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[Drama 2014] Bride of the Century / 백년의 신부


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Guys who among here is chinese..

Hehe..i heard and saw the post of one of my chinese friend jinsung had an interview at qq.com..but sad i cant understand the interview..who can translate..hehehe..

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Colourful Clouds (@Colourful247) tweeted at 11:56 AM on Fri, May 16, 2014:

Jinsung said her fav actor is Lee Min Ho, but added that she purposely said it to make Hongki protestㅋㅋ Cr:大JJ的奇葩BAND http://t.co/IBQ5Pp0KUh


Jinsung said her fav actor is Lee Min Ho, but added that she purposely said it to make Hongki protestㅋㅋ Cr:大JJ的奇葩BAND pic.twitter.com/IBQ5Pp0KUh

— Colourful Clouds (@Colourful247)

May 16, 2014
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Colourful Clouds (@Colourful247) tweeted at 0:56 PM on Fri, May 16, 2014:

The multi-talented Hongki can be a successful baseball player too ㅋㅋ

(Photo Cr: 大JJ的奇葩BAND) http://t.co/Aa43TT9N0D


The multi-talented Hongki can be a successful baseball player too ㅋㅋ (Photo Cr: 大JJ的奇葩BAND) pic.twitter.com/Aa43TT9N0D

— Colourful Clouds (@Colourful247)

May 16, 2014

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Here's your kwang joo / hongki fix! O:-) we love that smile!!

Colourful Clouds (@Colourful247) tweeted at 2:41 PM on Sat, May 17, 2014:

[Trans: @skullhong]

Hongki: Gwangju

(So cute!! Have a fun time with Pris today♡)


Cr: FTIsland吧 http://t.co/pHzH8FeZBo


[Trans: @skullhong] Hongki: Gwangju (So cute!! Have a fun time with Pris today♡) http://t.co/lWS8AgnfIO Cr: FTIsland吧 pic.twitter.com/pHzH8FeZBo

— Colourful Clouds (@Colourful247)

May 17, 2014
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Colourful Clouds (@Colourful247) tweeted at 5:52 PM on Sat, May 17, 2014:

Hongki said he's learning Mandarin & showed off his results by saying "egg" & "beef" before lamenting those are really useless ㅋㅋ Cr:Gr-Ace


Hongki said he's learning Mandarin & showed off his results by saying "egg" & "beef" before lamenting those are really useless ㅋㅋ Cr:Gr-Ace

— Colourful Clouds (@Colourful247)

May 17, 2014
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Guest omgitsanna

One of the best drama that Lee Hong Ki starred in. Been very impatient, waiting for updates. Quite funny because I keep on checking my email to see if there was an notification on the drama. And once there was, I quickly went on DramaFever to watch it. The story line was very captivating and very unique, extremely different for other dramas I had watched.

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I did the translation of YJS doing the interview. Like a lot of people, i'm not able to watch the video due to my location, luckily there's the written version of it. sorry if my translation was off...

开场(中文):腾讯你好 (韩文)大家好,我是《百年的新娘》里的杨真诚 中国的粉丝们,很高兴见到你们~!

Opening (Mandarin): How are you 腾讯? (In Korean) How do you do? I’m Yang Jin Sung from ‘Bride of the Century’.

问题1:同时出演四个角色,觉得困难吗? 真诚:我在《百年的新娘》里扮演了相反性格的斗琳和依景这两个角色,其实刚开始建议我拍这部剧的时候,我是很担心的,也有很多顾虑。因为这两个角色除了长相一模一样,其他完全不一样,会有很多困难,再加上我的演技还未成熟,所以各方面都很担心。但是导演人很好,加上《百年的新娘》这部剧的故事情节也很吸引人,还有前辈们在中国也很有人气,而且听说韩流明星李弘基也会一起拍,所以我也很想很想参与这部剧的拍摄。

Qns 1: Do you find it difficult to act 4 roles in the drama?

YJS: I was worried and apprehensive initially when I learnt I had to act DR & a totally opposite YK. Though they looked identical, the rest was entirely different. Furthermore, my acting still requires improvement, so on the overall I was pretty worried. Luckily the Director was really nice and I was attracted to the story, as well as the seniors, were popular in China. I also heard Korean star Lee Hong Ki was going to be it, so I took part in this drama.

问题2:觉得自己更像斗琳还是依景? 真诚:在工作方面和性格方面,我觉得自己更像斗琳,饮食方面也是和斗琳一样不怎么挑食,对中国的各种美食也都很喜欢。

Qns 2: Do you find yourself more like DR or YK?

