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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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minikoree said: Thank you @only1khj for that lovely video! That song, ”you bring the best in me” is perfect for both Gun and Mi Young.
Guys, don't pay attention to the negative comments and enjoy the rest of the show like you did till now , with so enjoyable comments and photos and gifs. I read all of them in silence because I am not so good at writing and putting my thoughts on paper. And I loved all your points of view , happy that you too think the same as I do.I have the feeling that very good moments for our lovely Snail Couple will soon happen.Happy Sunday everybody! Relax , in just two days it will be  Wednesday!

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Guest hunterdd

Kdrama-lover said: Yours, truly am grateful to DB site for recapping FTLY, coz it is where I get SOME INSIGHTS TO WHETHER I SHOULD TAKE ON A DRAMA OR NOT.. Many a times I am of the same sentiments as them but sometimes not.. As for FTLY, I don't, I want to believe it's just a matter of preference..so I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT THE DRAMA, DESPITE THEIR CLAIM OF DECONSRUCTING KDRAMA AS A PROFESSION. I can see more and more who have delurked in this thread, me being one of them. A number of " LEGENDS" of this forum give their praises and offer insights that I always look forward to read with excitement.. they fill me with awe. The ever-growing number of people who appreciate such a great work of art is a testament of the greatness of this drama.. I have come to love this family and all thanks to you drama- FATED TO LOVE YOU.

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You guys are awesome! Group hug! I know perfectly well the feeling of reading the things people chastising about something I really care about. It's really unpleasant, but we can either let them affect us or we can just automatically delete it from our sight and happily live our lives. So I choose to be happy. N I believe those of us who truly connected with this show will continue to love it (with its flaws and everything). As the saying goes, the ones who matter don't care, and the ones who care don't matter.

Don't spoil the beautiful Sunday (or Saturday depending where you r) on people who don't matter. (:

Side note: I like that most of us who post on the thread is not just raving the show for raving sake, most of the time it's sharing the genuine feelings of how the show had touched us in some ways or another. Nobody , repeat, nobody should take this take away from any of us.


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The main concepts of this drama are veritable clichés - forced/contract marriage, miscarriage, amnesia, noble idiocy as some want to call it that, serious illness, the seemingly better guy never gets the girl, interfering ex-girlfriends, makjang adoptive mothers and a perhaps a lot more...

Though those are true, let's not forget this is a remake of a drama that shown first 6 years ago when the tropes presented above were less considered as clichés. Also, my opinion is that the TW version falls eons down in terms of quality of this K remake BUT....

There is no denying that thousands even millions or billions got hooked on the TW version (as less well executed as it was). There is simply that magic about the story in general that made it work and we still remember TW version fondly years after it was aired.

Now with FTLY K version, yes, I wish we could've done away with amnesia or have LG push MY away after losing KaeDdong. Honestly, I wish they would just talk and say what they felt - especially LG - to end all the unncessary angst.

But I cannot deny that I'm enjoying this show so much. It's brought so much fun and sweetness in the experience that the clichés are overlooked. Actually, from the get-go FTLY K version is not apologetic about the clichés at all, it bravely puts it fore front, without a shame for it has done so with such sensitivity and heart.

What I can feel the message is its heart that is as open and fresh as MiYoung's heart was and I, as a viewer, who chose to watch it, accepts that gratefully.

Fighting FTLY!!! May you live forever in our hearts to give us the warm fuzzies we can tap back into in the future that will draw a smile on our faces whenever we feel down ;)

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Guest spideysteve

wheel said: Hi, i found something interesting...... MY is more stronger than LG............She has never cried out except one scene in the hospital when she lost her child, that's really touchable. But, after that, i never see she cry...............did she? 

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Someone mentioned about the amnesia that may have happened to Geon's dad (Dr. Octopus did say he remebered similar symptom on LG' dad), that it may have been the reason why Lee Yong was born.
Mama Yong has ever been vocal about her suffering, even mentioning how Yong and she had to live in a place that was really dark and stuffy. If Mama Yong and Yong were really that cherished 2nd family, the chaebol Lee Hui (LG's dad) would've at least been provided for much better. My take is that Lee Hui would've had felt so bad- much like how LG battled with his incorrectly surmising that MY may have had an active participation to con him in Macau along with the Hamo Hamo Soapsuds Duo - and unlike Geon perhaps, he was not as fortunate as to have come out of his dark hour before the fatal car accident. That Geon's parents' relationship was no la vie en rose as the adult Geon now remembers supports that the mistress/Mama Yong/Yong incident remained unresolved. 
Geon did say he only saw his mom's back because she wanted to hide her tears from him.
Possibly LH stewing in his misery as a man unworthy of his wife as he was uncapable of preventing his amnesiac self from committing the tragic mistake of adultery. Or that aside from the mistress thing, Geon's mom was bearing the pain of seeing her husband start to decline with the onset of the disease?
What Yong told MiYoung that ramen with fish eye night was also telling for me. Yong said: "When I knew I had a hyung, I was so happy". Could it be that Lee Hui never meant for his family to know of the mistake he made because his brain forgot he already had Geong and his wife because of the disease, and turned to Mama Yong by mistake. Thus Yong, knew later about his hyung. Geon's dad, wanting to forget his mistake may never have tried to contact these 2 again (again, unlike Geon who ultimately did the right thing with MiYoung). Could it be that Yong was happy to know he had an older brother because he perhaps lacked the love of a father and thus was comforted with the possibility of getting love from his older brother.
If Lee Hui loved Mama Yong or saw her more than just a mistake, he would've wanted Yong to meet Geon and made sure the relationship between hyung and dongsaeng was a healthy one. The chaebol would've made preparations in case of his demise for Yong as Geon did for KaeDdong - giving MiYoung and his unborn child equal halves of his all his property because he loved and cared for them and no longer considered them as mistakes when he drew that last contract with the lawyer guy. Yong and would not have had to live in that pitiful place.
I hope we get to see these confirmed in the coming episodes as LG explains to MY where he was coming from in making that harsh decision of shooing her away after KaeDdong-ie's loss.

