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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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It is certainly getting steamy, right? :blush:


Seyoung stayed with Wooyoung  for another day. His fever hasn't come back and colds symptoms were gone as well. Min Ho, Wooyoung's assistant came in the afternoon to bring some groceries Wooyoung wanted to buy for Seyoung, but left shortly  after.
"Why did Min Ho left so soon?" Seyoung asked Wooyoung while they put away the groceries.
"Because I don't need him and I want to be alone with you."
"You already had me all day and night."
"I wish you are with me everyday and night," Wooyoung said, giving her a back hug. His head anchored to her right shoulder.
"What do you like for dinner? Pasta? Steak?," Seyoung asked showing him a packet of pasta and beef.
"You choose. I'll eat anything you cook." Wooyoung said giving her exposed shoulder a kiss.
"I'll make jalapeno oil pasta, your favourite."
"You remembered," Wooyoung was surprised.
"How can I forget? That was the first time I ever cooked for a man," Seyoung replied.
"For your husband," Wooyoung corrected.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I have dinner to prepare," Seyoung said trying to loosen his hold.
"One kiss and I'll leave you alone," Wooyoung then turned Seyoung around to give her one very long passionate kiss. Leaving her in a state of daze when he simply walked away chuckling. Amused with the expression Seyoung was wearing after the kiss.

Seyoung cooked while Wooyoung went to his studio to work. She can hear him singing and playing the keyboard all the way from the kitchen. He left the door open so he can see her. After an hour, dinner is served.
"Wow! This very good," Wooyoung said after having the first bite.
"Senja? You like it?" Seyung asked excitedly.
"I love it! You did very well. Gomawa Yeobo," Wooyoung replied, happily eating his pasta.
After dinner,they sat cuddled to each other in the couch,sharing a can of beer.
"I have to go home soon. It's Monday. I got work," Seyoung told him.
"Arra.I have a schedule tomorrow as well with the boys. Not until ten in the morning though," Wooyoung said while kissing the top of her head. The boys, meaning his 2PM brothers.
"I'm glad you are not sick anymore," Seyoung said hugging him closer.
"Gomawa Yeobo, for giving me this chance and for taking care of me. I love you very much."
"Nado saranghae." Seyoung replied with a smile.
"I can't get enough of you," Wooyoung whispered to her ear.
"I think, we still got time."
That's all the encouragement Wooyoung needed. The next thing Seyoung knew they are back in the bedroom. And clothes flying all over the room.

It was close to midnight when Wooyoung dropped Seyoung home.. He called his assistant, Min Ho to drive Seyoung's car while they took his.
"This is where you live?" Wooyoung asked when they pulled over at the entrance of an apartment complex. 
"Yes.It's very private."
"You live alone?"
"Yes,I live on my own.Though my parents were not so thrilled initially. My Mom still come and visit to check on me," Seyoung said.
"That's good or I'll be worried," Wooyoung replied.
"You better go so you can rest, you need to get your strength back. And beside, you got a long week ahead," Seyoung said, reaching out to rub the back of his neck. Something that she does to him out of habit.
"I'm alright, really. You've taken care of me well." Wooyoung leaned forward giving Seyoung a quick kiss on the cheek. "I miss you already."
"I'm only a phone call away," Seyoung assured him."You can come and visit me anytime."
"Senjaroo? I can do that?" Wooyoung replied excitedly.
"Of course. And I'm going to treat you real good too. " Seyoung said teasingly.
"I'll hold on to your word Park Seyoung," Wooyoung answered laughing.
He got out and walked to where Min Ho stood, handing Seyoung's car key. They made sure Seyoung was safely inside the building before Wooyoung and Minho left.

"Hyung, Park Seyoung noona is very pretty," Min Ho told Wooyoung as they were driving back.
"I know.And I love her." Wooyoung proudly replied.


