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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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first time i see SY i'm really fall to her bcz her natural beauty and not like almost actrees korean..and i'm very diss many negative comment about her why???she's not try covered her image to be cute or something she's honest and blunt sometimes..but i think that's cool..so why SALT not give her oportunity for her career...but i hope she's not to long cameback on entertaiment industry bcz many people love and adore her so much...we really love you Park Se Young...Fighting!!!!sorry for my long post...hehehe

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@hidethistime no worries. I read that article a very long time ago. I think it was written around the time where Seyoung was getting a lot of roles and PSH was taking a break. Anyone who might not know the details would look at it as Seyoung getting roles over PSH. I can see where the negativity stems from, even if I don't like it. But like I said earlier, a lot of people like her. You can check it out here: http://www.dramabeans.com/tag/park-se-young/
Seyoung is an AWESOME actress. People have commended her on her ability to be completely different in each of the roles she has taken from Love Rain, to Faith and School 2013. Even Wooyoung commented on what a fantastic actress his misus is. She's got the talent, she just needs the right representation. I honestly think she has the potential to breakout into other countries as well. I'm positive she would be fantastic on stage be it in a straight forward play or a musical. If she brushes up on her English (I'll gladly volunteer to do couple classes for her and Wooyoung!) she could go really far.
Honestly, the reasons I haven't been to worried and upset about the dispute are because 1) this dispute is bound to end sooner or later 2) her contract is bound to end sooner or later 3) she's such a good actress that producers would be stupid to not work with her 4) her family are well off, considering she was able to leave the industry to finish school before returning and 5) a break means that she gets to rest after being on the go for 2+ years and also means that it would be easier for her to see Wooyoung because his schedule is the only one they have to work around for the time being.
@yantz3 it's been an awesome few months! I've definitely loved being able to travel and meet new people! Although I won't lie, I would like to change industries in the future. I'm much more interested in production work. Which is probably why I had so much fun coming up with the idea for the show. I love those types of event planning type jobs. I would love to apprentice with someone like Na PD. I would never want to be in front of the camera, but I would love to be behind it and be able to create something people look forward to watching.

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Guest tahspihan

[NEWS] 2PM's Wooyoung, donated 2220 KG of STARMI Rice ... are you crazy? 


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Morning chingu
After I rewatched 2young episode…do u guys saw…Seyoung personality is really maknae personality, Both of them is maknae but In real life wooyoungie personality is not maknae personality (as his nuna said…wooyoung…is really good to check everything is already lock….wkwkwkw haha mong omma episode)
I mean…naturally she is cute girl and so many natural aegyo…for the 1st episode until recording shall we dance naturally she make observation and gave him cool girl image to wooyoung….but after she know wooyoung, she started to show herself. From starting they met she just be herself as honest person and blunt sometimes. At the end….She can't control herself to really attracted to wooyoungie.

Thank u for all 2young chingu who share to us US 2PM tour. Daebak….Thank u chinguFIGHTING…..luv u all

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@scuttler ...that's a great goal ...I can see you're so talented... creating the idea,organizing and also an excellent writer.... I'm sure you can be a good production director someday... and maybe you can learn some korean (or maybe you do know korean?) and you can purpose the idea of making that special show for our 2young... hahaha...I sounded too exciting again... I think... I'm spamming the thread by tagging your name all the time...mianhe ...kkkk...But really your thought about Seyoung is just on point... I love it...

@DaniaH ...yeah...I knew about similar article long..long ago...I think I posted in this thread too...I don't remember which page was it...but I didn't put the article ...I just share it that something about some people in the other thread that supporting 2Pm was talking about some nasty thing about PSY...it's similar to that article... and @scuttler is right...it was too long ago ...2years ago... don't worry honey...just keep praying for the best of our princess...Let's keep supporting them...send our love in many ways... I miss them so very much too...Keep strong YY nation...Love you guys!! 

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Hi again thread. :-h 

I do remember saying that I owe this thread a post. I'd feel guilty if I didn't dedicate at least one decent post to a ship I like, and that's saying something considering the amount of ships I lurk in right now. :D

In my 2nd post or so in this thread I mentioned that 2young was one of my top picks for my favorite WGM couple ever. Notice that I didn't use best couple as a description, since objectively speaking I still think Season 1 -> Season 2 is WGM's golden age and that a majority of it's best couples originated from that period. Although that doesn't necessarily mean that all of my favorites more or less came from the couples at that time - my favorites are now all from Season 4, and with good reason (2young is one of them :D \:D/   )

At the moment, I'm a JjongAh shipper. They're the ones that brought me out of a 1-year hiatus of watching K-reality shows. At that time, watching WGM was no longer interesting because of the overused tropes that the PDs continued to use early on in Season 3. It got kind of stale, you know? 'Twas really a shame really, because 2young started airing around the time when I quit watching shows online. If things were different, then I would have shared the excitement you guys had while watching it live. :-<

Why am I talking about this? I'm saying that I found the same qualities I found interesting in the JjongAh couple here in 2young; the same qualities that made me remember why I enjoy watching WGM in the first place. True, if the order had been the other way around, then 2young would be the one I would compare JjongAh to. Of course, the similarities end when they both start to show their individual colors as a couple, and that's what I want to share with you all, what I found interesting (and loveable) about them. You may have heard all this before, I dunno, but as a shipper myself, I know that the best way to keep a ship alive is to share your appreciation for the ship along with other shippers who understand how you feel, right? :D

So pardon me if I mention things you've read before, post pictures you've seen before, or just overall see something you once saw fly by in this thread when you first watch 2young. It's kinda like a walk in nostalgia lane for you guys, while this is my first time doing this for this ship. :)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hmm, how should I start with this? Maybe I'll go with fishing terms since they went Ice Fishing for their 2nd date. :D Let's call it Hook, Reel, and Catch, shall we?

