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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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 @PeggyM This song reminded me back to the old days... Yes, I have some memories with this song.. !!!(when The man met me this song is already old...hahaha. In fact, I like Wake me up before you go go)

Gals..let enjoy the song...
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@AomP Don't think I'm weird, but I thought George Michael had the sexiest smile and teeth.....and thank you, he did this solo, not when he was with Wham....they did the other song you mentioned though :)  Maybe it's the saxophone in the song, or his voice...but it is definitely a sexy mood making song....I could see WY and SY, candle lit bedroom, this playing softly in the background....SY wearing something sexy....WY shirtless and.......OH MY!!!!  :\"> :x =P~ :))  Seemed like I was starting a FF....I'll leave that to the experts on here :D

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Okay, I don't speak Korean, but I can type hangul into an online translator (Uncle Google or Aunt Bing), which sometimes gives hilarious or just random confusing translations.
cr. bladerunner
Now, if I typed it in correctly, funny Aunt Bing translates this caption as, "I drove up to the sound of blowing up the wife." Really, now? =))

Also, in regards to the preview, don't think Seyoung is sad- probably tired after a long day. Love her hand here:tumblr_nbha4wclJw1th7kbeo2_500.gif
cr. bladerunner
Maybe I'm seeing it wrong, but it's almost like she's bringing his head close to hers, asking for another kiss. Maybe she was just going to pet him in appreciation of his first kiss, and he wasn't done yet, but I like my delusion. I'm so greedy- can't wait to see her initiate!

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Guest ylndptrc

Do you realize when 2young had an interview with the panels, wooyoung suddenly became quiet and look mature. Just like when they were on radio star.

I guess he was very careful about their relationship. And i remember khuntoria always 'show off' about their 'marriage' and idk if they really had a real relationship or not but they broke many shipper heart too. I think it's good for both wooyoung and seyoung that they didn't show too much on interview. I just want them to be happy without people knowing their private life.

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This 100% off topic, but because I'm old and cannot remember exactly who it is that is the LEL Fan.....


Just wondering had you heard this song?  This is from the current drama Hi School Love On and I think it is one of the most beautiful song I've ever heard. Sorry I'm bad at posting youtube vids :(

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@desertflower YAY...yes that is it...and yes the words do apply to our YY couple, right??  Sorry about the link...one I'm half asleep and two, I have no clue how to put those dang things on right...I've been taught and still seem to screw it up.  Thank you so much for putting it on for everyone to hear as well, it's really so beautiful!  :) <HUGS>
EDIT:  woopsie....no that isn't the right song.....I tell you I'm half asleep....the song is LEL and some girl from Feistar (?) singing a duet
id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); overflow: hidden;"

this one has english lyrics......it's called What My Heart Wants....I think it fits 2Young :x
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Guest NorsalwaA

Went to bed at 3am last night, roll around and around trying to stop myself fm watching them again, i donno wat time i finally sleep.

Wake up at 7, watch the ep again, simple bf so that i won't pass out fm hunger, watch again. At this rate i am going i could easily lost 10kg.

And i hv a wedding to go to at noon, my eyes are soo puffy but i just don't care. It is not as if ppl are coming to the wedding to c me, right?

I am dead.

@jann17‌ his kissing is pretty loud and strong. Sy head keep moving backward everytime he kiss her. Aigoo this two. I am so emotional and i am not even pregnant.

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@NorsalwaA I stop re-watching at 2am.. went to bed, still smiling and rolling here and there on my bed thinking of uri 2Young couple and I'm not sure what time I fell asleep.  Woke up at 6.30am,  prepare bf and sent my son for his weekend activities and back home, watching the episode again and again... I got wedding to attend too and I'm pretty sure I looked like zombie now!! Hope I won't scare the other wedding guest! LOL!tumblr_n96ijdGgPT1revobio1_500.gifcr: http://unloadthecargo.tumblr.com/

Edit: Just saw this gif by our @shineehappypandas ... I'm a lil zombie body and mind but did WY accidently touched her B? tumblr_nbhtbaInPb1to59dfo1_500.gif

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Guest NorsalwaA

@ujiyus1‌ i hope we are not going to the same wedding or we will definitely scare the guest.