YJS: In terms or work and character, I’m more like DR, because DR is not picky with food and loves all different types of Chinese dishes.

问题3:拍吻戏的时候会觉得紧张吗? 真诚:拍吻戏的时候当然是会紧张的啦~但是大家也知道,我和弘基在拍戏的过程中相互了解得多了,也变得很亲近了,所以也没有觉得有什么不方便。还有就是弘基他本来就比较调皮,所以不管我们是拍吻戏还是哭戏,感觉都还是挺放松的。

Qns 3: Were you nervous when you’re filming the kissing scene?

YJS: Of coz!!! But everyone knows during the filming, HK and I got to know more about each other, we became close so after that it was easy then. Furthermore, HK was known to be mischievous, so no matter we were filming the kissing scene or crying scene, it felt rather relax.


Qns 4: Is there anything funny while filming?

YJS: Plenty! Every episode was interesting wasn’t it? Interesting matter…. Interesting Matter (pondering carefully…) I laughed too much and had quite a number of NG scenes while filming with HK coz he was too mischievous. If I were to pick, oh yah, there was 1 scene I had to climb over the wall (epi 4), I don’t know if you remember, one of the scene I had worn rather seductive clothing while climbing the wall and was caught by HK, after that I fell and HK caught me. It was really cold that day and I had steel wire around me so I was exhausting. But I was still laughing heartily with HK, it was fun! Oh there was another. There was this scene I had to being hit by a tomato. I was hit by tomato and eggs too in this drama. When HK dismissed the female employee and she threw a tomato at him, in the drama I was the one being hit by it instead.  But it wasn’t easy to hurl a tomato onto the face. The staff of the production was fighting over to throw at me coz they were close with me. It was the Director who threw first but all din hit my face. Finally HK said he wanted to do it, and he threw it as if he was playing baseball with all his might. It was being hit by him instead…


Qns 5: How do you feel being a mom in the drama?

YJS: Actually, this wasn’t part of the plan in the drama. I felt rather stunned when I learnt I would have a baby when I read the script. I adore kids and was really cute while filming together… Frankly speaking I’m not sure how would I feel if I have a kid, but overall it was a good experience.

诚:我们平时都是比较亲的姐弟关系,我特别像他的妈妈。。。因为我是比较照顾别人的那种性格,而弘基是很调皮,横冲直撞,也很多才多艺的人,平时处得像妈妈和孩子。但是一旦开始拍戏,弘基就会很专注,而且也比较主动,拍戏的 时候真的是很帅的男人~让我觉得可以依靠,拍戏的时候也帮助我投入到戏里面

Qns 6: Do you take cake of HK while filming?

YJS: We are more like Sister-brother relationship and I’m more like his mom… Because I like to look after people and HK is really mischievous, always charging ahead, but he’s a multi-talented artist. We interact like mother and son. (Sorry if u feel weird for this sentence haaa)  But once filming started, HK was very focused and spontaneous. At times he was really handsome and made me feel I could lean on him, he also helped me to throw myself into the role.

问题7: 戏结束就去欧洲旅行了吗?
: 我去旅行的事被传到全世界了? (是因为香港那则新闻吗哈哈哈….)
, 在百年的新娘, 也在那之前拍了好多作品, 这次机会, 为了休息一会儿就去旅行了.

Qns 7: You went Europe after filming?

YJS: I went travelling had spread all over the world? I have taken part many good projects before Bride of the Century, so after filming I’ve decided to give myself a break and went travelling.

问题8: 合作过的男演员最欢谁?
: 问我喜欢那个男演员, 我到目前为止见过的男演员中, 觉得李敏镐最帅, 而且作为演员也有很多可以学到的东西, 我个人比较喜欢的, 觉得很帅的演员 (原来你喜欢李敏镐啊..) 他拍过的所有作品都很不错包括城市猎人, 在中国也有很多人气的, 继承者们有人气吧, 在那里面也很,韩国人也很喜欢的演员. 为了让弘基耍小脾气,耍小脾气,他会耍小脾气的.

Qns 8: Who is your favourite actor?

