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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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[iNFO] Because of a baseball match, "Wooyoung & Seyoung" part on today's broadcast of WGM didn't get aired, and will be aired next week.cr. 2pmalways

ok, so it looks like they'll air today's episode + upcoming episode next week, or am I reading this wrong

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@kawaiinoona! definitely! we desperately need the links with ENG SUB please  ;;) ;;) hahaha
 let's just think positively!they MUST give us 2episodes (or more) worth!hahaha!
@reijaye definitely!let's enjoy the moment first =D! well i think their agencies saying YES to WGM means that it is not something to get rid off easily, i mean they'll definitely try to work their schedules =)

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Guest DyaH1430293483

Hi @DyahJ :-h   I was startled just now to see your name. I thought it was me for a second there, but with diff. pic. hahaahaa...

I see lots of angry shippers here. I'm with you guys ~X(   It was so dissapointing, waiting for half an hour until the end, expecting our 2Young will appear... but nothing...AARrRRGGH!! =(( =(( kawaiinoona said: They better gv us 2 episodes worth!lol... probably not..

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This is my first post here.

I cant contain myself any longer.

I need a dose of 2young.

Damn you MBC!

We should welcome you here! No offense, but its funny how you would post your first comment about an episode that did not air. Lol! Do make more posts when u can! :bz

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Guest DyahJ

DyaH said: Hi @DyahJ :-h   I was startled just now to see your name. I thought it was me for a second there, but with diff. pic. hahaahaa...

I see lots of angry shippers here. I'm with you guys ~X(   It was so dissapointing, waiting for half an hour until the end, expecting our 2Young will appear... but nothing...AARrRRGGH!! =(( =(( kawaiinoona said: They better gv us 2 episodes worth!lol... probably not..

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Guest zidge22

omo! what on earth is happening?? ~X(

i was so excited to visit this thread today to check for updates but but :(( :(( :((
need to wait for another week~ :(

ya! MBC! nu! nu nappun network! jinjja nappun~ :((

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one day filming can make 2 or more episodes... so don't worry about their busy activties.. during WGM 2.. YongSeo once didn't filming up to 4weeks because their busy activities.. but they still on WGM over 1 Year :)

yeaaay i hope 2Young will be on WGM over 1 Year :)

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Guest hanaluvkm.

Hi,Hello~ 2Young's supporters :D:)
I'm Hana~<3
I've always on lurk mode to this forum to see and look for an update about this couple :) You guys always make me smile with your talk about Wooyoung&Seyoung~
I've always like this couple since the first time they met keke~ the awkwardness keke~ this couple have been always on my upper list WGM couple along with PocaGuri&YongSeo~keke~
Even today,I've waited for 2Young MUCH MORE than any other couple.And when I saw that 2Young is not showed,I can't hide how desperately frustrated I am to see this couple.."HOW TO WAIT FOR ANOTHER WEEK MBC??"....sigh..../insert 2Young's squad leader-Danny's gif here~keke~

Radio Star last Tuesday making me crazy enough to look forward for today...sigh....
Nksub (SuperJunior fan-subbed) used to subbed RS...but I don't know if there'll be an eng-sub for this episode or not..

My Korean isn't really good but I want to share my opinion on last RS episode~(to mend our broken heart ;;3;; Though I like baseball but I have to say I hate it this time..pretty big...grrr...)

Part 1

1. On preview cut on the beginning Woo said something about,"The feel is more like a girlfriend." why did they cut that ;;3;;?..hoping that this cut showed on WGM it self~/crossed my fingers..

2. The harsh welcoming style of RS to SeYoung is kind of cute bcs Kyuhyun felt embarrassed to add the -yong affix on 3 last words lol.."She already appeared on 6 dramas, MC for a music program,and a fix cast on a variety show..but..when we heard her name..I don't know-ng~look-ng~who are you-ong?~Park Seyoung-ssi!"

3. Looking at the seat arrangement RS they don't really expect anything "big" from 2Young maybe because Seyoung isn't really "variety show" type person but "reality show"..you know what I mean,right?hehe~

4. I like the way Seyoung said Woo's full name when the MC's try to move on to JoonYoung&SeYoung:
MC KimGura: Jung Joon Young-ssi is with Yoo Mi-ssi and Park SeYoung-ssi is with..
SeYoung: Jang WooYoung-ssi >> She's not saying 2PM's WooYoung but his full name~<3<3<3 I'm kind of weak with this kind of silly simple little thing.I'm sorry~keke~
MC Kyuhyun: Where are your partner?
JoonYoung: Gangwon Land >> which is a casino LOL
MCs are on panicked mode: Gangwon Land??? Who? Who? Jung Yoo Mi-ssi?
MC Kyuhyun: Not Gangwon-do (province) but Gangwon Land?
JoonYoung: Filming
MCs: Aaaaaa~ And WooYoung-ssi?
Seyoung: Because he had another schedule, WooYoung-ie just came back to Korea now. >> back to Wooyoung-ie mode~keke~
and I think because of this the MC caught that SeYoung is older~kekekek~
MC JongShin: Are you older than WooYoung-ie?
Seyoung: I am a year older.
*and that friend introduction between JoonYoung and SeYoung is funny~keke~*

