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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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@standingtallyy-I agree  CB and sw Loveline- too cutesy.  When CB hugs sw, she push him away

Sh and hs more like 'Taming the shrew' very interesting. Sh looks the very determined type

. I want to know how hs will end up- go to jail, die or live happily with se hoon. 

The boring part I just fast forward


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<20151214> YY's WGM – Review –Background

YY is the only couple that I saw in WGM and also the last one. As I said earlier, I don’t know both of them before. I know 2PM but not Woo Young, about SY, sorry no. Thanks for the effort of YY fans, I have some information about them during WGM.

WY likes dancing but his father didn’t allow him to do it. He wanted his son to be a civil servant, has a stable lives. WY wrote a letter to his father everyday and hope he understand him. However, his father dropped it. WY understands his father, he just wants his son has a better life. His mum supports him and told him to practice secretly. After WY won in JYP competition, he father told him to go home and rejected his request (join JYP ). Luckily, he became a trainee with his mother support. Now his father is his no.1 fans. He trained only four months and started his career.

He is low profile and doesn’t talk too much in variety shows and he isn't so close with girls. Few love affairs he has, member always worries that he doesn’t date. They said he is active in front of the camera but he’s not in real lives, he is very quiet and shy. In WGM press conference, he knew his fans didn’t like him to join it but hope they will support them. In fact, WGM invited him to join several times but he refused. Maybe he didn’t ready or he had a relationship at that moment.

Thanks WGM, we can see different WY, not WY on the stage but it’s real him: likes aegyo, childish, easy to jealous, can’t eat spicy etc but he has a warm heart, always take care SY and care her so much. Somebody said what he said about the ideal type in WGM is only for the show. YY fans found out that his ideal type that he mentioned in the past variety shows are the same as WGM. SY really matches his ideal type.

Few variety shows that SY participated before WGM. No love affairs, most of her news was about her drama. She worked with many top stars but she didn’t use them to promote. Remember her response after Kim Woo Bin said she dated with Lee Jong Suk in School 2013 BTS?

She shared a post in Twitter after WGM EP1 was broadcasted. She was nervous and had many mistakes, thanks for fans’ support. Please keep supporting them and don’t be jealous. Later, she promoted WGM rarely except the song with WY.

May be she joined variety shows rarely, we can see her real personality in WGM. It’s quite different from her works. Serious, straight, face always blushes, shy, needs time to get along with others, not easy to open her heart and she isn’t talkative but actions show her cares etc. You will find out her goods during WGM.

Sorry for my long background, just want to share my little information about them. With these backgrounds, you will understand it’s not easy for them to become closeness at the end of WGM and how special they are. Thus, my WGM review, let’s go…

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just finished watching MDGSW ep 29
and yes me too 
HS and SH love line is way more interesting and fresh than 
SW and CH 
aside from being super boring(I fast forward their scenes ) I think their future is expected 
unlike SH and HS they keep me curious 
yet their chemistery is good 
will catch ep 30 tomorrow 
I heard hyesang get really bad at that one 

YY fans on IG ,twitter and facebook
are still celebrating with the latest news from uri seyoungie
that she is still in touch with woooung 
hope for more news about them in the future 




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<20151214> YY's WGM – Review –Episode One

Why WY was shy and happy after Jun Ho said he became a virtual husband in WGM? In fact, they were filming WGM. Was he expecting a sweet and beautiful love? 2PM were so funny. When they knew a bear was a gift from his wife, one of them said, “She must be living alone?” What?

SY was nervous after she received her first mission card. She looked at the crew and asked them, “can I open It?”. Her first impression is totally different with her actual characters. She even said “what should I do, I’m super nervous and feel strange” after she read a mission card. How anxiety she was? Even though she is boyish, she was girly when she talked about her ideal guy.

