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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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just a drabble, my very first.  Cheesy, lol.  This is embarrassing.  Wrote this a year ago, just didn't bring it out.



Seyoung was startled awake by the alarm.  She just cleared her schedule in the wee hours of the morning, and had barely slept, rushing to get everything done ahead of her trip. She took a quick shower, and changed.  She rushed out, pulling her hurriedly packed luggage.  On the early morning flight her thoughts turned to Wooyoung.  They decided at the onset of his impending military assignment, not to go the route of breaking up, as many couples did.  But she had her apprehensions--the few times they met , there were things she wanted to say but could not put it into words.  She feared the worst now;  the relationship seemed to be strained to its limits by almost two years of separation.  


Wooyoung came out of the gate of the naval base in Busan , his nearly two-year stay was over.  He walked over to the group of waiting fans and greeted them quickly, saluted then bowed.  

Sighing as he turned toward the waiting van, he wondered if he could go to Seoul the following week,  whether he could see Seyoung---would things would still be the same or she has moved on?   On two of his furloughs they had seen each other.  She also visited him once.   Just once, six months into his stint, and discretely, avoiding scandal.  Busan was a distance away from Seoul and he appreciated the visit, but they felt the same shyness and awkwardness that was there the first time they met.  She tried to smile and so did he, but he did not want to pressure her, her schedules must be exhausting her.  

 As he slid open the door of the van and hopped in, he was pleasantly surprised to see his sister and brother-in-law, who were both grinning at him;  and both gave him a warm hug.  

"Appa and Omma are both at home, and a nice warm meal is awaiting," Noona said, "and welcome back!"  


It didn't take long before they got home.  He greeted his parents.   Opening the door to his room to change out of his uniform,  the door beside his, opened and shut.  He looked, took a sharp breath, stunned.  Wooyoung thought---- It has been what, nearly one year?  Her hair is even longer now, but she still took his breath away. 

"Annyeong",  they said in unison.  

Wooyoung asked, "You're here.   Umhh, when did you arrive? " 

"A couple of hours ago," she replied.  "I helped a bit in the kitchen earlier.   Anyway, go get changed, Omonim made a lot for lunch". She was about to turn toward the dining area,  but her legs just couldn't move.

Wooyoung hadn't budged either.    Seyoung felt his eyes boring through hers.  She looked sideways, breaking his gaze.  Wooyoung took a deep breath,  wondering, she came here, but by avoiding his eyes... was she just shy or did her feelings change?  He needed to know. He  held her hand,  and brought her to the gazebo on the top floor of the building.  They sat.  Seyoung looked down at her fidgeting hands.  Wooyoung could see that she still wore the ring,  but why was she so tense?  

They updated each other on her projects, his military stint, and plans now that he is going back to work;  eventually the conversation turned to their relationship.

"Seyoung-ah," he began, noticing that she was both quiet and nervous.  "I know that it has been way too long,  please, please dont't tell me you had drifted away from me over time...have you?   I... Oh gosh I shouldn't have said that," belying his own nervousness.

Seyoung thought---Drifted from you?  Woo-young-ah, nobody else was on my mind the whole time.   But...then how about you?   Her words were careful:  "I am sorry we had few chances to meet.    It crossed  my mind...if you eventually had  a change of heart,  have you?"

Wooyoung, rattled by her words,  looked at her and softly said,,  "No, no, never a change of heart."   Somehow disheartened, he continued, "These two years were rough on both of us and the communication was limited, so I would understand if...if...do you want us to...umm, tell me, talk to me Seyoung-ah, I am at a loss , jaebal"

Seyoung studied his anxious expression, and then whispered,  "I can be awkward after long absences,  but I  could not drift away from you even if I tried."

With her words, Seyoung saw his worries disappear, calming her down as well.  Wooyoung cupped her face with his hands, and kissed her gently, waiting if she would kiss him back.  She did.



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Good morning YY shippers

Very quiet here, wy is back in korea, sy still no sign. 

Taec is on the roll, got another drama, though some nasty comments about the age gap with lead actress, I will still support him, just like chansung and junho. Both of them acting so good. Taec I saw him in Wonderful Day- he was also good. 


Cute wy dolls

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