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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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Guest kaonamp

@TeaHouse are you watching the same drama we're all watching haha just kidding. I guess its really just preference then. I've seen a few episodes of the T version too but not going to compare the two since their take are different. Same plot, story line but how the writers choose to show us is a bit different. Anyhow I think you just need to watch without comparing the two, then you'd really enjoy the K version too. Not sure if your a fan of Jang Hyuk and Jang Nara but it seems like the writers keep poking fun at both their careers so its quite funny in a sense.

Well hopefully the next few episodes will have you rooting for the same thing us crazy FTLY addicts are rooting for as well.

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Guest fiovial

Didn't have time to comment on episode 10 yesterday so I'm a bit late in commenting right now but here goes.....

Kdrama law dictates that by the halfway point melodrama has to rear it's head...and sure this drama can't escape that either. In the previous 9 episodes this drama has done a great job not falling deep into melodramatic territory..let's hope they can keep it up because this drama is selling itself as a romantic comedy so let's keep it at that please.

Episode 10 was not my favorite episode by a long shot. In terms of quality it's probably the weakest...right there with epidode 1. I don't know how to describe it but the episode didn't flow well for me...is it another editing issue? Possibly...but even the directing feels quite a bit weaker than before. This is why I hate live filming....I'm sure if given more time the pds can give us a more well-rounded episode. Episode 10 felt so jumbled to me as if they're just cutting and pasting scenes in a flurry. Some scenes felt unnecessary and just thrown in to get a couple laughs without adding anything to the storyline (I'm referring most noticeably to the high schooler scene).

But not all is bad...I enjoy the acting... all are doing a top-notch job and the overall writing isn't bad. My fave scenes:

-The kisses of course. Hyukie knows how to kiss...'nuff said. The kiss between Geon and Mi Young is awesome. We can really feel how much they want one another

-The frustrated shower scene!! Ooh poor Geonie!! But I think let's stop at this eh writer-nims? We had a good laugh at Geon's sexual frustration but let's not do this too often.

- Geon complimenting Yong. Yong was just basking in his hyung's attention. I would like tO see them interact more in the future.

-Mi Young and Yong. :) looks like they might be kindred spirits in a different situation.

-secretary Tak trying to knock some sense into Geon. He knew when to stand up to his boss. I like the fact that we're shown a different side to their relationship. For secretary Tak to be able to just call him Geon signifies that they have/had a close relationship in the past. I want to know more about their past.

OK I'll end this loong post now :P

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TeaHouse said: I am probably going to get yelled at quite a bit for this comment but then this is my honest opinion to this drama. I have watched the Taiwanese version and am currently watching the Korean version of FTLY and normally I would always say that I love the Korean versions a lot more then the Taiwanese version, but after watching up to episode 10 today, I am going to have to say that the Taiwanese version was so much better. I just can't seem to get myself to love this drama at all. I dislike the character Lee Gun a lot. His laugh, his over dramatic expressions and also the way he carries himself in the drama just didn't make it enjoyable to me. I do however love Jang Na-Ra's character. she plays such an innocent character so well and she just has this innocent face and aura about her. They casted well with her part. I can't seem to find any chemistry between the characters though a lot of people will say they do, it just didn't click with me at all. I will continue to finish watching it since I don't like to leave a drama half way, but then I was disappointed greatly with this drama.  

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Guest hunterdd

TeaHouse said: I am probably going to get yelled at quite a bit for this comment but then this is my honest opinion to this drama. I have watched the Taiwanese version and am currently watching the Korean version of FTLY and normally I would always say that I love the Korean versions a lot more then the Taiwanese version, but after watching up to episode 10 today, I am going to have to say that the Taiwanese version was so much better. I just can't seem to get myself to love this drama at all. I dislike the character Lee Gun a lot. His laugh, his over dramatic expressions and also the way he carries himself in the drama just didn't make it enjoyable to me. I do however love Jang Na-Ra's character. she plays such an innocent character so well and she just has this innocent face and aura about her. They casted well with her part. I can't seem to find any chemistry between the characters though a lot of people will say they do, it just didn't click with me at all. I will continue to finish watching it since I don't like to leave a drama half way, but then I was disappointed greatly with this drama.  

