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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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Infantile love follows the principle:"I love because I am loved."

Mature love follows the principle: "I am loved because I love."

Immature love says: "I love you because I need you."

Mature love says: "I need you because I love you.

Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving


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@diendong n @oolita : congraz... finally its 10K.. wait for th update.. fighting.. ;)

@perryjoh : if many of yy shippers agree with it then its more make sense right.. not only my thought its real then... i do believe its real... :))

@emiells : thats quote really beautiful n deep.. i think wooyoung must be learn a lot how to love from that book.. just like his IG status.. i think a man who read that kind of book means he is in love right.. :x

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i think he know how to love someone now.and try the best to be a lover for seyoung.and he do the best thing for his life too.he want his solo concert just for his fans....but i hope for loving Seyoung too.and i hope he sucsess and happy what he do for 2015 and love Seyoung forever.

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Good day YY Nation!!!

First of all I want to greet everyone advance Merry Christmas. There is something special about this season that even many of my non-Christian friends celebrate it.  I believe it’s safe to say that Christmas is for everyone. It does not define us religion wise...I’d say it’s more than that.

Waving to mommy love @PeggyM I miss you terribly mom! Hope you stay warm and healthy. Love the idea of sending them again another virtual card for this season. I’m excited and hope a lot of us participates especially those who still prefer to say in the dark aka the lurkers :P Happy to see we have lots of new members which is really awesome now that our family is growing.  

@diendong @oolita Congratulations for reaching 10,000 views. You girls are amazing. Regarding the book, you can easily find and download it online. I have started reading it and it’s really good. Thanks Mr. Jang!

@TioY I also believe there’s more to Khun’s tweet to WY ;)) “Too much vitamins isn’t good for you” makes me think Wooyoung is having a vitamin aka love overdose and Khun is in way teasing him or reminding him to slow down. My take – you could use some Khun ;)) :P and WY-aahhh give some to your beastie :)) I love how these guys are there for each other. Funny how it’s not only us who noticed but also people around him as well. Like who would miss that? =))

@misszy WY answers are mostly vague. What caught my attention is his emphasis again on honesty. “I want to be someone who is honest – stay the way I am while gaining a lot of experience.” I think this is very important, i.e. having control over fame and just be true to yourself rather than letting fame direct you.

All in all, my delulu is telling me all is well with our couple so I’m pretty happy and comfy right now :x

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afternoon y y nation
seeing some Quates from " How To Love"
now it make pecfert sense to me that he has changed a lot 
it shows a lot in wgm you can see that wooyoung at the beginning he always ask for feedback from seyoung for his actions 
and even get frustrated for not recieving as much as he gives 
but then after while you can see he was blur at showing his affection towards her and didn't care any more about feedback 
he came to realise that love is not about take and give but give because i love and it's ok if i didn't take back
for seyoung i think that she takes that concept from the beginning and she didn't want him to do things and wait for her but just do it because he want to
 " when wooyoung ask her to admit her feelings for him when they climp mountain 
and the interview she said he always want to hear it although some time i don't have to say it he has to feel it "
so, i wouldn't be surprised if seyoung is the one who recommended this book for him 
and we all see how she bacame more lovable towards him after seeing him changing 
whether it is seyoung or the book or both i'm glad because it made him a mature person 

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Erich Fromm is not an easy read; his famous quotes are in themselves thought provoking. Aside from psychology I think it's part philosophy too.

I never expected WY to be such a deep person, but apparently he is. Among the 6 of them in 2pm, I realize from his interview in Japan, his quietness in the awards show, his IGs plus other things I noticed from posts in our forum, he is somewhat eccentric, and unique. Our man is interesting. And cute, with nice hands and lips....gee, what am I doing????

SY, say something! Happy that we are seeing pix and trailers, but I would like to read an interview with photoshoot just like WY. That would be so nice!

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OFF TOPIC:Hey guys my friends and i are doing an online survey about online games, we need your help so please check it out and FILL THE FORM: http://goo.gl/forms/VvZYKL8Mmp.

It would be good if you guys help me to spread it out. Thanks in advance

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