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[Drama 2014] Glorious Day 기분 좋은 날

Guest reijaye

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Hey hey hey ... I think there is good news!!!!!!  Just checked SBS site... according to SBS schedule ....
Episode 44 is on Oct 4 AND...Final is on Oct 5 !!!! We have 45 episodes now?? 
Here is link to schedule.. so that those who know how to read korean please help to confirm if I am reading this correctly  :)) :))  Thank you!!!

Please please more of GD  [-O< [-O<

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Well, as it says in the schedule, what yout think is right. However, better wait until there's a confirmation from SBS or drama production team, because they change schedule so often this period of time...

Anyway, let's pray and hope!!! That will be awesome if we have another episode!!!!

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I stayed away because I hated to hear this was ending early.. Not the first time I have experienced this with a drama I liked but certainly the hardest hit over it. This was an awesome drama perfect in my opinion in every way (sure there were some issues with writing but hey all in all the premise worked out well.) IT gave me a much needed break from too much turmoil or backstabbing or birth secrets.

I hate to see that they have cut this to possible 45 episodes but I will be happy with that because it could have ended at 41. All of the cast and crew that worked hard to make this drama special for me I hope they will remember it with fondness even if it was cut short. This drama for me is a keeper and will be missed.

The premise was not a new one but it was certainly handled better then I have seen.  A drama about family. A drama about a strong woman who endured and raised her family and in turned watched how her 3 daughters turned into beautiful, intelligent women. A drama that did not have a lot of dirty deeds but showed you what love is suppose to be like and what family is suppose to be like. (even when you have members that act like they are 5!) It brought together people and made them into one family and shows you do not have to be born into a family to be a part of it.

I hope as we go into the last 4 episodes (it would be weird to end on an odd number) I hope to see the writer tie up any remaining loose ends to make the ending not seemed rushed from the the last 5 that were cut.

Hopefully nothing will come up to cut these showing and they will keep on schedule.

As for all of you in this thread.. I look forward to sharing these last four episodes with you guys as well. We have endured the journey and now we are almost in the home stretch with only one more weekend left after this one..

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Episode 43
The "forehead kiss".  They are definitely getting better at this :)) :))
Genuinely sweet and caring JW ... comforting DJ.  Something in relation to scar from her past.  Maybe linked to her father since he left her a scar from childhood?  There is a colourful band-aid or plaster on DJ's forehead where she had her scar.
Ooops .. scar and not scare. Hahaha..

Credit TopStarNews

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sauceofsoy said: I came here to confirm whether GD is really ending on ep 44... I'm sorry and please don't hate me, but my friend and I are so happy that it's ending early. Subbing 50 episodes is no joke and I'm looking forward to getting my weekend nights back!  It was a lovely weekend drama and I've become a total fan of Lee Sang Woo due to this drama.  I know you are all sad, but let's enjoy the last 3 episodes and hope that they will ties all the story lines together and end it on a happy note.

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Guest sullifish

ONLY ONE EPISODE for this weekend for glorious days...
tonight ep 42 will air on 20.45pm KST 

and there is no glorious day ep 43 for tomorrow schedule because it got asian games baseball finals

and there is no schedule yet for next week schedule but i think glorious day will end on 6th october because modern farm will premier ep 1 on 11th oct.

cr to sbs schedule

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Uncle and writer Han crack me up I the theater trying to hide from Halmoni and G/Pa Was just to funny love they way they saw them looking at them like busted..LOL..   Writer Han will have conflicting emotions about mattying a single man not being able to help him have his on child even though he may not mind..

Jw is such a sensitive  man he was crying of the news he was going to be dad..   

I really don't think Iw girl is worth the headache they should call this engagement off..

Well I think the editor girl will expose Dh dad and brother..  