1) HOOK -
Or otherwise known as, "Hey this one seems interesting"

To be quite honest, I make it a habit of watching any particular couple in WGM even if I don't have any slightest interest in the persons casted for the part. Heck I even watched Shin Young's WGM for laughs even if I didn't think that pairing would really work. :)) And I always, I mean always, look for Hooks that draw me in to justify me watching this couple to the end. It could be personality, looks, some random x-factor that they did on the first date - anything.

Pardon the low-res images, I'm typing this post on the fly. :)

Ah, the first meeting. Visuals? Hmm..

My first thought was, this girl looks cute. And Wooyoung looks like a crepe landed itself on his head. :| Don't get me wrong, I like 2pm and watched a lot of their shows back then. I personally think he looks better in black hair without all that random styling.

Putting that aside, it's utterly hilarious how many slip-ups this guy had on that first date. Believe me, I took down notes so I could have some semblance of preparation in case that happens to me on some random first date (it can happen, right? :D). I mean, the nervousness was understandable. But that piano event.. #-o


Seriously dude? A song about your ex? Smooth, real smooth. :))

I think that first meeting set-up some sort of precedent between these two - Wooyoung as the Bumbling Husband with Pure intentions, and Seyoung as the Capable Wife with endless patience. I found it entertaining to watch them interact this way during their first 10 episodes or so, because since Adam couple, I've never quite remembered watching a couple with a husband who was always routinely bested by the wife. :)) I mean, it's a given that the husband is supposed to be the reliable one in the relationship right? But Wooyoung was always being outsmarted by his quick-witted wife. It's refreshing to see a husband like that because it makes you think, "When will he reverse this image and be the reliable one in their relationship?" It makes you want to watch more in anticipation of their growth as a couple, don't you agree? :D Which is precisely what happened to me after watching their first 2 episodes. ;)

) REEL - Or otherwise known as the "The part where your Jaw drops on the floor because.. wow."

I'm a fan of K-indie. Not really a fan of k-pop or whatever, but I do follow some groups and listen to songs that I like from groups from time to time. But I'd rather stuff my playlist full of K-indie songs rather than pop songs always publicized by music shows.

Imagine my surprise when Seyoung dropped that she had an album collaboration with Standing Egg on their first meeting. Standing Egg is one of my favorite k-indie bands because of their refreshing acoustic sound. And this girl sang with them???

You've probably replayed this song to death in the past. Don't worry, I'll add around 1k views by myself even if I'm late to the party. :P

My type of sound + My type of band + Some girl I don't know = Wow. I completely did not expect that. And to think that her voice totally fits the feel of the song.

Right then and there, I hoped for two things: One, that they'd do a song together and Two, that they should at least show that song-writing process in one of their episodes. (Of course, they did right? But let's not get ahead of ourselves. :P )

Do you guys realize that there had been only a handful of couples that successfully integrated a song-writing experience in their segment? And not surprisingly, all of those songs went on to become a sort of identifying factors for the couples in which nobody else could sing them without people remembering who the original singers were. Let me jog your memory for a bit: Adam Couple - We fell in Love. Goguma Couple - Banmal Song. And to some extent, AlShin Couple - Flowerpot. That's a total of 3 notable couples with songs that make you automatically remember them whenever it plays. Three. Why didn't WGM use this trope far more? A lot of idols, singers, and actors who can sing already joined the show at one point or another, why was this rarely used?

There was once this joke my father once made all the time: If you want to know if a couple's compatible with one another, make them sing in public once. If their voices fit, then it's a good sign. Of course it was a random joke so I really didn't put that much weight into it, but for some weird reason I kept remembering that when I first watched them sing together back in episode 11. To be precise, it was here in this clip:

5:06 in case you guys forgot. I completely doubt that though. :P

Their voices were perfect together. :-O

I mean sure, you can make two singers sing a duet together and it can sound beautiful, but it's completely different if those two singers hold some sort of emotion for the other while they were singing. I'm sure you guys remember that smile and that litling tone Seyoung used when they both got into that booth together to record the song. It's impossible not to smile at that - you could feel the shyness and joy permeate to their voices, and that made the difference in that Shall We Dance recording. That point in that episode is the exact moment when I really wanted WGM to let them make a song for themselves, because it's been a long, long, looooooooooooooong time since I found a couple that I actually wanted to sing together.

