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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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2PM′s Wooyoung
(From http://m.mwave.interest.me/mobileweb/enewsworld/en/article/83219/poll-which-idol-do-you-want-to-be-your-first-kiss-of-2015 )

While activities were few for 2PM this year, Wooyoung made himself shine in 2014.

Appearing on We Got Married, Wooyoung made hearts flutter with his onscreen relationship with actress Park Se Young. He portrayed the kind of relationship that everyone dreams of with their special someone.

We′re ready to be your new girlfriend whenever you are.  (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO he's already have girlfriend Actress Park Se Young)  :)) :x :\"> 

Wooyoung Only For Seyoung
Seyoung Only For Wooyoung 

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Long nights and 6,500~ words later. Here's the newest addition to the Jang Twins Series! Going forward, I'll be linking my updates to where I've posted them on my Tumblr. Let me know if any of you have trouble accessing it. It was supposed to be a little shorter, but I just kept adding things on... so, yeah. I hope you guys enjoy. As always, feedback is loved and welcome! Definitely working on more stuff, but not 100% sure when I'll be able to post it, but I'm hoping to, soon!
ETA: Looks like I need to fix a few formatting things over at Tumblr, so I'll post it here for now.

Se-young was sitting in front of her vanity in the walk-in closet with her hair and make-up team while the twins were playing on hers and Woo-young's bed. As the make-up artist was finished packing up, Eun-young climbed down from the bed and walked over to where she was sitting and propped her elbows on her mother's thighs and looked up adoringly, "Where are you going, Eomma?"
"I have an event I'm going to with your dad," Se-young answered, lowering her gaze to her daughter's.
"Are you going to be back before story time?" she asked, pouting slightly. If there was one thing her parents rarely missed, it was story time.
"Definitely. I'll be back before dinnertime, even. It's just a quick thing. Uncle Jinwoon is coming to play with you."
"Uncle Jinwoon!" Eun-young squealed, stepping back and jumping up and down, causing her brother to look up from his toy in their direction.
"Eun-young, what have I told you about yelling in the house?" Se-young asked, sternly.
The young girl stopped jumping and looked down at the floor, "There's no need to yell in the house," she mumbled.
Se-young smiled softly, "Eun-young," she called.
Eun-young looked up tears in her eyes, "Yes, Eomma?"
She pulled the little girl towards her, "Why are you crying, sweetheart? Do you think I'm angry with you?" The little girl nodded, sniffling. "Oh, sweetheart, come here," she picked her up and placed her on her lap before she started wiping her face, "Eun-young, I'm not angry with you, but you have to remember you can't yell in the house. There's only you, Oppa, your dad, and me in the house. There's no need to yell, right?" The young girl nodded. Se-young smiled and leaned in, puckering her lips, "Give me a kiss." Eun-young leaned in and gave her mother a kiss. When she pulled back, Se-young smiled, "I love you," she said. The little girl nodded and buried her head in her mother's chest.
Woo-young walked into the closet to see Eun-young's head on Se-young's chest, still sniffling,  while Se-young was laughing and running her hand through their daughter's hair. "Did you yell at her?" he asked.
She shook her head, "Just reminded her about yelling in the house."
"Ah, that recurring thing," Woo-young chuckled.
She nodded, then looked him up and down before asking, "Are you going to get dressed soon? We have to leave in a bit. I'm just finishing up." She smiled to her team as they bid their farewell to the family and walked out of the room.
"I'll see them out and be back to get dressed," Woo-young told her. Woo-young followed the team out of the room and made sure they had everything they needed. When he returned to their bedroom, both of the kids were in the walk-in closet staring at their mother. It wasn't until he was further into the room that he saw and realized why their kids were staring at her.
Standing in the middle of the closet was his wife in a two-toned Oscar de la Renta dress; the lace top was a flowery pink color, while the skirt was a vivid turquoise green. The top of dress hugged small frame, nicely accentuating her curves, while the front of the skirt was cut high enough to show a little bit of her legs. She paired it with a pair of nude Christian Louboutins pumps he had bought her. To say his wife looked stunning was an understatement.