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Wow, after all the really disappointing episodes, I'm kind of liking tonight's. It's understandable how DI is upset with the revelation that HJ is her half-brother, and she's not being completely angry, because we can see how she's torn between being mad and just accepting him fully, but as we all know, acceptance isn't that easy.
Another, is EC disliking the fact that there's going to be someone younger than him soon? 
I think the writers are building us up for the finale. According to my understanding, HSJ's going to give importance to her daughters first, even if it means having to set aside her feelings for NGY? I really suck at understanding Korean, but it has a bit of a sad feeling to it, and I'm not entirely sure why.
And NGY sleeping in front of the house though :)) #emo phase
And the ending of tonight's episode is kinda.. intense, man. Everybody's at the house-- I feel worried for DJ because this is all so stressful for her--

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sullifish said: ONLY ONE EPISODE for this weekend for glorious days...
tonight ep 42 will air on 20.45pm KST 

and there is no glorious day ep 43 for tomorrow schedule because it got asian games baseball finals

and there is no schedule yet for next week schedule but i think glorious day will end on 6th october because modern farm will premier ep 1 on 11th oct.

cr to sbs schedule

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OMG.... I want to kick the Team leader.. mini scene recap.

Starts with Team Leader saying she would marry NGY and have his kids.. (she is just too creepy.) Like she would really let him go once she had him!! and he looks at her saying huh and finally he declines her nonsense.

Writer Han is folding laundry wondering why NGY has not contacted her when Dr. Kang comes in saying something then she gets a call from team leader to come get her drunk butt.

DI is just standing at the door of the apartment as boyfriend tries to call her and she does not answer frozen at the door.

Toad and half bro are eating and talking.

DI rings the bell and toad ask half bro about expecting anyone and half bro looks like no and gets up to go to the door and let's her in and calls DI and toad tries to hide under the covers and she lets half bro have it and he chases her out and tries to talk to her but she is too upset at finding out that he is her half brother (or lives with toad) and boyfriend shows up running his mouth and pushes him back and he tries again to talk to DI but she does not want to hear it with toady listening in upset at the situation and boyfriend hits Oppa and they walk off with half brother upset crying.

Twit is in the kitchen and gets food out with DJ looking on and twit gets the pot off the stove and drops it wasting the soup making a mess and SA comes in and sees her and starts fussing about the mess she made and why is she there and DJ goes to clean it up and SA tells DJ to get up off the floor and SA tells twit to do it and fusses and twit is apologetic and finally SA just picks it up and cleans it up and JW comes in and DJ gives him the signal to go out.DJ calls out MIL and tries to calm down SA who is still fussing at twit upset.

JW is listening and then IW comes and JW tells him what is going on and IW wants to go in but JW stops him saying something and they listen then MS comes in and they tell him to go up with them upstairs and they talk in JW's room about the situation with twit being around.

MS comes into the bedroom and says something to SA who replies about the situation.

Writer Han comes to the restaurant to find Team Leader mumbling and spread out with all the Soju and beer bottles rambling on about NGY liking someone I think and her passing out on the table as Writer Han is trying to get her up to go. (just a burden, LOL dead weight).

DR. Kang is in his room and gets a call from NGY looking for Writer Han on the sly and Dr. Kang figures something is going on with the two and makes a comment and NGY hangs up and Dr. Kang is thinking as DA comes in and ask him what is he doing and he tells her something speculating about NGY and his MIL Lol.. and DA replies back..

DJ and twit are at the table with DJ comforting her and JW and IW listen in for a bit more as twit says something about SA and then about Halmoni and her troubles and DJ replies giving her advice and IW gets upset and JW moves him off to the side as the finish listening to DJ trying to comfort her and Twit says something calling her Hyung-nim.. .

JW and IW talk outside the kitchen and IW says something to JW smiling.

JW and DJ are in bed with him massaging her legs because she does not feel well and they talk and she sits up and hugs him and says something to him and he replies.

Writer Han is so nice that she brings that drunk azz home and puts her in her room with DA's help.

Writer Han goes to the kitchen and gets a drink of water and Dr. Kang comes in whispering to her about NGY calling and Writer Han gets a bit flustered and goes out with Dr. Kang thinking and still thinking something is going on with her and NGY.

Dr. Kang is still in the kitchen and DA comes in and he ask about the team leader and says something to her again about NGY and his MIL and she replies smiling slapping his chest and he says something holding her hand.

DI and boyfriend are at the playground or park and she is fussing about what she has just found out about half bro and boyfriend tries to be the voice of reason I think and look at it from half bro's side but she is mad he is not all on her side I think.

Later Toad goes to get meds for the cut on half bro's face and says something and bro replies but lays down crying in bed at loosing DI.

Team Leader comes out the next morning and sees DA mopping the floor and says something  asking after Writer Han and  DA smiles and says something about her stepping outside for a min to her and the Team Leader goes to the kitchen.