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3 hours ago, standingtallyy said:
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Seyoung stayed next to Wooyoung as he sleep. His skin feeling a lot cooler this time and continued with the little sponges a bit longer. Wooyoung moved, shifting on his side, his arms reaching to wrap it around her waist, with eyes still closed. With him positioned that way, it took some work for Seyoung to reach the thermometer she bought him. Moving carefully trying not to wake him up. She eventually managed to get it and checked his temperature. His fever have gone down. Seyoung closed her eyes and gave out a quiet sigh of relief.She was really worried.
"Sleep well, baby," Seyoung whispered, gently rubbing his temple. Unbeknown to Seyoung, he heard it clear. Wooyoung smiled in his sleep.
It was already close to one in the morning by the time Seyoung looked at her watch. She gently extracted herself from Wooyoung's hold. Walked to his wardrobe to borrow a t-shirt and a short for change and went for a quick shower. After showering, Seyoung felt hungry realizing she missed dinner. She went to the kitchen to get herself a light meal. Along the way, she noticed how clean and tidy Wooyoung's apartment is, like how she remembered it. She smiled how between the two of them, he is a lot more organized than she was back then. She opened the fridge and found some cold meats, cheese, tomatoes and bread. She put away the reheatable porridge for Wooyoung in case he'll wake up hungry later on. She sat in the dining table while eating the sandwich she prepared. Once she finished her food and the tidying up, she went back to his room and Wooyoung still sound asleep. Seyoung sat slowly next to the sleeping Wooyoung, touched his forehead, it felt much cooler than before. She got under the cover next to him, half sitting. She noticed there were two books on his bedside table, The Alchemist and Zen Words for Wisdom. Seyoung chose the latter for quick reading, but the events of the day have taken it's toll on her, she fell asleep just after few pages.
Wooyoung woke up couple of hours later. He found Seyoung asleep next to him with book in hand, wearing his clothes. The cover half exposing her beautiful legs, she must have kicked them away sometime ago, unconsciously.
Park Seyoung, you never fail to blow me away. Wooyoung thought and telling himself how sexy and hot she looked wearing his t-shirt and shorts even with the end falling past her knees.
"Gomawa Park Seyoung.Saranghae," Wooyoung whispered to Seyoung's ears before planting a soft kiss on her temple. Seyoung stirred but did not wake up. Wooyoung put the blanket back onto cover her, layed back down and put his arms across to her shoulder, like he is afraid she'll go away and went back to sleep.
Seyoung felt something heavy on her. It took her a minute to realize that she is not home. It must be morning because she can see brightness peeping between the curtains of the room.She looked around her and realized that she is wrapped in Wooyoung's arms. She gently turned to face him, touched his forehead. Fever is gone.
"Good morning, beautiful," Wooyoung said, eyes still closed.
"Good morning. Are you feeling better?" Seyoung asked.
"Hmmnn," Wooyoung nodded, pulling her close.
"Are you hungry? I can reheat the porridge I bought last night."
"Senja? Gomawo. But I like something else for breakfast," Wooyoung opened his eyes now, looking straight at her.
"What is it?" Seyoung asked.
"This," Wooyoung moved closer, kissing her gently on the lips.
Seyoung did not resist.She allowed it.
"Gomawa for coming last night," Wooyoung said when the kiss ended.
"Anniyah.Mianhe for not coming sooner," Seyoung replied, looking into his eyes. Their face are so close, they can feel each others morning breath.
"What changed your mind?" Wooyoung asked.
"I knew you were not faking it and I felt bad hanging up on you just like that," Seyoung replied.
"I'm sorry. I know I put you on the spot by asking you to come. In my misery last night. I could only think of you. I thought my heart was going to burst with joy seeing you yesterday," Wooyoung said, brushing away tendrils of hair out from her eyes.
