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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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36 minutes ago, hazeljrr_c922 said:

@blame2pm  @yyluv @ujiyus1 what an experience, how exciting!   Whoa, two thumbs up!  You went to 6 Nights!

  @kdaddict1  I don't know what to say, except cheer up and smile.  There are times when the mood takes us, and times when our blessings keep us positive, that is how things are.   Thank you for sharing part of yourself, and we are just here, just  a search away.   

@chic-chic  yes, seems like a show, thanks for sharing. 

@Gerry58  have a great time in Japan.  Beautiful country.  Eat some sushi and sashimi, and wagyu for me in Osaka. :)  really great quality food right at the source.  

@standingtallyy   Glad you returned from the rough outback.  And thank you  again for sharing your friend's  fanfic.  Is there another chapter I wonder?   

@elenskivios38  always great to see you around.  

A warm welcome to the new chinggus!  

@hazeljrr_c922Thank you for your warm welcome. I didn't get to mention you last time.

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28 minutes ago, kdaddict1 said:


Hi @blame2pm really you follow them even in concerts? Oh envy! How did you do that? You even went to JYPE? I can't believe that! Can you help contact their production staff? I can provide some clothes for them. 


When I said I went to JYPE is I waited across the street from JYP at Dunkin Donuts along with the rest of the fans. Hehe. I'm sorry, I dont have their staff's contact. :( 

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Wow! The forum is on fire:D Hello again @pammie69 @elenskivios38 and @blame2pm Glad to have you back! I know we all get stuck busy with work and lives so it's okay..

So jealous of you @blame2pm @yyluv @ujiyus1..all I can say is double WOW! Hahaha, I think you should change your name to 'Malaysia' because your Taec can't get over it. That's so sweet of Wooyoung's parents too! Thank you for sharing! :) My friends fanfic starts on page1825 I think...

@hazeljrr_c922 Thanks! It won't be for long and I will be back there soon. But, what to do. I do as I'm told. I actually enjoy it:) A mix of urban and country work is great! I think there's more chapter..I'll nag her again later:D

@kdaddict1 Glad you don't mind me matching you with my nephew.Really? You love Starwars too? Last year, I met up with him and his brother in HKG because I haven't seen them for three years. When we got to Disneyland (their first time) he just went straight to SW merchandise..a 27yo man happily browsing through the stuff I had to pull him away...bought him a SW fan/candy dispenser and told him will come back later...he kept holding my hand as we walked in 35C heat (it was July)..told him people will think he is my 'toyboy' :D.He said he doesn't care. He missed me. Sweet! Yes I do come from Cebu. But Australia have been my home for over ten years...married to a 'local Aussie guy' :)

@Gerry58 Hubby and I have a separate bank accounts too. And it works perfect for us.  Both have same view on financial independence. He gives me weekly budget and the rest is up to us how we spend the 'extras'. If we go away for holiday he gives me extra. If we go out for dinner, he either pays or I pay. He never questions what I buy for myself.

Thanks Ladies. My dear friend is quite happy from all your positive feedback. She is extending her huge THANK YOU :)



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@standingtallyy yes at 13yo I began collecting batman, miniature mighty max & Star Wars (toys for boys). Collecting toys is something we can cherish in years. Tell him to visit IG:arigatoys. Btw, how tall is he, just curious? He has many aeigos too, cute!

is chapter 11 out already? 

@Gerry58 is that so? Couple should have pre nuptial agreement? Isn't it that all money/properties acquired before marriage is yours alone? Wae? Wae? Financial independence? 

2PM is called BEAST IDOLS. As I see them, beast-like image only but tender inside. What can you say unnies?


