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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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Guest NorsalwaA

@scuttler i ask myself that very questions all the time, especially when i have work to do but i can't let go of my mouse from spazzing abt them.

I seriously need a life but i love them too much. Lol

And @shineehappypandas‌ don't worry you're not the only one, i was turning my laptop and my phone every way imaginable just so i can get a clearer pic

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@NorsalwaA He's so obvious, it's not even funny anymore. But I am still staring at my phone and cackling away like a moron.
P.S. When I said *save picture* earlier, I meant that as him saving the picture. Because, I'm sure he has an entire folder dedicated to her on that phone. Boyfriend is hilarious.

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NorsalwaA said: @scuttler i ask myself that very questions all the time, especially when i have work to do but i can't let go of my mouse from spazzing abt them. I seriously need a life but i love them too much. Lol And @shineehappypandas‌ don't worry you're not the only one, i was turning my laptop and my phone every way imaginable just so i can get a clearer pic

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Lol...this is why I love this thread..so lively n lovely...u guys are awesome!

Yes!! Nado I want to beleive that was uri beautiful princess picture...n we're so lucky to ship this couple...boyfriend so famous n abvious...

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Oh yeah... work it Wooyoung -ah... imagining how the trip is gonna be with this sexy boyfriend... @shineehappypandas ... :D tumblr_ngp9lgvOD51tar0eno1_500.gif

And double cuties... imagine he kiss his twin... kekeke... @scuttler ...tumblr_mtxzjbez9k1sobar3o1_500.gif

Credit as tagged or to the owner... 

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wooyoungshi you are been too abvious here my friend  at this rate you guys
are gonna get cought sonner than i thought <:-P
y y nation investagators and fbi you just debakkkkkk =D>
this ship sails in a crazy lively way that i'm addicate to 
love you all :x

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Hi everyone....so sorry I have been away for so long......going through some personal issues, but I wanted to take a minute and let you know I'm alive and well....missing all of you so very much and missing our couple too.  I hope to be able to catch up with everything you've posted this week some time and I should be free soon to come chat along with you all more often.  I hope you are all doing well and getting ready for the holidays.  It's been rough one for me and my family, but we are getting through it now and trying to focus on having a happy holiday.  
Much love and hugs to all of you.  I will be back soon......promise!! :x

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Guest NorsalwaA


Hi mom, take care and i hope that whatever personal issue you're having will be resolve soon.

Be strong and hoping u and your family are happy, healthy and warm.


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Omma !! you're back... @PeggyM ...Oh No...I hope everything Ok with you... I just mention you just in the last page... Whatever happen...please be strong... stay healthy n happy ...be bless and stay bless... we're doing great in the thread... 
It's almost Christmas...I really want to do project again for Seyoung and Wooyoung...like send card for Christmas to their IG or twitter or video from our YY nation to greet them or something like that...but if it not possible that's OK ...family comes first of course... fighting!

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@PeggyM ommmaaaaa...finally you're back..miss you so much..i hope you&your familly always healthy and be strong with your personal issue... And we can still keep faith for our couple...omma @PeggyM and YY Nation..Fighting!!

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