Writer Han is outside on the front porch talking to NGY on the phone.. (they are so cute) as she tells him about getting the lush back to her house last night and he is a bit shocked and they set up to meet later.

Writer Han hast gotten up the next morning and feeds the Team leader (greedy self, She is so rude and inconsiderate.) Writer Han ask her something and Team leader replies but does not really say why she was drinking so much.  (I bet she will not say how much of a fool she made of herself last night.)

Then while our mature couple sneak off to date and are met with JW at the gate. NGY and Writer Han go to park down the street and meet up with Boyfriend lol (they are so busted near the house.) who they talk to and Writer Han wants to get out the car but NGY says something and they pull off.

DI is in her room looking at the camera that half bro gave her and remembering what he said when he gave it to her when boyfriend calls out to her and she puts it back in the bag

Boyfriend goes to the house to see DI and has her outside giving her chocolate and she is still a bit sulky and he pulls out a book and ask her help or says he has to study lol and she fusses a bit.

***TEAM Leader is still at Writer Han's house..***

Writer Han and NGY are at the movies and he just brings out drinks and popcorn and they spot the elders and hide lol going in to see the movie as Halmoni and Halaboji get in line for drinks and snacks.

Every one is cuddled up in the theater and NGY ask Writer Han to see her glasses and he puts them on talking and then leaning over to talk to her only to have to be shushed and  Love how Halmoni and Halaboji are at the movies and spots our couple in the theater and they chuckle to themselves as the see them LOL.. NO hiding for them they are out..

Next day DJ has made a different kind of rice cake and MS and JW are with her and they taste it and they like it and JW takes DJ off to the doctor with MS wondering what is going on.

JW takes DJ to the doctor and it is confirmed she is pregnant by ultrasound. JW cries he is so happy LOL.. much to the embarrassment of DJ and the laughter of the doctor.

JW calls Halaboji to tell him in the theater and of course he blurts it out and Writer Han and NGY hear it lol and leave too happy.

MS is told next at the rice cake shop and then they go home then they have lunch at the house  with Halmoni, Halaboji, IW,SA, DJ, JW and twit  and twit makes a comment about it being a honeymoon baby and JW acts all proud and SA says something to him and they laugh. DJ makes a gesture at SA to follow her lead and she says something wanting Halmoni to move back in for awhile with SA co-signing on to it. Writer Han and DA come in happy and hug DJ and Writer Han looks over at Halmoni and Halaboji who smiles at her lol as she looks caught and then NGY comes in with flowers to congratulate them and SA is wondering how he knew and he tries to say it is JW who called him but JW does not accept that lie LOL..

They are all outside next to have tea and Dr. Kang and his son are going to the spa when DA calls to tell him the news and when he tells him his son walks away a bit upset.

NGY and JW are watering the flowers as the others talk at the table and then YOU KNOW WHO COMES OUT THE  (WAE, WAE, WAE!!!) house and SA starts running her mouth and finally some idiot invites her to sit down and DJ gives up her seat, she should have just stood and NGY tells her about DJ being pregnant and SA continues gushing about how they fit and some such nonsense as Writer Han is feeling bad and everyone in the KNOW is too at SA and her mouth. Halmoni and Halaboji just smile at themselves knowing the secret.

IW comes out looking for twit and we see her at the playground and he comes to the play ground and finds her looking dejected and left out saying something to her.

Everyone is again in the house after Halmoni cooks and NGY sneaks over to see Writer Han but she gets up and goes upstairs avoiding him letting what SA said get to her.

Halmoni is in the kitchen making something and Halaboji comes in saying something about her being busy in the kitchen at home and JW comes in to call out Halmoni and Halaboji for a walk and they talk and I think that JW ask Halaboji about NGY and Writer han and Halaboji replies.

DA is checking the kimchi and starts to throw up and Dr. Kang comes in wondering if she is pregnant and she says no and tells him that maybe she does not want to have kids right now and their son hears it and goes back upstairs when writer han comes out asking him something and she hears the last part of DA and Dr. Kang's conversation.

NGY is walking with his assistant in the hotel when they see toad thinking to himself about what went down when DI came to the house and how half bro was treated. NGY say something to him and toad responds a bit in thought and then Team Leader walks up sees them pauses and walks over (WHY IS SHE THERE!!!) and toad leaves with her wondering about him asking NGY something and he heads her off.. nosy twit!!