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2 hours ago, blame2pm said:


When I said I went to JYPE is I waited across the street from JYP at Dunkin Donuts along with the rest of the fans. Hehe. I'm sorry, I dont have their staff's contact. :( 

Oh I see! Do you stay in Korea? Can we meet if I decided to come over?-kd

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Guest elenskivios38

                  :heart:Oh! my dear @blame2pm your so lucky to experienced this wonderful feeling.I watched recently a tv variety show ...the

            celebrity must know their fan in able to win lunch food .In connection to  your experience with 2PM ,the eye contact , waving  Wooyoung

            almost attended 2PM concerts cheering .dancing with them ...if your one of  contestant  and Taec as guest celebrity im sure Taec would

            recognize you immediately:):wub:Wooyoung solo concerts is coming pls.take my heart with ,take YYNation with you coz we love 2PM   

            So for those who can mark in your calendar the date of Wooyoung's solo concert and have fun.:D



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Here it is Ladies:blush: Enjoy!

Before leaving Busan, Seyoung phoned her Mom that they are coming over to see them for an important matter they need to discuss. They will be heading straight to her parents house from the airport. Her Mom said they will be home.
The flight back to Seoul went well. Seyoung's nausea settled with small bites of dry crackers Wooyoung packed for her. Leaving the airport was a bit of a challenge as crowd started to gather around them when they were spotted on their way out. He was not concerned if they were taking photos of them. He is with Seyoung and he wants the world to know.
Seyoung's Mom greeted them at the door. Her Dad waiting for them in the sitting room. An air of tension can be felt as they entered.
"Seyoung-ah, what is the urgent matter you wanted to tell us," Seyoung's dad asked immediately the moment they sat down. Wooyoung couldn't even say his greeting.
"Abunim, Ommonim.I am here right now to formally ask Seyoung's hand in marriage. I love your daughter very much. I promise you I will take care of her for the rest of my life," Wooyoung said, kneeling in front of her parents.
Seyoung was shocked of Wooyoung's announcement of marrying her. All the while she thought, they are only going to inform them about her pregnancy.
'Abunim, Ommonim.Seyoung is carrying my child. I apologise if things turned out this way before marriage. But I truly love your daughter. I am asking for your blessings."
"Pregnant?Seyoung-ah!" Seyoung's Mom turned to look at her.
"Deh Omma. I am pregnant. We only found out yesterday in Busan." Seyoung answered nervously.
Seyoung's Dad could only give a loud sigh after hearing the news. The look of disappointment written all over his face.
"Weren't you the man that she broke up with some time ago?"Seyoung's Dad asked.
"Yes Abunim." Wooyoung answered."And I deeply regret and very sorry about that."
"Seyoung-ah. This man broke your heart. Do you think I didn't know what you went through? I didn't raise you, took care of you just to be hurt by some man." Seyoung's Dad said.
"You are what they call an Idol? Isn't that the reason why you broke up? Because you have an image to protect? And you don't want people to know you are dating my daughter? Listen young man. When you love someone, you do everything to make them happy and be proud. My daughter is not someone to be ashamed about or kept hidden. Now you come here telling me how much you love her? How much do you really love Seyoung?"
Wooyoung could only keep his head down and listen to what Seyoung's Dad was saying. Tears gathering in his eyes.
"More than I can say in words Abunim. I've never stopped loving her all this time. Please forgive me for putting Seyoung through that pain."
"Seyoung- ah. After what happened you still love this man? That much you got yourself pregnant?" Her Dad said angrily.
"I love Wooyoung, Appah. I never stopped loving him." Seyoung kneeled down next to Wooyoung and reached for his hand. She could see tears falling from Wooyoung's eyes while trying to suppress a sob. Head bent down.
"Yeobo. It was all in the past. There is nothing we can do about that. We have to move on. It wasn't the right time for them back then.But look. They found each other again. They did the right thing by coming over and tell us. Seyoung is old enough. Your daughter has never been careless of her decision, you know that. This is her choice. To be with Wooyoung. Let us be happy and give them our support. Jebal Yeobo.Jebal." Seyoung's Mom pleaded.
Then a minute of silence. Seyoung and Wooyoung felt like they were about to be sentenced and clinging for dear life.
"You hurt my daughter again. I am taking her back. I don't care if she is thirty five or forty five. I will take her back." Seyoung's Dad warned looking at Wooyoung intently.
"Abunim. I swear it on my life. I will never do anything again to cause your daughter any pain."
Seyoung's Dad stood up and offered Wooyoung his hand. Wooyoung stood up quickly to accept it.
"Gamsahameda Abunim, gamsahameda," Wooyoung repeatedly said. Bowing. He helped Seyoung stand.She reached out to dry the tears from his face, before going to her Dad .
"Gomawoh Appah." Seyoung said hugging him tight.
"Wooyoung-ah. Promise me. You will take good care of our maknae." Seyoung's mom added.
"I promise Ommonim." Wooyoung replied, bowing to her.