"I was both surprised and happy to see you too but tried so hard to hold it in. When I knew you were sick, all my logic collapsed.I got worried," Seyoung admitted.
"Senja? Mianhe.I didn't mean to make you worry," Wooyoung said, he reached for her hand, and kissed them. "I'd better stop or else I might not be able to control myself," Loosening his hold from Seyoung.
"I missed you," Seyoung whispered.
"I miss you more," Wooyoung said. He then moved to position himself on top of Seyoung.
"What are you doing?"
"I want to have a good look at you, from up here." Wooyoung replied, trapping Seyoung underneath him.
"You were sick last night, you shouldn't exert yourself." Seyoung said, patting both his arms gently, attempting to loosen his hold.
"I feel good. I think you gave me the magic pill."
"No I didn't. It was just the colds medicine I bought from a pharmacy down the road." Seyoung replied half-laughing.
"It doesn't matter. You put magic to it." Wooyoung then leaned down to kiss her again.
Seyoung kissed him back. Her arms went up to his neck, pulling them closer.
"Are you really here? I'm not dreaming, right?" Wooyoung asked, between kisses.
"This is not a dream. I am here." Seyoung holding his face on both hands. Kissing him on the forehead, nose, cheeks then his lips.
The kiss they shared was sweet, full of longing and passion.
"When did you learn to kiss like that?" Wooyoung asked after the kiss.
"Didn't I say I missed you?" Seyoung replied, loving the surprise look on his face.
Wooyoung flipped her over on top of him like a feather. Hand beginning to explore as they kissed once again, going underneath her over sized shirt touching Seyoung's bare skin that felt as smooth as silk. Then he stopped.
"Is something wrong?" Seyoung asked in surprise.
"Seyoung-ah,if I don't stop now. I can't promise you that I'd be able to hold back and not go all the way." Wooyoung said. He doesn't want her to feel he is taking advantage of the situation. Seyoung is far more precious than that.
"You are right. We shouldn't rush," Seyoung said. "Wooyoung-ah just letting you know. I came here ready for this." She said, assuring him.
"It's not that I don't want to. God knows how much I want you right now. But I don't want you to feel that this is all I'm after."
"I know. Thank you," Seyoung said, and snuggled closer feeling his warmth.
They stayed in that position for a while. Seyoung wrapped in the security of his arms, she must have fallen asleep when Wooyoung heard a sound, like a soft snore coming from her. He couldn't help smile just looking at the sleeping beauty, holding him close as if her life depended on it. Not long after, Wooyoung fell asleep too.                                      
It was late in the afternoon when they finally emerged from the room.Wooyoung ordered some Chinese food for them to eat. He felt he could eat like a horse today. While Seyoung dressed only in his T-shirt, her well toned legs exposed standing by the balcony talking on her mobile phone. He managed to convince her earlier not to wear his shorts, though she still looked hot in those, she looks hotter without them. Seyoung laughed but gave in to to the idea.He went over to where Seyoung was and put his arms around her waist pulling her close to him from behind, kissing the top of her head. Smelling her sweet scent. Seyoung finished the call and turned around.
"Are you okay?" Seyoung asked, touching his forehead.
"A lot better than I've been in a long time, baby."
"Baby?" Seyoung was surprised with the name calling.
"Yes. You called me 'Baby' last night. I heard it clear. You said, sleep well baby."
Seyoung replied with a soft laugh, shaking her head at him.
"Do you realize how hot you look right now wearing only my T-shirt?"
"Senja?" Seyoung replied trying to play innocent.
"I want you," Wooyoung whispered.Then the door bell sounded.
"Food is here," Seyoung said, letting him go to answer the door.
"What a great timing!" Wooyoung complained. Seyoung can only laugh hearing him complain.
He came back with the dishes they ordered. But Wooyoung put it on the kitchen bench and went straight back to where she was.
"I thought we are eating?" Seyoung asked.
"Food can wait. I'm more hungry for you," He lifted her up, Seyoung wrapped her legs around his waist, kissing their way to his bedroom. This time, neither of them held back.


