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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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Daebak, Preview episode 18.

Noooo, don't just hugging , give some kissing please and don't you both miss each other closeness, its been 3 years apart and after those revelation... Kiss...kiss..kiss..kiss

I love our Jjangs chemistry so much!

thank you chingu for all.the live recaps.

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Guest princesscinderella

lee gun looks so pale in this episode.. you can see it in his eyes and in his actions in some of the scenes...it's like they're showing us again the tired appearance of gunnie before he got sick in episode 10...
it seems like he can faint in any minute due to stress and heartache.. basically, he did it to himself.. poor guy! it's just hard to lie and pretend to be a harsh all the time...maybe his current state is an implication that his genetic disease will strike again soon...=(hope that MY can stay by his side now that she knows how much he loves her...

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gumi said: I know everybody lurking on this thread right now prob is crying over the last scene. Enjoy some translation of Gunnie's video if that helps.

Hey, I'm Lee Gun. If you are watching this, that means the f**king hereditary disease caused you to completely go out of mind. Amnesia. For details, ask of Dr. Octopus and he will kindly shoot black ink at you. Now, listen carefully, it's a very important thing. You..have a woman you love. Her name is Kim Mi Young, her hometown is Yeowul Island. She is foolishly kind, takes care of hurt people's heart very well, a very lovely woman. How did you meet her? You ran into her in Macau, and like a destiny you had a lovely child with her. The child's name is Keddongie. But...Keddongie is not around anymore, went somewhere very far. You have never ever forgotten about Keddongie, not even a moment. Keddongie was staying by your side, to accompany father's pain...until recently. Now, it's time to send them away. It's time to send Snail away. 

 Forget? Don't forget? Forget or not? Hey, I really...sitting in front of that table, seeing Snail's face, and having a scoop of rice...staring at floor, I couldn't digest at all. You know? I really wanted to sit in front of her. Not gonna happen forever. How can I say, let's stay together?! How can I tell her not to go, how can I?! ....Dammit...

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Every week is an internal battle for me. I literally do everything to force myself not to take a peep in this thread and read the spoiler tags, but damn it, I always end up losing. I just can't deprive myself the happiness of knowing what's gonna happen to our favorite snail couple. And even though I haven't fully read all your comments about the episode tonight, by the looks of it, it would make me cry. So yeah, excited about watching the episode tomorrow. Gunnie-sshi, saranghae. LOL

I gave up after epi 1. Come on join the club!

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Guest zashi8

My dearest FTLY family,


It’s been a while since I started stalking and lurking in this thread.  I have laughed, cried, screamed and screamed some more with you all this time.  Oh, and let me tell you sometimes I do it all at the same time.  Words cannot describe my addiction to this well-loved drama and I am sure most of you can relate to this feelings.


Sundays used to be my favorite when im not at work and ecstatic to be lounging along the beachline of Boracay (Yes, I do live in an island).  Not so long ago though, it was a life changing moment when I started to watch this greatest show Fated To Love You.  And the Wednesday is the BEST DAY EVER!!


With my busy schedule and lifestyle, not to mention the crapiest-internet-connection-ever in this island, it’s soooo hard (did I say its soooo hard already?!?) to stream or even watch subtitled shows.  This is why I super-duper appreciate you all for your selfless devotion in sharing recaps, updates and almost anything about the show.


From the bottom of my heart….Thank you everyone!!!





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Guest OreoVampire

I still don't know if LG still have HD. He did all the records so that someday if he die, all his feelings, love for MY are captured. MY would finally watch it after his death. His mancave, telling the whole story how he has been living without MY.

This video discovery scene is another parody? Oh Soo watching Young's video confession in TWTWB. And MY watching video confession from LG. Both are touching. Simple and well done.

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From the Ep 18 preview shown at the end, looks like it's the beginning of sunny days for our Snail Couple - not the super bright afternoon sun yet in Ep 18, but the beginning of dawn. Their renewed vow to stick together through thicknand thin is like the rising sun after a dark night.


Looks like MY will be a mature YangSoon, helping LG weather this new attack on his capacity as CEO of Jangin. And they will emerge triumphant over the ever evil conspirator Lee clan elder Whatever-his-name-is-don't-care

What's interesting is Mama Yong and the diary of sorts she gives to LG that contains LG's mom's pic with his little self.

Will Mama Yong finally make that 180 degrees turn? I hope so. Maybe she never really understood LG's dad's illness and begrudged him still loving his wife and son with all his heart...?

I love Halmoni!!!

Scene when MY came to Lee Manor:

Halmoni: Now that you're here again, this house is bright(?) again (changed to better atmosphere?)!!

When she asked why MY is looking for Geon, and MY said she thinks it'd be better to ask him in person she says

"Right! Man-Woman stuff should be dealed with between them"

And then when MY asks if she can perhaps go to their old room and wait there:

"Go ahead. But don't just wait. Why just wait? You can live there again! Live there again!"