YJS: You are asking me who the actor I liked most?  I found Lee Min Ho (acted with her in City Hunter) the most handsome and I learnt a lot from him. He has filmed a lot of projects including City Hunter and is really popular in China now. He was really handsome in The Heirs, right? Koreans love him too. In order to make HK jealous, make him jealous, he’s going to be jealous…. (haaa… hope HK really watched the interview too)

我出道后一直拍了作品, 但是第一次占那麼大的比重, 当上主角而且是一人演两个角色, 导拍作品, (我没搞清楚这句什麼意思,主演??)有很多负担还很担心,开始的时候有想要做的好的热情和欲望之頖的, 包括李弘基, 也受到了导演的关心, 还有虽然没有很大的期待, 但是出乎意料得受到很多中国和日本粉丝们的欢迎,我真的很感, 拍了好作品, 加上有了人气, 一想起百年的新娘,我就感动得心里一阵发热 .

Qns 9: How do you persevere as you have always been in supporting role?

YJS: I have been in several projects after my debut but this is the first time I’m having a bigger role. I had to act in 2 roles, the Director was pressured and worried. Thanks to HK and the directors’ concern, though I did not expect much, it was surprising to receive compliments from fans in China and Japan. I was really grateful to act in this wonderful project and received popularity as well. It warms my heart whenever I thought of Bride of the Century.

这个嘛,为作品刚结束, 所以还没想好具体怎麼做, 可以遇到好作品,受到关心,想用更好的作品,更好的演技,现在大家面前, 到目前为止还没有具体的想.

Qns 10: What is your plan after this?

YJS: Oh, since I have just completed my project, I haven’t given much thought about what I’m going to do after this. I hope to receive a wonderful project and present myself with better acting to everyone. As for now, I still haven’t have much thought.

是有这种想法,我之前不玩SNS, 这次拍百年的新娘,我开玩SNS,很多中国粉丝们为我加油, 还有你们知道我前些日子去欧洲旅行, 我去旅行的地方,没有很多东方人, 但是见到好多中国人去旅游, 而且他们都认出我,还一起拍了照片. 我去异地,还不是亚洲而是欧洲, 很多人还能认出我,欢我, 很感谢他们. 很感谢中国粉丝们, 也想去中国 .

Qns 11: Do you consider coming over to China to film a drama? (Nooo… haaa)

YJS: Yup I thought about it. Previously I don’t play SNS (Instagram), but I opened 1 while fiming Bride of the Century. Many China fans have supported me and also know I went Europe. The places I went too, do not have much Chinese but I happened to meet a lot of people from China and they recognised me, we even took pictures together. Many people were able to recognise me and I was really grateful to them. Thanks to the China fans I also feel like visiting China.

根本没有想到, 虽然在韩国受到欢迎, 但是没有想到在中国也那麼受欢迎, 为我是只在韩国活动的演员, 所以根本没有想到, 但是这麼受欢迎, 非常感, 心里也很满足.:过会在中国这麼受欢迎吗?

Qns 12: Ever thought it was popular in China?

YJS: It was really unexpected! Though it was popular in Korea, I never expect it to be popular in China as well. Because I’m only active in Korea, so it was really unexpected to be popular. I’m very grateful and contented.

大家好我是百年的新娘杨真诚, 很感谢大家喜欢百年的新娘这部剧, 万万没有想到在中国也会这麼受欢迎,非常感,心里也很满足,还很感动,希望迟早有一天能去中国见到大家, 希望喜欢百年的迎娘, 希望喜欢演员杨真诚, 谢谢大家.

Hello everyone, I’m Yang Jin Sung from Bride of the Century. I’m really grateful to everyone who loves this drama. It was really unexpected for it to be well-received in China. Feeling very grateful, contented and moved and I hope to see everyone in China someday soon. Thanks and hope you like Bride of the Century and Yang Jin Sung.

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Guest HaA1430293615

@queer: Thank you so much for your post. You did a great job and the info you give really means to me :D

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Guest united06

Episode 12 graphics ~




CREDIT: DarkSmurfSub GFX team

English subtitles are now available at DarkSmurfSubs~! ♥

Bride of the Century English Subtitles is a Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurfsub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/8192-bride-of-the-century-2014/
Please visit the link above for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about FANS helping FANS for FAST SUBTITLE RELEASE! Enjoy!
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Guest united06

Episode 13 graphics ~



CREDIT: DarkSmurfSub GFX team

English subtitles are now available at DarkSmurfSubs~! ♥

Bride of the Century English Subtitles is a Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurfsub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/8192-bride-of-the-century-2014/
Please visit the link above for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about FANS helping FANS for FAST SUBTITLE RELEASE! Enjoy!
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