Is it getting hot in here or just me? LOL!

We need a cooler :D

Well ladies, they always give us hot moment, not only in the WGM but also in the fanfic about them.


Cheers for the author..


Wy and Sy-ssi...

We always feel happy to talk and share anything about you..

Please, keep visit us.

(delulu mode, hope they visit this forum)

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4 hours ago, standingtallyy said:

It is certainly getting steamy, right? :blush:

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Seyoung stayed with Wooyoung  for another day. His fever hasn't come back and colds symptoms were gone as well. Min Ho, Wooyoung's assistant came in the afternoon to bring some groceries Wooyoung wanted to buy for Seyoung, but left shortly  after.
"Why did Min Ho left so soon?" Seyoung asked Wooyoung while they put away the groceries.
"Because I don't need him and I want to be alone with you."
"You already had me all day and night."
"I wish you are with me everyday and night," Wooyoung said, giving her a back hug. His head anchored to her right shoulder.
"What do you like for dinner? Pasta? Steak?," Seyoung asked showing him a packet of pasta and beef.
"You choose. I'll eat anything you cook." Wooyoung said giving her exposed shoulder a kiss.
"I'll make jalapeno oil pasta, your favourite."
"You remembered," Wooyoung was surprised.
"How can I forget? That was the first time I ever cooked for a man," Seyoung replied.
"For your husband," Wooyoung corrected.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I have dinner to prepare," Seyoung said trying to loosen his hold.
"One kiss and I'll leave you alone," Wooyoung then turned Seyoung around to give her one very long passionate kiss. Leaving her in a state of daze when he simply walked away chuckling. Amused with the expression Seyoung was wearing after the kiss.

Seyoung cooked while Wooyoung went to his studio to work. She can hear him singing and playing the keyboard all the way from the kitchen. He left the door open so he can see her. After an hour, dinner is served.
"Wow! This very good," Wooyoung said after having the first bite.
"Senja? You like it?" Seyung asked excitedly.
"I love it! You did very well. Gomawa Yeobo," Wooyoung replied, happily eating his pasta.
After dinner,they sat cuddled to each other in the couch,sharing a can of beer.
"I have to go home soon. It's Monday. I got work," Seyoung told him.
"Arra.I have a schedule tomorrow as well with the boys. Not until ten in the morning though," Wooyoung said while kissing the top of her head. The boys, meaning his 2PM brothers.
"I'm glad you are not sick anymore," Seyoung said hugging him closer.
"Gomawa Yeobo, for giving me this chance and for taking care of me. I love you very much."
"Nado saranghae." Seyoung replied with a smile.
"I can't get enough of you," Wooyoung whispered to her ear.
"I think, we still got time."
That's all the encouragement Wooyoung needed. The next thing Seyoung knew they are back in the bedroom. And clothes flying all over the room.

It was close to midnight when Wooyoung dropped Seyoung home.. He called his assistant, Min Ho to drive Seyoung's car while they took his.
"This is where you live?" Wooyoung asked when they pulled over at the entrance of an apartment complex. 
"Yes.It's very private."
"You live alone?"
"Yes,I live on my own.Though my parents were not so thrilled initially. My Mom still come and visit to check on me," Seyoung said.
"That's good or I'll be worried," Wooyoung replied.
"You better go so you can rest, you need to get your strength back. And beside, you got a long week ahead," Seyoung said, reaching out to rub the back of his neck. Something that she does to him out of habit.
"I'm alright, really. You've taken care of me well." Wooyoung leaned forward giving Seyoung a quick kiss on the cheek. "I miss you already."
"I'm only a phone call away," Seyoung assured him."You can come and visit me anytime."
"Senjaroo? I can do that?" Wooyoung replied excitedly.
"Of course. And I'm going to treat you real good too. " Seyoung said teasingly.
"I'll hold on to your word Park Seyoung," Wooyoung answered laughing.
He got out and walked to where Min Ho stood, handing Seyoung's car key. They made sure Seyoung was safely inside the building before Wooyoung and Minho left.

"Hyung, Park Seyoung noona is very pretty," Min Ho told Wooyoung as they were driving back.
"I know.And I love her." Wooyoung proudly replied.


@chic-chic why is the lower part of my tummy hurts? Feels like menstrual cramps?

@standingtallyy I have a question? Did both dated someone else during the 2year away from each other? I hope they both waited. 

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4 hours ago, yun84 said:

We need a cooler :D

Well ladies, they always give us hot moment, not only in the WGM but also in the fanfic about them.


Cheers for the author..


Wy and Sy-ssi...

We always feel happy to talk and share anything about you..

Please, keep visit us.

(delulu mode, hope they visit this forum)

Oh no! These are Girls talk...

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@kdaddict1 Hahaha! Did it happen after reading the last three chapters? You're funny:D I think we will know the answer soon, if they dated in the two years they were separated...