LOLs the grandma...

What's funnier is that she seems to be always getting the "big events" through that living TV set:

Tak calls her to warn her about the commotion at the company and watch the news to see.

She also had to watch LG and MY's Macau hamo hamo scandal video on that same(?) TV set!!!

The parallels are just funny in this show!!


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Why did I click on that video confession video? A sob just escaped so suddenly when Gun said "How can I tell her not to go, how can I?!" /BAWLING LIKE MIYOUNG OMG :(( :(( :((


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gumi said: I know everybody lurking on this thread right now prob is crying over the last scene. Enjoy some translation of Gunnie's video if that helps.

Hey, I'm Lee Gun. If you are watching this, that means the f**king hereditary disease caused you to completely go out of mind. Amnesia. For details, ask of Dr. Octopus and he will kindly shoot black ink at you. Now, listen carefully, it's a very important thing. You..have a woman you love. Her name is Kim Mi Young, her hometown is Yeowul Island. She is foolishly kind, takes care of hurt people's heart very well, a very lovely woman. How did you meet her? You ran into her in Macau, and like a destiny you had a lovely child with her. The child's name is Keddongie. But...Keddongie is not around anymore, went somewhere very far. You have never ever forgotten about Keddongie, not even a moment. Keddongie was staying by your side, to accompany father's pain...until recently. Now, it's time to send them away. It's time to send Snail away. 

 Forget? Don't forget? Forget or not? Hey, I really...sitting in front of that table, seeing Snail's face, and having a scoop of rice...staring at floor, I couldn't digest at all. You know? I really wanted to sit in front of her. Not gonna happen forever. How can I say, let's stay together?! How can I tell her not to go, how can I?! ....Dammit...

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gumi said: I know everybody lurking on this thread right now prob is crying over the last scene. Enjoy some translation of Gunnie's video if that helps.

Hey, I'm Lee Gun. If you are watching this, that means the f**king hereditary disease caused you to completely go out of mind. Amnesia. For details, ask of Dr. Octopus and he will kindly shoot black ink at you. Now, listen carefully, it's a very important thing. You..have a woman you love. Her name is Kim Mi Young, her hometown is Yeowul Island. She is foolishly kind, takes care of hurt people's heart very well, a very lovely woman. How did you meet her? You ran into her in Macau, and like a destiny you had a lovely child with her. The child's name is Keddongie. But...Keddongie is not around anymore, went somewhere very far. You have never ever forgotten about Keddongie, not even a moment. Keddongie was staying by your side, to accompany father's pain...until recently. Now, it's time to send them away. It's time to send Snail away. 

 Forget? Don't forget? Forget or not? Hey, I really...sitting in front of that table, seeing Snail's face, and having a scoop of rice...staring at floor, I couldn't digest at all. You know? I really wanted to sit in front of her. Not gonna happen forever. How can I say, let's stay together?! How can I tell her not to go, how can I?! ....Dammit...

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I know everybody lurking on this thread right now prob is crying over the last scene. Enjoy some translation of Gunnie's video if that helps.

Hey, I'm Lee Gun. If you are watching this, that means the f**king hereditary disease caused you to completely go out of mind. Amnesia. For details, ask of Dr. Octopus and he will kindly shoot black ink at you. Now, listen carefully, it's a very important thing. 
You..have a woman you love. Her name is Kim Mi Young, her hometown is Yeowul Island. She is foolishly kind, takes care of hurt people's heart very well, a very lovely woman. How did you meet her? You ran into her in Macau, and like a destiny you had a lovely child with her. The child's name is Keddongie. But...Keddongie is not around anymore, went somewhere very far. You have never ever forgotten about Keddongie, not even a moment. Keddongie was staying by your side, to accompany father's pain...until recently. Now, it's time to send them away. It's time to send Snail away. 

Forget? Don't forget? Forget or not? Hey, I really...sitting in front of that table, seeing Snail's face, and having a scoop of rice...staring at floor, I couldn't digest at all. You know? I really wanted to sit in front of her. Not gonna happen forever. How can I say, let's stay together?! How can I tell her not to go, how can I?! ....Dammit...

Omg @gumi I swear I was going to sleep. But reading that I just can't stop crying.

Anyw thanks for the translation. *wipes tears*

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So those last video&crying scenes were the ones filmed last night...technically on Wednesday since it was past midnight......no wonder JH was in a terrible condition and couldn't walk straight. I mean, he filmed THAT. It made me all exhausted and I did nothing but sit and watch...

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I just watched that last video cut by MBC. Can't stop the ugly sobbing! Drama, you've done it again! I have cried so much already. Please please, make the last three episodes just filled with lots and lots of fluff. I don't think I have any tears left.
:(( :(( :((

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