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Guest kaddict92

@hunterdd and @TeaHouse I have to completely disagree with you. Even if Daniel is the main or part of the OTP it really has nothing to do with the ratings. When JS, FTLY, and IOTL were announced that they aired both at the same time slot I was having a hard time choosing which one to watch because I like LeeJunki/Han Joowan and producer of The Princess Man and FTLY with the Jangs and IOTL with Gong Hyo Jin. However I liked FTLY out of the three of them because it had this extra 'thing' I can't seem to explain that grasp me as a drama viewer. All three dramas are quite unique and qualitative in their own ways. It's a hard competition for ratings so really it just depend on the viewers's preference. And honestly I do like CJH (he's a great actor and so attractive) but JH brings depth to all his character. A fantastic actor! Just because Gun is a bit on the weird side it balance out MY's personality. It's a yin-yang for me. She's quiet and introverted while he's weird and extroverted. They personally fit each other. I do shipped both male leads but MY and Daniel's relationship seems to establish more of friendship/brother/sister whereas MY and Gun can find their own personalities and clashed with each other. That's my just thought. I mean you can find Gun unbearable and it's fine. And honestly I was turned off by some characters from other dramas too that people loved. 
Also, not sure if someone found this before but while I was googling Nara and Jang Hyuk old dramas/movies I found Nara album discography and she sang 달팽이. Haha I wonder if they'll used this. It's funny when I was googling this because all snail showed up is Jang Nara/FTLY stuffs. But yeah. The song is actually kinda sad, maybe they'll insert it in. I'm surprised JNR hasn't sung for the OST but it's okay I prefer her acting over her singing. 

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We respect what you feel..but for most of here are enjoying the K version. Me, for instance is finding Gun lovable despite of his super tough persona outside..but whenever he is with MY he transforms into a very gentle caring sweet person. And I think his outrageous laughter is somewhat his defense mechanism at times when he feels frustrated or desperate.

As for chemistry..I just love how Gun longs for MY..I assumed he loved her more than he loved SR.. I've been a k Drama fan quite a long time and GunYoung will be included on my list of fave love teams..

And as for the rating goes..as long as I m enjoying and feel all excited and giddy every week..Rating doesn't matter. FTLY is my stress reliever.and puts away my worries.

Hopefully , as the show progresses you will find it enjoyable too.

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Guest czapluvkpop

I really want to think it is not amnesia...I know the bitterness of this drama is soon to come but I really don't want MY and Gun be seperated. I hope Writernim and PDnim have other ways to attack treatment of these scenes. Love MYand Gun together(and be all sweetness to each other).
Sunset90 said: eidasayang said: I don't think it's amnesia lorr... Too cliche.... Huhu... His face when he saw sera just like 'sera? Why she's here? Where's my mi young?'.. Kekeke... :P

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The crazy thing is that SeRa is about to throw away the career she abandoned her love for. Double punishment.


I think MY is just one of those people who needs a lot of reassurance. Gun is being pretty plain about what he feels, it's up to her to take it to heart. I acknowledge that she has a lot going against her: his emotional entanglement with SeRa and the divorce agreement but that confession from Gun should have bolstered her faith in his emotions. He didn't speak in vagueness. He plainly referenced his heart, letting her know it's engaged. He is going to be slower to love MY because of his past relationship with SeRa (although MY was just in love with someone else but that's being ignored) but he's amazing transparent with what he's feeling always. I also blamed Gun for them getting split that way. Instead of repeating that he was sorry, he should have explained that they went in with a plan but things have changed. It annoyed me that MY didn't explain that to her mother when they had a chance to speak too.

I know the angst is coming, that's the drama formula

I don't think any of the elders would have listened even if they say things have changed. They definitely ignored MY when she said she loves him. They were so fixated that it was just $ business between the 2, they wouldn't have listened. It'd be so much more frustrating if they keep repeating : no, we changed! But no one believes them! Sigh, n to geon, it only matters that he apologizes to the ones he hurt (grandma n omma), because he is truly sorry.