When she looked over she gave him a smile, "What do you think?"
"I think I'm one lucky guy to marry a girl as gorgeous as you," he replied.
She rolled her eyes, "Thank you, but you don't have to suck up to me, I already married you." She took off the shoes and set them aside. 
He let out a laugh before walking towards his side of the closet. He pulled out the suit that Se-young had set aside for him. He turned to ask her a question about his tie when he saw Eun-young stepping into Se-young's shoes, her little hands on her hips as she looked down and admired the shoes. He grinned and grabbed his phone to take a quick photo. "Eun-young, I think those are little big on you," he teased.
Eun-young looked up at her dad, "They're pretty."
He nodded, "They are."
From where she stood, Se-young smiled as she put on her earrings. She looked at Woo-young in the mirror to see him putting on his shirt, "I didn't get a chance to grab a tie for you earlier since I got caught up with the kids after I brought out the suit. Sorry. The one the stylist brought should be in the drawer, though. I'm sure you can figure out which one it is," she told him.
"I was just going to ask you about that. Don't worry about it," he replied. He turned to see Tae-young sitting on the floor with his toy and called him, "Tae-young, could you help me pick out a tie?" Tae-young looked up and nodded before standing up and walking over to his dad. "Which one do you think would look good with your mom's dress?"
Tae-young peaked over the side of the drawer where Woo-young kept his ties. After scanning for a few moments while his dad buttoned up his shirt and tucked it in, he pointed to a turquoise colored tie that matched the skirt of his mom's dress, "That one."
Woo-young looked at it and grinned, "Perfect. Good eye, buddy," he ruffled the little boy's hair. He grabbed the tie that was meticulously rolled and showed it to Se-young, "This one?"
She looked over her shoulder and nodded, "Yup." She got up from the chair and walked over to where Woo-young was fastening his tie and helped him into his jacket before straightening his tie for him. She smiled at her husband, "Looking good," she told him while she picked out invisible lint from the lapels of his suit.
Woo-young gave her a wink before linking his arm with hers. Turning to the kids he asked, "What do you guys think?" The twins clapped excitedly.
Se-young looked at Eun-young who was still trying to walk in her shoes and chuckled, "Eun-young, can I have the shoes, please?" The little girl nodded and stepped out of the shoes before walking them over to her mom. "Thank you," she smiled. She grabbed her clutch from her vanity before guiding Eun-young out of the closet, "Grab your toys, Eun-young. Uncle Jinwoon should be here soon." She looked back to her husband who was following their son out of the closet, "What time did Jinwoon say he was coming?"
Woo-young looked at the clock which said it was about 10.30am. "He said between 10.45am and 11.00am. I told him we need to be at the venue by 11.45am." Just at that moment, the bell rang. "There he is," Woo-young stated as Tae-young ran out of the room and down the hall towards the front door.
Eun-young stood next to Se-young, looking up at her mom silently asking permission to go greet her uncle, "You can go," she chuckled. The little girl smiled and followed her brother out of the door. Se-young collected the toys from their bed and followed Woo-young out of their room. "You want to go ahead in front of me? I'm going to put these back in the kids' room." He nodded and headed down the hallway behind the kids.
When he reached the front door, the twins were waiting for him to open the door. When he opened the door to let Jinwoon in, the twins rushed forward and showered their uncle with hugs. Jinwoon crouched down and laughed while returning their hugs. Woo-young waved to Jinwoon, "Hey, Jinwoon. Come on in."
"Morning, Hyung," Jinwoon stepped into the mudroom and took off his shoes. "Looking sharp," he commented on Woo-young's outfit.
"Thanks. Wait and see your Noona," Woo-young told him, leading them to the twins' playroom. "You know the drill. I think Se-young has their lunch set up in the fridge. She'll be down in a minute, she was just putting some of their toys away," he told Jinwoon, who nodded.
Just then, Se-young walked into the room, "Morning, Jinwoon!" she greeted.

