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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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Guest xtin21bass

AISH!.. to all my dear filipino donghae shippers regarding dada insulting filipino's accent etc... i hope some other shippers need to move on to this kind of old issue..and we know that she makes an apologies for what it seems to be misunderstood. :)>-hoking_photo140407134350imbcdrama0_zps8f

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Yes!! Cherry Dada LOVES your country, my fellow DongHae shippers from Philipine...

Just as much as me loving Mactan Island.. OMG when can I go back there? The underwater scenery when I dove there 12 years ago is beyond any words beautiful...

Cherry loves us all.. Cherriers!! >:D< :x

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Guest turquoiseblue

i love it when wookie takes SeGafanlady said: Poor baby girl needs 2 hours relaxation massage... I hope boyfie comforts her.. aaaw baby girl please take a good rest and multi vitamins.... >:D<

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I have watched that video re Dada "mocking" the Filipino accent a long time ago, and I wasn't offended at all. I actually laughed. I don't think it was in her intention to mock Filipinos. Haha. It was just an example of one person overacting to the video and then it influenced some of the people that have watched the video, and it kinda spread and got out of hand. Lol. We can be really b*tthurt for the slightest provocation sometimes, and it wasn't even a provocation. XD I am Filipino, and it in no way decreased my admiration for Dahae. If anything, she gained my respect for apologizing immediately and for explaining herself. It was just a case of misunderstanding. Also, to err is human. She is human too capable of commiting mistakes. It might have been a lapse of better judgment on her part, or just a simple manipulation of the variety production at that time, but isn't it already time to move on? To hold someone in a negative light just because of one mistake that managed to hurt your nationalistic pride, even if it wasn't intended to be so is just... not fair. 
Kinda offtopic, but yeah. Haha. I still haven't watched episode 24. Urk! Hopefully tonight so I could spazz and flail about it too! The gifs are beautiful. They are beautiful. *o*

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Guest turquoiseblue


said: Let's just ship our own way and stay away from that other shippers because what we have is a Helicopter while they're still paddling bicycle... Let's be grateful because we have a luxurious cruise ship that full with fabulous passengers and party is all that we do here. Newcomers.. STOP mentioning that other ship because our thread is sacred. [-X

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turquoiseblue said:


said: Let's just ship our own way and stay away from that other shippers because what we have is a Helicopter while they're still paddling bicycle... Let's be grateful because we have a luxurious cruise ship that full with fabulous passengers and party is all that we do here. Newcomers.. STOP mentioning that other ship because our thread is sacred. [-X

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xtin21bass said: AISH!.. to all my dear filipino donghae shippers regarding dada insulting filipino's accent etc... i hope some other shippers need to move on to this kind of old issue..and we know that she makes an apologies for what it seems to be misunderstood. :)>-

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Hello. I am new here. But it is so nice to know that there are people who really love donghae as much as I do. I am a Filipino and I am not at all offended by what cherry did. Anyway I really love her and she is definitely just misunderstood. She's got a lot of supporters here in the Phil's and we will love her and wookie forever.

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I don't know about you guys but when I saw this, my shipper goggles automatically got attached to my eyes. haha. I just thought the statement by Ah Mo Ne is very applicable to them. :P 
"People in love... they rely on each other and might even hurt each other. Sometimes they fight and break up or even get back together again..."
I just finished watching ep 24, and I love it so much! Best episode so far, in my opinion! 

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Filipinos have moved on about that a long time ago. It wasn't a big deal tbh, I didn't feel bad either, it was supposed to be a joke (not meant to be an insult) which was taken negatively with other people. Dear DaHae, we love you here! You have a lot of Filipino supporters, majority= DongHae shippers so come here!! Bring Wookie along ;) it would be nice if you'll have a little one holding you and Wookie, hand in hand while exploring the wonders of our country! :D (Lol I sound like a campaign advertiser here) =)) =))

*waves* welcome new shippers! We restrict mentioning other ships here [-X first attempt is fine but if it happened twice, we have a detention cell for you! :P Kidding aside, let's keep this ship sail harmoniously~ :x :x

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hhmm what are they talkin’ about?? lemme guess…

Cherry : Hon.. OMG you won’t believe how many of my sweet fans gathering here in the airport… I’m so surprise… (smiles 1000 watts)

Wookie : really baby? wow.. I’m happy to hear that… hhhmmm miss you already.. please come back soon.. (aegyo-full ala Wookie)

Cherry : aaaww honey I miss you too.. so much I wanna cry…. see you soon after I get back ok? Love you honey……..

Wookie : Love you too…… wait wait… can I see your lower body? I wanna see it now…

Cherry : hhmmm why?

Wookie : baby… show me now…. ok? now.. don’t make me wait.. (fussy and conservative and nagging)

Cherry : hhmmm alright… (focusing her iphone cam to her lower body)

Wookie : WHATTTT THEEEEE??????? did you wear that super hot skinny white Dolce and Gabbana jeans again? and that TOP? what is that? I don’t understand the design!!!!  @#!!&*%$#@!*&!!

Cherry : oepss.. miane yo chagiya… hhhmm sorry I must check in now.. talk to you later okay. when I’m arrive in Hongkong.. bye.. (hang up)

Wookie : baby.. baby.. baby… I haven’t finish yet!! @&*%$#@!&*!