Just got home from our dinner, told my friend you ladies liked her fanfic...she haven't checked us yet, was nervous of what your reaction would be. Now she seem eager to share her work. I was right, she has finished few chapters already. I will post it soon as I receive them..


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@standingtallyy yes, I have been feeling this since then. The first one was when @chic-chic sent me the very first long fanfic by @blame2pm. Ouch! :fearful:

@standingtallyy my question was, after their wgm, what's their story? Did they moved on, separately & waited for each other or they had theiir own relationship with someone else or they just waited to chance upon each other just like the 1st & 2nd chapter we just read? 

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It's been close to three weeks since Seyoung and Wooyoung saw each other. 2PM have been very busy doing promotional tours in Japan. But even with the busy schedule,Wooyoung never failed to call Seyoung each night. Showcases, fan meetings and press conferences filled their day. Tonight would be their last and will be heading back home straight after the last show tomorrow evening.They have been in the hotel from two hours ago. The boys gathered in the living room of the VIP suite they are staying for some late snacks and drinks. The rest of the entourage are booked in different rooms, so they can talk freely about private matters.
"Wooyoung-ah, I've been meaning to ask you this question for days. Are you seeing someone?" Jun K asked.
"I think, yes. His been acting weird lately," Junho added.
"What do you mean acting weird?" Wooyoung asked in defense.
"You disappear between performances. Your mobile phone is the first thing you will ask from Min Ho," Chansung commented.
"And that silly smile he wears after those phone calls," Nickhun said laughing.
"Wow! One at a time please." Wooyoung replied in obvious guilt.
"So. Are you dating?" Jun K asked again.
"Yes. I am seeing someone," Wooyoung answered honestly.
"Do we know her?" They all asked in unison.
"Yes." Wooyoung answered.
"It can't be Park Seyoung, right?" Taecyon blurted out.
Wooyoung nodded.
"Really? You've found her? When? Where? How?" Chansung asked curiously.
Wooyoung told them.
"We are happy for you, man!" Jun K said, giving Wooyoung shoulder a pat and shook his hand.
"You two are fated. You met again after all this time." Junho said shaking Wooyoung's hand too.
"When you thought she was someone who got away. Your paths crossed again," Taecyon added.
"I know. And I'm not going to make the same mistake like I did in the past," Wooyoung answered.
"Look at that expression on his face. Do you like her that much?" Nickhun remarked.
"I love her that much," Wooyoung answered happily.
"I never knew Wooyoung can be so cheesy," Chansung said that made everyone laugh.
"Channie, our maknae when it hits you hard there is no other way but turn cheesy." Taecyon told him.
"Then, I'd like to make a toast for Wooyoung who have found love again," Jun K said raising his glass. And everyone joined.
"Thank you guys. Now if you'll excuse me.I have a girlfriend to call," Wooyoung said and stood up heading towards the room he is sharing with Junho. He could hear them saying, "Oooohhhh" as he walked away.

Back in Seoul, Seyoung was getting ready for bed when her mobile phone rang. It's Wooyoung.
"Yeobosaeyo," Seyoung answered.
"Hello My Love." Wooyoung greeted.
"Tonight I am called, 'My Love'?" Seyoung asked." The previous days were My Sweet, Darling, Buttercup, Honeybunch, Honey, Sweetheart and Baby."
"I will call you all the sweet names in the world.That's how much I love you."
'Oh my god. Your cheesy-ness have leveled up." Seyung replied laughing."How are you by the way?"
"I'm good but terribly miss you. I couldn't wait to come home tomorrow. It's the longest three weeks of my life." Wooyoung said.
"What time will your be arriving?" Seyoung asked.
"Before midnight. Can I quickly say hi to you? Or would it be too late." Wooyoung asked.
"Anni. I have some work to do anyway and I asked for a day off the next day. So come. I miss you too." Seyoung replied.
Wooyoung and Seyoung talked for about an hour before hanging up. Wooyoung then joined the others back in the lounge room and received more taunts from the men.