And boy oh boy, did WGM did not disappoint. \:D/

Shame on you as a 2young shipper if you don't have this on your playlist. :))

I don't know where the bloody hell I'm supposed to go to buy this song, but by goodness, I'll find a official copy somewhere. :|

Being a music fan, it tickles my WGM sensibilities when they use music to make couples bond together on the show. It makes me want to like them more, especially if they actually sound heavenly together, and 2young's a perfect example of this trope. At this point, I had no real doubts - 2young is going into my favorites list, and it's going way way way up there to the top 5. :D

3) CATCH - Or otherwise known as "Why I won't forget"

I might as well say it now - I haven't actually finished watching their entire segment yet. :(

Yep, I still haven't watched the finale. And I probably won't just yet.

It's true that I've already watched through all of their episodes at least once. For some WGM viewers once is enough, but for yours truly that number simply isn't enough if I genuinely like the couple I'm watching. Unlike you guys, if someone asked me trivial things like When did they start feeling comfortable with each other? At what point did Seyoung's voice change to aegyo-range whenever when she's with Wooyoung? At what point did Wooyoung lose that bumbling image from Seyoung's perspective to actually consider him as a man? At what point did they get that comfortable enough to sleep beside each other?

There are a lot more questions running through my head right now, and to be quite honest I can't answer any of them yet. But you guys can, right? It's because those little details are the ones that caught you, that made your shipper hearts jump with glee when you first recognized where you saw that moment in 2young's relationship. Remembering little things like that became part of your memory as shippers, and those little things are the same things that attracted new shippers like me to them. In time, perhaps I can answer them as well as you guys, yes? I may not have much to say by way of insight right now, but wait till I get to 20, possibly even 30 times of rewinding their episodes. :D

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I think I read a comment a few pages back mentioning SoLim couple's photoshoot. About how it's a shame that Wooyoung didn't get one of their own? Please don't be. :)

I enjoy watching SoLim couple too, but in my personal opinion making a song together is perhaps one of the best things that could have happened while the both of them was still in WGM. Like I've said earlier, there are only a few couples that can pull this off, and I don't think that they missed out on anything by not doing things that past couples/present couples did in their own segment. Just listen to Clasping Hands all over again if ever you feel that way again, yes? :P:))

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I read your comment or recap at solim couple….But chingu can I ask u where do u get copy of 2young  interwined hands?
Me as 2 young shipper….Sometime I envious to others couple….but….at that time seyoung really busy worked for her drama and filmed.

2young never complaint the condition they got (except when they lost their house) wwkwkkww. We can saw they just really happy whenever they met, they can't hide their happy smile to see each others and  enjoyed and played by them self  in their happy time.This is one reason Why I really hook with 2youn

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@Le_Sanguinea ...great post...I love reading it...thanks for a friendly visit ... :) please write some more about 2Young...@missauditor ... yups...it's indeed very special song... It's a proposal and also seyoung answer for it... 

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@alilla - Personally I'd prefer buying a copy myself, but there are online sites where you can buy digital copies but I think you need paypal to use them. There are rip copies floating on the internet, but it's against the rules of soompi to post them here. :(

@yantz3 - Sure, I don't mind writing one or two more for them. And thanks for the nice comment. :D

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yantz3 said: Bonus : This is a fancam that I really like ...the song really suit him,and he look so freakin' HOT!! and cool here...I like his hairstyle too...

One more... :D Jun-K rubbing or touching his nape here...but it's totally different when SY did it right? xixixi... he's super cute in here too....Ottoke..!I'm so doom... 


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Who's talking bad abt my gurl???...it makes it so difficult to stay lurking...lol. i might have believed those malicious articles if i read them.before...but not now...

.if anyone knows or come to know sy from wgm like we do...there's not even a speck of dirt's size of suspicion remains abt how 'sponsored or bla bla bla' she is can stay in our heads. She's just too pure for those nonsense...and i m glad i got to know her if that's one good thing i get from her loser company...

The girl might get opportunities easily.. coz God she's beautiful...and life isnt fair...gorgeos ppl get noticed faster...but does she suck at acting? Watch her and ppl will know how much she puts into her role? Did she ever complain shooting one thing after another? She still smiled and did all she could after a whole night filming n going straight to wgm shooting...all smiles until bedtime. Does she look like someone who takes it easy coz opportunities just come rolling in...? She doesnt...not my princess...

So ppl can talk until the cows come home...i am sticking by this girl. I love her and respect her coz she loves herself, loves wy, loves acting n singing and respect her body and her heart and knows her limits even when she's with someone she likes...aka prince wy. Her mom raised 3 lovely daughters and educated them well...

Do i sound angry? Hehe...sawwry...just wanted to share my thought...

@missauditor‌ thank u dear...i m trying

@Le_Sanguinea‌ great post and i totally agree...

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Guest liestiana

Where are you looking at JWYoung?? :Dab84dda9352a0dbbe6e609a269e093a7_zps06fc
The answer is............... bba14137dc69036163233d294d9272f4_zpsbecb
That's why he answered Seyoung's question with sing that song happily :)) >
cr : as tagged

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