... the post creator goes back to his/her post, sees a weird egg or present, and decides to edit it out while people are looking for it

seriously though, i'm pretty confused about the direction. third tier isn't... female... o_o and while it's certainly not someone that will probably come to your mind as a fashionista, by my search results he did win an award, so... o_o

To everyone, in the hints that I said was for the third tier, it's meant to be for the fourth tier.

The reason behind my mistake is that what I thought to be the third tier was the fourth tier. Therefore, I gave hints thinking that the fourth tier was the third tier because I didn't know there was a fourth tier and didn't know that instead of finding the third tier, I ended up finding the fourth tier.

Nevertheless, I still found the golden egg without the third tier. ^^

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I'm lost...

I've found 3 purple bunnies, and the last one said to search the golden egg. So we have to find 4 purple bunnies ?

I'm assuming we need to find 4 bunnies, since there are 4 tiers. I missed out on one tier and only found 3 bunnies but still found the golden egg.

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melkimx said: Ella said: @melkimx
Are you sure the golden egg is still in the comment you placed it? :D Maybe some bad rabbit stole it... kkkk~
Can't you please help us with a gentle hint?
I can't go search the egg, I can't find a direction. T_T

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Guest jabeum

So I'm guessing I found the 4th one instead of the 3rd one by accident, no wonder I was confused as it didn't have anything to do with fashion... But I guess you can still find the right thread for the egg even if you skip one I guess.

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jabeum said: So I'm guessing I found the 4th one instead of the 3rd one by accident, no wonder I was confused as it didn't have anything to do with fashion... But I guess you can still find the right thread for the egg even if you skip one I guess.

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Guest jabeum

purpli said: jabeum said: So I'm guessing I found the 4th one instead of the 3rd one by accident, no wonder I was confused as it didn't have anything to do with fashion... But I guess you can still find the right thread for the egg even if you skip one I guess.

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Guest kujaichi

Whoah... It seems I do know at least a little bit about idols, because I just found the last bunny with only your hints - don't even know the question :))
Not that that helps in any way in finding the golden egg, haha...
And really, why am I wasting time with the golden egg I'm never going to find while I still have two colored eggs that need to be found...? 8-}

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I've found the last bunny without knowing the question too!
I thought that it was the right answer for question n°2, then I searched for the egg and foud it.
If you got the first, second and fourth bunnies you can find the egg.

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For the third tier, it's a member of an idol group that debuted before Dec. 2009~ He's in a drama at the moment, along with an idol girlgroup member. He's the maknae of his group.
The fourth tier hints makes me think of a group... I can't seem to find individual member's threads though lol I'll go back to searching.
edit: Oh my god I found it.... I legit was in that thread before but I didn't even bother to scroll down *kicks self* In fact they were almost the first female to pop up in my head when I read the question smh

edit 2: wahh I found the egg thank you for the hints ;;)

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Guest lordbordem

oh~~~ Oh~~~~ OH~~~~~ OH!!!!

Found hint 3. @melkimx gave out a critical keyword to search for.
After that it was pretty easy to find the golden egg.
I can see how people could have found it without the 3rd hint. Hell you probably could have found it with any combination of three. 
I got plenty of help this time around so I guess it's time for me to share the wisdom.
To find the golden egg, take a very very close look at all the hints. You'll begin to notice something special about them. Once you figure that out, the rest is really simple.

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