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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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@wingting- really enjoy your post.

Wy his views on love- he said will tell her  'I love u', cook for her , say 'thank you my love' - all these he did in wgm:)

 Everything he did in Wgm inspired him in his songwriting. We see similarities eg the blue cocktail, happy birthday song

i know he watches her show Gd cos he seems to know what happened, not surprise if he watches MDGSW also. 

Ok I got wy's song ROSE with lyrics, listen again


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Good morn YY friends!

wow so many photos of sy on ig- she is so beautiful- love her hair, makeup, clothes etc

Tonight episode will be very interesting- oh wol found the film of the orphanage and realized hs locked them in. Hs found out about Oh wol, she will be worried her secret will be revealed 

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This outfit also very cute on her, the big flower stands out, the prints of the pants, the shoes

 love Love her hair style- the length, colour and soft waves- her hairstylist did a great job:D

Can we have her wearing a short dress next please, want to see her sexy legs

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[TRANS] 2PM Hanako no.1097


The Wonderland City that Will Soon Become the Next Boom♥
Jiyugaoka Food Futakotamagawa Holiday

Who is the chief bear?
On the weekend, the 6 2PM guys go out to eat NY gourmet burgers.


In their 5th year of debuting in Japan, 2PM will be releasing their 10th single on October 21.
The 6 of them together arrived in Jiyugaoka for the first time. The gourmet burgers in question are from “BAREBURGER,” which has made its first landing from NY, and they had a day off while holding a gourmet burger in one hand.

Be my burger!

Original burgers made by the members.


The jalapenos are a must.
…Hm!? With fried onions that look like octopus legs, what I saw was different than what I imagined (laugh). Jalapenos are the main point. When those are put on it, then you can call it a hamburger. 2430 yen.

Simple ingredients produce confidence!
With cheese, bacon, and tomato… the ingredients are simple without piling up too much. The grilled chicken patty is tender and the best! This “Nichkhun burger” will make you want to standardize it. 1922 yen.

Jun. K
A tingling spicy taste to match everyone in Japan.
Ozaki beef + fried egg; it was delicious. If it was for myself I would use chili sauce, but I thought of everyone in Japan and made it just spicy enough to tingle. The horseradish sauce is effective. 4082 yen.


The spicy x sweet balance is fresh!
I paid attention so as not too make it too heavy. There isn’t just the spiciness of habanero mayonnaise, there’s also the sweetness of tomato fig jam and onion, and this recipe is truly delicious. 2192 yen.

Full of nutrition and lots of protein.
Fried chicken with cheese & bacon, and mustard sauce. The tomato fig jam gave it a bit of sweetness. I think it would have been better if the lettuce had been on top to give a crisp feel. 1998 yen.

I call it “The Meat Meat Meat Burger”
My favorite meat of Ozaki beef, pork boneless ribs, and country bacon piled on top of each other like a tower is inspiring. (The chef was worried about it being just meat). There’s no problem whatsoever! 4892 yen.

Original burgers invented by the members.

6 styles of a masterpiece?

Foodies from the center of Tokyo gather at this shop where one is able to taste organic gourmet burgers when the weekend arrives. The members of 2PM came to enjoy the burgers. Without delay, the “self-proclaimed impatient guy” Junho ordered his own burger. Nearby, Wooyoung claimed Chansung’s burger as his. His reason was that his own burger was too big. On the other hand, Chansung spotted Jun. K’s burger and beckoned him with “It’s done.” Jun. K rushed over from a seat on the terrace. The warrior who unexpectedly ordered a second burger was Taecyeon. Nichkhun layered napkins on his turtleneck and was seen elegantly enjoying sampling food.



Chansung was born on February 11, 1990. B-type. 184 cm. His new solo song “Miss You” is “R&B that will get you emotional.” Continuing from his comical AD (Assistant Director) role in Korean film “Red Carpet,” he played a kind-hearted veterinarian in romance film “Wasureyuki” which premieres to the public in Japan on November 7. The food he makes most is budae jjigae (stew with ramen in it). It’s a properly authentic soup stock with dried shiitake mushrooms, kombu, and dried sardines. “Well-pickled kimchi makes for good flavor!”

My mother is a person who understands others’ feelings. I want to be like that, too.