Wooyoung stayed at Seyoung's apartment that night. While she was in the shower, he made the phone call to JYP. Letting him know of the news. JYP confirmed there have been news on TV of him and Seyoung leaving Gimpo Airport together today. The company's phone hasn't stopped ringing since. JYPE will release an official statement on the story that night. And maybe a press conference.
He finished his phone call when Seyoung came out from shower wearing a knee length blue silk robe.She looked breathtaking with hair tied up in a bun, with loose hair falling on the sides.
"I think pregnancy suit you. You look radiant." Wooyoung complimented.
"Thank you." Seyoung replied reassuring him. "Go and shower. I need to call Unni if she can recommend an OB-GYN for me to see." Seyoung said, giving him a slight push towards the bathroom.
Seyoung was in bed when Wooyoung returned, reading a book. He laid next to her and reached for her still flat tummy.
"You know what? I did the scariest and greatest thing in my life today." Wooyoung said.
"What?" Seyoung asked.
"Facing your Dad." Wooyoung replied seriously.
"How could that be the scariest? It's only my Dad."
"Are you kidding me? Did you not hear when he said. YOU HURT MY DAUGHTER AGAIN I AM TAKING HER BACK!" Wooyoung repeating his words in a roaring voice."I nearly peed in my pants!"
Seyoung burst out laughing. He really did sound like her Dad.
"Your Mom was great. I love her." Wooyoung said turning serious.
"By the way. I got the doctor's number. I will ring tomorrow to book an appointment."Seyoung said when the laughing stopped.
"Tell me when. I'll come with you." Wooyoung replied.
"Come with me? Are you serious? You can't." Seyoung told him straight.
"Park Seyoung. Listen Yeobo. As of this time, JYP have already issued a statement that we are officially dating and is expecting our first child." Wooyoung said.
"What?" Seyoung said, completely surprised. "What do you mean? When did you do that?" Seyoung asked.
"While you were in the shower. I told him everything," Wooyoung said proudly.
"What did he say?" Seyoung asked again.
"He wished you and me well. Sending his congratulations for the baby. Yeobo. I'm in a good position now. At this stage in my career. I can afford to sit back and enjoy life. Life with you and our baby. I don't want you to worry about a single thing from now on. You and the baby are my priority." Wooyoung said before giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Gomawo." Seyoung could only say thank you after hearing what he said.
"I want more than a simple thank you."
Wooyoung pulled her close, hand went down to loosen the belt of her silk robe. He started kissing her exposed shoulder.Then went up to give her neck a soft bite. Seyoung can feel his desire rising up. Not long after, every piece of clothing were thrown on the ground.


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@kdaddict1 My nephew is about 173 cms tall. A far cry from your 185cm requirement :D. His eyes are tsinito (if that helps,haha)....no way you will be coming between them...there is the vast Pacific Ocean already. :D.

You should go to Seoul. It's nice. And grab a bite and a drink in The Street Cafe and Bistro but do it Sept- Oct. it's terribly hot there at the moment.