Eleven-thirty when Seyoung's doorbell sounded. She quickly opened the door for Wooyoung, who straight away gave her a tight hug and a kiss.
"I miss you so much."
"Me too.I miss you," Seyoung said, hugging him back.
"Your place is nice," Wooyoung said admiring the interior.
"Make yourself at home.I'll get you some water," Seyoung then went to the kitchen to get his drink.
Wooyoung removed his jacket, sat in the couch, eyes never left Seyoung. She came back with bottled water and sat next to him. Wooyoung reached out instead and got her to sit on his lap.
"I might be too heavy," Seyoung said.
"No you're not.You fit perfectly in my arms," Moving closer, his face snuggling to her neck, loving her scent. Wooyoung then held her face, drawing it down for another kiss. Seyoung responded, showing how much she missed him. Wooyoung stood up, scooped Seyoung in his arms.
"Where is the bedroom," Wooyoung asked.
Seyoung showed him where to go.

It was late morning when Wooyoung emerged from Seyoung's room. Fresh from the shower wearing a white T-shirt and blue boxer shorts she bought for him. She half-expected that he wouldn't have any change of clothes because he came straight from the airport. She laid it on the chair next to the bed with a note.
"Good morning.You slept like a baby. Are you hungry?"
"I am," Wooyoung replied while hugging her close. Seyoung led him to the dining table showing him the food she prepared for them. Wooyoung was really hungry as he ate all of it. After breakfast, he took care of the cleaning up on his insistence.
"I love this. Spending a lazy day with you," Wooyoung said. They are in Seyoung's lounge room, cuddled.
"What's your weekend look like? Are you working?" Seyoung asked, her hand rubbing the back of his neck.
"We only have a fan signing event in Myeongdong at three tomorrow.The rest of the week will only be in Seoul. Not going back to Japan yet." Wooyoung replied.
"That's good then," Seyoung answered.
"Yeobo, can you make time for me next weekend?" Wooyoung asked.
"Next weekend? Why? Is there an occasion?"
"Not really but I want you to come with me to Busan,"
"Busan? To see your parents?"
"Yes, I told them about us. And they want to see you. Can you make it?"
"Sure. I'd love to see Ommonim and Abunim again." Seyoung replied.

Special appearance - 2PM :blush:


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Wooyoung shooting show w Irene kim i think..the video found in ig ...see..he aygeo w irene ....sigh...dunno y ...i not feeling good..he only can aygeo w 1 girl..rite..

Actually ..start from wy solo partyshots concert..i can feel sumthing diff from him..

1).the song "where is she' & "nami"..its a sad song..its a breakup song.. bfor that..i think he never compose sad song, all his song is happy song..

2) he bcome so skinny, i know its bcos his partten when had solo but when rose solo back then..even he skinny but he body looked hot w shape..now..its really skinny .

.3) bfor & in  wgm he active in sns n even show his house photo in his phone in wgm....but after then..he shut down everything n not active in twitter n bcome more private bcos he wan to protect "her" even his 2pm member cannot go to his house....untill 2017...now..he seem active again even show n invited friends to his house openly..izzit now..nothing to hide anymore?? Sigh..

4) in his solo concert he cover other jyp artis song like..all is sad song...day6 'congratulation', g soul' love me again'&  baek yerin ' bye bye my blue'....y?...they have alot of happy song y sad song?..and....wy sang those song with heartbreaking feel...omg...dunno y..i just can feel sumthing hurt him alot...actually even day6 sang congratulation compare w wy..wy more heartbreaking then original.izzit  he really hurt bcos of breakingup w 'her'....

5)...all of us know..wy start wgm show w sy after breakingup w his gf in 2013 ..that he got mantion in interview that he breakup when ' come back when you hear this song' promotion...that mean...he wanna start his new life again so he join wgm show....then...now... that new show that shooting w irene , if he seem like happy n act aygeo w her...ok..i think i will emo again...

6)..if u noticed...wy sang 'without u' in 6nite concert..its diff from all the past yr..suddenly so emotional...

Actually...i keeping this in my heart n it bother me lately..i need to bust it out...pls give me positive  spirit..it make me so sad when i start thinking mayb they are not longer together anymore...sigh...

