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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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On Jia leaving. She have said in the past whether or not she should go back to China, not because of work nor career, but because she is an only child to her parents. She said it feels like somehow she had to go back to her parents. She is probably gearing for China's market now. She ate with JYP before the announcement so she left on good terms. Fei ion the other hand has a lot of work in Korea and she has a younger brother back home. Fei left quite early and actually went to a Korean school so she actually adapts better in Korea.

I do think if Miss A made a comeback, they will have Jia with them. 

Honestly compared to Suzy, Fei had done more work for the past year. Suzy has her CF's but broadcasting, Fei had more. Suzy even said unlike what people think, she is not as busy as people thinks. she films CF for one day and then 3 days off before another schedule. Unless she has a movie or a drama (her last drama is 3 years ago) she is pretty free. She was easily invited to Happy Together, Running Man and 1N2D because she had no other schedules. Other celebs had to rearrange a lot of schedules to be there. 2PM had to film only for a day in Running Man and left for Japan the next day.

There are also rumors that the members didn't get along and I have a feeling it is because of of staff talking. I mean because of Suzy's personal schedule's she'll need her own team and my guess in Miss A's staff team and Suzy's staff team is somewhat feeding thoughts in the artists. It happens a lot, even to Fly to the Sky Hwanhee and Brian. Fei and Jia never had problems when JYP chose Suzy as the main actress in Dream High, they were still in good terms even after Architecture 101 blew up Suzy's name. Suddenly before Only You, there are rumors that they fought and I have doubt it came without outside influence. 

On Min tho, poor Min. They say JYP abandoned her but I think she went into hiding because she gets a lot of flack in Masked Singer. The netizens were very cruel and left hate messages. Somehow Min is the only neutral member in Miss A. She's okay with Suzy and she's okay with Jia and Fei.

Not being gender biased but I think this is why males are better in handling these fight stuffs than females. 2PM, Got7 are known to be pretty blunt if something is going on. While WG have talked about how they sometimes keep in their true feelings in the group. 

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Guest elenskivios38

WELCOME to ALL new members !!!:)glad to meet you all ! thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings about YYCOUPLE

the  :heart: ONE and ONLY WGM BEST COUPLE :heart:

If viewers just watch carefully then they will see the diff.YYCOUPLE the most real one...nothing compare!

Thanks for coming all new members sorry im gone too coz of work so hecti .But all comments i tried to read ...im happy the brother

of Lee Sang Woo in GD will join the casts of BM i like him his very good doing comedy roles.Surely Park Se Young fells great having

him together his funny guy.Hope  Se young's new movie would come up soon.Lets pray 

for that.many are waiting for Park Se Young:heart: Pls.make it happen.we missed Park Se Young!!!

@blame2pm my dear im happy for you:wub: your getting bold on depending and introducing 2pm to those who doesn't

know  yet.Well they miss something in their life if they haven't  listen to 2PM music..oh! pity:(


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Fan account of the concert.

Now it's TY's turn to be teased hahaha

WY: So the question is from *questioner's nickname* who is standing right now.
WY: The question is.... "It seems that Taecyeon likes traveling. Do you like traveling by yourself? Or do you prefer traveling with family and friends?" There's too many questions. "How do you decide the place you will travel?"
TY: I like traveling. But I think I like it more when I travel alone.
WY, CS: How about family?
TY: I've gone to a lot of places with my family but uhhmmmm..
WY: But you prefer to travel alone. What do you do? *evil smile*
TY: When I went to travel alone, I went to Germany. My friend during elementary days is now in Germany
CS: You still have contact to each other?
TY: Yes, we have
CS: That's a little bit fishy
WY. Were you good friends?
TY: Yes, we are
WY: Is it a female?
TY: No no, it's a guy.
CS: Suspicious~ 
CS: Do you still contact each other even now?
TY: Yes, we do
CS: Really suspicious~
TY: I've gone traveling with friends. If ever a problem happens during the trip, I might stop keeping in touch with them. I'm fine with family but it's a bit risky with friends
CS: So.. do you consider us (2PM) as a family? Or as friends?
TY: Family of course
Members: WOAAAHHH *claps*
Fans: WOOOOH *claps*
TY: Since I like history and cultures, those are the factors I consider when choosing the place. Like for example in Japan, I like going to temples, the Osaka castle
TY: For Europe....
TY(to NK): *in English* What's church?
CS: Why are you only asking NK? XD
JH: *imitates Taec* what's church? what's church? 
TY: For Europe, it's churches
WY (to the questioner): Was his answer fine? Are you still standing?
WY: Oh, she just went home XD

