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[Official] TaNyang (Empress Ki) Ji ChangWook and Ha JiWon - EK Guidebook pics p 1499-1500


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guys, talk about reincarnation. guess who i found 650 years later ;))


Empress%20Gi%20Ep%2003%20LIMO_xvid.avi_000656620.jpghe's a tahwan's eunuch in 2 eps

and he become :

triangle_-_01_clip1.mp4_000415281.jpgi dont know what his role in this drama, cause i'm not watching "triangle" yet. d**n this EK feeling makes me cant move on to other drama *i'm not complaint here* :D


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Have someone posted it here?? Sorry if this fanvid had posted it here before. I've even had forgot if i've posted it here or not before. Its cause too many fanvids hahahaha.. TaNyang rock!! \m/

Watch "MV [Empress Ki (기황후) OST] Princess - Kim Jang Woo (김장우) Nyang & Emperor Togon (HD)" on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Y6UIVfDFv0&feature=youtube_gdata_player

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Here a very nice review of TH --->


I love how she describes TH bc it is so true: "A tragic hero who cannot be more tragic. "

Just a little part of her thoughts about JCW:    "He makes Toghan come alive as a boy with a big heart and a much flawed and believable hero.  Someone you can hate and you can love. 

Sorry to cut ur post :-)

btw this the part whats makes me crying the most :

"He has been kept illiterate by his enemies so that he would remain powerless.  Yet without his protection, she can die instantly.  And he has to watch over her and learn quickly as the least resourceful person how to keep her alive, protect her from others and from herself.  He could barely keep himself alive but he has to keep her alive.  Not only that, he also has to cheer her up from time to time and find ways to make her eat when she was wasting herself away."

Wheres i can find this kind of men??????? OMG pheya i love u so much!!!


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From @CherKell in JCW thread:
New splash page on the NorthCape Naver Blog today, showing more details about the jackets that will be autographed and given away after their contest ends on 12 May.  Looks like 3 Korea Size 100 / US Men's Large and 3 Korea Size 95 / US Women's Large are the prized possessions for some lucky fans!

95 Women's Large, is that Ha Ji Won size?
Wow, she must be quite large! She's quite tall for woman and def not as thin as other K-actresses.
For JCW's size, CherKell testify that JCW has US men's large size.

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so hjw size maybe L =D> =D> then she can withstand frm being crushed by jcw strong hugs :> :>
have chinggus saw the latest pic of hjw spotted by fans today??
mamanim is sexy with her bareback black dress  8-} 8-} 

hmm  one getting more sexier..another one getting more adorable hahahha..'yo jcw,hjw looking for sexy man..not cutie :o3 :o3 '

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hmmm...juz wonder why both need to fall onto the bed :-/ :-/ :-/
but after realizing hjw true color...i can say it is hjw who pushed jcw onto the bed ..and she joined as well :> :> :>
mamanim cn play Judo well :> :>

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She can def push JCW to the bed...
Hmm.. She's not as innocent as we think.
She likes flirting and being flirted by JCW
:x :\"> :\">

Where's @namyo? The Queen of Pervert must be happy seeing this

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Guest JezzaG

drbigapple said: hmmm...juz wonder why both need to fall onto the bed :-/ :-/ :-/
but after realizing hjw true color...i can say it is hjw who pushed jcw onto the bed ..and she joined as well :> :> :>
mamanim cn play Judo well :> :>

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Guest JezzaG

@qwenli Hahaha I know. I was kidding with the gif  :D It's always good to know that both of them are always having fun together. I will definitely miss their funny moments off-screen (and on-screen of course).... oh scratch that... I AM MISSING THEM ALREADY  :((

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@JezzaG- I'm sure Nyang is a tigress, if you get my drift. I definitely enjoyed the passion and hoped for more. Believe me, when I saw the underwater makeout (they might argue that its CPR, but c'mon, your veins don't pop out when you are giving CPR, puppy, and you don't definitely include tongue), I was thinking, "are they gonna do it underwater? ^:)^ " (I have to admit I was readying my popcorn). And that was before I watched the drama. I'm a sucker for hot Ji Chang Wook and I love Ha Ji Won, so watching their chemistry, that is so off charts and hot enough to produce a baby (excuse my pun), I just wanted to see a good ol' makeout (I'm called 'Pervy Dongsaeng' for a reason, ya know?), and dayum did I get it! I fully expected Nyang to pop a kid right then and there, but then I remembered that there's a certain process to follow. For example, they'd have to lose their clothes and have a comfortable surface to........ you know (I know you pervy minds can very well fill in the blanks- no pun intended)........ So I fully expected them to pop out a football team when Nyang realize that she seriously loved Ta Hwan. 
I also have to say that I was disappointed but also satisfied when Ta Hwan was killed in the finale. Satisfied coz we saw who Nyang actually loved (I was crying and screaming when she finally said the words I wanted her to say ever since puppy captured my heart), and that she had no reservations for that love she shared with him. Yes she did love Wang Yoo too, but it didn't mean that her love for puppy is less. Its actually my belief that she loved Ta Hwan more. Guess I'm extremely puppy biased........  ;;)

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Guest JezzaG

@heartoppaya You.. you.. your pervy-ness is off the charts! @-) @-) =)) =)) I was torn between giving you an awesome badge or a LOL badge. The underwater kiss (makeout is a pretty strong word  [-X, considering SY was unconscious haha) was beautiful and unique. I mean c'mon who gives a CPR underwater with rose petals everywhere??? it was definitely one of the best and victorious TaNyang scenes in the entire drama. I was literally flailing my arms around and squeaking during that scene. For me, it was one of the situations that showed how evident TH's fear for SY's death is. And yes, I believe she really did love OT with all her heart. He was her first love. But then, Th eventually managed to win her heart over and SY came to love him as much as he loves her as time went by. It was true love with OT yes but it doesn't mean that your first love will be your one and only true love. Just like what @ Issy_1 said before in MT, 2nd,3rd,4th... love has much chances to be true love just as the first. :x

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