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[Drama 2014] Glorious Day 기분 좋은 날

Guest reijaye

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@gigglessquiggles, thanks for the post !  You are fast !!!   

According to the news report, they had to start filming at 5 am in order to finish shooting before the theme park's opening hours. The staff also had to manually move the carousel as if used its electronic system, the carousel was moving too fast for filming. It took dozens of staff, and a lot of coordination before they can move it at the right speed for filming.   

Salute our dear GD team !


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Guest CatherineS1430294463

Hayyyyy!!! Can wait hoping for fast sub. Coz even without sub yet im still excited watching glorious day tonight feeling tug of war in the time. Cant slee p for waiting.

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joy17 said: Hello everyone, this is Jamie Hartford from America! At first I just wanted to keep things to myself, so that I don't complain, but I can't hold it in anymore. So here is my concert regarding the drama being shorten. On the other hand, I totally understand situation happens any the actresses and actors have other plans and things to do. But here is what I think, when there is no funds or people who don't support the drama, who would want to continue? They need to make money too. Also, why does it matter so much what the Korean thinks? They are all bias. Just because this drama didn't have the actors or the actress that they like, they don't watch it. Or the story is not their type. I know what the Korean like, they like all the birth secret and the step-mom hate each other. Thus, if the money is concert, they can tell us where we can donate it, cause I would do it! Now days the companies (SBS, KBS, & MBC) should not care about what the rating does. Because now, we can watch those things online. Hello, producer, we don't live in the 70s anymore. There are a lot of things they should put it in consideration. Like: overseas, online, etc. Koreans shouldn't be the only one judging if the drama is good or not. Not to lie, I really like LMH and PSH, and all those famous people, but they are really getting on nerve. Their drama could be the worse drama on the planet, the Koreans would watch it, just because it had LMH in it. Isn't that sickening. I watched Korean dramas for almost a decade and I have not liked another drama more than this. This one is honestly the best one.

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Guest leinbou

Apparently, they're going wedding clothes shopping today (?)

She looks pretty in that gown.

Hahaha, they're cute~ visual-wise, they really look good together, I think.

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Guest CatherineS1430294463

@joy17. Your correct even us we watch almost all korean drama most the story is richman poorgirl. Son of this, daughter of this, heirs of this. lets face it unbelievable stories. Unlike the gorious day we almost laugh, cry, learn to control our emotion specially when your mad like writer han do. I like the most dialog "dont point your fingers in the face of my daughters" something like that. actually allots of dialogs open our mind because this is the reality of our daily life in glorious day.maybe we never yet incounter but possible happend to us . can i say true to life story. Yaaaaa! LET PUT THE REMAINING 2EP OF GLORIOUS DAY TO THE MOST HIGHEST RATING. FIGHTING FIGHTING .

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Hold on...SJ is also in the photo at Wedding shop. I heard there's no wedding scene for our cutie couple. SJ&GY. Don't know why but I feel they are mistreated. Was that cut probably due to the Asian Games? :((( So sadddddd.

Btw, I wish to have more photos and teaser of that coupleeee. It's almost the end...let's enjoy GD until the very last bit!!!

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Guest AmalA1430294167

Last weekend with our glorious drama ... T-T ...

Thank you for all hardworking of the crew and actress/actors. I love you all. Gonna miss LSW and PSY.

looking forward for all cast next project. Fashion King (PSY) will release on November. I hope LSW have a next project soon ....

I will enjoy the 2 last episode ....

TT-TT ...


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hippomyta said: Hold on...SJ is also in the photo at Wedding shop. I heard there's no wedding scene for our cutie couple. SJ&GY. Don't know why but I feel they are mistreated. Was that cut probably due to the Asian Games? :((( So sadddddd. Btw, I wish to have more photos and teaser of that coupleeee. It's almost the end...let's enjoy GD until the very last bit!!!

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Guest leinbou

hippomyta said: Errrr, the schedule is updated. GD is delayed to 9:30 tonight. This makes me more curious of what's gonna happen. :)) I'm worried for the rating though. Wish it will beat last episode, so it gives the casts some sense of recognition.

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Guest AmalA1430294167

Errrr, the schedule is updated. GD is delayed to 9:30 tonight. This makes me more curious of what's gonna happen.


) I'm worried for the rating though. Wish it will beat last episode, so it gives the casts some sense of recognition.

yeah ... asian games closing ceremony right now ....

cant wait any longer ... our Glorious drama ...