"Noona!" he bowed in greeting, "You look beautiful," he smiled.
"Thank you. How are you this morning? Thanks so much for watching the twins for us."
Jinwoon waved his hand, "I'm doing well. And don't you worry about it; I love hanging out with them," he ruffled the twins' hair.
"Do you want to come with me to the kitchen? I'll show you where all their food is," she told him. He nodded and followed her to the kitchen. "We should be back by 5.00pm at the latest. The charity event is from 12.00pm to 3.30pm. I'm not sure if we'll stay the entire time, but we'll definitely be back by 5.00pm," she told him. He nodded and took down mental notes. "You can give them lunch around 11.30am - 12.15pm. Then, if you can, they should go down for a nap around 12.45pm. They might be too excited to, which is fine. They usually nap for about an hour and a half, two hours, tops. They're fine to nap on the day bed in their playroom. Other than that, you're free to do what you want with them," she laughed.
"The usual," he chuckled.
"Exactly," she agreed. Then opening the fridge, she pointed to the shelves where she had put the kids' lunches, "It's all set for you. And you know where the rice is," she pointed to the cooker.
He nodded, "Got it. So, what's the event you guys are going to?" he asked.
"It's a fund raising event for an orphanage that Woo-young and I have been working with. They wanted him to give a speech," she told him.
"You guys are amazing," Jinwoon commented.
"We try to give back as much as possible. It's not much, but any help we can provide to those organizations, we do," she explained.
"Sometimes that's all it takes," he told her.
She nodded, "Indeed. Anyway, do you have any other questions? I know it's not your first time here, but I've got to ask just in case." They walked out of the kitchen and headed back to the playroom.
"Nope. I'll make sure they don't get sold off to the circus," he joked.
Se-young let out a laugh and gave him a pat on the back, "Thanks again, Jinwoon. And if you need anything, just give us a ring. We're not too far."
"Will do," he told her.
Woo-young got up from where he was sitting with the kids, "You ready?" he asked Se-young, who nodded. "Alright guys, you're going to be good for your uncle?" he asked the twins.
"Yes, Appa," they responded.
"Okay, give us kisses," he told them. The twins stood up and went up to give each of their parents a kiss. "We'll be back soon, okay?" he told them, waving. He reached for Se-young's hand and they both headed out of the house.
Jinwoon looked at the twins and brought his hands up to his hips, "Alright, what are we doing today?" he asked.
"Fort!" Tae-young suggested.
"Tea party!" Eun-young replied.
"Hmmm... so many good choices. What should we do?" he asked.
Tae-young looked at his sister, "Eun-ah, can we build the fort and then we can have your tea party inside the fort?" he asked.
Eun-young looked at her brother for a moment, twisting her body back and forth. Jinwoon observed the situation, waiting to see the little girl's reaction, "That's not a bad idea," he responded. "What do you think, Eun-young?"
"Okay," Eun-young nodded.
The twins ran to grab pillows from their room while Jinwoon found sheets in the linen closet. The three of them spent the next hour building the fort. Once they were finished, they admired their creation, "Nicely done, team." Jinwoon smiled. Then, looking at his watch he rubbed his stomach, "I'm getting hungry, what do you say about lunch?" he asked. "Then, we can have your tea party afterward, Eun-young."
The twins nodded and they all headed to the kitchen. In the kitchen, the twins climbed up their high chair and waited for Jinwoon to bring over their food to their table. Unwrapping all of the food, he brought the dishes over and placed it in front of them. They thanked him before digging in. He went back to the fridge and poured them both cups of water. Then, once they were settled, he went back and made his own bowl of bibimbap. He smiled at the note Se-young had left for him, 'We can't forget to feed you! Enjoy! - Noona' 
He pulled up a chair to the kids' table and joined them. "How is it?" he asked.
"Yummy," Eun-young replied.
"I remember the days when your mom couldn't even cut vegetables properly," he smiled.
"Eomma cooks for us all the time," Tae-young told him.
"Well, that was way before you guys came around. She started taking lessons after she met your dad," he told them.
"Appa cooks with Eomma, too," Eun-young told him.
Jinwoon nodded and continued to eat. "What's your favorite?" he asked.
"Seafood pancake," they replied.
Jinwoon laughed, "That's both your favorite?" he asked. They both nodded. "Alright then, I'll have to ask your mom to make some the next time I come and play with you guys."
"Uncle Jinwoon, I'm done," Eun-young declared, pushing her bowl away from her.
"Already? That was quick," he told her, looking at her empty bowl.
"I was hungry," she mumbled.
"Are you still hungry?" he asked.
"No, my tummy's full," she replied, poking it.
He chuckled, "Alright. Well, let's wait until your brother finishes up and then we can go back to the fort," he told her. When he finished his food, he collected his and her dishes and deposited them in the sink. When he returned to their table, Tae-young was finished. "All done, buddy?" he asked. Tae-young nodded. "Alright, let me clean that up and then we'll head back to the fort." While Jinwoon cleared and cleaned the table, the twins sat and chatted amongst themselves. When he was finished, he clapped his hands, "Alright, team, let's go back to the fort and have a tea party!"
The twins climbed off their chairs and ran towards their playroom, Jinwoon following closely behind. Eun-young gathered her stuffed animals and arranged them neatly in a circle before bringing in her tea set. The three of them sat around in a circle with the stuffed animals around them and drank imaginary tea. Eun-young introduced all of her animal friends to Jinwoon, who was more than happy to obliged. Tae-young, who was mostly quiet, also went along with his little sister's game. The tea party went on for about half an hour before Jinwoon suggested they take a nap.
"Already?" Tae-young asked
"Yup," Jinwoon replied.
