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RongYi Couple (Lego and Rong Rong)


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what's up with the sunshine emoticon mr.li and the sunshine reference....hmm in all of the emoticons you have chosen referenced the sun...sunflower and a sun/sunshine....hmmm there are so many to use but i feel like something or someone has brightened up your day....

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Well, after analysing the 'ding-dong' portion of the EP 23 BTS, I have come to the conclusion that they keep getting their lines wrong was because both LL and RR were too busy looking at each other and smiling, and joking, and keep getting their lines mixed up.....of course the tender and playful smacks they give each other just keeps the mix-up of lines longer.....but we LOVE it over here.........*faints*

Oh yeah, almost forgot LL was given the moniker 'PikaChuan', as he is the one with the thousand watt stare ...... ROFL

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Guest tohoshiya

@clauric actually Lego meant to say "Sunflower Class"(normally a name for kindergarten classes XD) in that IG post, meaning that they're all standing in line as if they're a bunch of kids taking a class photo :P

Some updates:
Read some fans mentioned that there was another after-party after the wrap-up party last night, they went to the karaoke XD apparently Lego sang However again but he left early and RR drank a little too much XD
Both L & RR attended their own endorsement events today (Lego for 2014 Youth Athletics Championship, RR for a diamond jewelry brand with her mom). L mentioned that he and RR will appear in a commercial together in May. \o/ 



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Lego Li showing his support for the Taiwan's Annual Youth Marathon event!

RongYi related new scoop ;))



trans: Due to Lego's back injury, he's advised not to stand up longer than 10 minutes, hence he has no choice but to cancel quite a lot of activities.

But fans who love Rong Rong and Lego fret not becos both of them will star in a commercial which will be shown on tv during the month of May!

In addition, IAGW movie version will start filming during the upcoming summer holidays.

Lego states: "as long as the timing is okay for me, I'll definitely film the movie version!"

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Lorene Ren wants to act as a couple with Lego again in another drama :D




video source: http://tw.twent.chinayes.com/Content/20140430/kiux5xr3dqxjo.shtml

00:54 The reporters start asking abt Lego :P

RR: "I feel that we collaborated very happily~"

and I really admire him...we concern about one another's well being in private. 

we're good friends so I didn't think about our relationship much further than that yet~

Also, I feel very happy to have this collaboration opportunity!" 

Background: Although IAGW have wrapped up filming, both Rong Rong and Lego will still keep in contact thru group chats

seems like they have pretty good interactions going on, would you want to act with Lego in another drama as a couple again?

RR: "I really hope so~ as we had a really great time collaborating in IAGW, hopefully we can have another chance in acting as a couple again!" :P

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Love RR's white dress! She looks so gorgeous and sexy. Now if this is what she wore in the party, RW won't stand a chance against our RY ship...lol! Even her mom is rocking her outfit. Now I see where RR got her round eyes.

Yey! CF for our couple! I hope there's more to come. We'll need our RY dose once the drama ends.

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Guest riverflowintoyou

So does that mean Lego is not confirm for the movie? Since he mention that he only do it if there is a free time in his schedule...

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Another source also mentions abt RongYi :x


任容萱說這次殺青比畢業典禮哭的還慘,畢竟每天相處超過半年,她有感而發說:「結束就像熱戀中各奔東西。」而這次演出從導演吳蒙恩身上學到不少東西,只要 一提到導演任容萱就想落淚,這次演出人氣高漲新代言就接了四個,還要忙於還活動債,原本要與家人一起出國度假,結果又因接演新戲而做罷,她說:「我一放假 就感冒,也因為接了新工作不能出國,就只好在家負責照顧狗狗。」而她也透露5月會與李國毅在廣告中再次合作,但礙於合約要先保密,不過李國毅也表示將會有 不同的合作,和《自由》中的演出絕對不同。

Rong Rong claims that she cried even more during the IAGW wrap up as compared to her uni graduation ceremony, after all the casts of IAGW get along with each other very well for almost half a year~

RR: "The end feels just like a couple madly in love suddenly going separate ways"

Rong Rong has learnt a lot from the director, "Wu Meng En"

Once the director's name is mentioned, RR will start weeping in tears.

RR clinched over four endorsement deals ,she has been busy paying off her activity debts!

Ever since acting in IAGW, her popularity rate has grown even higher!

Originally, she had the intention of accompanying her family members overseas for a long vacation however just recently she agreed on 

starring in another upcoming drama project~

RR states : "Once I'm allowed to rest, the cold immediately came to me.

Due to my upcoming drama project I have no choice but to stay at home and look after the dogs."

She also claims that : "during the month of May, Lego and her will collaborate once again for a commercial."

Regarding about the contract wise, it still maintains as confidential."

However Lego also adds on: "both him and RR will have many different collaboration works, it will be a totally different concept as compared to IAGW."

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Same thoughts here @akikisetsu‌ about Lego being a challenge to us shippers! Lol! I find it exciting though...haha. RR is easy to read while with Lego, you really need to scrutinize his movements and try to find underlying meanings to his interviews. It's like treasure hunting with this guy just to keep our ship sailing...lol! Thanks all for the updates and pics! :D

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Thanks for the new pics and translations @seungzy_kangdamshipper and @tohoshiya !!

LOL that group pic does look like a kindergarten class photo...they're all nicely lined up and posed haha

Aww poor RongRong is sick? A little too much partying and drinking at the cast party? *giggles* lots of alcohol flowing after all lolol
Hopefully PikaChuan used some of use megawatt stares to perk our girl up and took care of her as well!!
And speaking of partying....so there was an AFTER after party?! Perhaps RongYi went there first? LOL I really wish more vids would pop up of the party ..

RongRong and her mom are just looking so lovely for the event and I have to agree with @kenrei, if she had sported this hehehe..also had a really random thought - if JE had shown up at the Christmas party dressed like this, LC would've whisked her off before she could blink HAHA

@riverflowintoyou I don't think we really have to worry about the offchance that Lego (or any of the other cast) isn't in the movie - the movie itself was decided on long ago and the only thing that would keep Lego from the movie would be his back. So as long as he just listens to his doctors (and calls RongRong up to keep him company) then he'll be in good shape after 3-4 months of resting. He's already just looking more rested after the drama filming has ended and it's only been about a week or so.

And I would be ALL FOR RongYi to be in another drama together! Heck, I'd like this entire cast to somehow be in another drama together!!
seungzy_kangdamshipper said: She also claims that : "during the month of May, Lego and her will collaborate once again for a commercial."

Regarding about the contract wise, it still maintains as confidential."

However Lego also adds on: "both him and RR will have many different collaboration works, it will be a totally different concept as compared to IAGW."

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