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Special appearance by 2PM :)


The news of Seyoung's pregnancy headlined the next day. The official statement  from JYPE was published in the company website. Leading TV and radio networks were talking about it. There were mixed reactions from fans. Some netizens flooded JYP website with well-wishers both for Wooyoung and Seyoung. And there were few accusing Seyoung of seducing Wooyoung since they appeared in the show We Got Married. Calling her a sly fox disguised as a meek lamb. Because of Seyoung being inactive from showbusiness for a while, clips of her old dramas and movies were shown everytime the report comes on. Wooyoung and Seyoung chose not to read the news or watch TV nor listen to the radio in case a report about them comes up.
 2PM men came. Uninvited. At Wooyoung's place.Taecyon and JunK arrived at the same time. Chansung and Junho came after ten minutes. Nickhun was on the phone with Wooyoung when they arrived but told him he will be on his way too.
"I'm disappointed with you. I have to hear it from my assistant." Taecyon said.
"Me too. My Mom was the one who told me." Chansung followed.
"What about me? From my IG followers. Saying congratulations that I will be an uncle soon?" JunK retorted.
"I had to stop feeding my cats when the news came on on TV." Junho cried.
"Who cares about your cats. Wooyoung is more important at the moment," Taecyon said jokingly.
"Taec, cats are important too." JunK defended Junho. He also has cats for pets.
"Wait! I'm sorry you have to hear it that way and not directly from me. Seyoung is here actually. She's sleeping. She has morning sickness so it's a little hard for her at the moment. But she is fine and doing great. Now can we please take our seats and talk calmly. Arasso?" Wooyoung requested.
"Are you really going to be a Dad?" Junho asked.
"Yes. I am." Wooyoung replied.
"Man, you are quick!" JunK said.
Wooyoung can only shrug his shoulder for reply but smiling happily.
"Look at that silly smile on his face." Taecyon added.
"I can't help it. I am happy. You knew how hard it was for me. And this second chance with Seyoung? I will take this to the highest level." Wooyoung declared.
"You are marrying her?" Chansung asked.
"Yes. I am going to marry Park Seyoung."
"Have you proposed?" Junho asked.
"Not yet."Wooyoung answered.
"How are you getting married when you haven't even popped the question?" Jun K said.
"You need to plan a proposal event."Chansung coaxed.
"Are you going to wait after the baby is born?" Taecyon asked.
"What should I do? Seyoung isn't really into big events you know. She like low-key stuff." Wooyoung said already in a dilemma.
"Just propose then." Taecyon reiterated.
"He doesn't have to." Seyoung said.
They all turned to where Seyoung was. She heard it all. She was listening all along from the other side of the door. And she was glad his 2PM brothers came.
"Yeobo." Wooyoung said, walked towards Seyoung.
"Sorry Seyoung-shi. I hope we didn't wake you up with our noise." Junho apologized. Taec, JunK and Chansung did the same.
"Anii. I'm glad you all came." Seyoung said
Door bell sounded. Chansung quickly went to open the door. It was Nickhun.
"Hi. Seyoung-shi."Nickhun said,greeting Seyoung."What did I miss?"
"Nothing." Taecyon said.
"Why are we all standing? Let's sit down." Wooyoung told the boys.
"We will sit. You stand." Chansung said.
"Why?" Wooyoung asked.
"Because of this." Seyoung then went down on one knee facing Wooyoung. Nickhun gave her the ring box. Seyoung flipped the box open to reveal a ring.
"Marry me Yeobo?" Seyoung asked, holding up the ring to him.
"Yeobo.Stand up. You can't kneel like that.Come on." Wooyoung said trying to help her up.
"I am not moving until you answer me." Seyoung resisted.
"Of course I will marry you!" Wooyoung finally said. He helped her stand. She placed the ring on his finger. Wooyoung then gave her a long passionate kiss. Oblivious of the people around them. "I will marry you ten times if you want me to." He said in between kisses.
Taecyon, Chansung, Jun K. Nickhun and Junho cheered loudly.
"Hang on. Are you all in this together? Tell me." Wooyoung asked suspisciously when the kiss ended. Turned to look at the smiling Seyoung.
"Yes. I was literally downstairs while we were on the phone. Waiting for my cue from Seyoung-shi." Nickhun replied.
"How did you know my ring size?" Wooyoung asked.
"I had one of your rings too. Guilty." Nickhun added.
"Seyoung phoned us that night you returned from Busan. She said she wanted to do the proposal." Taecyon said.
"We already knew she was pregnant that night. By the way." Chansung added.
"I thought you were calling your sister for the doctor?" Wooyoung asked.
"I did. When we were in Busan. I already have his details." Seyoung answered."When you went to shower. I sent them all a text message. Told them of my plan. They were more than happy to help me. Sorry if we conspired against you. Thank you everyone."
"Anytime. Seyoung-shi." JunK replied.
Seyoung went around to give them all a hug and a kiss on the cheek each. Much to Wooyoung's surprise.
"Yeobo.You don't have to do that. A handshake is enough." Wooyoung said trying to stop her from going to Junho next. Who was waiting for his turn.
"No. It's not like everyday I can kiss and hug 2PM members." Seyoung said and continued her rounds.
The men stood there laughing at Wooyoung who can only watch.