"Do we have to?" Eun-young asked.
"Uh huh. But I'll make you guys a deal," Jinwoon smiled.
"What?" Tae-young asked.
"If you guys help each other put away the stuff animals and tea set, I'll let you guys nap in the fort. What do you think?" he asked. The twins looked at each other, sending telepathic twin thoughts to each other, or so Jinwoon assumed, before turning back to him and nodding. "Alright, let's get to it. The sooner we clean this up, the sooner you guys can camp in the fort," he told them.
The twins nodded and began to clean up. Eun-young grabbed the tea set and returned it to the shelf, while Tae-young took the animals and put them back where they belonged. While the kids were putting stuff away, Jinwoon grabbed their blankets and the  futon mattress from trundle under the day bed and pulled it into the fort. "Those two thought of everything," he mumbled to himself about Woo-young and Se-young, as he set up the napping area. Once he was finished, he turned around to see the twins standing behind him. "Alright, I think we're set up," he told them.
The twins climbed on the futon and grabbed their pillows before laying down under their blankets. Jinwoon rubbed their backs while he told them a story. Within minutes, the twins were asleep. Smiling, he gave himself a pat on the back before he crawled out of the fort. He pulled back a side of the fort area just in case one of the twins woke up. He walked back to the kitchen and washed the dishes before grabbing a glass of water and heading back to the playroom. Sitting down on the day bed, he chuckled at the pure coincidence that he had the day bed to himself. He pulled out his phone to check some of the messages and emails that came in before lying down and closing his eyes.
The sound of his phone vibrating near his head woke Jinwoon up for him unexpected nap. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the phone to see that his labelmate and friend Min was calling him. He swiped the phone and put it up to his ear, "Hello?"
"Hey, are you still at Woo-young oppa's house?" she asked.
"I am. I'll be here until about 5.00pm when they get back," he told her. "What time is it now anyway?" he asked before looking at his watch, "Oh, it's only 2.30pm. The kids will be getting up from their nap soon."
"Do you think I can drop by and play with the kids?" she asked.
"Sure, that's fine. Who else is with you?" he asked.
"Just me. I have a few hours before I have to get back to the company," she told him.
"Okay, the twins are sleeping, but they should be up soon," he told her.
"Cool, I'll be there in a bit! Where are Woo-young oppa and Se-young eonnie?" she asked.
"At a charity event for an organization they've been supporting," Jinwoon explained. "I'll see you in a few," he told her before hanging up and going back to his nap.
When Woo-young and Se-young arrived at the charity event, they were greeted by the executive director of the orphanage, "Woo-young-ssi, Se-young-ssi, thank you for coming."
"Thank you for having us," Woo-young smiled, shaking hands with the director. Se-young smiled and offered her hand.
"If you'll follow me this way, I'll show you to your table. The event will be starting shortly," the director gestured for them to follow him.
They nodded and followed closely behind him. Woo-young brought his hand up to Se-young's lower back, nodding and smiling at the other attendees as they walked by. When they sat down, they chatted with the other guests at the table. The two of them spoke about how they came to support the organization. A few of the guests asked Woo-young about his upcoming projects.
"We have a lot of things in the works right now, but they're all good things," he smiled.
"Are you two planning on giving your twins any more siblings?" One of the older female guests asked.
Se-young smiled, "We have our hands full with the twins right now. We also want to be able to give them as much of our time as possible. Maybe in a few years, but for now those two are more than enough for us."
"She's not lying when she says they're a handful," Woo-young chuckled.
"Smart decision," the woman replied. "Are you going to let them get into the business?"
"They're still young, so we're not worried about it right now. We want them to explore their own interests rather than set boundaries for them," Woo-young told her. "If down the line that means they want to enter the business, then that's fine. If not, that's also fine."
"Your children are lucky to have supportive parents like you," the woman's husband told them.
"Thank you," they replied.
Just then, the director returned to the table, "Woo-young-ssi, we're about to start. I'll do the introductions and then pass it on to you for your speech," he told him.
"Great, thanks," Woo-young smiled.
When the director walked towards the stage, Se-young reached for Woo-young's hand, "Are you ready?"
"It's not my first time on a stage, honey. I think I can handle it," he chuckled.
"Never doubted you for a minute," she respond and leaned in to give him a quick kiss.
At that moment, the lights dimmed and the spotlight was on the stage. The director went up to the podium and spoke about the organization. He spoke about the upcoming projects and campaigns the orphanage had lined up for the next several months, emphasizing the importance of the support they receive from their benefactors. When he was finished, he introduced Woo-young.
"I want to take this moment to invite to the podium, one of the organization's longest standing supporters. The man himself doesn't need any introduction. So, without further ado, please welcome Jang Woo-young!"
The crowd clap for Woo-young. As he stood up, Se-young squeezed his hand and smiled proudly at him. He squeezed her shoulder as he walked past her towards the stage. When he got up to the podium, he cleared his throat and slipped on his glasses.
Smiling, he took a sip of water, "Thank you, Director, for inviting me to speak. As the director had said earlier, this organization is very dear to me. Not just me, but my wife as well. While Se-young and I have always been involved with different organizations and charities through our work, this one is special to us because it was the first organization that we supported together. I don't need to go through the list of the wonderful things this organization has done, the director can do all of that for you, and then some," he chuckled, making everyone laugh.
