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[Drama 2014] Secret Love Affair 밀회

Guest uburoi

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Guest Umrn Cbsy

tinybelle said: cr. Amanda from outside-seoul.tumblr.com

"I can’t get over how deft this show’s storytelling is. The beginning of this episode gives us exactly what we need: a peek into everyday life as it’s lived by Hye Won and Professor Kang. We’ve rarely seen them together as husband and wife, especially during casual down time like this car trip. As a couple they’re not so horribly dysfunctional, although Hye Won clearly spends all her time babysitting him or soothing his ego. This is the piece of the puzzle we needed to put her actions in context and understand what her relationship with Sun Jae is competing with. (Not much, as it turns out.)

Secret L o v e Affair, 5

Boys in their early twenties wash their sheets for one reason and one reason only: They think they’re going to have a girl in them. And Sun Jae is washing his sheets. Pretty much everything these two do is like foreplay—will we get consummation soon? (After all, what’s the point of having a secret love affair if you don’t have an affair?)"

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I appreciate the writing that gives us a "hero" that is not perfect - there is lots to like about Sun Jae, but he definitely has his faults and he has little but his art and his ardor to recommend him to Hye Won. He is socially inept, taciturn, blows hot and cold on DM as his mood sees fit, and has little interest in intellectual pursuits or creativity. He channels classical piano through the medium of his talent and his sensitivity, and has been swept away by a first love that is the toxic combination of everything he wants and most of what he cannot have.

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Guest kngdrama

Hello all, 
I watched 5 and 6 episodes today. For me, these two episodes were about control. Control over a talented musician, control in business, control in a relationship, control makes people do crazy stuff, like physically attacking HW or creepily spying on wife and the student. 
Control. It's such a great trigger, usually producing a great deal of anger and anxiety. No one is happy while they are fighting for control. HW herself is an admirable symbol of tight control and unhappiness. 
And then comes in music. Beautiful music that allows to let go, to express the essence of feelings with no boundaries. SJ is seducing HW with music - she is addicted to the feeling she gets when they play together or just from listening SJ play. This woman who is in such great control of everything creates unusual sensual experiences when she is with SJ. Once HW and SJ emotionally orgasmed via music, it's impossible to get back into the sterile cage of her sexless and loveless marriage. The addiction was born. 
It's interesting how the writer asserts control in the budding connection between SJ and HW. In her home, she is in charge and he is a child being told what to do, what to eat, what to wear, and how to behave. In his cluttered, dirty, poor home this dynamics is reversed. HW is unsure, guilty, she imagines SJ's mother disapproving of her. There is also a fear of a middle-aged woman's aging body, being inferior, not enough for a 20-year old lover. 
Just these 6 episodes left me feeling hot, bothered, annoyed, disgusted, and a bit dirty. Time to do laundry. :)

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Guest leezassi

May I ask everybody: is there a possibility that SJ is keeping DM as his girlfriend as an escape route? I mean, he's pursuing HW and he may think that he will "get" her eventually, but as he said: "I don't want to be caught until the end", could that mean that, as he may not be completely sure about HW's feelings towards him, if something goes wrong along the way, he would still have DM to not end up alone (even though he may not love DM as much as he does love HW)?... I'm just saying because he wouldn't be the first to do such a thing (I know soooo many examples in real life, unfortunately 8-| ).

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Guest calculator

I've read a rumored assumption way back in the post;however, I cannot locate that post so I'm replying back with a comment without the actual quote.
You've mentioned how they're going to both commit suicide at the end and they're not going to be together.As you know, the drama will show scenes with the whole internet community that will find out about the affair.Also, they have to decide on going on with the relationship elsewhere or have both of them think about death in the near future.As shown in the episode 6, it already shows that they cannot stop loving each other and they're not going to easily give up.Therefore, if any couples were to split with someone that they still truly love then suicide attempt can happen.It really shouldn't happen but it's their own decision.
Most importantly, the ending matters too but the stream or the path of the story is very important too.

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But [my mom] says it’s strange, after listening to it. She says, why is it sad, when it’s light and cheerful. I feel the same. A major chord feels like a minor chord, a minor chord feels like a major chord…

cr: dramalentils  

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Lee Seon Jae - A shy man or a piano prodigy with Asparger syndrome?

You who have known me for some time now already know that when I start obsessing over something my obsession reaches epic proportions. Well, to say I’ve been obssesing over SLA would be the understatement of the century. The level of my devotion and love grows with each step SJ and HW take towards each other. I just can’t get enough of them and their precious connection. Right now, you feel that every embrace means more than a million kisses, each fleeting, furtive glance feels like an intimate caress and their hunger for each other grows with each new taste.

tumblr_n3dd77JWTd1s8t96qo10_250.png  tumblr_n3dd77JWTd1s8t96qo1_250.png

"I’ve put a lot of thought into this. I even practiced talking about this. I don’t know any difficult vocabulary words. I even have to look up foreigners’ names on the internet. Then write them down in Korean to barely read them. I went through this a lot in my head. So that I could say this without stuttering.”