Pls give me positive spirit n pls prove me wrong & say its me that think too much..pls..palli..i need be positive n believe in them...rite?..

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@kho39 Thank you for posting those things. Honestly same as you, I feel that there is a different feeling about him. You're right starting from Party Shots concert. I had this feeling that he and someone is no longer together because he kept saying that he doesn't have a girlfriend and that he is single. He also composed sad songs. And then he followed this by singing sad/break up songs full of emotions. Many noticed him singing his part in Without you with so much emotions. Even members noticed that too. Also recently when he tweeted Junho, "I'm the one to blame for everything anyways". Though he is just promoting the song Blaming, that statement you can feel something is wrong. 

Until now I am thinking he is really indeed single but I am still on this ship because for now either WY and SY confirmed any relationship with a different person. We never know after a few years they can be together like @standingtallyy friend's fan fiction hehehe. 

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Wooyoung's and Irene's shoot I don't know what the show is. I can't find any information. I only know it would start July 7.. 

Watch out for your hearts hehehe. 

Wooyoung saying "Aahh~ Doing Aegyo with a woman with short hair.

I placed the pictures in Spoiler so as to not break more hearts in YY Nation. Other pictures are pictures from June 23. Those were screencaps during Irene's Vlive. Wooyoung was there. 









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Honestly, when I saw Wy cried while singing congratulation from Day6, I felt hurt and thought there was something wrong with him.

But I didn't have much information to clarify my feeling.

I kept to think, "ow, he was just living the song."

I can't help myself and still felt there was something, but what, I didn't know.

So, I've decided to join here, read everything about him and her. Heeding all news or status update from @chic-chic and @Gerry58. Before it, I was just a silent reader. 

It help me much. All of you here, give me great energy to keep positive thinking about those couple.

With your jokes, your warm welcome, everything.


Yeah, I know it well, Wy and Sy will be a mate or not, I'm just one of their fan who hope the best for them. I love them as a couple or as their individual personality.

It depends on their destiny in the future.

Just like @chic-chic said, as long as they have not confirmed their relationship with different person, the ship must go on, heheee.

Because there is still a chance, they will be back together.

In Indonesia, "as long as the yellow leaf is not curved yet, there's always a chance"

Yellow leaf is an early coconut leaves and used as a symbol of marriage.

Maybe they have unresolved problems, maybe they need to separate for a while just to realize they need each other, or there are other possibilities that we don't know.

Let's cheer them up..

YY Nation, fighting...


Sorry for long post.



Heheee, I want to read the fanfic again and enjoy it...

Happy sunday chingu-yaa (Do I spell it correctly?)

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@yun84 @kho39 It's okay...we went through the 'grieving' process when WY said in his recent interview saying he is 28 yo and no girlfriend. Our dear hearts was sadly broken :) and we can tell the roller coaster of emotions in the forum was quite palpable. BUT like I said previously, we are pretty much in touch with reality. WY is an idol,he is 'out there'. Whereas Seyoung is an actress, though people recognises here through dramas, her world is so different from him. Big crowds overwhelms her.

If they were really together, being in that relationship for two years was a good number. I'm sure it must have been tough for them both to work things out. After WGM, 2PM's schedule was CRAZY, they travelled a lot as a group, then WY had ROSE, and it went on and on. Seyoung had a dispute with her previous agency, she was out of circulation for nearly a year. In between the dramas she was in, you don't hear anything except for odd IG posting from her friends.

Even for me who have no knowledge of KEntertainment pre WGM, can sense the difference in WY lately. That's why after his announcement of having no gf, my posting are more them as individual rather than a couple. It's the only if not the best way to go.

with the photos @chic-chic I can never really imagine Seyoung being in that kind of party (it's not a bad kind of party, okay?)- coloured hair, outfits showing a lot of skin (hey nothing wrong with that), loud music, drinks and stuff. That is not what I perceive is Seyoung's crowd. As you can see, her IG postings are parks, dinner with friends, light house, board games, watching a play, a make over day out with her Mom. Some people from WY's world may call as boring.

My friend told me, this fanfic was written long before the 'break up'. She has written it over a period of time, when the mood comes.I never knew about it until recently. She said she chose the story line of what the future could be for them because, we don't really know.

