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[Drama 2014] Secret Love Affair 밀회

Guest uburoi

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Guest tinybelle

I just literally finished episode 7. Lying down now. :-?? Is it just me or did every dialogue between SJ and Prof Kang had double meanings? He seems to be talking about one thing when he really means another. And i think it's not too far-fetched since Kang knoowws. And there were too many scenes with him 'thinking'. Share, Kang, share!
About HW crying after leaving SJ
I thought it was over the top that she drove off. she could've just scolded him in the car and continued their 2hr drive ( it has still been 40mins). But maybe... maybe she was alarmed because secretly she wanted to go inside that room with him? She already called him instead of coming home. Who knows what else she might give in to if she didn't run away.

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Guest tinybelle

ineetha said: YSJ : All the hurt I felt because of you until yesterday has been completely wiped off now. Instead Iam so furious and pissed off right now.

(after the ceremony , when he meets HW in the corridor)
What does he mean by that exactly ?

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Guest AudreyB

Why would Kang wants Seon Jae practice in their home? Is he testing them? Or is he pimping his wife to get what he wants from Seon Jae?

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I just literally finished episode 7. Lying down now. :-?? Is it just me or did every dialogue between SJ and Prof Kang had double meanings? He seems to be talking about one thing when he really means another. And i think it's not too far-fetched since Kang knoowws. And there were too many scenes with him 'thinking'. Share, Kang, share!

About HW crying after leaving SJ

I thought it was over the top that she drove off. she could've just scolded him in the car and continued their 2hr drive ( it has still been 40mins). But maybe... maybe she was alarmed because secretly she wanted to go inside that room with him? She already called him instead of coming home. Who knows what else she might give in to if she didn't run away.

I think you are right!!! Good observation! Not only was she sort of crying she seemed a little shakened too.

But then again under the circumstances, after all that she's been thru that day, imagine she needed comfort so badly she picked our little boy SJ, the only person she tot loves her wholeheartedly with no ill intentions and then she finds out he is just a horny insensitive boy toying with her heart. That shd set her into some kind of shock.

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maybe he connected the dots and figured out that it was YW who knicked her forehead and bruised her knuckles...?


Ok then the next question is why did HW shove our poor little puppy away after he said those touching words?!

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Guest dualnon

I've read every comment here and everything else I could get my hands on.  This show is killing me but man it feels good.

I have to say it's not the affair I'm disgusted by.  It's HW's utter corruption and complete willingness to be treated like garbage by almost everyone in her life that makes me sick.  Thank heaven for SJ and the possiblity of an affair.  It's the only thing that has a chance to save our girl.  It'll be messy but sometimes you have to make a mess to clean a mess.  Luckily for us it's a hot mess.

p.s. I don't think SJ is using DM.  I think they've been friends for a long time and as he says, he needs that in his life to stay grounded.  Course ep 8 may prove me wrong.

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On the lighter side, did anyone notice SJ's reaction after hearing Ji Min Woo (the other talented pianist) gush about how he considers HW to be his real teacher and how she scouted him, introduced him to Professor Jo In Seo, and gave him helpful tips.  LOL ... SJ's reaction was priceless.  He flat out turns the guy down to exchange numbers.  Let the rivalry begin.  Actually, I'd eat my shirt if they got into a fight over who gets her attention on an upcoming competition.  hahahaha

Okay, that was a cute moment.  The episode was heavy for me and highlighted all the realities of HW's life being trapped by a loveless marriage, relentless strive to maintain all the material and social prestige, and taking care of dirty business as the hired help.  And then SJ literally have less than $200 to his name and his empty wallet.

Hmm, notice how HW has been opening up shady accounts for money hiding (or laundering, it's not clear) and questionable investments for both the Chairman and his wife.  If they are caught, she'll be the scapegoat.  So, it might even been prison time (for white collar crime) for HW in the future.  I'm getting very uneasy as she manages all these accounts.  This is a possible outcome where HW goes to prison in the end.  Her husband will definitely divorce her.  I wonder if SJ will wait for her then?

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Eeeek!!! What was this episode even?! A crash course in reality one oh one that's what it was. I veered from one emotion to another. I love HW, I hate HW, poor HW etc... 
Random thoughts....when SJ whent to look at the hotel room. Cringe at the decor and the equipment....Oh no this cannot not end well. 
I cursed at HW when she ditched SJ. I was all.....B*#ch.....no you didn't! 
Their text fight...SJ so honest. Yes, I want to sleep with you at some point in the future but girl, you a wreck I was not thinking about that. 
OMG...the Ahjumas attempted pay off scene!!! So much second hand embarrassment for HW. This is what my life has become. You choose poorly....So sad. 
Okay what was SJ's reaction to the other boy genius after the audition all about? The kids like let's be friends, can I have your number and SJ's all like...no...you don't know me. LOL 
Shoving SJ after the award ceremony. Like you need to go now! I'm holding onto my sanity by a thread and you being here makes it difficult to hold this fake mask in place I always wear at work.... 
So basically this episode was all about HW's carefully controlled life, emotions, everything crumbling. Ugh....