His tone became serious as he continued, "What I can tell you is that the children you see in the photos around you need your help. They need a good home and a warm environment in which they can grow up. Unfortunately, the sad reality is that not every child here will get the opportunity to be adopted into a family. It's sad and unfortunate, but true. Those who are adopted are given a second chance at life. But that second chance shouldn't be taken away from those children who aren't adopted. Which is where this organization comes in. The director and his staff work tirelessly, day in, day out, to make sure that all these children are clothed, fed, and educated. To give them that second chance. The funds raised tonight will go towards the growth of each and single one of these children. Every little bit helps," he paused, looking at the crowd.
"My wife and I have two beautiful, wonderful, and healthy children at home and they are everything to us. We want for them, what we want for these children; for them to grow up into healthy, successful adults. To do that, we must give them the opportunities to discover their dreams. It's what any parent should ever want for their children." He took another sip of water before finishing up, "I want to thank you again for coming to the event and supporting this organization. Please enjoy the rest of your night." He stepped back and bowed before shaking hands with the director and walking back to his seat.
When he sat down, everyone at the table complimented him on his speech. Se-young reached for his hand under the table and linked it with hers. She kept her eyes on the stage where the director continued to speak, but when Woo-young glanced over, she smiled. Turning her face towards him, she mouthed, "I love you." He leaned over and kissed her cheek while rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb. Then turning back towards the stage, they watched the rest of the speech, holding each other's hand under the table.
When the event was over, they both stood up and said goodbye to the other guests around them, thanking them for attending and supporting the organization. Many of the guests came up to speak with them about the organizations and asking for ways to help. They both were more than happy to obliged. As the crowd thinned, there was a pause between the group of people coming up to speak to them. Se-young grabbed her clutch from her seat and touched Woo-young's arm, "I'm going to go hand the check to the director. And then I'm ready when you are."
He was about to suggest to go together, when a couple walked up towards them, "Sure. Why don't I meet you up front when I'm finished?"
"Perfect." She walked up to the front of the room where the director and a few of his staff members were saying goodbye to the guests and accepting donations. "Wonderful event, Director. You all did a wonderful job. Thank you for having us," Se-young smiled.
"It was my pleasure. I should be the one thanking you and Woo-young-ssi for making time to come and support us."
"We are more than happy to help in anyway that we can," she told him. She opened her clutch and pulled out her checkbook. Then, tearing out the check written for ₩55,000,000, she handed it to the director, "It's not much, but should be able to give your classroom project a little boost," she told him. The director looked at the check in his hand and did all he can to not let his jaw drop at the amount written on the piece of paper. He looked up and Se-young grinned, "We're more than happy to help. Don't forget to let us know if you want us to drop by to spend sometime with the children. Woo-young, the twins, and I always have a wonderful time."
"Thank you, Se-young-ssi, thank you!" He exclaimed, shaking her hand. When Woo-young walked up to them, the director reached for his hand and shook it, exclaiming his thanks.
"We should thank you for being there for these children. Being parents now, we can see how important the things you do are. The world needs more people like you," Woo-young told him.
"You two are wonderful people. Thank you again for all that you do for us, we are forever grateful."
They nodded, "The pleasure is ours," Woo-young smiled. Then, slipping his arm around Se-young's waist, he pointed out the door, "I heard this place has a wonderful garden on their grounds?" he asked.
Collecting himself, the director nodded, "Yes, yes. If you go towards the back, there is a door that leads to the back staircase, and from there there's a walkway that leads to the garden."
"Great. Thank you, again, for having us. It's great seeing you all." They bowed to the director and staff before heading out through the double doors. Woo-young turned to Se-young and asked, "I know you're probably missing the kids like crazy, but what do you say we go look at the garden for a little bit. It's only 3.45pm."
She nodded and they turned down the hall and followed the directions given to them by the director. When they reached the door that led to the staircase, Woo-young opened the door for Se-young before following her. When she shivered slightly, he asked, "Are you cold?"
"It's a bit cooler now than it was when we got here," she told him. He slipped out of his jacket and placed it over her shoulder. She thanked him and he linked their hands together.
They walked down the staircase and followed the path that led to the gardens. When they walked through the entry way, they looked around in awe. Lined with large trees, the garden was filled with trees and patches of flowers. They walked around for a few minutes, following different pathways and admiring the handiwork of the grounds keeper before they reached a gazebo at the center of the garden. Se-young walked up the steps, with Woo-young closely behind her. When they reached the top of the stairs, Se-young let out a happy sigh. The gazebo gave them a 360 degree view of the stunning garden. She walked towards the opposite end of the stairs and placed her hands on the wide wood railing, leaning over slightly to get a better look.

