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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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Guest chunnogirl33

I am with @stuartjmz‌ in thinking that Geon will walk away from the proposal and continue hiding out of love for Mi Young and respect for Daniel. Despite his jealousy he does see Daniel as a better man for Mi Young

I don't judge him too harshly for his lying but I do think it is one more thing that will add to Mi Young's distrust.

Geon has lied to "protect" her ur he has lied. And lies, no matter how white and no matter how justified create distriust

He needs to stop. I'm sure he is feeling more and more crappy about this and at some point he'll explode and tell his truth one way or another. At least confess that he loves her. I think he can tell her "I want to be greedy and keep you with me but I can't because I have this illness" and she can answer "In this world, there is nothing impossible" :)

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stuartjmz said: Without getting into the JH vs CJH silliness/pettiness, I have to stick up for Daniel. He's behaved very honourably and been upfront with MY about his feelings. He hasn't resorted to trickery or deception to keep MY and Geon apart, and hasn't sulked or whined. He's the second lead in a remake, so of course he's not to going to get the girl, but there's absolutely no substance to the slurs on his character that have been poured out on him in this thread. No bullying, no manipulation, no deceit, but also not a pathetically passive "shoulder to cry on" Ji Hoo kind of character, as the wooden Baron Chen's Dylan  was in the original.  Of course I'm looking forward to the OTP getting back together, but wanting that to happen and knowing it will doesn't fill me with the need to vilify a decent man for honestly pursuing the woman he loves.
In contrast, someone I follow on Twitter raised quite valid objections about Geon's trickery in this episode. Unlike Daniel, he DID lie, directly and repeatedly.  I know why, but he still lied. There is no way around that simple fact: "I have a child" - no he doesn't. "We're both women" no, they're not. I'm sure all those contemning Daniel will leap to defend Geon's actions, but the simple truth is, and I say this as a fan of the OTP, to this point, Daniel has consistently been more honest and straightforward in his dealings with MY than Geon. Apart from letting the misapprehension about his being a priest slide for a while, he's never lied, not once. Geon, otoh, has done so repeatedly, his biggest lie being the reason they're apart. 
So yes, the OTP is cute and belong together, but because we know that's going to happen there's no need to hate on a character who has done nothing wrong. Loving someone and telling them so, even repeatedly, is neither a crime nor a sin. Lying to someone you love, repeatedly, is definitely a sin, and also a spectacularly poor foundation to build a solid relationship on. Geon's behaviour  toward MY in  the last few episodes has definitely been much less candid and trustworthy than Daniel, and when she finds out who the "woman" was she poured all her secrets too, she will be hurt AGAIN. 

Which is why I want Geon to do the right thing, for the first time in several episodes, and quietly leave, without interrupting the proposal. He keeps saying to himself not to interfere, and deciding to give the painting back was the only right thing to do, but now he needs to take a leaf out of Daniel's book and trust MY to make her own decisions in life. He thanked Daniel for his kindness and said he was happy that Daniel felt that way about MY (meaning Geon has a much clearer grasp of Daniel's character than many posting here), and now he has the chance to prove that he meant it. I hope he does. 

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Another scenario running wild in my imagination....MY will say yes to the proposal,but with a little bit of twist...." Yes...lets become a family....Let me be your sister" .....Sorry Daniel I cant root you with MY romantically..There is no romantic vibe between them.I kept thinking it was as he proposing for her to be his dongseng 

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It was heartbreaking to see Gun looking over to Gaeddongi's portrait beside him. Both bitter and sweet, the thought that he was driving his baby in the passenger seat, going to see Ggaedongie Omma. That painting holds the largest symbolism to Gun and Miyoung's bond and struggle.