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loungelizard* said: kngdrama said: I feel bad for SJ that his first love had to be built on deception, lies, and stealing another man's wife.
His initiation into overpowering feelings and sex has to remain hidden in the darkness, controlled and repressed. 
The image of SJ with a sunny smile on his face, running on the street and HW peaking out of the window under the gaze of her watchful, suspicious husband. 
I am grieving in advance for his lost innocence, future betrayal (knowing HW, she will betray him to keep her mask on, her status intact), and broken heart. 

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Guest Ashley JaeN

This show wasn't a disappointment even without much skinship most of the time I was hoping for. It got me invested into something much more, kept my eyes glued every moment, actually never ever wanting it to end. 
That one hour felt like an instant. 
It's not just a drama for the sake of being like any other dramas but a masterpiece which offers a lot of insight and new discoveries with every scenes re-watched. It also draws me slowly into each of the character's world, tormenting me with their conflicts and struggles and making me experience what they were going through. I can say that this has never happened to me that much while watching other dramas.
Oh boy, am I the only one who thinks that HW is sooooo beautiful when she's crying? 

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loungelizard* said: I'm feeling this sadness for HW.  The pics of her in Episode 7 @briseis make her appear so vulnerable.

I think she's done a lot for SJ, very quietly and not expecting anything in return from him except for him to work hard and reach his potential.  She helped scout his talent, recommended him, encouraged him when he gave up the piano after his Mom's death by sending him the novel with meaningful notes.  And she intervened and got him out of a situation that could have lead to a criminal conviction and prison time.  She is also trying to help his career development by encouraging SJ to think bigger in terms of the international stage.  She's really done a lot for him that he doesn't know about.  If she loses everything because of their affair, it would be a shame of her efforts and talents.  She's not some helpless princess who needs rescuing.  She just needs to make better emotional decisions, like leaving her loveless marriage.  She should strike out on her as an entrepreneur and leave the SA world behind.  Anyways, I don't want to see any more bruises on HW, literally and figuratively.

Hmm ... I should get back to work and cut back on SLA.

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After watching episode 7, HW's husband's reactions showed concerns... he doesn't like her having an affair he keeps thinking about it and even after she came home, his warnings had double meaning! He is such a bastard taking credit from his wife.

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briseis said:


said: I think we can all agree that having an affair is wrong. The name of the show says it all (Secret Love AFFAIR), without this element, than we would be watching a different k drama. I say put the moral compass aside for a minute and just enjoy the unfolding of the characters and writing. I am not watching to judge HW or any other character but to watch how they portray the story written. I don't think there is a character in this show without flaws but that is life itself. We all have flaws we all make mistakes and we can all get caught up in things we wouldn't normally do.This is a story about a woman doing something that is totally out of her character. I am a married woman with no desire to have an affair but I tuned in to SLA to watch HW and SJ have one. I can't wait to see them grow closer. If you find that this show does not fit your moral beliefs than don't continue watching because guess what guys they might have sex. I for one can't wait!!!

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tinybelle said:We've only seen about 4-5 months of Hye Won's life. She's been with these people for decades. I wonder how many times has she been slapped, hit with things, thrown water at? To face that kind of demeaning treatment every single day, it's no surprise she's so calloused as to stay in a loveless marriage for that long. Forget love, man, the husband doesn't touch her! No handholding. Or a kiss on the cheek. Not even a pat on the back! ~X(

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I don't see the "affair" being the main problem here. Not anymore. Everything is headed to struggling keeping sanity and finding true identity. The affair is just the Providence's last warningfor changing and making the right choices for her poor soul. Being such a stubborn, smart and chameleonic woman, only a young talented brutally honest,attractive, out of her worldman could shake and bring her to her true senses she once had. She still acts in fear of losing what she strived for all her life and I am sure it's not long before she hits the bottom, "helped" by that rotten family and her husband. They will "help" by rejecting her.There are so many similarities to the A Wife's Credentials (having to face and deal with new feelings/facts/romantic encounters, long time humiliation/submission out of fear of losing the stability pretending to be ok) that I cannot not expect the best end for everyone. I find this show flawless so far, and as a bonus I am delighted by the level of intimacy created between them everytime they meet.

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Actually, that's how typical middle-aged married ajusshis are - grumpy, uncaring, male chauvinist and not really concern with wife/children's affair, not to mention never lifting a finger around in the house. Their mere existence are just fulfilling their own desires, be it earning big bucks, being top of their game etc. At least that's how my father and his friends/siblings are. 

Of course that's not to say that how Prof Kang is gives HW any reason to cheat. Like most of what has been mentioned, it's a drama that's not real but it gives viewers an insight to see how easily affairs can start from a small common activity to being full-fletched soul-bearing soul

mates. Hence, viewers are also curious to know how things will or will not work out for our OTP.  

How I wish Prof Kang starts cheating too and starts cheating first, with YW with Mdm Han hell with their live-in maid who cares! Add in some domestic violence too and I'm all ready and eager to see HW and SJ go 2nd case.

Yes, I think I may be in a teeny tiny internal struggle myself. Kang's apology to his wifey the next morning left me a bit uneasy. And after reading about the content of the heated argument the night before, our Mr Kang may have a point. He said something like "who asked you to serve those rich people. You asked for it yourself. If you can't stand it then quit." For all u know in the past years HW has returned home many times all bruised and abused and this conversation had ensued each time. If so then understandably the notable anger in Kang.

It would be so different if he'd said something like "of course that's what you'll get from serving the rich but don't you dare quit becuz I don't want to lose my job or house or car..."

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