Woo-young walked up behind her and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and rest his chin on her shoulder. Placing a kiss on the side of her neck, he pulled her closer. The two of them stood silently, just enjoying each other's company without fear of being interrupted by the kids. At that thought, Se-young started giggling. Confused, Woo-young pulled back and turned her around, "Why are you giggling?"
"I was just thinking about how long it's been since you and I have gotten alone time without having to worry that one of the kids would come barging in," she told him.
He let out a small, "Oh," before throwing his head back and laughing. "It's been a while hasn't it?" he asked.
She nodded, smiling brightly, "It definitely has." She let out a long breath and looked over shoulder towards the garden.
Woo-young reached out and brushed her hair back behind her ear. Se-young turned back and looked up at him. They stared at each other for a quick moment, before Woo-young brought up both of his hands, cupping her face and pulling her in for a kiss. She brought her hands up to hold on to his waist and he sat her on the railing. When he pulled back eyes filled with love for his wife, he smiled. She bit her lower lip and let out a tiny chuckle before wrapping her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around her and rested his head on top of hers, "I love you, Park Se-young."
"I love you, too," she replied. "Now, what do you say to us going home and relieving poor Jinwoon of our children?" she asked.
He let out a laugh, "If we ever want him to watch them ever again, that would probably be a good idea," he replied. Then, linking their hands together, he helped her down the stairs.
"The fact that the dress and shoes are gorgeous aside, I cannot wait to get out of them," she muttered as they walked back down the path.
"I will never complain about you wanting to your clothes off, but you already knew that," he replied, letting out a yelp when she pinched his side. "I'm not lying," he protested.
"Get in the car, Jang Woo-young. I want to see my kids," she nudged him.
"Our kids," he corrected, before climbing into the driver's seat, a smug smile on his face.
When they reached home around 5.00pm, they noticed another familiar car in their drive. "Interesting," Woo-young commented as they got out of the car. Walking through the door, Woo-young called into the house, "We're home." After not hearing a response, he looked over his shoulder to Se-young who was removing her shoes, "That's odd. They're usually here before we even get out of the car."
"Maybe Jinwoon got them down late for their nap," she responded. He nodded and followed her into the house with his hands on her shoulders. As they walked down the hallway, they heard music coming out of the living room, "Well, maybe they're not napping after all," she commented. They followed the sound, which got louder as they got closer. When they reached the entryway of the living room, the sight that greet them was the twins standing in front of the TV, which was playing music, and dancing with Woo-young's labelmate, Min, who had apparently decided to drop by.
Woo-young cleared his throat and Jinwoon looked over and jumped up from the couch. "Ah, Hyung, you guys are back!" He greeted, bowing slightly and smiling sheepishly. "She heard I was hanging out with the twins and wanted to come and play with them. I figured since the kids already knew her, you wouldn't mind."
"I figured from the car out front," Woo-young answered. "Hey, Min," he greeted, waving to his labelmate.
Min was about to answer, when squeals of "Eomma and Appa" interrupted her and the twins made their way through the living room and into their parents' arms. While Se-young greeted Min, Woo-young picked up Eun-young and settled her on his hip. Giving her a kiss, he asked, "Did you guys have a good time with Uncle Jinwoon and Aunt Min?"
"Yes!" they answered.
Tae-young tugged on his dad's pants, "Appa. Kiss," he stood on his toes and puckered. Woo-young chuckled and leaned down and give the little boy a kiss.