I am with the majority (it seems) that it would be in character for Gun to walk out the door after seeing the proposal. But if he's believing Miyoung is happy and will be moving forward to build a family from this day on, I feel he would want to keep Le Soupir with him all the more and forevermore. To him, there is no harm in keeping it. He is already resolute that Miyoung is and will be the only love for him for the rest of his life. Keeping her painting, to him, would be the last "gift" from Miyoung. Alternatively, he could leave the painting too because he knows that would be the right thing to do. However, I desperately want Miyoung to find out for herself who her #1 fan is by way of finding her piece in Gun's possession. That would be a heartfelt scene (along with every bit of scene with snail couple in one frame).

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@anagard .... saw her 1 or 2 years ago by chance on youtube ... she is brilliant, I like the fact that Daniel used it, as it is truely a beautiful way to express thru art ... still I think it shows his sincere heart and MY will not want to break it or make use of it.She probably will thank him, with all her heart and tell him how close he is to her, but she will not be able to see him in the light, that he wishes for.

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anagard said:Sorry Daniel but I now where you got your idea for proposal!!!

Yep, I'm sure EVERYONE who'd seen that astonishing performance thought of it when watching Daniel on FTLY - I kept thinking "meh, the girl was WAY better!" :D

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I've been busy moving to another location and didn't get the chance to respond until now.  So here's the criminal being sought by authorities - the only thing lacking was serving the summons and complaint.

I didn't know my opinion would cause people to hate me - I am not a fan of either Jang Hyuk or Choi Jin Hyuk - but - I watched a lot of their dramas - especially if their dramas are good.  I made a comment on a particular episode - but didn't mean to put anybody down. 

I don't know why I was singled out when there were harsher posts (mine was not even harsh, I believe, because I am not one to cause trouble) that seem like almost  throwing stones at each other.  Anyway, I  am no trouble-maker, I did not  become a legend in soompi for nothing - I know the rules and in  some  fandoms I was and continue to be a member of, I try to be the police and I gained a lot of friends who respect me through them.  This is for someone who said 'you know who you are' - and yes,  I know who I am and I am not in hiding

I don't even know why I am explaining myself - feels like I am sitting in a courtroom being tried.  I am not even getting paid for doing a rebuttal but I am  doing it.

Did  I offend anybody?  I don't know - this is a public forum and everybody is entitled to voice their own opinions.  I am here not because I am a fan of Jang Hyuk or Jang Nara - I am here because I love the drama and I love how the characters are portrayed.  There are lots of threads in soompi whose members try to kill each other with words.  I didn't know  I did that.  If I did - maybe I should say 'sorry' - even tho' I am not sure.

Well, since I would be away from the internet for a while - I am bidding FTLY forum goodbye - nice reading those intelligent opinions and insights from some wonderful members.  Believe me,  I treasure them  all and appreciate them.

I will, however, continue to support the snail couple from far - just like what Geun is doing to MY.

BTW - if I want to call the attention of someone, I would PM that person - best and respectful way - IMHO. [spoiler./]

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@viyra, I'll miss your wonderful posts and insight  :((  and you're not a criminal in my eyes.  I hope your move goes well.  
I can't wait to see how the writers actually bring MY and LG back together.  There have been so many wonderful theories about what might happen. I really wish MY would talk with her mom and her mom would be honest with her that Gun comes to the restaurant all the time.  Everyone is so afraid to talk to her about LG.  I also wish DP would have allowed her to finish when she was explaining about LG coming out of her room.  For some reason that bothered me.  I just felt that he was afraid to hear her answer and that he thought she might say that she still cared about LG.