You’re hitting a turning point with your new song “HIGHER” being your 10th single in Japan. “When you hear ‘10,’ there’s a feeling of accomplishment. We’ve been making music for several years but we’ve reached a level where we genuinely express our colors as 2PM more.” The members agree that the maknae who is totally focused on 2PM’s future is “particularly serious.” When I expressed my worries about him feeling constrained……. “Not at all, I’m fine. I thank my parents for raising me to have the kind of personality where I can smile easily in tough situations.” What do you want to tell your mother, the closest person to you? “When my mom comes over she puts things in my room that make me want to ask 'Why is that there!?’ (laugh). It’s because she’s always thinking of me, of course. My mom has a strong core, and she understands others’ feelings. I want to be like that, too.” His activities as an actor are also remarkable, and his leading-role film “Wasureyuki” will soon premiere. “Acting the role of Tae Oh and speaking Japanese was a big challenge. I want to act out various characters in my own way in the future, too.”

About Jiyugaoka
Like Garosugil, Seoul, it has an image of a refined town in which trends are transmitted. There are a lot of tasty restaurants, too. Just like its name, you can see the people walking around town freely enjoying themselves.


Junho was born on January 25, 1990. A-type. 178 cm. He had his first leading-role in the movie “Twenty,” which is a cute, refreshing youth film depicting love and friendship of 3 young men. A nationwide roadshow starts November 28. Today he neatly and methodically cut his original burger into 4 equal parts. When do you usually have a burger? “When I’m in a hurry and want to eat something. If I get it from McDonald’s I get the 'Shanghai Spicy Chicken Burger.’ They didn’t have it in Shanghai, though (laugh).”

I want to tell you that out of a great amount of people, you’re the one.

This summer, you bewitched the entire venue with a sexy performance you did with a dancer on stage during “LAST NIGHT,” your hugely successful 3rd Japanese solo tour. “I’m 51% sexy, 49% cute. It’s my hope that the sexy side is somewhat more (laugh).” The solo song you recorded for the limited edition of 2PM’s new song “HIGHER” is “So many girls.” “(making his hands form a circle) I make girls wait on me on the side (laugh). No, it means that out of a great amount of people, you’re the one. Even if she and I don’t talk, our eyes will often meet, and we will smile at the same time. She makes me captivated wondering who she’s going out to meet. The song has an image of being near that kind of girl.” The track you produced “Chikai no Kurisumasu (Vow for Christmas)” goes, “The two of us who met in winter will face spring, summer, fall, and a new winter once again. I vow to protect you however many years pass.” Is this your personal experience? “Absolutely not. Since I was born in winter, it would be nice if these lyrics came true,” he said, showing us a Junho smile and making us await spring.

About Jiyugaoka
It was my first time. It’s a bit like Paris. There’s a cafe called “Jiyugaoka District 8” right in front of our agency in Seoul (laugh). I’ve eaten shaved ice there many times.



Wooyoung was born on April 30, 1989. B-type. 178 cm. This year he released “R.O.S.E” in Japan which was self-produced from song production to jacket design. He also had his first hugely successful solo tour. His new solo song “Hanpa Nai” is “An image of a cheerful prankster like myself. When you listen to it, you will become amazingly energized!” He likes raw wood materials to up his creativity and pass the time. “I want to and must become that kind of man.”

A cafe is a special place where I can focus on creating.

This is his 2nd time in Jiyugaoka. “When I came with Nichkhun, we found a bird ornament at an antique shop. I wasn’t sure if I should buy it and went in and out of the store twice. After that, Nichkhun said, 'Alright, I’ll buy it for you’ (laugh). It’s hanging in my living room now.” His feet carry him to cafes in various towns such as Jiyugaoka, Harajuku, and Kouenji. “I write lyrics and hum melodies that come to mind in cafes. I concentrate and draw out my heart’s emotions.” But you were absorbed in taking photos of the “BAREBURGER” interior? “I want to try having a cafe someday. I will make it cozy with wooden furniture, and put up photos with graffiti writing on a wall painted white. The name will be 'Fried Egg.’ Because it’s the only thing I’m confident in cooking (laugh). I’ll make and serve it. Since I have a mind for service, I can be the waiter as well.” We await the opening of your dream cafe.

About Jiyugaoka
Just hearing the name of the town being spoken arose curiosity in me. There are many small cafes and general stores, and like a town from a fairy tale, there is harmony in the sounds of trains and railroad tracks and the residential area likeness of Jiyugaoka.



Jun. K was born on January 15, 1988. A-type. 180 cm. He released his solo album “LOVE & HATE” in Japan in 2014. His solo track on the limited edition version of the new single is “EVEREST.” “During the middle of the song there’s something that gives a feeling of blank space, and it’s an interesting song with new experiments put into it. The lyrical content says 'I’m going to take you to a high place, so come with me!’ and I made the title the name of the highest mountain in the world.”

