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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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It's been a while.. 

Nice to see Sy's IG and the teaser of money bouquet.

As pretty as usual. 

She always looks good in her drama's outfit..


Wooyoung was really busy, he went to Japan frequently in this past two weeks.

I noticed his scarf,  he must like those scarf much. he always wore it. 

Could it be from someone? 





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Hi Ladies. new chapters. Enjoy :)


Chapter Three

I have this habit of daydreaming of finding my prince when I turn twenty in my teens. That my prince, would sweep me off my feet, get married and live in a castle. I know, it sounded crazy but I did have that kind of dream. But, ten years have passed and I haven’t met him yet. Well, I do often hear comments from people growing up that I am not as pretty as my two sisters are. Don’t get me wrong, I love my Unnies to bits and they never make me feel as if I am lacking in the beauty department. On the contrary, they will always say, I am the prettiest amongst the three of us, if. Yes, there is an if or rather, there are ifs. If I can learn to put make up. If I can wear dresses rather than jeans and t-shirts. If I let my hair down, rather than always in a ponytail. If I can wear heels rather than sneakers or flats shoes. The list goes on and on, except for the jeans (I wear tailored pants for work now) and sneakers (I kept the flat shoes), nothing has changed.

“Hello, this is Seyoung from Training Department how can I help you?” I answered the phone.

“Good morning Seyoung. This is Sangwoo from the office of the Vice President. Mr Jang is requesting to arrange a meeting with your department Monday next week at 11.00am. Does that suit you?” The man from the other line asked after a brief introduction.

“Yes Mr Sang Woo. That is fine. I will let my team know.” I replied.

“That is arranged then. Have a good day.” Then he hanged up.

“Can he not wait at least for me to response before hanging up?” Seyoung said out loud, shaking her head. Then I saw a head popping up from the right side.

Unnie. Are you going with us to that bar I was telling you about?” Jinyoung or Jenny as she prefers to be called nowadays, asked the moment I put the phone down. She has been telling me about this cool bar she found out in an alley way in north side of Gangnam where some unknown bands are playing.

“Is it tonight? But it’s only Wednesday.” I asked.

Unnie. This bar only opens Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.” Jenny replied.

“Why would a bar only open on certain days?” I asked again.

“I don’t know. Maybe because it’s middle of the week. Then Friday and Saturday people can chill for the weekend?” Jenny replied.

“Well, it does make sense.” I agreed. “Okay. I’m going.” These are the two additional ifs of my life. If I could not drink like a man and going to underground bars watch indie bands perform. Well drinking like a man is a little exaggerated. Despite me, telling my sisters nothing wrong having drinks every once in a while and go watch live bands play, they still insist that for a woman, I should drink wines instead of beer and soju. Men don’t like women who are better drinkers than they are. And I should watch the orchestra than indie bands.  When they saw I had no plans of giving up my simple pleasures. They left me alone.


Chapter Four

“Mr. Vice President. I have confirmed the meeting for Training Department on Monday at 11.00am.” Sang Woo feedbacked to Wooyoung after the phone call.

“Thanks Hyung. Would I finish meeting all the departments on Monday?” I asked.

“Yes, Mr Vice President. For Tuesday it will be with the board and the CEO.” Sang Woo confirmed.

“Great. By the way, are you free this evening?”

“I am usually free most evenings. Is there something you’d like me to do Mr Vice President?” Sang Woo asked.

“You mean. You have no girlfriend? Or not dating anyone?” I asked again.

“No Mr Vice President.” Sang Woo replied. “Is there something you’d like me to do for you?” Going back to my original question.

“Oh! Yes. I’d like you to come with me to this bar I’ve been going the last two weeks. The bands are really good. Do you drink Hyung?” I said.

“I only drink beer,Sir.” Sang Woo replied.

“Beer is good. I shall see you there at eight tonight. “ I typed in the address and sent it to his phone via SMS. “That’s the address. See you then.”

Sang Woo looked at the message.”Okay. Sir. Is there something else you need?”

“I think I’m good for now.” I said. “Thank you.”

I went back to my desk and checked some emails. There are few and two were from Dad, who is currently overseas with Mom. One checking how I was doing. While the other one was a business matters requiring my immediate attention. Dad’s email kept me and Sang Woo occupied the whole afternoon, the next thing we knew, it was six o’clock in the evening.

Hyung. Let’s get some dinner. I think it will be too late if we go home.” I suggested. My plan was initially go home from work, change into something more casual before going to the bar.

“Whatever you prefer Mr. Vice President.” Sang Woo replied.

“What would you like to eat?”

“Anything Sir. I’m not fussy.”

“Let’s get some steak then.” I said.


Chapter Five

The exterior of the bar didn’t do justice of how it looks from the inside. The interior is quite modern and well thought of. There is a small stage at the centre, with few tables and chairs for people to sit for drinks and nibbles. There were already few people around, but not crowded. You need to present an ID as proof of age before the two bulky looking men as security open the heavy door. My eyes wandered looking for Jenny and the girls but it was hard spotting them with the dim lighting. So instead, I went to the bar tender and ordered myself a drink. A couple of minutes later, I had my non-alcoholic drink in hand. I walked towards one of the empty table, reaching for my mobile phone, when suddenly someone bumped into me, knocked me off balance and landed in the arms of someone. His arms held me tight around my waist. His lips touching my forehead like a kiss. My left arm clinging on to his shoulder for support. Our faces and tops both wet from my spilled drink.