WY was serious about his marriage, that’s why Jun K teased him, how about dating, not serious? WY was embarrassed and everybody laughed at him. It’s not something that he said for the show; it’s his concept towards a marriage. He said in the interview, “If she’s that kind of girl, I think I’ll really want to marry her.” Of course, it’s a joke at that moment but the appearance of SY really out of his expectation. Can’t imagine WGM find a wife who fully matches his ideal girl. WY requested 2PM members to help him. He was serious to practice with them, that’s why he was angry when they still teased him. He was worried and complaint them not to help him. Members suggested him to say something to his wife. His expression looked like he’s getting married for real, thus members laughed at him again. (Remember the reaction of WY when he answered the same question during the promotion of My house, totally different!!!!) WY said he will take care SY, so man and please remember, WY-ssi. However, I love what he said in the interview, he wishes they will do it together in whatever situation. He may be afraid that SY will have tension due to his fans or she may not be happy with him. How attentive he is?

He was tense again when he received a mission card; he said “It finally comes” He searched immediately after he read a mission card. Of course, nothing he found. For SY, she gave up guessing and went out with her bear straightly. She’s so cool. Glad to see she still works with these people (makeup artist and stylist) now.

To be honest, I really don’t understand why WY was so nervous. May be it’s his first time to work with a girl alone and lasted a period of time. His reaction was cute when he heard SY opening the door. SY walked slowly upstairs cos she was nervous too. Can’t imagine WY was tense like that, even MC said they haven’t seen this WY before. All of us didn’t know what happened to him. SY looked and recognized WY. She was happy cos it’s WY, someone who knows and she has a good impression on him. Why SY recognized WY? May be she was a host in Music Bank and met him several times. I think she was happy cos she knew him and he’s friend of Jin Woon, she can ask Jin Woon about WY. Some YY fans said WGM gave WY’s photo to SY and asked her to comment in the interview when she replied in Radio Star. I reviewed it but it’s not true. SY said WGM asked her any particular person that she wanted to pair with and she said no. SY walked faster after she saw WY. WY was surprised when he saw SY but he didn’t recognize her. How happy was WY when he said SY is close to his ideal style in the interview, his expression…..Luckily, he remembered SY and embarrassed about it, especially with his strange explanations.

WY selected this chocolate cafe where 2PM took an interview here in 2013. I love WY’s expression when SY looked at the menu. He was so afraid that SY didn’t like the drinks. SY was awkward when she heard WY’s age. It seemed that she cared about the age, that’s why she asked WY, has he ever dated with nuna and did he mind? I also love what SY said after WY asked her was he nervous, she said it’s normal for you to be nervous, SY always said something warm and encouraged WY in WGM.

SY is a person who expresses her care with actions. She took WY’s drink directly and helped him to melt chocolate. I think WY didn’t have much experience to get along with girls. Girls really don’t like friends to call them “nuna” and WY’s a special person of SY. She said it’s strange for him to call her “nuna” and he’s not her brother. If you call someone “nuna”, you need to respect her thus not interested in her. That’s why WY always said SY is not his “nuna” in WGM and of course, SY didn’t want too.

I think his member laughed at him after they saw EP 1. To be honest, they were too nervous. WY’s anxiety lasted the whole EP, no matter before and during their first date. He likes SY and tried to give a good impression on her. That’s why he always glanced SY’s reactions and he was speechless when SY looked at him. Why? SY is really similar with his ideal girl and maybe he still didn’t believe that WGM can find such perfect girl for him. He wanted to get closer to SY but lack of skill.

Even though SY was calm and cool but she was nervous too. Before they met, she always said “Oh, what should I do?” She felt better after she saw WY. SY really looked at WY frequently during the first date cos she didn’t have special feelings on him and she wanted to know more about him. WY, like he said, was nervous to look at SY cos he was shy. How different they were when they ended in WGM and it’s very touching to see their changes, particularly SY can’t see WY’s eyes.

I think WY was weird in the first dating, is he an idol? He should show his charm but he’s silly. SY in fact was very girly and shy. Compare with WY, she was calm, maybe she wanted to maintain her images in front of the camera. However, she can’t hide it until WY asked her, where she live. They were like having a blind date rather than joining a show. It’s normal for them to talk casually and show their talents but you can’t see these. That’s why I think they are interesting and look forward to their development.

Sorry for my late and long review....May I share my review of EP2

Hope you enjoy it and Have a good day, my YY friends

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Good  morning 

@wingtingEnjoy reading your detailed review-

1st episode is like a blind date. Sy makes a very good impression. She is not only attractive but well mannered, cool and calm. Very good at putting people at ease. She is also chatty- offering a lot of details about herself

Hope to hear comments from rest of the viewers

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