NGY and Team Leader are in his place with her saying something being nosy and his response and then she is all in his face just too much and he has to back away from her forward self.. (geez lady! Desperate much??? I bet this is what happens she latches on and run men off!)

DI comes back to her room and pulls the covers of twit who is hiding in bed upset and says something to her and twit replies back and DI sits down at her vanity saying something or thinking.

SA and MS go to meet twit's parents to ask them if they are taking her back. Her mother is rude and her father says something and finally MS says if they do not want to take her back they will make her  a daughter of their house and her parents and SA are a bit surprised by that statement.

Writer Han and NGY are out again and she rejects Him I think again and he sits there as she walks and he flashes to all the times they had together and she does as well as she walks down the street alone and we see the table empty where he was and her in her room laying down unable to sleep as the clock strikes the late hour.

JW is walking out Halaboji and MS (going to the rice cake store prolly) and DJ Says something to Halaboji and he replies and MS tells her something and she says yes and says something to JW and he makes a comment and they laugh and walk off and DJ and JW notices NGY in the car as the other two walk off and DJ says it is NGY and they walk over to see him sleeping in  the car and they knock on the window and they want him to come in but he declines and drives off.

Everyone is in DA's room and DI says something about their mother and DJ says something about NGY and writer han dating maybe and DI replies upset and goes out. The rest talk for a bit.

Writer Han is working with the kid and DI comes out and listens and he ask her something and Writer Han touches his head saying something and DI gets mad at her saying something to her (things have come to a head with her emotions) and goes walking off (she is such a selfish child , too spoiled her mother should be able to have a life too.).

DI rings the bell leaving the camera and accessories at the door and half bro comes out and looks around and sees it and goes after her but toad grabs his arm saying something and bro replies shaking him off running off after her.

IW and twit are at the rice cake store and MS is telling them something and they look at one another smile and say yes and SA makes a comment behind them about MS saying she will be their daughter to her parents I think and twit is like huh and IW is like huh and then abeoji and MS says something else to them and they look at each other and MS says something else causing the twit to smile and IW to look at her and then to smile (these two are stuck together now.. not getting them apart.)

Writer Han is waiting at the gate for DI and she comes up and she calls out to her but DI walks by her and goes to her room to lock the door and cry under the covers with Writer Han knocking on the door and the rest coming from upstairs.

NGY is at home looking at the wedding picture touching it.

All are downstairs and JW tries to call someone but they do not answer as they hear DI crying. Half Bro comes in and writer Han asks him something and he gets on his knees to them and starts telling them who he is apologizing as he cries and DI comes out yelling at him and writer han says something and he continues and takes out the will telling her who his mother was and that she wanted her to have it and they all look at him as he cries.

The Toad is outside fretting and finally gets the courage to come in as NGY pulls up as well.

DA says something and then DJ ask a question and JW hugs her and Writer Han picks up the will and bro is still crying and toad comes in and gets him up and tells him he does not have anything to bow down for get up and toad goes down on his knees to Writer Han crying and apologizing as they all watch and Writer Han says something and NGY comes in to say something and notices the atmosphere with everyone standing around and toad on his knees and he looks surprised as Writer Han yells at toad and bro and NGY looks on at them all not quite sure what to say or do it seems.

End of Episode.

**This situation is not half bro's fault he did not ask to come here. He can not be held for the toads bad behavior or his failure to acknowledge his last child. He just wanted to know his sisters. Sure he withheld it too long but I can understand it. so hopefully they will finally as well. I think his mother realized the wrong she did Writer Han and wrote that in that will for her to see. Let's hope she reads it soon and forgives the kid for just wanting to spend time with them missing a family.**


NGY takes the girls to a merry go round and waves and smiles at them as they go around and a round perhaps asking in the background about what toad wants to do for them and he will help. Writer Han looks on with JW next to her maybe. MS comes into the kitchen saying something to SA. SA is at Writer Han's house running her mouth about NGY to her and Writer Han lets her have it with SA looking at her shocked. Halmoni may be having an episode as she sees Dr. Kang as she sits outside and DJ ask her something surprised.

This started out as just a comment about Team Leader and ended up a mini scene recap .. sorry

** Video credit DramaSBS Channel on Youtube

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