(kicking plastick trash bin near the entrance door)

=)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =))

LOL LOL LOL…. this twosome is really giving me A LOT of inspiration and imagination… DAEBAK!!

Lee Dong Wook and Lee Da Hae nailed it.

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Alright shippers.  Here you go :P Due to the fact that HongKong style Cantonese is very colloquial, it's not going to be 100% perfect.  But anything is better than noting right... kekeke ..

Chi-Eng trans: Noc9  For my cute shipper friends on Soompi and VN LDH fanpage and alemdal DH  Please give me credit if you are going to post it somewhere else.  Thanks. ;;)

恨拍刘华城城 李多海拣仔要啱倾
Heading:  Would like to pair up with Andy Lau or Aaron Kwok / Wanted to have a bf whom I can share anything  - Interview with Apple Daily (HongKong)
【《苹果》独家专访】韩剧《Hotel King》女星李多海前日抽空旋风访港,出席由意大利著名鞋履品牌Giuseppe Zanotti Design有份赞助的慈善活动,展现爱心。李多海前日返回韩国前接受本报独家专访时,大呻为赶剧而感到辛苦,但来港见到热情港迷,令她心情顿时轻松舒 畅。李多海更爆料指近年对「理想型」的要求有所改变,不再追求高帅男生,反而想要一个啱倾又值得期待的男友。
Korean actress LDH visited HK the day before for a charity event sponsored in part by Italian shoe brand Giuseppe Zanotti.  When interviewed by Apple Daily, she mentioned that while filming her current drama Hotel King was tiring, she was very happy when she saw her passionate fans at the airport.  She also pointed out that her ideal type for a boyfriend has changed.  She would like to have some one whom she can share anything with and look forward to.  He doesn't have to be tall or handsome. 

李:李多海 记:记者 

记:正在赶拍《Hotel King》仍来港出席活动,不感到辛苦吗?Q-Since your are still filming Hotel King, aren't you tired to attend the event?
李:赶剧好辛苦,但能够抽空来港感到很幸福。在机场见到粉丝们很热情地欢迎我,加上大会为我安排了靓的房间及美食,虽然只是逗留数小时,仍令我感动到差点流眼泪。A-Yes, it's tiring but I feel happy to be able to come to HK.  Although it's only a couple of hours, I almost teared up when I saw my fans greeting me passionately at the airport and that I was provided with this beautiful room and good food by the event sponsor. 

记:来港有特别想做的事吗?Q - Any specific thing you like to do here in Honk Kong?
李:有好多地方都想去,但因为要拍摄关系,不能好好玩乐。不过幸运地,今天在酒店吃了很多美食,而且我的房间可以看到香港的全景,即使不能到外面走走,已经觉得好满足。A - There are so many places that I want to visit.  But I can't do that since I still have to shoot for the drama.  Luckily, I had really good food here at the hotel and a room with a full view of Hong Kong, even though I couldn't go out, I am still happy. 

记:之前有出席过慈善活动吗?Q - Have you attended any charity events before?
A- I always wanted to but have not done so due to work.  Maybe it sounded like an excuse (I should have been more proactive) but I will go without condition to these type of events if I am invited.

记:知道剧集《Hotel King》在中国及香港很具人气吗?Q - Do you know Hotel King is very popular in China and HongKong?  DaHae ya- it's true. Don't doubt it. 
A - I have heard about it but yes, I was surprised.  Although I was very tired and had thought about giving up but seeing my Hong Kong fans today, I really wanted to work harder and show a better side of me for my oversea fans. 

记:有想过跟香港演员或香港导演合作吗?Q - Ever thought about working with Hong Kong actors or directors?
李:如果他们邀请我的话当然好呀,小时候曾看过香港电影,当时很流行四大天王,好像刘德华、郭富城。之后如果收到香港的剧本,我也想演出,因为香港电影的拍摄手法很美。 A. Of course if I get invited.  I watched some HK movies when I was little, and the big 4s were very popular back then like Andy Lau, Arron Kwok (Leon Lai, Jacky Cheung).  I would love to take part in a HK movie if I get the script because HK movies are beautifully filmed.

记:有想挑战的新角色?Q - Any roles that you want to challenge?
A - A lot.  I've never been in a historic drama, a sincere melo, or a very sad melo etc.  I am interested in everything.  If it's a HK film, I want to try action. (yes yes yes)

记:一直都在工作,有想拍拖的念头吗?理想型又如何?Q - Do you want to be in a relationship since you've been working all the time?  What is your ideal type?
A-Not currently.  Back then I had some expectations on height and appearance but now I only wanted someone whom I match with and look forward to and that's enough.  (ok, does that mean DW is out? or she's just saying it to avoid news? ok I am really firm on this ship, hehehe... don't worry shippers)

记:《Hotel King》之后有何计划?Q - Any plans after Hotel King?
李:首先我要好好的休息一、两个月。充完电之后,再继续努力。 A - I will rest for about 1 to 2 months and work hard again after recharge. 

跟 李多海做过访问后,感觉她跟镜头前并无分别,电视上的李多海瘦如薄纸,她真人更是瘦得令人有种崩溃的感觉,真好奇她平时是食甚麼维生。李多海与其他女星一 样,很注重自己外表,拍照前不停照镜、弄头发,更坦言自己的左边面更靓,全程多以左边面对镜头。她亦不会隐藏自己感觉,谈到美食会开心大笑,谈到工作又会 变得认真,完全表现真我。


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