Don't you just love how affectionate wy is. Like he just want to keep touching her, stay on the bed and make out like crazy.

I think his hand just naturally aiming for that, you know man. He quickly made a turn just as traffic police wife divert the traffic.

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Guest didi515

They must pay for our medical bills for the following medical conditions that we developed during the course of their relationship:
HEART FAILUREBREATHING PROBLEMSPOOR VISION (our eyes are puffy and in pain from watching over. and over. and over)
We will accept payments in the form of dispatch dating news, deep kisses, a real happy marriage, and cute babies,  but i guess at least dating is enough. not
WooYoungshii, don't act like you don't know what you did to us!tumblr_lostbtDUiw1qzh5sno1_500.gif
I was going to make this a long fun post with gifs and stuff but i need to go back to watching my 2Young episodes again!  @-) 

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Guest daliakudo3

It looks like everyone is so emotional after watching yesterday episode. Me? I just cried at my dining table as i ate my dinner while checking this forum. My friends even asked "Did I make the fried noodle too spicy or too tasty that you have to cry like this?" Yeah, I just cried. No big deal :-j
just want to highlight some moment that i like. JANG...JAJANGGGGG!!!http://gifmaker.me/files/downlooutput_6xSACJ.gif

I dont know if it is just me, but why i feel that WY was actually aiming to snuggle/kiss SY's neck, but SY was much more faster, grabbed his hand as if try to remind him that they were in front of camera, and they cannot act like this. So, WY had to divert his direction a bit and be satisfied with SY's shoulder. And OMOOOOOO!!! He basically kissed (though lightly) SY's shoulder!!!! *cryyyyy*
what strike me is WY was no longer aiming for "common places" for a kiss. It looks like he couldnt get enough of her. Maybe, maybe....in real life they already had lip kiss, which is possible by looking at the WY (he has become kiss-oriented man..hahaha :)) ) and SY (she want to be kissed too..awww :\"> ) right now. Anddd..when was this? 2, 3 weeks ago? i wonder what level they already achieved now. probably no progression since WY was busy with 2PM's comeback. *my pathetic attempt to calm down my weak shipper heart*
me too! i also was so surprised with the WY's kissing sound. I even tried to make such sound as loud as I can but I dont think it is possible without making 'fish face' and cheekbones become so prominent. Maybe due to editing and plus he has a microphones clipped at the collar of his shirt.

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daliakudo3 said:

what strike me is WY was no longer aiming for "common places" for a kiss. It looks like he couldnt get enough of her. Maybe, maybe....in real life they already had lip kiss, which is possible by looking at the WY (he has become kiss-oriented man..hahaha :)) ) and SY (she want to be kissed too..awww :\"> ) right now. Anddd..when was this? 2, 3 weeks ago? i wonder what level they already achieved now. probably no progression since WY was busy with 2PM's comeback. *my pathetic attempt to calm down my weak shipper heart*

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Yes @shineehappypandas I would DEFINITELY do that too!!
tumblr_nbhrxfwJ5a1to59dfo2_250.gif Cr: http://shineehappypandas.tumblr.com/

#it looks like for a second she considered hitting him on the butt
YES! YES! Look at where her eyes were directed at @-) @-) @-)
Meanwhile, me and my pervy laugh..


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ME... ? ALL !!! :x :))


Edit: kak @oolita seems like the FF (2) becoming REAL!! Aaaaah cant wait to release it !!! Cc: @DaniaH :-\" \m/ FF (2) Part. 33 and Part. 46!! What a coincidence??!!!! :))

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@diendong My favorites are the same as yours, with the juice one being more of a favorite than the actual kiss one because it was just so freaking sweet and when he grabbed her hand and this look right here....

that is the look of a man completely in love with the woman who's hand he is holding.  :x Sometimes when they have really intimate scenes like the one where they kissed, I feel almost like I'm watching a porno....especially if they play the right music! :))
Edit:  I just want to apologize to everyone for posting so much today/tonight.....I think I am just overly excited about how things are going :D

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