5. When JoonYoung talked about how well YooMi laughed,
MC JongShin: The saying that "If there's camera is around you'll laugh more" is kind of true right, Seyoung-ssi?
Seyoung: I don't think so, I think I would laugh less.
MC JongShin: Oh, is that so? Are you saying that "I am different compare to Jung Yoo Mi"?
Seyoung: It's not that~
JinYoung: Even if she's just stand there without doing anything,she looks beautiful. >> AGREE
*after making a joke here and there to JinYoung,suddenly JoonYoung said to Seyoung*
JoonYoung: If you held your laugh,you will get a diarrhea. >> OMG LOL and later he explained "because you'll hurt your stomach if you held your laughter" kekekeke~
Personally I think Seyoung show herself a lot more on and after WGM,I swear.If you guys have seen Seyoung on other variety show..you'll agree with me that on WGM, she laughs a lot more and at an ease state to show herself on camera. Thanks to Woo~<3 keke~

6. Seyoung chooses MC Kim Gura as the person she thinks that is a good person in real life although he has a scary image on tv.

7. MC JongShin: What will you do if a man pants zipper down?
JinYoung: I will zip it >> I have the same expression as her WGM husband LOL later she explained that she only said that bcs this is a variety show LOL
*MC JongShin asked Seyoung the same question*
Seyoung: If we are close to each other I would just said,"Your zipper is down,zip it!" >> she answer this and gesture it towards JoonYoung
MCs:*laugh* Zip it!
Seyoung: because it's kind of embarrassing so I would say it quickly,"Your zipper is down,zip it!" >> she gestures it towards JoonYoung once again
JoonYoung: Why are you doing this to me?!
Seyoung: Oh? I'm sorry.
MC JongShin: "I will zip it" is still the best answer >> LOL

8. Seyoung said that judging by their face,GoongMin&JinYoung look good together which lead them to a question from the Radio Star's writer about GoongMin&JinYoung's plastic surgery......heol....

9. Finally WooYoung come! ;;3;;
MC Kyuhyun: Wooyoung-ssi,you should bring in your own chair.
Wooyoung: I will just stand for today. >> kekeke~
*2Young greeting each other*
MC JongShin: As soon as they seeing each other,they do skinship. >> Hahahahahahaha!
MC JongShin: It's a wrapped up concert, right?
Wooyoung: Yes, it's a wrapped up concert. I came back with the first flight.
MCs: Oooh >> they think that Wooyoung came back alone.
MC Kim Gura: So the members are still in Japan?
Wooyoung: No, we all came back together. >> kekekeke~
MC JongShin: Ah!But you see,Seyoung-ssi's face looks is so brigthen! >> of course~~~<3<3<3
Seyoung: Ah,really? >> SHE'S SO CUTE I CAN'T
MC Kyuhyun: Is your face usually blushing like that?
MC Kim Gura: It's getting better and better (for her on Radio Show) because of husband~
MC Jongshin: Although JoonYoung and Seyoung kept talking to each other, she kept nervous all the time.
Wooyoung: Of course she would >> kekekekeke~ I like Woo's confidence here~
Joonyoung: Aih! You (to Wooyoung) should check if your zipper is open.
Seyoung: It's not that. Check it! (to Wooyoung)
Wooyoung: What's wrong with zipper?
Seyoung: Check it quickly.
Wooyoung: My zipper is not open.
Seyoung: Okay. It's alright.
MC Kim Gura: JoonYoung and Seyoung had become friends.
Wooyoung: *surprise* Ah, really?
Seyoung: Because we are the same age.
Wooyoung: *checked* Oh, because of the same age.
MCs:Ooo..so matured

10. JinYoung said that Wooyoung liking Seyoung more than she likes him
MC JongShin: Ng..really? >> I know that he and Wooyoung are close as hyung-dongsaeng
JinYoung: *at the studio* I watch them on the monitor. I am very sure of it. And nowadays Seyoung's heart is more open.
MC JongShin: Ah.. I see, I see.I can also see that Wooyoung is especially looking really mature beside Seyoung, he looks like he's working hard on it. If you want to deny this words (that I just said), behave badly! >> LOL why would he?you're saying the truth,Hyung~hahahaha~
JinYoung: And whoever saw them, they really look like a couple that just start dating.
MC JongShin: JinYoung-ah, you are really one of the panel. You should have stay beside MinSeon Noona. >> LOL
I don't know why both of Woo and Seyoung kept their mouth shut. Although Woo looks a lil bit uncomfortable keke~