When Se-young returned to Woo-young's side, she leaned over and gave Eun-young a kiss before picking Tae-young up and perched him on her hips, doing her best to avoid him crushing the skirt of the dress. "Do I get a kiss?" she asked. Tae-young nodded and grabbed her face before giving her a loud kiss. Laughing, she pulled him in for a hug, "You are too cute. I missed you." The little boy nodded in agreement and laid his head down on his mom's shoulder. Smiling, Se-young thanked Jinwoon, "Thanks for taking care of them for us," before sitting down on the sofa next to her husband.
"It was fun. Sorry I didn't let you guys know she was coming," Jinwoon apologized before sitting down.
"Yes, I'm sorry I dropped by without letting you know," Min bowed, before she sat down next to Jinwoon.
"Don't worry about it. I know you wouldn't let anything happen to the twins. Besides, you've watched the kids before, Min, so it's totally fine. But next time, let us know, at least then we'll be able to stock up the pantry," Se-young teased before setting Tae-young down on her lap. "Were you able to get them to nap?" she asked Jinwoon.
"Surprisingly, yes. I got them down around 1.00pm and they got up around 3.00pm," Jinwoon told her.
"Oh, good. They were good for you guys, I hope?"
"You know they always are, Noona. They're great kids," Jinwoon complimented, smiling brightly. Min nodded in agreement.
"Thank you, Jinwoon. We really appreciate it!" She told him. Then, standing up, she ran her hands down her skirt, "I think I'm going to run upstairs and get changed. I'll be back in a few," she announced. Everyone nodded and she slipped out of the living room.
10 minutes later, Se-young came back down stairs wearing jeans and an oversized sweater. She sat back down next to Woo-young and joined in on the conversation. They were currently talking about Woo-young's current project. Both Jinwoon and Min expressed their interest and wished him luck.
Min looked over to Se-young and leaned in, "Eonnie, the dress you wore was gorgeous," she smiled.
"Wasn't it? The stylist did a great job picking it out. But honestly, I couldn't stay in it any longer," she laughed. "I'm much more of a jeans and sweater person. That, and I can't really wear clothes like that around the twins," she explained.
"But once in a while it's still fun, right?" Min asked.
"Definitely. I don't do it much anymore, so it's fun to dress up once in a while. He, on the other hand," she pointed to Woo-young, "Still gets to dress up from time to time."
"True, but I like jeans and sweaters as much as you do. Speaking of which, it's my turn to change. I'll be right back, guys." Woo-young stood up and deposited Eun-young into Se-young's lap before heading upstairs to their room.
"So, what were you guys doing before we got home?" Se-young asked.
"Aunt Min was teaching us a dance," Eun-young told her. "Aunt Min, can we show her?" she asked.
Min nodded and they got up from the sofa. Min pressed play on the remote and when the music came on, she started to dance. Watching her aunt, Eun-young followed the steps. As they danced, Woo-young returned and sat down next to Se-young.
Woo-young leaned over towards Se-young and whispered, "She's picking up those steps pretty quickly."
Se-young nodded, "She definitely got her coordination from you," she replied, making her husband laugh.
"You weren't that bad," he responded.
When the song was over, everyone clapped. Eun-young ran over to her parents and climbed up onto the sofa, "Appa, did you see?" she asked.
"I did! You were really good, sweetie," he told her. "Maybe I'll send you to classes with Aunt Min," he joked.
"Really?" she asked.
"We'll think about it," he told her.
Se-young looked at Jinwoon and Min, "Are you guys able to join us for dinner?"
Min looked over at Jinwoon before responding, "I actually have to get back to the company, I'm sorry! I just wanted to stop by for a little bit to play with the kids. But thank you for the invite. Next time, I'll make sure I'm free," she told her.
Se-young smiled and nodded, "Not a problem. Jinwoon?"
"I actually have to leave for a meeting. And you guys have been away from the kids for a while, I'll let you guys spend time together before bedtime. But next time you have people over, don't forget me," he laughed.

