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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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It is just me that notices DH getting more chubby cheeks? (not in a bad way of course) :)), while DW we know had to had a diet for HK and seeing their first script reading pic had more chubby cheeks than in present eps

DH still blooming of course and DW still looks good with his thinner face than that of MG's Gongchan especially with the non-GM hair :x :D

*shipper mode* they're FULL of love, that's why! =))

thanks for all the gifs of the recent ep @elfogadunk‌ and @ranxie‌ :)

and Wookie, always keep Dada updated with what you're doing in Japan :)) :-t

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Guest kaman226

turtleaxis said: Seriously, I can't get over how flirty they were in the last episode. I know it's part of the drama, but the flirting was just so effortless, and tbh,when it comes to romance the script is sometimes awkward lol, which makes me think that most of the cutesy stuff are ad-libs from the couple themselves. We know that these two love to improvise, and we know how bossy Wookie is :)) , and sometimes I do think that Wookie actually has a lot of say in the show's production, since he did manage to get both DH and Im Seulong on board and they're both close to him. Every time they tease each other, I just have this stupid grin on my face lol. I love the scene where MN sneaked up on him to hold his hand, and how deadpan he was when he told her that she's shameless :)) . I just feel like JW's sudden surge of flirting power is actually LDW's  ;;)
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Guest superpm kpop

I really looking forward bts of that lifting scene in ep27 and how DW react towards

i remember his reaction during the scene in MG when GC was lifting Yr under the tree in bts DW was standing too long lifting DH so he Said that he could not still lifting DH since she is haevy and DH was embarassed and laughed hhhh

I wonder whts his reaction now after 9 years

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Waw this last episode... very sad but it still gave us nice moments between our on screen OTP. I agree it's always Wookie extending his arms first to hug Dada :P a hug is a natural reflex when you just love somebody that much. On that scene from ep 27, JW looked happier but his mood was still elsewhere as we see in the scene where MN shows him she fixed the painting. I was surprised to see him act openly with her, perhaps that was LDW again letting his inner love for LDH show up and look happy even though his character had to look a bit pensive in my opinion (not totally sad, but not like he acted either - my opinion). The face he does when they hug, OMG! That was for sure Wookie trolling. :)) He's like "COME TO PAPA, BABE" =))

Wookie is checking his phone again... huhuhuh seriously, I bet he's reading us. =)) On the pic of Dada when she went to HK for half a day, she seems like she's kissing her phone tbh. Perhaps she tried to cover her mouth not to let people understand labial? Or was it a voice message on a messagging program like Kakao? Sorry, we use whatsapp in Italy so I don't know XD

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Guest AikuhD

the way mo ne supports, understands and the selfless love towards  JW  is just superb perfect and well executed !!! hope she is mo ne in real life as well.. by the way ..the reconciliation of baek and JW  is kinda awkward how i wish baek wasnt that emo which made me  skipped theirscene.

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Guest turquoiseblue

@inggrid_fairly ok i tried to be objective and take a second look at that pic :-B Here's my observation:
1. Wang Ji Hye is looking directly at their hands and smiling :D  Her expression says "errrr....why are they holding hands? that's sweet... hehehe"
2. Wookie's left arm is extended away from his body like reaching for something which is a weird position if he's not holding her, right? If he's not holding her hand, then his left arm should be resting closer to his body like how his right hand is :D
3. When you look really close at the alleged handhold, the fingers looks more like dahae's fingers clasping his hand coz its the same color as her skin. and it will be weird if that's wookie's fingers...weird position. 
so I therefore conclude that there's a 90% probability that they are indeed holding hands while waiting to start filming again :x :x :x anyway, i love dahae smiling like that she looks really happy ;)
what can you say girls? im feeling so giddy right now yieeeee!

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turquoiseblue said: @inggrid_fairly ok i tried to be objective and take a second look at that pic :-B Here's my observation:

1. Wang Ji Hye is looking directly at their hands and smiling :D  Her expression says "errrr....why are they holding hands? that's sweet... hehehe"
2. Wookie's left arm is extended away from his body like reaching for something which is a weird position if he's not holding her, right? If he's not holding her hand, then his left arm should be resting closer to his body like how his right hand is :D
3. When you look really close at the alleged handhold, the fingers looks more like dahae's fingers clasping his hand coz its the same color as her skin. and it will be weird if that's wookie's fingers...weird position. 
so I therefore conclude that there's a 90% probability that they are indeed holding hands while waiting to start filming again :x :x :x anyway, i love dahae smiling like that she looks really happy ;)
what can you say girls?

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Guest turquoiseblue

@samzz waaaah :x :x they can't really hide it anymore eh? wookie doesn't even care even when wang ji hye is looking at them :D this is obviously BTS coz there are staff standing close to them :) ayayayay!! im feeling it...wohoooo!!! love love love :D

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