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Just want to say, that I love the OST of the series which has such an eclectic mix of musical styles and now the really really cool artwork.  This series even has a little ballet.  
But to me, Jung Hyuk's performance in Episode 14 was over the top, with his hiding and crawling around and some of his love struck looks at Mee-young, well it just doesn't get any better.
^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^

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@viyra I have no clue why you think everyone hates you ... I am not even sure if I reacted to your last post other then pressing a like/LOL/insightful ... but even is I do in any way disagree with one or the other on views, opinions or theories, that does for me not mean that I do not appreciate their post and want it here.Please look after your health while moving, don't drop something on your foot and eat well ;)
I read before that MY would hear from her mom about Guns reason why he let MY go before.I wonder if mom knows. Even Gran does not know that Gun had memory loss and mom didn't know either, as MY kept that from her. Why should Gun tell her? I also don't think that MY told her mom everything, as she wanted to protect both (the mom from hurt and Gun from being misunderstood), so I guess there are a lot of things that all mains kept to themselves. And I do not see Daniel as trustworthy either. True he helped MY a lot and he likes her a great deal. But most of his actions came from selfish reasons. And even with the priest-thing, he jumped right onto MYs conclusion instead of standing by his "lying".Gun did not go constantly to MY in hospital, as he felt really guilty, guilty because he let her go, guilty because he told her not everything and let her make the choise, but made it for her. Guilty because thru that action she met the accident and lost their beloved child. Also her family was around her and they probably heard just 2.-hand-reports, which weren't always the truth ...

There are many things to consider and to view, that it could fill pages and still we wouldn't all agree on the different points, as we all grew up in different environments and alone that makes us see things differently.But that is the crazy and brilliant thing about the forum, we get new sites on old pictures. Women get the mens point of view, Indonesians get the American view and and and ... we have 6 more episodes, let's have fun with those (if the writer and Pd play along ;) )

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Another scenario running wild in my imagination....MY will say yes to the proposal,but with a little bit of twist...." Yes...lets become a family....Let me be your sister" 

.....Sorry Daniel I cant root you with MY romantically..There is no romantic vibe between them.I kept thinking it was as he proposing for her to be his dongseng


Hey! U must've lived in my mind. I was just thinking that too! Let's pray hard it, happens . Hahaha

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@viyra‌ I also don't think what you said was in any way problematic. It was a common opinion sharing, and had no reason to apologize. Don't let a couple of people targeting you let you discourage sharing your opinion in this forum, cuz there are so much more people who don't see it that way. Hope to see you again in the forum.

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Guest fiovial

Are we going to hit 500 pages today? We should, right? :)

@gumi gosh 25 hours standby filming...brutal....... we will be seeing bag man Jang Hyuk and panda Jang Nara for a while for sure.... :(

@viyra‌ good luck on your move! Swing by here once you're all settled in.

Asking for rest for the cast seems impossible...I can only hope they all stay healthy...actors and production team. if the actors aren't getting sleep...imagine how much worse it is for the PDs.......

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@viyra honestly I can't remember what you posted. I read everyone's posts, click awesome/lol/insightful on almost every post, but in actuality, most of the time just read and move on. Pls don't feel that you r targeted, as everyone has their opinions (some stronger than others), for me those I don't feel comfortable with, I just skip/ignore. good luck to your moving. (:

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Guest imaprodigy

stuartjmz said: imaprodigy said: However, since you brought up Gun's lie about breaking up, that's a different story due to the emotion behind it. In my opinion, it's sort of like telling a white lie. You know the saying, "If you don't have anything nice to say, then keep it to yourself."? That lie was something like that. If a sweet, innocent, little girl asked you if you thought she was pretty, and you really didn't think so, then would you straight out tell her that no, she's ugly? The answer is no. Having manners dictates that we be polite and say that yes, she is pretty. 

Sorry, I don't believe in the existence of Santa Claus, hobbits, or white lies. I do agree with "if you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing" but that's not lying. It is possible to be polite and tactful without lying, even in the example you give. This is my very last comment on this, as  there is no point in further dragging this out, but there is still a fundamental difference between what Daniel did in the confessional and what Geon did - SHE called Daniel a priest and he said nothing, letting her assume it. Geon actively lied, right from the very beginning, by giving a false name and address when buying the painting - that's when he started lying about being a woman.  For me, a lie is a lie is a lie. 

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