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Guest CatherineS1430294463

Ooooooo!! myyyyyy!!! what a TORTURED this time not cutting the airing but its DELAYED. Pls. Stop torturing the televiewers or audience of glorious day we almost tug of war in the time to watch glorious day and then when the times comes they say Delayed. OMG

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Scene Recap Epiisode 43

Episode starts with toad on his knees apologizing and crying and the rest as well with Writer Han yelling at him to get up and not show this side of himself to the children.  NGY comes in and hears it and Writer Han continues to fuss with DI saying something to half bro telling him to go and his calling her name and she continues.

EC comes down and hears DA light into her father about the past when he told her mother he wanted a divorce and was leaving for someone else and when he pushed down DJ cutting her head not caring.   Writer Han tells EC to go upstairs and he does. NGY goes out leaving them standing outside for a min at the scene he witness.

DA continues until Writer Han says something as Dr. Kang hugs her and JW hugs DJ.  She ask half bro to take the toad out and he helps him up and does crying.

NGY is at home washing dishes with pink gloves on.. when his secretary says something and he replies with the bell ringing and it is the Team leader who comes in with a bag and is teasing him and she pulls out a boxing mask for him saying something.

DJ and JW are at home and she wonders about when he knew about her half brother and he tells her and she touches his face touched that he was trying to protect her after he tells her about half bro and what he said to him.

DI and Writer Han are in the kitchen and she says something Writer Han turns from the sink and hugs her saying something.

Writer Han calls a meeting of the family and they talk about things and EC come down to sit between DA and DJ and then Writer Han tells him to sit beside her and puts something on the table and tells JW something.

Toad and Half bro are at the River of Woes and Toad says something about his mother and they share a moment  with half bro laying his head on his shoulder.

Toad is at work and NGY is waiting for him asking him if there is anything maybe he can do for the girls in his place.

DJ is outside with Halmoni in the garden and Dr. Kang comes up in work out gear and she does not recognize him and DJ calls out to her and Dr. Kang takes off his hat.

DJ has Halmoni in the house with the rest showing her pictures of herself with the family and Halmoni ask questions as Dr. kang and DA show their rings and that they are married.  EC comes in with a book saying something and Halmoni ask something.

NGY is waiting outside the next morning for DI and tells her to get in.  HE drives her and she ask about him liking her mother I think and he replies back asking her something.

DI tries to scare EC but it does not work and he goes by her with DJ looking at her.

DJ is at the rice cake shop and NGY comes in as she is eating something and puts a bandage on her head saying something to her.

JW and DJ go to the toads place and half bro is shocked and she ask him to step out a moment.  Half bro goes out and speaks with JW who throws something at him he catches.

DJ talks to toad in the house and he replies back.

Halmoni is in with Halaboji and they talk and DJ and JW come in and Halmoni says something and then fusses at Halaboji.

The family is at the table laughing and joking talking toasting.

Halaboji has taken Halmoni to the doctor and both are waiting for a check up with SA with them having a moment and IW comes up making a joke and halmoni looks nerveous as IW bends down to say something taking her hand to reassure her.

The nurse calls out for them to come in and we see SA talking to the doctor about her parents and the doctor tells her something about her father and SA replies back crying a bit.
JW is having an outdoor wear fashion shoot and we see the guys from VIXX on the run way with  DI having a fan girl moment and then boyfriend comes out with DI  jumping a round and some other woman says something and DJ looks at her saying he is DI's boyfriend maybe.

Team leader calls DJ Ahjumma and DJ says her Ahjumma and team leader says something to her lol.. JW comes up checking her jacket and the nose causes her to wince and he covers her ears and the Team leader covers her eyes at their antics LOL..

DI is with boyfriend and she pushes her way in to the fan girls to get an autograph or picture with the idols and boyfriend looks mad and she comes out and he calls out to them putting his arm around her jealous saying she is his girlfriend and pulls her off.

The doctor gives Halmoni and Halaboji the status and they seem a bit relieve as they say something and the doctor replies back.

DA is hanging out clothing and EC is  sitting at the table watching her and goes to try and say mom and she turns saying something and he scurries off.  NGY comes up calling out to DA and brings up some boxes and says something and ask for a hug or to give her one and she does and he says something and Dr. Kang come up jealous wanting to know what is going on and pulls her away acting jealous with NGY and DA looking at him  smiling and he finally leaves.

