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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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Guest kaman226

After reading all your comments it made me feel much better. I guess I was overreacted since all the comments I read there were "They look like very good fds instead of lover." "Are they not going to be together??"

As Dong-Hae is the only couple I shipped so hard for all these years..those comments just drove me insane. I'm glad that I can find so many chingus who are as passionate as me for Dong-Hae!!

Yeah I should have faith for our best OTP! Let's fight for our OTP!!

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After reading all your comments it made me feel much better. I guess I was overreacted since all the comments I read there were "They look like very good fds instead of lover." "Are they not going to be together??"

As Dong-Hae was the only couple I shipped so hard for all these years..those comments just drove me insane. I'm glad that I can find so many chingus who are as passionate as me for Dong-Hae!!

Yeah I should have faith for our best OTP! Let's fight for our OTP!!

YUP.. glad that U realize it..

we are shipping them with our own mind and soul and not with theirs.. why would a shipper rely on other thread's shippers comments?

Shipping is all about intuition, hope, genuine wishes and believe..

Never let your confident swayed because that one thing is what make you a strong shipper..

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Guest tinsky73

Or that statement could mean that compared to filming MG, they're much more comfortable with each other now that they can do the scenes the script calls for them to do without having to tiptoe around each other & worry about slighting each other's sensibilities. I'm over the moon with this admission 'cause it means that their relationship has evolved a lot since MG!

As far as I know, onscreen couples who were left by the director to direct their own love scene are off screen couples as well. One time Hollywood couple Kim Basinger & Alec Baldwin in "The Getaway" to name one.

The director trusts wookie & da hae will be able to execute the scene masterfully because they are more familiar with each other than the director is with them. It's like..."Hey, you two are sizzling on & off the set so here's the bed, go play!" <:-P

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Guest tinsky73

@tinsky73, of yes, after HK, the BED is their playground. 

costars don't hug each other most of the time in BTS, but here theyhv their own law of boundaries.

During MG filming, the attraction between them was so thick & palpable you can cut it with a knife! Yet there was still hesitation on their part to act on that attraction.

Comparing MG with HK bts, it is most apparent that the attraction has already been acted upon. We're seeing & feeling the explosive "coupleship" already. I know in my heart this is the stage where they are right now. They have transcended from attraction to love...


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@turtleaxis‌ Imma join you in unleashing Wookie fangirl! OMG, agree on "stupidly gorgeous" Since I first saw him on our local television years and years ago, he is the forerunner of all the gorgeous men in my eyes. I have seen lots of other actors come forth, but to me, Wookie never budge out of his place in my heart and in my eyes. Lol. I am loyal to a fault. XD But I have always thought that he had been underrated in most of his projects. He obviously got the talents and determination, but somehow, his other works aren't received as well. There are times when I would see other korean actors who are better received, and I'd say to myself, "Hey! Wookie is even better than this is in soooooo many ways!!! Why why why!" I am just happy that whenever he and Dahae work together, they just hit something off which throw them upwards. 
Dahae too has met a lot of challenges and roadblocks on her way, but I am really happy that she was able to rise again with HK. I am still hoping that she would win back some hearts back in their homeland. And true, there is something that only the two of them are able to navigate that allows them to win viewers. It is not just the chemistry, but something. :)
Like you, it is what hauled me out of kdrama hiatus. And because I started watching again cos of HK, I have marathoned a lot of other kdramas while waiting each week for new episodes. Haha. I managed to watch Dream High, Man from another star, emergency couple, that winter the wind blows, and still nothing beats my excitement during weekends for Hotel King. :)) currently a bum cos of school vacay so got a lot of time bumming around 
They even brought me back to Soompi after what, 8years? XD

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Guest kaldina2604

angiemty said: AnhH said: Ahhh, thank god, you guys. I just thought if that girl is out of RM and they need one more person on that place. Then DW once again recommend DH for that. OMG, the more I think about that, the more I want that to happen. seriously since HK is coming to an end, I want to see them together even more. Or no, DW and DH can be in We Got Married.Or no, they can marry for real and even if they don't show themselves in reality shows, I will still be happy.   

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as i understand in that article LDW said,

"i really know what to do" and "its not like i/we just did it once or twice..."

but i didn't see the line where he said "it can leave a mark in filming history" :-?

maybe a rep or the pd said it?