When I miss my pet dogs Noopy and Denver…….

The commemorative 10th single and 2PM’s newest song “HIGHER” was produced by Jun. K-san. “It has a hip hop base with a bit of jazziness. The main point is its evolution as a dynamic song.” When we mentioned how his chances at producing songs has been increasing, he said, “It puts quite a lot of pressure on me……. Of course the results are important, but the primary thing is that I’m satisfied with the songs I make.” In the workroom in his house where he immerses himself in composing, he shares his space with 2 Bedlington Terriers who are allowed to snuggle up to him. “Though I worried over it, it’s because he looks like Snoopy if you stare at him,” he said about naming Noopy, and Denver he got from the name of a dinosaur protagonist in an animation series. Suddenly due to our talk, I caught a glimpse of him acting like a fond papa. “I’m not worried about them since my mom is entrusted to take care of them when I’m overseas, but I will call right away when I miss them. It seems that when they hear my voice on speaker phone they come running over♥.”

About Jiyugaoka
Cute. There’s a lot of greenery. The buildings are pretty, too. If I went on a date, I would want to walk here and there and take photos, etc. I want her to wear a white dress. Don’t I really seem to match this town?



Nichkhun was born on June 24, 1988. O-type. 180 cm. Though his homeland may be just Thailand, his number of Twitter followers has surpassed 3 million, and his popularity keeps him at the number one spot in the country. Looking back on the vigorous Japan activities 2PM had this year, he said, “The 2-day performance we held at USJ in January left a deep impression on me. Since I’ve always liked theme parks, I was happy to be able to spend that time with all the fans.”

If I went on a date at Jiyugaoka, I would go for something sweet.

At a seat on the open terrace of the interview location, he took a single sip of iced coffee. He explained, “I like sweetness,” and poured in a heaping amount of milk and gum syrup. I said, “Have you always liked coffee?” “Yes, but I must be doing something while I drink it. Because I tend to think it’s a waste of time to go and drink at a cafe (laugh).” It’s already his 3rd time in Jiyugaoka. “If I went on a date, I would go to 'Jiyugaoka Sweets Forest.’  Since we would be spending a whole day walking around and eating tons of delicious sweets, it’s a must that she wear sneakers.” What are your thoughts on your 10th single? “With 'HIGHER’ having the meaning of wanting to go somewhere higher, it’s a word for ourselves. We must aim even higher.” His solo song recorded for the limited edition of the new single is “Maybe you are.” “It’s a soft yet sexy and sweet song. It’s difficult to express and the dance takes a bit of strength.” Smiling with a 2nd cup of iced coffee in hand, he said, “Fufu  [laughing noise]. It means I’m going to give today my all for the whole day!”

About Jiyugaoka
There are many shops with cute accessories and interior design; it’s the type of town Wooyoung and I like. When I came here with Wooyoung before, we went all over to different cafes and general stores… it was fun~.



Taecyeon was born on December 27, 1988. AB-type. 185 cm. His solo song “Never Give Up” became a sort of support song to go before his self-produced song “Fight.” He appeared in Korean variety show “3 Meals,” and political drama “Assembly,” for a year that was much busier than average, and yet he went on a family trip to Greece and Turkey for the first time since debut. “That was my 'Filial Piety Sightseeing.’ Fufufu. I was able to slowly spend around 2 weeks of time with my family.”

The only thing I don’t have confidence in is my tactics with women.

He’s not interested in decorating everything in order to have manly and gallant looks or physical beauty. As he loves to make others laugh, he says puns during MCs on stage, teases the members, and gets rebuked for it too. “That’s how the members and I, who are well familiar with my personality, like to 'play.’ I have faith that the members think the same (laugh). I love puns [t/n: Original sentence is "Dajare, suki desu ne.”]. Sukii (ski), suki (love)♥,“ he said while showing his white teeth and making himself burst with laughter! In the variety show he’s been appearing on called "3 Meals,” which depicts a self-sufficient lifestyle, he was filmed waking up and a worrying, strange facial expression was shown. “That’s my true self. I’m originally not the type to dress myself up. Ah, my fashion sense became better than it was before…… right!?’ Then he added, "It’s important for people to always hold confidence in themselves. However, I don’t have confidence when it comes to my tactics with women. My character is to not hide things, so I want to start off relationships by disclosing everything.”

About Jiyugaoka
There are a lot of cake shops in Jiyugaoka. I didn’t hear it from the members, I looked it up online (laugh). Since I like sweets, I always thought I should come here.


Scans: timing_kei

Jpn-Eng: @dawnjelly


Edited by chic-chic
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