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Guest atiyam

@loungelizard*, I agree with you about her ambitions getting the best of her. I am curious as to why she wants this CEO position so bad. It just puts her more in the heat of this crazy family. I can understand her desire to have more control over her projects since it seems as if she is the only one really working . I can't imagine her being after the fame or just the money the position offers.I wonder what she is really trying to prove. I also could not imagine her husbands reaction to her promotion, he is already highly jealous of her. I think that when she was younger she let her ambitions cloud her judgement and that is why her musical career ended. I just can't imagine how she will balance her love for SJ and the CEO position. We all know that the B%$ch boss will use this as ammunition. I am the type that likes to look at the good side and I hope for a good ending but this does concern me. I am hoping that we see another type of story, one where she walks away from it all. I am not trying to watch a character decent into the pits of he11. I do like how the drama shows how all the characters around the two leads are wild cards. These are people that are out for themselves and they will do anything to get what they want. I also wanted to say for those who say that SJ should be honest with DM. I have seen girls like her you can't tell them you are not interested that easily. She knows he has no true romantic feeling for her but she intends to wear him down eventually. This is a drama that shows how greedy people can get. I just hope HW greed won't cause her downfall. She talks to her friend about how she didn't get a chance to experience falling in love in her youth, maybe in the end the love of SJ will be enough. I hope.

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There's been lots of discussions about DM n her realtionship with SJ and her role in the show here in the last 2 pages. If u can bear with me, I'd like to share my 2 cents too:

- there is obviously some history bw her n SJ. DM seems to be an orphan so my guess is that the 2 families knew each other when SJ n DM were kids and b4 DM's sole surviving parent died he/she entrusted the care of DM to SJ's family. The 2 kids therefore grew up together. And judging from their characters now, at some pt in time when SJ was still a shy introverted little boy, DM had arm twisted him to swear on the life of his dear piano to be her bf and eventually marry her. I think that's how their 'romantic' relationship started - by sheer brut force and totally one sided.

- I don't think SJ is stringing DM along. I think how he's treating her and their relationship is probably consistently thru out his life. He obviously have no romantic feels for her but there is no doubt he cares abt her. Rem when she beat him up in bed and cried abt what they have gone thru together? SJ actually flashed back on that and softened up. This tells me he's not cut her off becoz he is too soft hearted and sentimental. Also possibly becoz he feared for his life too!

-DM's role in this drama I feel is to put some dynamics into HW n SJ's relationship, showcase HW n SJ's personality, concerns and so on. Eg. Causing jealousy for HW possibly to fan things along or make HW or us viewers to realize she's slowly falling for him.

- violent and thug-like as she may be, I don't think DM is capable of killing HW as soon have speculated here. It wld be inconsistent with the whole tone and approach the drama has taken so far which is basically - very believable, realistic, subtle, tasteful and classy. Throwing in a murder by a jealous deranged jilted gf will be like throwing all the stellar work produced so far in the drain.

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Guest walkietalkie

HW is such a sad person. When watching her, it reminded me of where not to be. I don't want to sacrifice myself for the sake of being successful. ppl were talking about Tokyo Tower when this drama started. After watching it, I think it's possible that HW and SJ could end on a happy note. They both deserve it. HW deserves better than wasting her life with a self centered husband who would sacrifice his own wife for his ambition. 

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Hello chingus!

I’m new here but have been silently lurking soompi since last year (following the AM1994 silently, then YCFTS (or MLFTS or whatever names they came out), and also lover of Joo Won (also stalking the JW thread), but finally decided to come out to write out about this hot, seductively series.  Also, love all of you guys on the analysis/writing on the series.. it kept me sane while waiting for Monday to come.

I have never felt really hot-butterfly in the stomach feeling when every time HW and SJ on screen.  Never watched any of YAI or KHA before, but they have blown me away.. never I have felt this before watching Kdrama series..

Drooling at YAI back.. also want to caress his back just like in THE HUG..  maybe will try it with my hubby as replacement hah!

Ok, that’s it.. back to work..

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Guest MontanaT


said: do any of you guys know from where i can get episode 5 and 6 recaps? i can't find them. i only found 1 to 4 recaps. if anyone know please give the link. thanks a lot

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Umrn Cbsy said:before expressing my feelings today's episode, I want to say what the hell does SW has a right to hit HW? I am compdletely shocked. Even her father had financially supported HW's education, even he father gave her 1 million dollar does that mean she deserve all the insult plus beating? I am seriously wondering  what HW's intention is. why she accepts being insulted like that? I mean what kind of education fee worth these insulting behaviours...
and today's episode... Well, I still do not understand HW at all? ın previous episode she "punished" him with "kiss" and now with "hug"? are you serious, girl? be bossy, ok. but the degree of should be reasonable. you're torturing our little puppy. he will get confused all over again... he will fall deeply for you... well, the husband is on the way... he has realized something. but I wonder how he will respond all the things. will he be quiet as he has no interest in his wife or get jeaoulus of HW and make SJ life harder? ın second opt,on, he will be the looser because he had nothing in his hand... I mean SJ is a genious and he desperately needs a genious to prove himself. and the last point, why do HW just let all the corruptions of madame Han and other? Why is she so quiet and behaves like nothing has happened or shehas heard nothing. quiet interesting. I really am curious what is coming next? a storm? while there is no preview, we will just think possiblities for the nextt week.

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