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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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I was a lil sad to know that there is a possibility that he could be dating someone outside of wgm! I'm wishing its an ex or just a friend.. but then again the IG didn't specify who the the person shes reffering to so it could literally be anyone... its a vague speculation... I think sleeping around with random people and with saesangs of all people would've already tried to blackmail him or try to bring him down... and he has a lot going on in his career to be promiscuous in the entertainment industry in the kpop world. this rumor really shook my feelings about his sincerity on the show but he looks so sincere so I think I will still look at him favorably and just pretend I didn't read any of this BS unless it gets confirmed with a dating photo.

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Mom said:
1. She is mature.
2. She is not playfull (well manner)
3. She is beautiful.
4. She is beautiful all packed. All about her is beautiful.

I hope Wooyoung take this as a note in his mind.

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Guest shin27

yup, thats right dear, lets make tons of gif and enjoy the show....

@daliakudo3 @dilawidj @bladerunner @xoxohapie
yes dear, of course u dont have to believe it, I just want to show how bad they can going. No?
Even adele have to write a song about it, #rumourhasit.... :D

Let's just continue watching them happily..

Btw, I am still curious about their meeting after singapore episode, and maybe wooyoung bday celebration ??
do somebody have news about it?

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@roserasorry for my late reply :)here is my answer..

i think their lips slightly touch and as soon as it happened, wy retracted :) and sy's face turned as red as tomato. lol. 
question #2, your answer counted 2.4 twice. that makes total shoulder-hugging in busan was 8 times. lol. thank you for your detail gif. no doubt you repeat their cut the most eonnie :)


@happyshineepandasi just want you to know i adore your gif :)thank you <3i can stare at this gifs forever and smile :) *cannot get the link to another paper smooching gif*

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Guest enzo0227

I have a feeling that they will be shooting in there house after all the outside trip...maybe housewarming party with 2PM

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@rosera unnie, can you make a gif when sly Wooyoung slightly stole a kiss from SY forehead after the mic drawn up by Jinyoung unnie, in cheeck and cheeck game??
Anyone noticed beside me?

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I don't care about the rumors and I don't want it to spoil my love for these lovely couple! Please believe in them and as what Wooyoung said in their 2nd ep, he will do it with sincerity and honest to each other and I will hold that statement as long as they are in WGM! 2Young couple ...Fighting!!

Why Saturday seems far away??? 

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@missauditor ME! ME! ME!
I have mentioned to WY before. Do you dare to bite her for real??? LOL

Dunno if he read my mention or not. Let wait patiently.
I hope he doesn't have rabies disease, or vampire gene...LOL, *JK
But If he has vampire gene, SY unnie will becoming vampire too.... mean, they will live forever...hahahaha

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Usually if male MCs approved of the girl behavior as a wife, that means the girl is the model for sensible girls, the type that MIL (and husbands, since it come from guys perspective) will love :D
I remember they were approving Victoria's behavior on Khuntoria, and now Vic was well-known for it. I hope Seyoung will became famous for her good behavior and politeness here in WGM :)

@missauditor @rosera
this part I keep replaying too confirm that their lips were touching, and it is! Technically they should be lost already since the game was to touch or not to touch XD but oh well :D

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Guest daliakudo3

@missauditor‌ those are one of my favourite scenes too. Wooyoung seriously cannot hide his happiness and seemed so proud of sy. Awww! Who says they are fake? It's totally spontaneous reaction. Me me! Im about to have lunch too, and those gif make me even hungrier. Rawrrr! Hahaa @DaniaH‌ i noticed it too. Since the microphone is quite small and their cheeks touch the most of the time, he some kind like 'i better grab this oppertunities' and slowly crawled up sy cheek to give forehead kiss he loves most. Aaahhh~ sneaky wy!!! @ujiyus1‌ yeahh! Lets support them full-heartedly.

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Etara Eonnie Back !@missauditor OH yeh Someone saw it, Hooray it's a bit mistake but I need to kept itIs it make you guys can smile right? :D :D Yes, that was my aim to let you guys feel better 

@Diendong You're welcome, coz Eonnie want to told the thruth No one can learning from mistake if they look back clearly @DaniaH @missauditor  @dilawidj @shin27 and everyoneWait for tonight other gif moment will release as much as I can This is my aim for 8 May 2014But Eonnie didn't want him bite her hand, so beautiful hand don't want any slit on that as He must to do it kiss her hand only, it was be great right =)) =)) 
Eonnie Love WY's Omma so much She told WY should go to learn cooking for SY =)) =)) How much she passionate of her daughter-in-law?  ภาพถ่าย

and this gif she told SY didn't spoil him to much, when he piqueภาพถ่าย 
Look at his smile when he know his mom has gift for both of them, How much Ommani surprise both of them?ภาพถ่าย ภาพถ่าย 

Bonus ภาพถ่าย ภาพถ่าย 

No matter was will going on in the future Eonnie will always support both of them and 2PM forever

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daliakudo3 said: @missauditor‌ those are one of my favourite scenes too. Wooyoung seriously cannot hide his happiness and seemed so proud of sy. Awww! Who says they are fake? It's totally spontaneous reaction. Me me! Im about to have lunch too, and those gif make me even hungrier. Rawrrr! Hahaa @DaniaH‌ i noticed it too. Since the microphone is quite small and their cheeks touch the most of the time, he some kind like 'i better grab this oppertunities' and slowly crawled up sy cheek to give forehead kiss he loves most. Aaahhh~ sneaky wy!!! @ujiyus1‌ yeahh! Lets support them full-heartedly.

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Guest oolita

Hello everyone..
I shipped 2young couple right from the start but have been a silent shipper, UNTIL NOW!! Can't help it no more, especially after the Busan trip.
@rosera eonnie thank you so so so much for the gifs, you can't possibly imagine (or maybe you can) how it made me giggled like a fool staring at my laptop screen. 
The pepero kiss is daebak!! I don't know whether it's my "shipper eyes" or "normal eyes", but I realize something when I have my hawk-eye-mode-on on this pepero kiss gif. If you all have a closer look, WY already bitten-off that chocolate stick, but he only backed off after his lip slightly touched SY's lip. Hmm.. Curious much?

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