Then you ladies, joined us (Yeey!) and my friend mentioned there is a fanfic. I asked her if I could read it. She was really hesitant but I kept nagging her, hahaha! But she's really stingy, she won't let me read the whole thing! I told her with our current 'heart break' it's the perfect time to sprinkle a little bit of delusion in the forum.

I think having the fanfic is a good catharsis for what is happening. At the the end of the day, WY and Seyoung have not made any public announcement of who they are dating. Until then, let's keep sailing..

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38 minutes ago, standingtallyy said:

@yun84 @kho39 It's okay...we went through the 'grieving' process when WY said in his recent interview saying he is 28 yo and no girlfriend. Our dear hearts was sadly broken :) and we can tell the roller coaster of emotions in the forum was quite palpable. BUT like I said previously, we are pretty much in touch with reality. WY is an idol,he is 'out there'. Whereas Seyoung is an actress, though people recognises here through dramas, her world is so different from him. Big crowds overwhelms her.

If they were really together, being in that relationship for two years was a good number. I'm sure it must have been tough for them both to work things out. After WGM, 2PM's schedule was CRAZY, they travelled a lot as a group, then WY had ROSE, and it went on and on. Seyoung had a dispute with her previous agency, she was out of circulation for nearly a year. In between the dramas she was in, you don't hear anything except for odd IG posting from her friends.

Even for me who have no knowledge of KEntertainment pre WGM, can sense the difference in WY lately. That's why after his announcement of having no gf, my posting are more them as individual rather than a couple. It's the only if not the best way to go.

with the photos @chic-chic I can never really imagine Seyoung being in that kind of party (it's not a bad kind of party, okay?)- coloured hair, outfits showing a lot of skin (hey nothing wrong with that), loud music, drinks and stuff. That is not what I perceive is Seyoung's crowd. As you can see, her IG postings are parks, dinner with friends, light house, board games, watching a play, a make over day out with her Mom. Some people from WY's world may call as boring.

My friend told me, this fanfic was written long before the 'break up'. She has written it over a period of time, when the mood comes.I never knew about it until recently. She said she chose the story line of what the future could be for them because, we don't really know.

Then you ladies, joined us (Yeey!) and my friend mentioned there is a fanfic she's written. I asked her if I could read it. She was really hesitant but I kept nagging her, hahaha! But she's really stingy, she won't let me read the whole thing! I told her with our current 'heart break' it's the perfect time to sprinkle a little bit of delusion in the forum.

I think having the fanfic is a good catharsis for what is happening. At the the end of the day, WY and Seyoung have not made any public announcement of who they are dating. Until then, let's keep sailing..

Yes @standingtallyy, you speak up my mind, appropriately.

It's the things I'm thinking of.

Wy and Sy have different life, like you said.

Some friends here, in the beginning of thread have already noticed the difference between them.

Please, tell your friend, we are ready for the next chapter, hehehe..

Busan trip, right?

Wooyoung ever said, "Busan is not joke" :blush:

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I wouldn't worry about Irene Kim.  Since this is the first I heard of the name, I searched her, lol :tongue:  Model, fashion influencer who is Korean by blood but American at heart,  with a very extroverted, gregarious personality.    She  meets lots of people anywhere she goes, including designers, as well as  Beiber and Kendall.   So WY is one of the celebs she met in a show. .  I can never be sure, seeing only photos, but somehow I really  don't think so.  

I would love for WY to find  a person who is  nice and kind , smart and pretty,  sociable enough but not complicated, simple with not a lot of high maintenance,  one who he would be proud to introduce to family.   (is that SY?  I am obviously partial, heee :)).   But whoever  she will be eventually, and my guess would be after military,  I hope they will be good for each other.  

I believe WY is single now, and kinda out of sorts in the last concert because they will go to the military one by one, starting with Taec.   The 2PM brotherhood means a lot to him.   He got thin in Party Shots, because he is ever the perfectionist specially when he does things solo, ensuring the whole album, concept, production and show are seamless.   It could be, but I don't think it is necessarily a girl who is the cause. 


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