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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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Good morning 

@standingtallyy- yes, sy is so hardworking and willing to challenge herself by getting different roles.

Her good work ethics is noticed by all and she gets along well with the crew

Hope after this drama, more people take notice of her and she keeps getting more offers

Still waiting for news of their script reading yesterday, slowly counting down to the drama



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Reposting the article

Park Se Young turns into a female doctor in new KBS2 drama "Beautiful Mind"


In the drama, Park Se Young acts as a beautiful and smart senior neurological clinical researcher Kim Min Jae. This is her first time acting as a doctor. In the new stills released, PSY was seen dressed in a doctor's robe, showing her innocent and intellectual sides. Her passion can also be seen in the way she poured over the medical books.

In order to play her role well, PSY started to learn about medical terminologies before filming commences, as well as various doctors' treatment methods.

PSY said " Kim Min Jae is a character I really want to play, and the preparation work needs to be more intense because this is the first time I am acting as a doctor, What that may appear very simple is actually very complicated. Doctors deserve our respect."

She added with a laugh, "I was very nervous during the first shooting, but after rehearsing and discussing with the director I became more natural, and I think I will be able to portray this role well. Thanks to the fun filming atmosphere, I am looking forward to more."

One of the crew members expressed that "Although PSY is acting as a doctor for the first time, but her reliable acting skills plus her hard work enables her to bring out Kim Min Jae's character well, injecting charisma and vibrancy to it. Her energetic personality makes the filming atmosphere very lively, so everyone please look out for PSY."

"Beautiful Mind" is a drama about how a genius neurological surgeon with zero empathy Lee Young Oh (acted by Jang Hyuk) regains his humanity after a series of events. It is an emotional and suspenseful medical drama, to premiere on June 20th on KBS2 TV.

Credit : http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=311&aid=0000614287

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@Gerry58 They are always having fun and laugh at lot so it's also so fun to watch them. I just re-watched their Happy Together episode. That was so funny. They had been laughing at Jun K for the whole episode. 

Han cinema featured Seyoung. Same photos as of the first article but it's great she's already being featured even if the drama has not started yet. 


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I am glad sy is getting so much publicity- she is so talented and beautiful.

In a way psd being unable to film early is a blessing in disguise, sy gets her photo next to male lead and it is use in the drama promotion

cute wy 

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Look at Seyoung in her signature simple get up. Very pretty as usual. The background though is a bit too distracting and bold! Hahaha!

I looked him up quickly in IG, his name is Troy Kim. He seem to be in the fashion business and a connoisseur of food and wine, based on his IG postings. Must be a close Oppa to Seyoung. Translation of his caption says,"Kind and polite Seyoung-ssi" (credits to @reawingting)

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@Gerry58 that's right, 'Someone's Boyfriend" dress the same too :wub:

A bit of an off topic - couldn't help but comment (not taking any sides because I think both are at fault) over the continuing saga of F4 member KHJ. Two years on and the court battle still continues. The ex-gf is the typical example of "Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned". She is not stopping until she sucks him out of his last coin. Sad,very sad...

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@Gerry58 Hahaha! That was short lived. I love Capt. Jack Sparrow but I got turned off by Johny Depp recently on how they made a mockery of Australia's border protection law. His soon to be ex-young wife tried to smuggle her precious puppies to Australia,then playing ignorant of the law on traveling with animals. Australia's immigration card is written in English too, so don't know why she played innocent (well, she is blonde for one). Just pure arrogance I call it, because she is/was the wife of Johny Depp. Sorry for the off topic, Guys...

Our 'Someone's Boyfriend' really have the natural moves, he really got the swag..

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Happy weekend everybody

Still waiting for Sy's drama news. Seems she is following wy's style cos she seldom update on social media. Both only appear on other people's IG. Maybe they afraid of harassment. Read the news, one of Got7 member has to warn saseng fans about them stalking him. 

Anyway I am counting down to the drama- slightly over 2 weeks more. Meantime I am watching other shows while waiting





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