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I guess I am the only one who dislikes the TW version of this drama. The lead actor (Ethan) is just so-so and he didnt click for me. Their overall dramatized scenes which became so unrealistic it was so freaking boring. Jang Hyuk really got me in this one. I never liked him before, but now he is one of my favorite actors, I guess rom-com just suits him so much. As for Jang Nara, needless to say. She is WONDERFUL: her looks and acting and her voice. I hope to see more of her in the future. 

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marie67 said:I guess I am the only one who dislikes the TW version of this drama. The lead actor (Ethan) is just so-so and he didnt click for me.

LOL! The only possible response is "I guess you REALLY, REALLY haven't been paying attention to this thread". =)) :))
I have ranted often and at length about how much I dislike the original, including on this very page, and many, many others have also expressed their negative views of the original, more than one were even unable to finish it. So, you are DEFINITELY not the only one, but because I'm always happy to welcome another member of the club, I will waive the entry fee and instead let you off with a simple plea to read the posts here carefully.  ;)

As for Ethan, he's a VERY good actor. Really very good, as his performance in My Queen and his various award-winning movie roles show. The mark of a good actor is someone who can make you forget previous roles, and he did a great job of that with FTLY and My Queen. In one he was adorable, in the other utterly hateful and so very, very punchworthy. His role in FTLY was not a likable one, so the fact that he didn't click with you suggests to me that you reacted to it the same way I did,with distaste. Geon in this version is so very much more likable, but if you want to see another side of Ethan do check out My Queen if you haven't already. 

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OMG I just remembered what the doctor said about MY & LG's fetus head being too big and I thought she might be having twins! Then when they were at the baby store they met their parental class teacher but it turned out it's actually her twin sister. It would be so amazing if MY is carrying twins  \m/ 

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Guest czapluvkpop

Hello you guys!Wow...look how many pages this thread leads to! Amazing is the fandom for this FTLY drama. I really haven't seen IOIL yet although I'm a fan of Zo InSung...i'll try to capture the episodes after days though.my favorite drama nowadays,obviously is FTLY simply because it makes me laugh.after a hard day at work,you would want to smile and relax too,right? i just hope the coming episodes ,although I know will be sad ones,I really hope I can cope up with. OMO! Even at work i think of Gun and MY and how hard it is for both of them.Surely,this is dramaland and I'm a real person in a real world but hey...I just can't get enough of FTLY and the SNAIL COUPLE. I LOVE YOU Jang Nara and Jang Hyuk ssi!!!

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stuartjmz said: marie67 said:I guess I am the only one who dislikes the TW version of this drama. The lead actor (Ethan) is just so-so and he didnt click for me.

LOL! The only possible response is "I guess you REALLY, REALLY haven't been paying attention to this thread". =)) :))
I have ranted often and at length about how much I dislike the original, including on this very page, and many, many others have also expressed their negative views of the original, more than one were even unable to finish it. So, you are DEFINITELY not the only one, but because I'm always happy to welcome another member of the club, I will waive the entry fee and instead let you off with a simple plea to read the posts here carefully.  ;)

As for Ethan, he's a VERY good actor. Really very good, as his performance in My Queen and his various award-winning movie roles show. The mark of a good actor is someone who can make you forget previous roles, and he did a great job of that with FTLY and My Queen. In one he was adorable, in the other utterly hateful and so very, very punchworthy. His role in FTLY was not a likable one, so the fact that he didn't click with you suggests to me that you reacted to it the same way I did,with distaste. Geon in this version is so very much more likable, but if you want to see another side of Ethan do check out My Queen if you haven't already. 

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Guest czapluvkpop

Again as I've mentioned earlier in this thread...I haven't seen the Taiwanese Version. I also think this Korean version will have an almost totally different destination of the story from its original plot.Just saying! Peace out!  :)>-

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czapluvkpop said: Again as I've mentioned earlier in this thread...I haven't seen the Taiwanese Version. I also think this Korean version will have an almost totally different destination of the story from its original plot.Just saying! Peace out!  :)>-

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