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Most of my family and friends like to watch Korean dramas but I found something new about myself... Kekeke... When I told my friend I never watch secret garden, or you're come from the star ( I hope I write the title right), I hear your voice, they laughed at me... Like I live at another world... Hihi... But that's me. I never care if they're great actor or actress but if I feel something missing or not right from that drama, I just leave it.

I watch Ireland, snow white, lee tae baek, ( once again I don't remember the full title.. Kekeke) , 14 days ( all this Korean drama) and for me this kind of drama more interesting. I think I'm more to drama which more human.. FTLY one of it. I can feel the guilty and pain from characters. Seriously it's hard for me to cry, but my heart totally broke into pieces everytime I watch lee gun cried. There's something about his character that make me feel so fragile and heartbroken. I watch the Tversion before but the feeling here totally different. FTLY become one of my addiction after I drop so many drama halfway lately. So finally... I feel so relief because finally and finally... I can tell that FTLY is an interesting drama which display characters that make me feel more real than overrated or overreact.. Hihi :D

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i love this drama so so so muuuuuuuuuuuchand snail couple is my fave couple at the momenti really really hate that i have to feel like this, but why  i don't feel anything for the last 4 eps unlike the first 12 eps?  :((it's just me, but i still don't want to give up , hope it's getting better next week

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love the OST song "goodbye my love" by ailee and was actually interested enough to check out the translation of the lyrics.
not sure if the song was written specific for this drama but it so aptly captures the love story not only between Mi Young and Gun, but also the love story of the two parents for their unborn child. for me, the latter is the one that really guts me because we have all seen several love stories and am at times rather immune to it (have dropped so many dramas as a result).... but how often do we see the depth of parental love and loss in a romantic comedy drama... the lines "I will miss you the more I erase you" and "I’ll wait, it’s only a momentary goodbye" seemed so evocative of the feelings that the two share for Gedong.. it is interesting because based on the title, "fated to love you" -- it seems like a love story between a couple but, the drama is also a love story of a couple for their child; love how the song merges both these two elements in the song.

the translated lyrics:
[was this posted earlier? apologies if already.. ]

My tears remember
It fills up your seat again
I try erasing but I can’t erase you
You’ve become my everything

You, I can’t see you, I can’t hear you
But I’m okay
Goodbyes are sad, my heart aches
But if you are happy, if you can smile, then I…

I will miss you the more I erase you
I will shed more tears than today
Like fate, I won’t ever have anyone like you
Only you, only you
As much as my tears, I hope you are happy
Good bye my love

My heart already knew
This feeling of loneliness that’s about to explode
I try to hide it but I can’t hide it
You’ve become my heart

You, I can’t have you, I can’t touch you
But I’m okay
Endless pain, tears shed again
But if you are happy, if you can smile, then I…

I will miss you the more I erase you
I will shed more tears than today
Like fate, I won’t ever have anyone like you
Only you, only you
As much as my tears, I hope you are happy

You will think of me at least once
That’s all I need, until the day we meet again
I’ll wait, it’s only a momentary goodbye
Good bye my love

cr: popgasa

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I noticed in the ice bucket videos that she also took the dousing quite well...better that JH! She didn't seem as cold as he was! LOL

LOL well for JH's defense, that bucket had more ice than any other korean celeb ice bucket challenge I've seen....I was like whoooaaa u HAD to put that much ice, whoever prepared it?? And he got soaked head to toe unlike many other celebs who only soaked their heads...(see, hyuk, im trying to defend u here...!)

but yeah I was rly impressed at JNR cuz I means she doesnt have any fat in her body! No heat insulation! So how does she do that?!

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@Ayame welcome!☺ glad you can join us! Hope to see u more..


I mean no offense..I ask to please to those who have nothing much nice to say..please refrain from doing so..because most of here are enjoying the show! With me frankly speaking FLTY is my source of joy and my stress reliever.watching Gun and MY thrills me everytime....☺may it be their bickering sweet moments never a dull moment with our otp...

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