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11 hours ago, standingtallyy said:

@kdaddict1 My nephew is about 173 cms tall. A far cry from your 185cm requirement :D. His eyes are tsinito (if that helps,haha)....no way you will be coming between them...there is the vast Pacific Ocean already. :D.

You should go to Seoul. It's nice. And grab a bite and a drink in The Street Cafe and Bistro but do it Sept- Oct. it's terribly hot there at the moment.



Hehehe, I'm just being polite. i know how it feels being in someelse' shoes to go in between. I usually  get sick if I travel during summertime, so I schedule my trips Sept-March.

Thank you I will take note of that Street Cafe & Bistro. A Korean friend told me to shop at Dodaemun, there are many fashionable items there. I wont missed that trycicle ride & to get me to the hanbuk store. I'd like to visit Han River & Jejudo. 

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On 7/2/2017 at 4:48 AM, standingtallyy said:

We become too busy with our lives so at times, we can't be around as often, but I always come back here to know how @chic-chic @Gerry58 @hazeljrr_c922 @elenskivios38 @yyluv @blame2pm are doing...sometimes it's no longer about YY anymore. Now, I'm happy to see @kho39 @yun84 @2handsintertwined @pammie69 @Ratee-Siri @kdaddict1all you lovely ladies dropping in. It's great!

I agree with you @chic-chic. Take it lightly and enjoy :)

Thank you. I'm happy to be here :) By the way, I really enjoy your friend's fanfic I can't wait for more. When SY used the sponge on WY's chest I almost fainted. When they kissed I almost fainted. Yes, can't wait for more :) 

On 7/2/2017 at 10:53 AM, elenskivios38 said:

 never welcome to our new YYlovers @kdaddict1 @kho39 @yun84 @2handsintertwined @Ratee-Siri @pammie69 im just 

         few months away look! new friends came :o:)You found a right place .Another "kababayan"was

        mersmerized of YYCouple .

Thank you! I think I've found the right place too :) 

@kdaddict1 Hey, I'm sorry. It looks like you've been through a lot. I can't imagine what you went through.

23 hours ago, blame2pm said:

Hi guys!! How is everyone? I hope everyone is doing well. I'm soo sorry for not dropping by for quiet a long time. I see a couple of new shippers. Anyeonghello and welcome aboard! :)

Hello! Thanks  for welcoming me aboard.

23 hours ago, kdaddict1 said:

On unrelated note, I would like to tell you guys about my experience at 6nights. It was a very emotional concert. Everything was on point, from the songs list, to the vocal to the choreography and staging. Every members gave their 100% on stage. I noticed Wooyoung especially since I paid attention to him (and Taec) the most. Leaving his heart and soul on the stage. (Probably the reason he was so emo during Without You). But WY was still so smiley and interacting with fans and talkative. I think everyone knows by now about 6nights since it had been awhile....but did you know that I had eye contact with Taecyeon? HAHAHA. :tongue: 

You are so lucky! I am so jealous! 