Ohhhh..maybe he was saying "I really knew what to do since I've done this kind of scene couple of times already"???.. :-? Saawwrry guys my judgement is clouded with hearts, butterflies and rainbows and unicorns..haha

About that "leaving a mark....." really eonnie?..im now wondering who actually said that? :-?

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"I knew what to do..." But they filmed it many times....

Does this mean he NG'd so there'd be more takes? (;


Hahaha..wookie, you are now hereby responsible for converting innocent people into pervy ones..


Oh sunday, what is taking you sooo long????

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krispink08 said: Thanks for all the translations of the articles :D Hopefully some pics from the PC will be posted *knock knock MBC* As per @kaman226‌ translation, I like how matured LDW and LDH answered questions from the PC. (If ever they did had *something special* way back, I believe they ended it in good terms.) Because even after 9 years, the friendship and communication is still evidently there. Being matured now as actors and persons themselves, I think if they could come to a point of wanting to rekindle their relationship *ehem* *cough* the second-time around... it would be more meaningful and long-lasting. Haaay forgive my shipper heart =)) :x

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Chingus I love that part where you say that after HK the BED is their playground. It's perfect timing :\"> =)) =)) =)) cause she is going to rest for a month or two

LOL... hahaha...

Than should we change the theme than.... hhhmm KING SIZE BED? I hope she'll take a lot of vitamin because dealing with a raging Kraken can worn her out hehehe

(thx Drama Gods it's Saturday) =))

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Guest hiddenflea

kaman226 said: After reading all your comments it made me feel much better. I guess I was overreacted since all the comments I read there were "They look like very good fds instead of lover." "Are they not going to be together??" As Dong-Hae is the only couple I shipped so hard for all these years..those comments just drove me insane. I'm glad that I can find so many chingus who are as passionate as me for Dong-Hae!! Yeah I should have faith for our best OTP! Let's fight for our OTP!!

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Guest kaldina2604

kaman226 said: After calming down a little bit since the bed scene news was out..I tried to find more translated details of the conference (poor me I can't read Korean) but I found sth that made me so depressed.
李东旭-李多海 "感觉想相恋已久的恋人般"
李东旭 "事实演起戏来非常自如. 2005年 'MG'第一次拍摄,所以现在很清楚到哪里 '点到即止' 所以很轻松. 爱情戏也好, 不熟悉的台词对话是也好,清楚自己不是李东旭和李多海,而是剧中的人物,所以虽然也会小心,但是不会伤到感情. 很轻松".
李多海笑说 "'MG'时候的李东旭性格比现在要更内向,我感觉他很冷淡. 还看过他的眼色. 现在就是光看表情都能知道他的心情. 'MG' 时候没什么话说很紧张,现在说话的话也没啥大不了的". 

Subject: LDW and LDH feeling like an old coupe.
LDW: In fact, now we can act comfortably and smoothly. In 2005, "MG" was our first drama. But now, we were so clear that where the boundary is (or where to stop) so it's more relaxed than last time. No matter there's a love scene or unfamiliar scripts, we know that we are not LDW and LDH, but the roles in the drama when we were filming. Hence, even though we are still being careful not to hurt each other, we know our act won't hurt our relationship and thus it's more relaxed compared with our last drama.
LDH responded and laughed: LDW was more introverted compared with his current personality. I thought he's cold and was careful of his expression. But now, I understand his mind only by looking at his facial expression. I was nervous when shooting "MG" as we didn't has much to talk, but now it doesn't matter at all.  
Many of the shippers in that forum have the same feeling that from what LDW said, it sounds like they can control themselves much better than last time, implying that they won't cross beyond the boundary and fall for each other just because they couldn't pull themselves out from the roles' emotions. (which means they might dated each other after "MG" and got hurt as they broke up) 
THIS EXPLANATION REALLY UPSET ME!! I hope it's only shipper's misinterpretation due to our over-sensitive reaction or Dong-Hae tried to cover up their relationship from the media.. [-O<

(And I'm sorry if my translation is not good enough cause my English is poor..)

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tinsky73 said:  As far as I know, onscreen couples who were left by the director to direct their own love scene are off screen couples as well. One time Hollywood couple Kim Basinger & Alec Baldwin in "The Getaway" to name one. The director trusts wookie & da hae will be able to execute the scene masterfully because they are more familiar with each other than the director is with them. It's like..."Hey, you two are sizzling on & off the set so here's the bed, go play!" <:-P

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