Dr. Kang , with JW, IW, DJ and boyfriend are talking and JW says something about boyfriend as he says something and then Dr. Kang says something  about NGY and someone images NGY running the son in laws to death.  IW says something else and then boyfriend has his daydream that NGY will make DI so rich and snotty she will not even want to deal with him as he waits at the gate when she gets out the car in her glam wear.  JW says something else and JW replies and DJ gets angry and stands up fussing at them and JW and IW try to calm her and the put their heads together as DJ watches them.

Writer Han is outside thinking when MS comes up and they go for a walk talking about her ex hubby and they go to the play ground and he says something to her and then mentions NGY to her and she sighs and he continues to talk to her about it and NGY and sighs telling her something and he looks at her telling her something shaking his head and Writer Han replies back about toad and MS nods and says something to her and he ask her something and tells her something else about NGY's family and she looks at him as he continues to tell her about his family life and what he has missing and Writer Han says sorry to him and something and MS replies back telling her something else (listen to him Writer Han.. your Oppa is helping you!!)

SA is in the kitchen and MS comes in as  she is getting the food on and he says something and finally says lets get NGY married to Writer han because they like each other and SA starts fussing as Halmoni and Halaboji come in and say something about it and sit down to eat with those three ignoring SA as she fusses about it mad no one is listening to her and MS smiles as they eat.

IW calls twit to meet and she gets to the park and her father is there and she sees him calling out and running to him crying and hugging him and they sit and talk and he ask about how she is doing and if this is what she wants and twit has grown up and tells him something about her mother and doing something and he smiles at her saying something about her mother.

Twit is at the park and IW comes up and puts his phone down with music and she looks and DJ and JW walk up holding hands and JW says something and they bump fist smiling and talking having a cute moment and they hear IW singing to twit and JW and DJ walk up to watch as IW sings to her and JW looks at DJ as she says it is nice and JW puts down his drink and starts doing the same (OMO!! he is so cute) and DJ laughs and he continues and pulls her up and moves her and then kisses her. IW  finishes up his song with twit calling out Oppa and he holds his arms open hugging her.

Writer Han is folding clothing and SA comes in running her mouth holding the back of her head about NGY and her and Writer Han is like go in and talk and SA rude as ever and shakes her off not wanting to be quiet and Writer Han says something to her about walking into her house with her shoes on and SA takes them off and goes on about how Writer Han has seduced or tricked him and Writer Han fires back at her and SA looks at her and Writer Han lets her have it saying why can't she have someone in her life and who is she to say something like that to her with SA surprised saying OMO, OMO at Writer Han letting her have it.

NGY has toad in his place and ask him something and the toad replies and the secretary pulls out a list and starts reading it and toad says something and NGY says something else to him and stands holding out his hand to shake and the toad says something and NGY looks at him then smiles.

DJ takes an order on the phone and looks up to greet someone and the person is not there with the door swinging and she goes out to see a bag of lemons at the door and she looks at one and goes to look down the street and we see toad with his bag and he is running off and looks back at her and she sees him as he turns the corner.

Half bro comes in to find food waiting and an envelope and he calls out for toad and looks in the envelope and sees a bunch of money and he wonders and calls toad on the phone who is on a bus who tells him something and laughs and half bro says something else and toad says something and we see him in tears as he hangs up with half bro.

JW is in the kitchen and is on the phone with NGY talking and NGY says something and JW replies and DJ comes in and ask him something and JW replies handing her the phone and DJ says NGY and he says something stumbling and DJ is like huh and he ask her to meet him.

DJ, DI and DA show up at the amusement part and DJ waves at him and he waves back with the cute animal ears.

NGY says something them on the girls and DI does not want her cat ears and NGY says something then the girls do and NGY puts them on DI and herds them off to get on the carousel.

JW brings Writer Han and she watches her girls go around and around as NGY waves at them and she smiles at them as we see them each smiling at him and Writer han smiles a bit and JW tells her about NGY and she looks at him smiling. NGY goes to take a picture and fusses when he sees JW there and JW waves at him from behind DJ and he goes to take another picture and Writer Han comes up saying something and NGY replies telling her he likes her maybe and writer Han says something else and NGY replies back and he ask her something and she says yes and we see the carousel slow down as the girls watch them and he ask her to take his hand and something else and she looks at it and him.

The end

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**Video Credit DramaSBS channel on Youtube.

Well I can't wait until Sunday's episode.. arghhhhhh episode seemed so short lol..

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