"Alright, alright," Se-young smiled. "Thanks again for watching the kids, we really do appreciate it."
"Not a problem, Noona," Jinwoon stood up from the sofa. "I should go. You guys have a good night!"
"I'll head out, too. Sorry again for inviting myself over," Min apologized.
"Don't worry about it, Min. You know you're always welcome to come over. The kids love you," Se-young told her.
Woo-young nodded in agreement. "We'll walk you guys out," he told them.
The six of them walked to the front door. Before Jinwoon and Min left, they both crouch down and gave the twins hugs and kisses. "We'll see you soon, okay! You guys be good for your Mom and Dad!"
"Okay!" the twins replied, waving enthusiastically.
"You guys take care. Get home safe!" Se-young waved.
After the Min and Jinwoon left, Woo-young and Se-young guided the twins back into the house, "Alright guys, let's finish cleaning up. Then it's dinner time, story time, then bedtime," Woo-young told the kids. They nodded and ran back towards their playroom. Watching their kids run off he turned to Se-young, "We have it really easy, don't we?"
"Don't jinx it," she told him, crossing her arms. "But yes, most days we do," she smiled, following the kids down the hallway, her husband following closely behind her.

Se-young's outfit



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To anyone who miss our couple so much like I do ... big bear hugs to you all....  >:D< >:D< :x :x
Mommy @PeggyM ...where are you? Is everything OK ?
Wooyoung ...

@scuttler ...thanks dear...awesome as always...
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Guest seyoungwooyoung6002

yantz3 said: To anyone who miss our couple so much like I do ... big bear hugs to you all....  >:D< >:D< :x :x
Mommy @PeggyM ...where are you? Is everything OK ?
Wooyoung ...

@scuttler ...thanks dear...awesome as always...
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@amera46 Thank you for the love! At first it was just going to be about Jinwoon with the twins... actually it started off as Chansung, but then I realized that the parents would probably want to canoodle with each other while they were away. And there's something about attractive people making out in expensive clothes that makes me smile... I've probably been reading too many fashion magazines, hahahahaha.

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Guest IkaA1430294481

Thank you @scuttler for the ff's. It becomes a habit for me to visit this thread everytime when I have a free time. Hoping & wishing they'll be a news about our couple. When this thread is so quiet, at times I do feel so lonely. You guys are like my family. Eventho I barely know each one of you, but it feels like home to be here. I really wanted to thank all the ff's author for your hard work. It feels empty, and sometimes it hurts so much when we doesn't know whts going on with our couple. But with the ff's written by those author-nim, at least we can go delulu-ing. Heheh delulu-ing at our own imagination & thoughts for sure right :wink: stay strong yynation! Please make this thread feel alive again! I'm sure one day we will hear things what we all hv been waiting for :x

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