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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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@samzz, re the wealth of dahae, I think men in general may feel uncomfortable to the wealth oft heir wife/gf, but I think it is something that wookie has to  face, from the moment he wants to get her back. It is not something suddenly come up and he turns cold-feet. I'd rather he found problems for character issues than wealth issue. This is because it is not dahae's fault. If he couldn't accommodate that and face it, he shouldn't have dreamed about getting her back after seperately for a few years and had a few girlfriends in between. 

To be honest, I am a bit upset all the speculations we have about them breaking up or the reasons of the break-up. If it happens, so be it. They are adults and as we say, only they know the truth. To us shipper, I just give my blessings and prayer for them to stick together in this second time round of love. No news is not necessarily bad news. Until there is announcement they have someone else. Fine, I wish them well and give all my blessings! 


Meanwhile, I sail on! 

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@blue, of course he's aware of Dahae wealth, but I don't think he knows how big it is until google profile published it. Maybe he thought just slightly above him. Plus at the beginning their adrenalin rush of knowing to be together again blurring all the other issues, like new teenagers in love, kinda like I jump, you jump, even sea with fire, they can cross-all nothing at all, and remember in June last year when the ex- fans started the hate campaign, Dahae looked not affected at all. When I compared BTS HK and BG, Wookie so obvious like teenagers in love during HK.

Then later after 1 year, when reality struck, all look scary and not flowery any more. That the sad things and their obvious flaws IMO. If we look at their dating track records with others also lasted around 1-2 years only. Obviously both have characters issue that never displayed on TV. When Wookie confessed abt his loss of confidence in Roommate last year, I start feeling uneasy already, if a guy loss his confidence in career, then how about starting a family and with chaebol daughter some more. I think Dahae tried her best to slow down her career, to balance all the differences, but still not working.

To me Dahae wealth maybe just 10% of the main issue, other things that we speculate (maybe true or not) probably contributed to other 90%. Dahae maybe a kind of easy to trust people, and if for example one male friend pouring all his struggle, sadness, -and while the other male has anger issue, always rebuke her, etc-I think at the end she maybe more attracted to the former-well this is just my theory, and as I said, only they know their status now.

My theory, since Feb 2014 till Dec 2015, I bet they did break up more than once, then back again, break up again. This is common for male female friends who have > 10 yrs (esp in our case, 2 years dating, 6 years separation and another 2 years deep friendship+dating)  bc it involves feeling, and not just casual, platonic friendship.

But inside my heart, i knew both still together which doesn't mean physically, but in their heart. Those who has been in love but faced many obstacles sure understand this feeling, unless the other half did something unforgiven.

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btw I saw Dahae close friend (aka her C-fans) who had dinner with her last month, commented on Wookie/JRW pic and the Naver link I posted-they are in happy mode, not a sad mode at all. They said Wookie sat next to a ghost bc the light reflection from mobile/ipad on the girl face.

Right now, I confessed they are my strength in this modern Titanic sailing.

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Guest Msiafan

Samzz, if I may say, you do speculate a lot on the Donghae couple, from wealth issue to character, male friends, break- patch up after HK etc etc. In fact I feel disturbed and apprehensive after reading your speculations. There is a saying that a speculation after being repeated many a times it appears to be real. Could we just exercise some restrain and wait for hard evidence? 

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2 minutes ago, Msiafan said:

Samzz, if I may say, you do speculate a lot on the Donghae couple, from wealth issue to character, male friends, break- patch up after HK etc etc. In fact I feel disturbed and apprehensive after reading your speculations. There is a saying that a speculation after being repeated many a times it appears to be real. Could we just exercise some restrain and wait for hard evidence? 


sorry dear, but at the same time I cannot help it, deep inside of course I want to hv smooth sailing, but still.....

anyway, I will try to find happy news if available, provided our couple also very cooperative with us just like last year when they continuously feeding us. 

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@samzz, not blaming you. Know that you are just like us to on the ship. Let's keep the delulu vide and sail on until some hard evidence come up. We need positive energy and will power to keep the ship going. Pls ... We need positive energy, fighting dahae and wookie, fighting shippers... The journey is bumpy and have ups and downs, that is life. We need to stay strong if we want to make it happen. Fighting!!

Suddenly, it is like the AMN and CJW story when CJW left AMN because he  was cold-feet. At the end, they overcome it and most of all, AMN never gave him up. So, don't give up! 

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20 minutes ago, bluewings666 said:

@samzz, not blaming you. Know that you are just like us to on the ship. Let's keep the delulu vide and sail on until some hard evidence come up. We need positive energy and will power to keep the ship going. Pls ... We need positive energy, fighting dahae and wookie, fighting shippers... The journey is bumpy and have ups and downs, that is life. We need to stay strong if we want to make it happen. Fighting!!

Suddenly, it is like the AMN and CJW story when CJW left AMN because he  was cold-feet. At the end, they overcome it and most of all, AMN never gave him up. So, don't give up! 


I know,  don't worry about that, bc that my style, even in Dahae's thread I blast her sometimes, bc I tried to be realistic as possible. 

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1 hour ago, samzz said:

To me Dahae wealth maybe just 10% of the main issue, other things that we speculate (maybe true or not) probably contributed to other 90%. Dahae maybe a kind of easy to trust people, and if for example one male friend pouring all his struggle, sadness, -and while the other male has anger issue, always rebuke her, etc-I think at the end she maybe more attracted to the former-well this is just my theory, and as I said, only they know their status now.


@samzz, you really scare me.  Are you putting that Luck 7 and Wookie together?  Am I right?  Or I'm thinking too much?  

Please unless if you have seen any evidence, otherwise please keep our faith on our couple!

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1 minute ago, emok said:


@samzz, you really scare me.  Are you putting that Luck 7 and Wookie together?  Am I right?  Or I'm thinking too much?  

Please unless if you have seen any evidence, otherwise please keep our faith on our couple!


 100% my theory dear, bc of their characters that I used to see on my screen. If I hv evidence of course I'm the first one to report in here.

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ok maybe this can make us in happy mode again, at least

you know that "number subject", yesterday posted  a song with tittle  'comeback to me" , and his other  "12 yrs history" posted something like "memories, comeback again" last month, and most of u here of course knew who who I'm talking abt.

So this is totally opposite of what the "fake" one said in the we know "SNS".

and today, where did I see Dahae want to give us hints, instead the others and "that number" fans wishing him to date other girl. Who said "that number fans" knew everything, -they also don't buy that "fake theory"

and "that number" latest post even said "I love U" to his close female friend which his fans asked him to date.- 


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Oh my samzz, your number fans and other fans just made me dizzy, hahaha!  Sorry, I don't know that number subject too much but I remember you guys talk about his history a little bit before.  Is that "other" means his ex?  They may have gone back together?

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Guest Msiafan

There are certain clothes that are not versatile (eg the BG dress) and a celebrity could only use it once, so why not give it away, save closet space and a very good excuse to replenish ? LOL

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We know both of you never admitted anything, BUT the hand "comfort zone' already told us abt that


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Miss them so so so much. Thanks for throwing back all these pics, @samzz. Dahae updated her weibo, to be honest, I don't like the pic that much. The bang really doesn't suit her... Anyway, hope that they are celebrating Christmas together and cuddling in the couch watching tv like AMN and CJW.

Happy Christmas everyone! 


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