Talking about Kanojo stage

CS: During the start, NK is the one putting the LP record, right? But why do you exchange roles in the end?
WY: It has a meaning. Since it's our unit stage, I want NK to do the opening while I do the closing so that we can show that it's a performance stage made by us
CS: But why do you cover your face with the LP record in the end?
MJ: Does it have meaning as well?
WY (to CS): Oh, you do have a lot of questions 
WY: It doesn't have any meaning. It was just a part of the performance
MJ (to NK): Nichkhun, WY talked about your unit stage. 
TY: How was it?
NK; Me???
WY: The preparation...
MJ: It is NK's turn right now okay?
WY: *stops talking* XD
NK: The stage preparation this time was very easy
TY: Not just "easy" but he said "very easy"
NK; Why? Because WY did everything
WY: Older brother Nichkhun believed in me. That's why I was able to do this song. The end.

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@ilikeme- read your comments- very interesting as usual

Think girl groups get jealous more easily esp if one member makes more money. For the foreigners esp Chinese members- sooner or later they will leave- maybe family commitment or better prospects elsewhere. Every co has this problem. Looks like JYP now will concentrate on Twice and Got7 since next year 2pm going military


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I am curious what would be that second turning point. Is it marriage? hahaha. The other members answers are specific and mostly pertaining to their careers. Also I am wondering why they did not ask his favorite type of woman but other members were asked that question. Do they already know so no need to ask.

2PM - 160523 CanCam July Issue: Member Solo Q&A WOOYOUNG


cr coded4d9dc

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Conversations on today's concert.

Wooyoung said he's a straightforward guy and he asked fans to have a boyfriend hahaha. And it's funny that a fan asked TY if he's a playboy hahaha.

cr jngwyng

Today is the DVD recording day !!

  • MJ:? Did you all put make up on TY: You can fix your make up now TY: We'll give you 10mins
  • MJ: There will be close up shots so you might be surprised TY: Our talk session is long so you'll have enough time to fix yourself
  • WY: If it's for 2PM, I'm always ready TY: Junho will be having his 'HYPER' tour .. how about that? WY: He can do it by himself CS: He said "2PM", not just "Junho" XD
  • WY: I'm a straightforward guy NK: I'm a shy type WY: But to be honest, NK is more straightforward
  • JH: NK is a real guy CS:. He's originally a guy, okay He's a male since birth
  • Q & A corner Q:. Taecyeon oppa said during the Fukuoka concert that we can not cheat on 2PM When we are lonely.? What should we do when oppas are not around TY: It'll take time to return back as 6 but there will be solo activities, right?  TY;!! MAYBE OKAY, JUST MAYBE We still do not know, okay.TY: But during those times when each of us do solo activities, please wait because we'll definitely be back as 6. Then WY said, "Have a boyfriend" then JH said "We just said that they can not cheat on us okay !!" 
  • NK: If you made "Kimi dake jya nai (Not only you)", then the next song should be "Kimi mo suki (I like her too)"
  • Someone said "Are you a playboy?" Then Taecyeon said "No, I'm not"
  • <Introducing My House> MJ: Come to our hotel tonight o <- <o <- <o <- <
  • CS:. There's no reason to be sad Let's just enjoy more TY: Tomorrow is Monday so .. JH (to TY): Learn to read between the lines!
  • TY won the rock paper scissors but MJ said "Since it's DVD recording day, I want to do it as well" so both of them did the rap part for 5050
  • WY said that he came personally to Japan to go around shops to find the perfect items for the stage outfits from the beginning until the end
  • TY:. It's been 10 years since I first met these guys And I'm very grateful to God that I met these wonderful members.
  • TY:. It's been 5 years since we did our JPN debut and that's half of 10 years I'm thankful to God for letting us meet all of you
  • Minjun singing "I'll be back"; A; and said "I'll be back for everyone"; A; KIM MINJUUUUUUUN





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I like this  article. A meeting of the beast haha.  It would be great if they also met Sarang. I missed them in Superman is Back. 

Choo Sung Hoon Is The Newest Member Of 2PM?

Choo Sung Hoon Is The Newest Member Of 2PM?

It was a meeting of the beasts of the Korean entertainment industry as idol group 2PM met with UFC fighter, and father of the adorable Choo Sarang, Choo Sung Hoon!

On May 22, Choo Sung Hoon updated his Instagram with a photo taken with the group, along with the caption “New 2PM members?”

In the photograph, they are posing in the dressing room for a concert and Choo Sung Hoon fits right in with the six members of 2PM, especially since his outfit matches in perfectly with the black and white concept of the 2PM members as well.

2PM is currently in the midst of their arena tour in Tokyo called “Galaxy Of 2PM (2PM Arena Tour 2016).”



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