23 hours ago, blame2pm said:

Oh yeah I also went to JYP the next day and I couldn't believe my luck because Wooyoung came to the office that day! When he was going out, I shouted his name and he gave a smile, a nod and a small wave. 

Anyway, I still cry whenever I think about that last trip, 6nights and 2pm. I'm tearing up even as I'm writing this. What are we going to do for the next 3 years. :(

So lucky again :) I'm tearing up too. That was the last 2pm concert. I don't know what we're going to do for the next 3 years..

23 hours ago, chic-chic said:

For the next three years, let's work hard and earn a lot for their comeback hehehe or we can support DAY6 for now hehehe.

Good idea! Let's support DAY6. They are 2pm's little brothers :D

@Gerry58 I hope you enjoyed your trip! :) 

This page is moving fast. I'm trying to backread! Arrghh. I'm sorry if I missed anyone :) 

Edited by 2handsintertwined
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@2handsintertwined Glad you liked her work. My friend is really thrilled of the positive feedback she is getting for the fanfic considering she's never done one for public reading. I know she likes writing a little. I asked if there are more coming, she said most likely another chapter or two. I was like, can you add another three? She didn't say yes or no. So let's wait and see..

@kdaddict1 I stay in Dongdaemun when I visited Seoul twice. I can recommend one hotel that is really convenient, close to MRT station, less than 10minute walk to the shops, food street, pop up food stalls open after the sunset. There are malls open from 11.30 am to 4.30am! And of course, chicken/beer restaurants everywhere. It is definitely the shopping mecca. Nangdaemun Market is best for hanbok. My sister bought one there. You can score some good bargains too. There are a lot to choose from.

Maybe I should start listening to Day 6 and know about them too. Any songs you can recommend? God permitting, I might travel again to Seoul for 2PM comeback in three years :)

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@standingtallyy  Thank your friend for me. I am reading again from the start while waiting for the next chapter. I hope there's more. It would be great if there will will another book hehehe. 

All of their songs are so good it's hard to choose. But you can listen first to Congratulations, their debut song. Then listen to their English covers.  They also covered 2PM's only you. Here's some. 









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Chansung will do another musical. He's really busy on productions. 

For WY, after Party Shots no news about any official appearance from WY. Hope he'll do Periscope once in a while like TY hahaha  




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Hi everyone 

Yes enjoying Nagoya. Today it rained quite heavily in afternoon, luckily I brought umbrellas 

Yesterday was Monday so many places of interest were closed so we went shopping :) 

Nagoya has less tourists, most Japanese can't speak English so we use maps. Met a nice gentleman who saw us staring at the map, he introduced himself and said 'English', thanks to him we got on free shuttle bus. Now summer sale so lots of good bargains. Nagoya mrt is huge and just as good as Tokyo with many big malls. Today only went to Takashimaya, tokyu hands, uniglo, tower records etc still got many more to explore. Also went noritake museum and Toyota museum but found out there is another one showing 160 cars, far away, so will visit later.  Really walked a lot, Toyota museum is a 15 mins walk from mrt, its ground is huge. Very impressed with the Japanese- they are so advanced- now Toyota is into robots. So much to see, don't think can finish. 

Thanks to everyone's contributions- when I get back, then will start to read the fanfic. 

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@Gerry58YOU should have brought hunter boots, I heard hunter boots are expensive in Japan, that's why many friends buy from me too. Bought it from US at 70% off, shipped them to Manila, girlfriends are going crazy. 

Take care while shopping! Have fun! 

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11 minutes ago, chic-chic said:

Off topic. But it's a good news. Song Song couple getting married in October 31. They had been denying dating news then boom a marriage news. 

Inside, I am hoping this would happen to YY hehehe. 


It's great..

I'm happy to hear that..

I also love that couple..

Wait for a good news about YY couple :blush::wub:

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