11. MC JongShin: The thing that everybody is really curious about is how do they match the couple on WGM. One of the rumor is Wooyoung would not want to join WGM if it's not Seyoung.
MC GookJin:Is that so?
Seyoung: *mouthing* what? what?
Wooyoung: *looking at her* no, no. >> his gentle voices/dead
MC Kim Gura: He really likes her.
Wooyoung: This is why I don't want to do variety show. >>LOL So WGM is not variety show for you either, Woo? Great~
MC JongShin: In front of WGM's office,using a headband,screaming Park Seyoung, Park Seyoung! >> ROFLOL
Wooyoung: I don't want to this~I'll go~ >> I bet you all see Seyoung did something like adjusting Woo's chair as Woo stood up from the chair and after that he sat down again ;;3;;
MC Kim Gura: It's not like that. As long as I know, during the interview, they will present the candidate's list, aren't they doing that?
Wooyoung: No, no.
MC GookJin: Is that so?
Wooyoung: ne~ver..ne~ver..
MC Kim Gura: Just randomly?
MC Kyuhyun: There's also like,"who do you want to be with?" they did that right?
Wooyoung: But there's no one that I would like to be with.
MC Kyuhyun: So it should be Park Seyoung or else? >> LOL
Wooyoung: No, no~ I have no one.
MC Kim Gura: So they did ask about it but you did not say anything?
Wooyoung: Yes
MC Kim Gura: Why?
Wooyoung: At that time I only said this thing, the style that I like, my ideal type. I only talked about this.
MC JongShin: And that person is Park Seyoung?
Wooyoung: Yes, my ideal type when I was younger is similar to Seyoung-ie, so I was really surprised when I first met her.
*natural skinship* >> Seyoung looks like asking something to Wooyoung as Woo mouthing,"I don't know either~" MC JongShin put an eye especially for this couple and JoonYoung bcs of SuperStarK hahahahah~
MC GookJin: Didn't they asked you about a person you want to be with on the show?
Seyoung: They did asked but I don't say anything about it either.
MC Kim Gura: Why?
MC JongShin: Really?
Seyoung: I only said that rather than looks I prefer someone that can lead a conversation more.
MC JongShin: Whoever saw Wooyoung would say that Wooyoung is more on a "looks" person.
Wooyoung: It's not that, rather than looks >> Woo supporting Seyoung~<3
Seyoung: Yes, my personality is blunt so I would like it if he is someone that can lead me. And he really working hard on it.
MC Kyuhyun: So both of you met each other ideal type?
Wooyoung: It's really intresting.
Seyoung: Yes.
MC Kyuhyun: What a coincidence song >> Kyuhyun used the word wooyoung as hanja so it would be heard as "what a coincidence song" or "what a coincidence for Wooyoung" kekekekekeke~

12. I can't handle the way Seyoung grabbed Wooyoung's sleeve when Woo spread his arm/dead >> LOL at the caption "Human barricade" and "kept looking unkindly" after he asked to stop shooting LOL

13. MC Kyuhyun: For Wooyoung and Seyoung that haven't able to do a skinship properly. Wooyoung-ssi, how far(?) will you show it? >> I'm still amazed at this question LOL What's that suppose to mean? LOL/pervy mind going on
JoonYoung: *laughing*
Wooyoung: I don't know. For me skinship is something that I have to do carefully.
MV Kyuhyun: What are you thinking about? (to JoonYoung)
JoonYoung: It's just because it's suddenly quite.....
MC JongShin: It's just because on Jung JoonYoung's case, he didn't really thinking how far he would do skinship. But Wooyoung is different. Why do you have to be cautious about skinship? Do you think you can't escape once you do that? >> you can hear JoonYoung and Kyuhyun are gigling it's so funny x))))
Wooyoung: If you do skinship, you will draw too close to each other.
MC JongShin: That's a confidence! Once you do skinship, Seyoung will draw to you. >> ROFLOL
Wooyoung: That's not it!
MC Kyuhyun: Once you do skinship...you couldn't stop~ >> ROFLOL
Wooyoung: Once you do skinship..Kyuhyun Hyung...don't do this to me >> poor Woo but it's too funny Woo LOL
MC Kim Gura: Kyuhyun really likes it, next time you (WGM) can invite him with a trainee.

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Guest enzo0227

@hanaluvKM thank you so much for the trans...thank you for mending my heart that MBC and baseball broke...lol at HJY she's like a member of the 2young fan's club...

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Guest DyaH1430293483

Heheee nice to know you to @DyahJ
Here's the link for radiostar

wgmfanaticx3 said: if any1 wants the full raw http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1jv2vk_ㄹㄷ_fun

Thanks to @hanaluvKM for the translation.
Appreciate it very much. At least I understand what they talk about. And I'd love to quote this part "
Wooyoung: If you do skinship, you will draw too close to each other."
Now what do you guys think about this? :)) Wooyoung aa.. don't be afraid to let your self loose in Seyoung's LOVE :x You both are such a match made in heaven.

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