“I’m sorry.” I heard a woman’s voice. I wanted to curse but I bit my tongue back when I heard the apology.

“It’s okay. It was an accident. Just be careful next time.” I heard the man said. His arms still around me.

“Is your girlfriend alright?” The lady asked. I was about to turn around to face her but, his strong arm held me still, my face still on his chest.

“She is fine. Right, honey?” The man again answered on my behalf. I just nodded in agreement so he can let go of me. Then the woman left. His arms loosened and I pushed myself away from him.

Senja! What was that all about?” I said the moment I looked up to confront the man. He only gave me a smile. “Are you mocking me?”

“No.”The man replied. “As you can see we both are sticky and wet from your drink.” Pointing to his damp shirt. “Come with me.” The man said, pulling me close to him, leading towards a narrow corridor.

“Where are you taking me?” I asked, trying to shake myself free from his hold. Then I saw, we are at the door of the ladies washroom.

“You go in there and wait for me. I’m getting you a change of shirt.” The man said, opening the door for me to go in.

“Why?” I asked stubbornly.

“Look in the mirror. You will know the answer.” The man said.”By the way, what is your name?”

“Why are you asking?”

“I need a name to call out to give you a fresh shirt.” He said.

“Seyoung. Park Seyoung.” I replied. Then I went inside the ladies washroom. I was shocked when I saw myself in the mirror. The wet material was sticking to my chest, through the thin material of my white cotton top, showing my lacy undergarment on it’s full glory. Of all days, I decided to wear the lacy undergarment on random choice because I had my blazer jacket on. No wonder the man tried to pin me close as not call for unnecessary attention. But still, he saw my near naked state!

“Oh my god!” I saw my face turned red as tomato from the sight.

“Wow. You did well with that.” One lady noticed, as she was retouching her make up.

“Yeah.” I replied in utter embarrassment. I stayed in one of the cubicle until few minutes later, I heard my name called.“Park Seyoung-shi!” I went out to get the shirt from the man. My bag covering my chest.

“Here.” The man handed me a white t-shirt. “I know it’s big. But just be creative that it wouldn’t look like a sack on you.”

“Thank you very much.” Thanking him, took the shirt then darted back inside.


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Hi guys! Money Bouquet is going to start soon. I was wondering if you guys would be interested to make donation to send Seyoung's rice wreath for the drama's press conference on 7th November? I think last time during Whisper or was it Beautiful Mind....she didnt receive any. So it'd be nice if we could send her this time, even if its just a small one.


Sorry if this was too sudden. Do let me know soon. Details to contribute are still the same. :)

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14 hours ago, yun84 said:


I noticed his scarf,  he must like those scarf much. he always wore it. 

Could it be from someone? 



Actually we were wondering the same thing among ourselves too. Lol. He does wear it too often for it to not actually be special. :)

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@blame2pm- we still got almost 2 weeks.

U have the contacts to buy rice wreath? Saw Jh's Indonesian fan doing the same on IG, maybe u can do the same cos not many YY fans come to soompi

U post on your ig, then more people can see.

Hopefully can raise enough money for it, if not we buy her a coffee truck since her drama is ongoing for 3 months- more time.

I will send u as usual. Thanks for your help :)

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13 minutes ago, Gerry58 said:

@blame2pm- we still got almost 2 weeks.

U have the contacts to buy rice wreath? Saw Jh's Indonesian fan doing the same on IG, maybe u can do the same cos not many YY fans come to soompi

U post on your ig, then more people can see.

Hopefully can raise enough money for it, if not we buy her a coffee truck since her drama is ongoing for 3 months- more time.

I will send u as usual. Thanks for your help :)


The event is on 7th November, so that is 8 days only from now. Plus I'm going to Yokohama for 2pm For You concert on the 3rd so I would like to make the order before then. So we dont really have much time left. 

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5 minutes ago, blame2pm said:


The event is on 7th November, so that is 8 days only from now. Plus I'm going to Yokohama for 2pm For You concert on the 3rd so I would like to make the order before then. So we dont really have much time left. 

Oh I forgot that press conference is earlier. Never mind u still send the request, then see how much can raise. 

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Oh there was a project for SY. Sorry I missed it. Can I join next time  for a food truck. 


WY in the airport is so funny. His friends made a banner which says ""welcome to seoul 0430_live boy". His reaction though hehehe









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Based on information given about the characters, SY's character is Jang Hyuk's character's savior and his first love. However,  first love but they became enemies. She's also playing a mom with a 5 year old son with asthma. 











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@chic-chic- it is ok cos @blame2pm posted it last minute. Hope we have enough to send her the rice wreath. U guys can still send the money, she can collect so we can send her coffee truck later (the drama will last 3 months)

Ya read that sy will have a 5 year old kid, bet she will make a great mum but sad there won't be romance with Jang hyuk (maybe at beginning) unless they kill off her husband in the end. 

Hope mbs release more Sy's photos- she is very quiet still 

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@Gerry58 Since it's a melodrama, probably at the end they may end up together since they are each other's first love after realizing money is not everything hehehe. Based on the diagram, her husband is in love with someone else and they have a 6 year old kid. So, her husband loves another woman first and probably married Sy's character  for money and power. Her husband may end up with the other woman hehe. 


It would be great to see her a mom though. I hope there are more scenes showing her with her son. Excited too see this drama since it would be really different from her three previous dramas. I can sense there will so many who will anticipate her performance since she acted bad for three dramas now. 

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